
(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_2.According to G. Leech, _ meaning refers to what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the speaker/writer.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_


1、分数:1.00)填空项 1:_2.According to G. Leech, _ meaning refers to what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the speaker/writer.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_3.Terms like “apple“, “banana“ and “pear“ are _ of the term “fruit“.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_4.Human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present (in time and space) at the moment of communication. This quality is labeled as _.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_。

2、00)填空项 1:_2.The 1 is the minimal distinctive unit in grammar, a unit which cannot be divided without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether lexical or grammatical.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_3.The brance of grammar which studies the internal structure of sentence is called 1.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_4.An approach in linguistic study which attempts to lay down rules of correctness as to how language should be used is 1.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_。

3、dy of meaning. ( A) Semantics ( B) Syntax ( C) Pragmatics ( D) Morphology 2 The ancient scholar Plato proposed_. ( A) the semantic triangle ( B) the naming theory ( C) the conceptualist view ( D) the componential analysis 3 Which of the following is the concern of “reference“? ( A) It is concerned with the inherent meaning of a linguistic form. ( B) It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form. ( C) It is the study of what a linguistic form refers to in the real physical 。

4、es of linguistics,_studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences. ( A) syntax ( B) semantics ( C) pragmatics ( D) morphology 2 In traditional grammar, only eight categories, called parts of speech, are recognized. The addition of such non-traditional categories as_increases this number in current theories of grammar. ( A) conjunction and determiner ( B) determiner and qualifier ( C) qualifier and interjection ( D) interjection and。

5、 study of the phonic medium of language. ( A) Phonetics ( B) Phonology ( C) Phone ( D) Phoneme 2 Which of the following is NOT a branch of phonetics? ( A) Articulatory phonetics. ( B) Auditory phonetics. ( C) Acoustic phonetics. ( D) Articulate phonetics. 3 Which of the following is NOT the organ of speech? ( A) The pharyngeal cavity. ( B) The oral cavity. ( C) The nasal cavity. ( D) The vocal cavity. 4 _is the minimal sound segments of language systems that distinguish meaning. ( A) Phonet。

6、dy of the way in how morphemes, representation of sounds, are arranged and combined to form words. ( A) Lexicology ( B) Morphology ( C) Phonology ( D) Morphological rule 2 Which of the following is CORRECT? ( A) Content words of a language are sometimes called closed class words. ( B) New words can be added to content words regularly. ( C) Open class words consist of “grammatical“ or “functional“ words. ( D) The number of such words as conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns is large a。

7、lowing statement concerning context is NOT correct? ( A) It was first noted by the British linguist John Firth. ( B) It is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. ( C) It determines the speakers use of language and also the hearers interpretation of what is said to him. ( D) It is essential to the syntactic study of language. 2 Which of the following is NOT correct? ( A) The meaning of a sentence is abstract and decontextualized. ( B) 。

8、tudy of language in relation to the mind. ( A) Psycholinguistics ( B) Sociolinguistics ( C) Linguistics ( D) Semantics 2 _studies the relationship between brain and language. ( A) Psycholinguistics ( B) Sociolinguistics ( C) Neurolinguistics ( D) Semantics 3 A signal coming in the left ear will go to the_hemisphere. ( A) right ( B) left ( C) front ( D) back 4 Which of the following is NOT the primary function of the left hemisphere of the brain? ( A) Analytic reasoning. ( B) Temporal o。

9、guage acquisition refers to childrens development of their_. ( A) first language ( B) second language ( C) foreign language ( D) dialectal language 2 _holds that language learning is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation. ( A) The behaviorist view ( B) The innatist view ( C) The naming theory ( D) The contextualism 3 _holds that children are born with an innate mechanism that allows them to acquire language. ( A) The behaviorist view ( B) The innatist view ( C) The。

