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1、- 1 -甘肃省永昌四中 2019 届高三英语上学期期末考试试题本试卷分为第 I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分。共 120 分第 I 卷一、第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 (共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)AAmazing natural landscapesVolcanoes and Coastal Cliffs in HawaiiWith their volcanoes, valleys, waterfalls and towering c

2、oastal cliffs, the islands of Hawaii have some of the most spectacularly beautiful scenery on earth. No wonder Hawaii, especially the island of Kauai, is Hollywoods favorite location for movies. Dont forget to enjoy all these scenic splendors by taking a helicopter flight and going hiking.When to vi

3、sit: the off-season, when the best rates are available and the islands are less crowded, is spring (April to June)and fall (September to November).Spectacular Mountains in NepalThe small country of Nepal is situated in the Himalayan Mountains at the foot of Mount Qomolangma. Eight of the 14 independ

4、ent mountains on earth that are more than 8,000 meters high above sea level are located in the country, offering strikingly beautiful mountainous scenery with hiking opportunities.When to visit: October and November, the start of the dry season, are the best months to visit Nepal.Mountains and Ocean

5、s of the National Parks of Western Canada Deep in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, you will find world-class and jaw-dropping scenery, centered around glacial lakes. Wildlife is abundant in these areas, especially in Jasper National Park, which is well-known for wildlife viewing and home to some of Nor

6、th Americas rarest animals including grizzlies, - 2 -bisons and wolves.When to visit: the Canadian Rockies and Canadas West Coast are best visited in summer. If you want to avoid the tourist crowds, travel in June or September.Impressive Landscapes of New ZealandNew Zealand is a land of natural dive

7、rsity. Youll see things that you wont see anywhere else in the world. Within a day or twos drive, you can see great mountains, subtropical forests, and miles of coastline with sandy beaches. Dont miss Abel Tasman National Park.When to visit: the best time to visit New Zealand is between October and

8、April, with high season (meaning high prices and low availability for hotels) between mid-December and the end of January.1When might be the best time to visit the islands of Hawaii?A In January. B In May.C In July. D In December.2Where should wildlife lovers go?A The island of Kauai. B Jasper Natio

9、nal Park.C The Himalayan Mountains. D Abel Tasman National Park.3What can be done in New Zealand?A Shooting films. B Watching grizzlies.C Touring glacial lakes. D Exploring subtropical forests.BDerek Rabelo is not the only surfer to conquer Hawaiis famous Pipeline big-wave break, but while all other

10、s use their sight to do it, this young professional surfer must rely only on his other senses. Thats because he is completely blind.When Derek was born about 24 years ago, he got his name from Derek Ho, the first Hawaiian surfing world champion. A surfing enthusiast himself, Emeslo Rabelo dreamed th

11、at his son would share the talent of his uncle, a professional - 3 -surfer. Unfortunately, Derek was born completely blind, but this didnt stop his family from believing that he could do anything he wanted, even if that meant becoming a surfer.At age 2, Derek received a body board and the beaches of

12、 Guarapari, Brazil, became his backyard. He was always comfortable in the water and surfing was in his blood, but he didnt actually try riding a wave until he turned 17, when his father bought him a surfboard. His father taught him the basics and encouraged him to keep practising, but after successf

13、ully standing up on the surfboard, Derek knew he needed to become much better if he was going to achieve Emeslos dream and become a professional surfer. So he joined the Praia do Moroo surf school, where he studied under coach Fabio Maru.Standing up on a surfboard and conquering small waves is one t

14、hing, while gathering the courage to take on Hawaiis board-breaking Pipeline is another. But that was exactly what Derek Rabelo set out to do just months after learning how to surf. Everyone told him it was too dangerous, but he felt he could do it. And he did, earning the praise of famous professio

15、nal surfers like Kelly Slater and Mick Fanning. Now 24, Rabelo has been surfing the Pipeline every winter since.4What makes Dereck Rabelo special as a professional surfer?A He is disabled. B He is talented.C He is fortunate. D He is hard-working.5Who is Derek Ho?A Derek Rabelos uncle. B Derek Rabelo

16、s father.C A surf school coach. D A professional surf trainer.6What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us about Derek Rabelo?A His difficulties in surfing. B His achievements in surfing.C His dream to be a professional surfer. D His early life to be a professional surfer.7What words can best describe Dere

17、k according to the last paragraph?A Skillful and proud. B Brave and confident.- 4 -C Considerate and reliable. D Careful and strong-willed.CWith so many people in the world telling us we cant succeed, we need to hear people telling us we can. I remember my high school English teacher telling me not

18、to apply to Cornell University because they wouldnt accept me and even if they did I wouldnt be able to do the work. I almost didnt apply but a few days later I saw Ivan Foldfarb, a former teacher, in the hallway and asked him about Cornell. He said, “If you get in, then you go. You can do it.” His

19、words made all the difference. I applied and was accepted.Too often we think its our role to inject (注入) )a dose(一次剂量)of “reality” into someones life. We think we must point out how bad the economy is and how horrible the job market is and how the sky is falling.I say there are enough pessimists and

20、 “realists” in the world. The world needs more optimists, encouragers, and inspirers. The world needs more people to speak into the hearts of others and say “I believe in you.” “If you have the desire then you also have the power to make it happen.” “Even if you fail, it will lead to something even

21、better.”When it comes to encouragement I know that every one of us loves working for and with people who bring out the best in us. We love being around people who uplift us and make us feel great.And while well always remember the negative people who told us we couldnt accomplish something, we will

22、always cherish and hold a special place in our heart for those who encouraged us.Today I want to encourage you to be an encourager. Today decide to be that person who instills a positive belief in someone who for that needs to hear your encouraging words. Encourage someone who is feeling down. Fuel

23、your team with your positive energy. Share encouragement. It matters and we all need it.8Why did the authors English teacher tell him not to apply to Cornell - 5 -University?A Because the author had no talent. B Because the author was a bad student.C Because the teacher thought little of the author.

