
出一种民主气氛(C)后一种更科学,因为强调了“理”,但也有不妥,似乎“理” 好了,就不需要管了(D)前者可应用于基层管理,后者可应用于高层管理2 在特定工作领域内运用技术、工具、方法等的能力称为( )。(A)人际技能(B)技术技能(C)概念技能(D)以上都不正确3 建立共同愿景属于( ) 的管理观念


1、出一种民主气氛(C)后一种更科学,因为强调了“理”,但也有不妥,似乎“理” 好了,就不需要管了(D)前者可应用于基层管理,后者可应用于高层管理2 在特定工作领域内运用技术、工具、方法等的能力称为( )。
(A)人际技能(B)技术技能(C)概念技能(D)以上都不正确3 建立共同愿景属于( ) 的管理观念。
(A)科学管理(B)企业再造(C)学习型组织(D)目标管理4 在初始发展阶段,国际化经营的主要方式是( )。
(A)直接投资(B)进出口贸易(C)间接投资(D)跨国投资5 根据领导者运用职权的不同方式,可以将领导方式分为专制、民主与放任三种类型。
其民主式领导方式的主要优点是( )。
(A)纪律严格,管理规范,赏罚分明(B)组织成员具有高度的独立自主性(C)按规章管理,领导者不运用权力(D)员工关系融洽,工作积极主动,富有创造性6 直接管理所在过程或部门的日常运作的员工群体是指( )。
(A)过程改进团队(B)工作团队(C)自我管理团队(D)领导团队7 弹性预算又称( ) 。
(A)可变预算(B)经营预算(C)销售预算(D)投资预算8 ( )是面对未来可能呈现的多种状态,决策者虽无法。

2、质量观念,它强调( )。
(A)产品质量是制造出来的,不是检验出来的(B)产品质量是制造出来的,也是检验出来的(C)产品的服务质量(D)产品的最终检验过程4 梅奥的霍桑试验表明( )。
(A)非正式组织对组织目标的达成是有害的(B)非正式组织对组织目标的达成是有益的(C)企业应采取一切措施来取缔非正式组织(D)企业应该正视非正式组织的存在5 直接投资阶段,国际化的程度越高,面临的风险越( )。
(A)低(B)较低(C)高(D)较高6 组织规模一定的条件下,管理幅度和管理层次呈 ( )(A)正比(B)反比(C)相关关系(D)没有关系7 在以下几项管理业务中,( )该由企业总经理亲自处理和拍板。
(A)关于公司各部门办公电脑的分配方案(B)对一位客户投诉的例行处理(C)对一家主要竞争对手突然大幅削价作出反应(D)对一位公司内部违纪职工按规章进行处理8 “凡事预则立,不预则废。
” 是强调( )的重要性。
(A)组织(B)计划(C)预防(D)领导9 某公司总裁老张行伍出身,崇尚以严治军,注重强化规章制度和完善组织结构。

3、一种民主气氛(C)后一种更科学,因为强调了“理”,但也有不妥,似乎“理” 好了,就不需要管了(D)前者可应用于基层管理,后者可应用于高层管理2 在特定工作领域内运用技术、工具、方法等的能力称为( )。
(A)人际技能(B)技术技能(C)概念技能(D)以上都不正确3 建立共同愿景属于( ) 的管理观念。
(A)科学管理(B)企业再造(C)学习型组织(D)目标管理4 在初始发展阶段,国际化经营的主要方式是( )。
(A)直接投资(B)进出口贸易(C)间接投资(D)跨国投资5 根据领导者运用职权的不同方式,可以将领导方式分为专制、民主与放任三种类型。
其民主式领导方式的主要优点是( )。
(A)纪律严格,管理规范,赏罚分明(B)组织成员具有高度的独立自主性(C)按规章管理,领导者不运用权力(D)员工关系融洽,工作积极主动,富有创造性6 直接管理所在过程或部门的日常运作的员工群体是指( )。
(A)过程改进团队(B)工作团队(C)自我管理团队(D)领导团队7 弹性预算又称( ) 。
(A)可变预算(B)经营预算(C)销售预算(D)投资预算8 ( )是面对未来可能呈现的多种状态,决策者虽无法事先。

4、A)连续点(B)可去间断点(C)跳跃间断点(D)无穷间断点4 已知当 x0 时, 1 与 sin2x 是等价无穷小,则 a= ( )(A)1(B) 2(C) 3(D)45 若 存在,且 f(x)= = ( )(A)1(B) 2(C) 1(D)26 设 f(x)=0x(3t2+2t+1)dt,则 = ( )(A)6x 2+4x+2(B) 6t2+4t+2(C) 3x2+2x+1(D)3t 2+2t+17 已知 f(x)= ,则 f(x)在 x=0 处 ( )(A)极限存在但不连续(B)连续但不可导(C)可导(D)可导,且导数也连续8 函数 f(x)=x33x 29x 的区间3,6上的最大值为 ( )(A)34(B) 54(C) 44(D)249 对于曲线 y=f(x),在(a ,b)内 f(x)0,f(x)0,则曲线在此区间 ( )(A)单调下降,凸(B)单调上升,凸(C)单调下降,凹(D)单调上升,凹10 函数 f(x)= 在0,1上的最小值为 ( )(A)1(B) 2(C) 0(D)111 曲线 处的法线方程为 ( )12 设。