10、ollowing is NOT the correct relationship between language and culture? ( A) Language expresses cultural reality. ( B) Language embodies cultural identity. ( C) Language symbolizes cultural reality. ( D) Language determines cultural reality. 2 In a broad sentence, culture includes_. ( A) patterns of belief ( B) customs, objects and institutions ( C) techniques and language ( D) all the above 3 According to linguists, there are two types of culture: the more concrete and observable _and 。

11、uage variety that mixes languages and is used by speakers of different languages for purpose of trading is called_. ( A) dialect ( B) idiolect ( C) pidgin ( D) register 2 The distinctive features of a speech variety may be all the following EXCEPT_. ( A) lexical ( B) syntactic ( C) phonological ( D) psycholinguistic 3 Which of the following is NOT the speech variety? ( A) Regional dialects. ( B) Sociolects. ( C) Registers. ( D) Discourse accents. 4 Which of the following does NOT fall 。

12、y is considered to be the beginning of modern English. ( A) 20th ( B) 19th ( C) 18th ( D) 17th 2 Which of the following does NOT belong to the methods of the addition of new words? ( A) Acronyms. ( B) Back-formation. ( C) Functional shift ( D) Semantic shift. 3 “Fridge“ is a_and“B2B“is_ ( A) blend, clipped word ( B) clipped word, acronym ( C) back-formation, loan word ( D) acronym, coined word 4 The following words are the examples for “back-formation“ EXCEPT_. ( A) to hawk ( B) t。


14、ned as a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of a second language usually obtained in school settings. ( A) Acquisition ( B) Learning ( C) Studying ( D) Acquirement 2 The distinction between acquisition and learning is put forward by_. ( A) Chomsky ( B) Krashen ( C) Saussure ( D) Bloomfield 3 L2 learners will subconsciously use their L1 knowledge in learning a second language. This is known as_. ( A) language interference ( B) language fossilization ( C) contrastive analysis ( 。



某公学习英语,自以为小成,一日行在街上,与一老外相遇,忙说:“I am sorry.”老外回答:“I am sorry too.”某公听后忙说:“I am sorry three.”老外不解,问:“What are you sorry for?”某公回答:“I am sorry five.”(分数:4.00)_3.下列语言单位有什么特点?是词还是词组?你是根据什么来确定的? 洗澡 改口 画图 打仗 评奖 审题 鞠躬 压价 增光 招生(分数:4.00)_。


19、following does NOT state how the linguist discovers the nature and the rules of the underlying language system? ( A) He has to collect and observe language facts. ( B) He has to display and then generalize some similarities of the language facts. ( C) He has to formulate some hypotheses about the language structure. ( D) He has to deal with the basic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicable in any linguistic study. 2 Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of h。

20、识(提出问题最重要) 理论创新,设计创新,手段创新 创新往往来自对常识的深度思考,2018/10/14,广东外语外贸大学,5,科研过程,发现问题研究问题揭示规律深化认识提升能力指导实践启示:为写论文而写必定痛苦,2018/10/14,广东外语外贸大学,6,科研九字方针,心眼活 功夫死 我为主,2018/10/14,广东外语外贸大学,7,如何“以我为主”?,以他为主(模仿) 以我为主(创新) 问题(质疑)是核心 问题引出假设 围绕问题读书、思考、观察、求解 演绎:实证是有限的,想象是无限的,2018/10/14,广东外语外贸大学,8,一时无法创新咋办?,跟着一位高手学习(读研究生) 复制模仿 自主创新 写书评 重新分析法 (利用别人的数据写文章),2018/10/14,广东外语外贸大学,9,2018/10/14,广东外语外贸大学,10,深入现象探本质 敢于质疑权威 对常识进行深入思考 将自己的研究不断推向深入,深化认识,追求深刻,2018/10/14,广东外语外贸大学,11,撰写论文,选题(自己擅长什么?有趣) 题目小,价值大(理论或应用) 围绕研究问题写论文 (内在逻。

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