
y(C) gratitude(D)grateful二、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one th


1、yC gratitudeDgrateful二Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four c。

2、 本:考察.B故方其盛也,举天下之豪杰,莫能与之争 举:提到.C其后用兵,则遣从事以一少牢告庙 告:祷告祭告.D姜氏欲之, 焉 辟害 焉:怎么,如何.3 下列加横线词语解释正确的是 A使人 属 孟尝君 属:隶属,臣属.B于是乘其车,揭其剑。

3、atchB childC marchDmachine AcontinueB trueC dueDvalue AhumbleB hotelC honestyDhorizon AtroubleB touchC youngDhouse Achan。

4、ingerC hangerDringer二Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four ch。

5、照看D扶助盲人走路的人3 下列加横线词语解释不正确的是 A转朱阁,低 绮户 ,照无眠 绮户:挂着丝绸的窗户.B 倩 何人唤取红巾翠袖,揾英雄泪 倩:请.C浩浩乎如冯虚御风,而不知其所止 冯,通 凭,凭依.D举酒 属 客,诵明月之诗,歌窈窕之。

6、stion will be read only once. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.ANot to go shopping downtown。

7、stion will be read only once. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.AGet a hat.B Buy gasoline.C C。

8、es the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1 Gorge to。

9、al concentration during .AmatchB gameC playDperform3 Involved in a bribery scandal, the President had to his resignation。

10、es the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1 The prof。

11、village grow tobacco.ANot manyB Only some ofC Not muchDJust a few of3 John has never been on time, Ahas JohnB hasnt John。

12、5上可导D在区间1,5 上有最大值3 xcosxdx A0B 1C一 1D一 24 由曲线 y ,yx 所围成的平面图形的面积为 ABCD5 已知二阶微分方程 yy一 6y3e2xsinxcosx,则设其特解形式为 Ae 2xacosxb。

13、f23,f25,fx连续,则 xfxdx A10B 9C 8D74 由 y , y1,x4 围成的图形的面积为 ABCD5 已知二阶微分方程 y2y2e x sinx,则设其特解 y Ae x acosxbsinxB aex cosxbxe。

14、x 0 时,fxgx可能存在极限,也可能不存在极限2 曲线 yx3 3x 上切线平行于 x 轴的点是 A0 ,0B 1,2C 一 1,2D0 ,23 函数 fxx2x 一 2x 3 一 x的不可导点个数是 A3B 2C 1D04 若 fx 。

15、prove their lives and take a productive place in society. It can also free communities and countries, allowing them to l。

16、e is an enormous demand for commercial products of all kinds. Moreover, an increase in industrial production is consider。

17、n the center No one knows for sure who made the firstdoughnut. Some people think that doughnut probably began in the 180。

18、kinds. Moreover, an increase in industrial production is considered to be one solution to the problem of mass unemployme。

19、y. It can also free communities and countries, allowing them to leap forward into periods of wealth and social unity tha。

20、ughnut. Some people think that doughnut probably began in the 1800s as Dutch olykoeks or oily cakes. In those days, a co。

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