5、 全面质量管理体现了全新的质量观念,它强调( )。
(A)产品质量是制造出来的,不是检验出来的(B)产品质量是制造出来的,也是检验出来的(C)产品的服务质量(D)产品的最终检验过程4 梅奥的霍桑试验表明( )。
(A)非正式组织对组织目标的达成是有害的(B)非正式组织对组织目标的达成是有益的(C)企业应采取一切措施来取缔非正式组织(D)企业应该正视非正式组织的存在5 直接投资阶段,国际化的程度越高,面临的风险越( )。
(A)低(B)较低(C)高(D)较高6 组织规模一定的条件下,管理幅度和管理层次呈 ( )(A)正比(B)反比(C)相关关系(D)没有关系7 在以下几项管理业务中,( )该由企业总经理亲自处理和拍板。
(A)关于公司各部门办公电脑的分配方案(B)对一位客户投诉的例行处理(C)对一家主要竞争对手突然大幅削价作出反应(D)对一位公司内部违纪职工按规章进行处理8 “凡事预则立,不预则废。
” 是强调( )的重要性。
(A)组织(B)计划(C)预防(D)领导9 某公司总裁老张行伍出身,崇尚以严治军,注重强化规章制度和完善组织结构。

6、D)4 已知 =6,则 a,b 取值为( )(A)a=-2,b=-3(B) a=0,b=-9(C) a=-4,b=3(D)a=-1,b=-65 要使函数 f(x) (n 为自然数)在 x=0 处的导函数连续,则 n=( )(A)0(B) 1(C) 2(D)n36 曲线 y= 的渐近线有( )(A)1 条(B) 2 条(C) 3 条(D)4 条7 函数 f(x)=(x2-x-2)|x3-x|不可导点个数是( )(A)0(B) 1(C) 2(D)38 函数 f(x)在a,b上连续是积分 abf(x)dx 存在的( )(A)充分条件(B)必要条件(C)充要条件(D)既不充分又不必要9 若 f(x)= 0xsin(t-x)dt,则必有( )(A)f(x)=-sinx(B) f(x)=-1+cosx(C) f(x)=sinx(D)f(x)=1-sinx10 已知 f(x)连续,且 f(0)=0,设 (x)= 则 (0)=( )(A)f(0)(B) f(0)(C) 1(D)1311 已知向量 a、b 的夹角为 4,且|a|=1 ,|b|。

7、scouraged and dissatisfied(D)unsatisfactory and discouraging2 The three hours I spent in the school library ( ) my old passion for reading.(A)brought about(B) brought over(C) brought forth(D)brought back3 Thousands of people ( ) to see the parade.(A)turned off(B) turned out(C) turned up(D)turned over4 At the conference he expressed some personal views which later brought him into ( ) with the Party leadership.(A)action(B) crisis(C) conflict(D)power5 The old couple decided to move out of the town。

8、 him already.(A)neednt(B) wouldnt(C) mustnt(D)shouldnt3 The light in the office is still on. Oh, I forgot( ).(A)turning it off(B) turn it off(C) to turn it off(D)having turned it off4 He always did well at school( )having to do part-time jobs every now and then.(A)in spite of(B) regardless of(C) on account of(D)in case of5 Travel firms in Britain have been( )package tours to Southeast Asia for years.(A)operating(B) sending(C) managing(D)leading6 Young college graduates, who。

9、 interrupting(D)making3 This morning our water supply was( )because of the cold weather.(A)let down(B) cut off(C) taken up(D)brought away4 The market was filled with salted fish,( )the worst smell that you can imagine.(A)sending off(B) giving up(C) sending down(D)giving off5 It was because the applicant was too proud( )he failed in the interview.(A)therefore(B) that(C) so that(D)so6 Tom used to live in California,( )?(A)used he(B) did he(C) was he(D)didnt he7 So far there is no proof( )peop。

10、g(C) interrupting(D)making3 This morning our water supply was ( ) because of the cold weather.(A)let down(B) cut off(C) taken up(D)brought away4 The market was filled with salted fish, ( ) the worst smell that you can imagine.(A)sending off(B) giving up(C) sending down(D)giving off5 It was because the applicant was too proud ( ) he failed in the interview.(A)therefore(B) that(C) so that(D)so6 Tom used to live in California, ( )?(A)used he(B) did he(C) was he(D)didnt he7 So far there is no p。

11、been; have seen(B) have been; have seen(C) had been; had seen(D)have been; had seen2 When( )the education systems of China and Britain, the professor gave his own comment.(A)asking to be compared(B) asked him to compare(C) asking him to compare(D)asked to compare3 ( )leaves the room at last ought to turn off the lights.(A)Anyone(B) The person(C) Whoever(D)Who4 ( )hisdream of going to college will come true is uncertain.(A)That(B) Whether(C) If(D)Even if5 “What did the teacher say to you just now。

12、had been; have seen(B) have been; have seen(C) had been; had seen(D)have been; had seen2 When ( ) the education systems of China and Britain, the professor gave his own comment.(A)asking to be compared(B) asked him to compare(C) asking him to compare(D)asked to compare3 ( ) leaves the room at last ought to turn off the lights.(A)Anyone(B) The person(C) Whoever(D)Who4 ( ) hisdream of going to college will come true is uncertain.(A)That(B) Whether(C) If(D)Even if5 “What did the teacher say to you。

13、B) enough young to(C) very young to(D)young enough to3 Finally he got time for a glance ( ) this report.(A)off(B) round(C) on(D)at4 Your idea seems to be good but it isnt ( ).(A)practical(B) possible(C) plentiful(D)precious5 He enjoys ( ) pop music while I prefer classical music.(A)to listen to(B) to listen(C) listening(D)listening to6 When the little girl awoke, she found herself ( ) by a group of soldiers.(A)surround(B) be surrounded(C) being surrounded(D)being surrounding7 The manager l。

14、nough young to(C) very young to(D)young enough to3 Finally he got time for a glance( )this report.(A)off(B) round(C) on(D)at4 Your idea seems to be good but it isnt( ).(A)practical(B) possible(C) plentiful(D)precious5 He enjoys( )pop music while I prefer classical music.(A)to listen to(B) to listen(C) listening(D)listening to6 When the little girl awoke, she found herself( )by a group of soldiers.(A)surround(B) be surrounded(C) being surrounded(D)being surrounding7 The manager lost his( )ju。

15、told him already.(A)neednt(B) wouldnt(C) mustnt(D)shouldnt3 The light in the office is still on.Oh, I forgot ( ).(A)turning it off(B) turn it off(C) to turn it off(D)having turned it off4 He always did well at school ( ) having to do part-time jobs every now and then.(A)in spite of(B) regardless of(C) on account of(D)in case of5 Travel firms in Britain have been ( ) package tours to Southeast Asia for years.(A)operating(B) sending(C) managing(D)leading6 Young college gradua。

16、 I have to ( ) my expenditure to my income.(A)transfer(B) adjust(C) direct(D)add3 If he had been in better health, he ( ) , more books.(A)can write(B) could have written(C) could write(D)have written4 With the development of industry, this region will surely ( ).(A)develop(B) profit(C) succeed(D)thrive5 Im going to spend the winter vacation in Shanghai, ( ) I have relatives.(A)which(B) nevertheless(C) where(D)when6 The new campus is ( ) as the old one.(A)twice as big(B) as twice big(C) twic。

17、t I could not sleep.(A)worrying(B) tired(C) happy(D)nervous3 Whether you learn or not is entirely( )you.(A)up to(B) as to(C) about to(D)due to4 I finally( )to study much harder in the future.(A)prepared(B) made up my mind(C) worked out(D)made out5 The old couple decided to( )a boy though they had three of their own.(A)adapt(B) bring(C) receive(D)adopt6 The teacher insisted that we( )our homework before 9 oclock.(A)finished(B) had finished(C) finish(D)was finishing7 The little girl showed th。

18、ave to( )my expenditure to my income.(A)transfer(B) adjust(C) direct(D)add3 If he had beenin better health, he( ), more books.(A)can write(B) could have written(C) could write(D)have written4 With the development of industry, this region will surely( ).(A)develop(B) profit(C) succeed(D)thrive5 Im going to spend the winter vacation in Shanghai,( )I have relatives.(A)which(B) nevertheless(C) where(D)when6 The new campus is( )as the old one.(A)twice as big(B) as twice big(C) twice big(D)big as。

19、aged and dissatisfied(D)unsatisfactory and discouraging2 The three hours I spent in the school library( )my old passion for reading.(A)brought about(B) brought over(C) brought forth(D)brought back3 Thousands of people( )to see the parade.(A)turned off(B) turned out(C) turnedup(D)turned over4 At the conference he expressed some personal views which later brought him into( )with the Party leadership.(A)action(B) crisis(C) conflict(D)power5 The oldcouple decided to move out of the town to a quiet( 。

20、that I could not sleep.(A)worrying(B) tired(C) happy(D)nervous3 Whether you learn or not is entirely ( ) you.(A)up to(B) as to(C) about to(D)due to4 I finally ( ) to study much harder in the future.(A)prepared(B) made up my mind(C) worked out(D)made out5 The old couple decided to ( ) a boy though they had three of their own.(A)adapt(B) bring(C) receive(D)adopt6 The teacher insisted that we ( ) our homework before 9 oclock.(A)finished(B) had finished(C) finish(D)was finishing7 The little gir。

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