24、D Because the teacher didnt want the author to attend university.9What can we infer from Paragraph 3?A The world is lack of “reality”.B The economy is becoming worse and worse.C We have to face a negative world every day.D We take it for granted that we should show “reality”.10What does the underlin

25、ed word “uplift” in Paragraph 4 mean?A to increase something.B to raise something to a higher position.C to give hope or encouragement to somebody.D to make somebody unhappy or disappointed.11Whats the best title of the passage?A Be an encourager. B Always be optimistic.C Failure is the mother of su

26、ccess. D Get away from negative people.DIf you have ever found yourself looking for your keys, misplacing your cell phone or wanting to keep track of your bicycle or car, then the TrackR, a device (装置) that works with your smart phone created by a Californiabased company, is for you! At $29.95 each,

27、 not like the expensive GPS systems, or with TrackR Pack purchase deals, you cant afford not to have one!Install (安装) the free TrackR app on your smart phone. Connect the app to your device and then you are ready to go! Simply attach the TrackR to whatever - 6 -you dont want to lose. The entire proc

28、ess of setting it up only takes 5 minutes or less.If you have the hard TrackR, you can just hide it under your cars floor mat(垫子), in the trunk or somewhere it wont be found if your car gets stolen. If you forget where you parked your car, take out your smart phone and open the TrackR app. Tap on th

29、e “lost item” icon on the screen and the app will tell you exactly where it is.You can also attach it to your pet. Put it on their collar(项圈), and the problem of searching for them as they run off to nearby places will be over! Attach it to your keys and wallet, and never waste a minute searching th

30、e whole house for it. The affordable TrackR even comes with a doublesided adhesive (黏合剂) so you can stick it to your laptop or under your bike seat. Track down and punish the thieves who steal your expensive things!The convenience and the ability to find actually any object means that the TrackR is

31、one of the most useful articles that youll find for any price. However, the best thing it can give is peace of mind, and it doesnt get any better than that.12What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A How the TrackR works. B The features of the TrackR.C Why the TrackR is invented. D The advantages of the Tr

32、ackR.13What can the TrackR help people do ?A Walk their pets nearby. B Recognize the thieves.C Seek their misplaced car. D Find them a parking place.14What can we infer about the TrackR according to the third paragraph?A Its far from affordable. B Its on sale worldwide.C It can be easily folded. D I

33、ts small in size.15Whats the best title for the text?A TrackR no limits B TrackR no worriesC TrackR your item protector D TrackR your financial manager第二节: (共 5 小题, 每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)- 7 -根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Stress is so common that many people choose to ignore it. But without rig

34、ht management, stress can be something much more serious. 16 They allow you to continue living your life in a healthy, happy manner.BreatheThe stress-relief technique that pretty much everyones heard of, the act of breathing nonetheless remains an important point as any when it comes to cooling down

35、 the angry blood thats raging (发怒)around your body. 17 Write18 Scribble (涂写) your feelings onto a piece of paper. They dont even have to make sense. Just punch (按键) away at your computer on a day-to-day basis for five or ten minutes, and you might be surprised at how light, and carefree you feel aft

36、erwards.19 Laughing allows us to take in a momentous supply of fresh oxygen from the air, stimulating (刺激) the muscles and providing our system with some healthy shock treatment that eases tension brought on by stress. Laughing is something we need to do everyday to stay healthy, and is a great way

37、to keep the bad effects of stress at bay.SleepSleep is absolutely essential for avoiding high stress levels. Everyone needs good amounts of rest, and by remaining glued (寸步不离) to a computer screen for the entire day without taking a break, your body will suffer the consequences, and stress will rise

38、 as a result. 20 A Cry B LaughC Stress can build up in anyone.D Listed here are 4 ways to cope with stress.E. Type away at your desk and channel your emotions into your hard-drive.- 8 -F. Taking along, deep breath to calm yourself is medically proven to be beneficial.G. Take frequent breaks away fro

39、m the screen, get some sleep, and see your stress ease up,第二部分 完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)Hitting heavily on the keys in frustration, I turned away from the piano, trying to fight the tears that were already welling up in my eyes. After an hour of _21_, I still couldnt get the rhythm(节奏) quite r

40、ight on a Mozart piece that I had to _22_ to my piano teacher the following day. It was frustrating to have spent such a( n) _23_ time on a piano song and still be unable to play the piece correctly. To me, the piece had at first seemed easy. But, no matter how _24_ I tried, I just couldnt seem to p

41、lay it the way that it was _25_ to be played.I decided to take a _26_. For the most part, after a little bit of work, I could _27_ learn the song rather quickly. However, it was always that one song, which might have appeared simple but was _28_, that always annoyed me. These types of songs always m

42、ade me _29_ myself whether I could be a pianist.After having dinner, I decided to come back to the piano. Placing my _30_ on the keys, I chose to play the piece slowly and carefully, paying attention to hitting the correct notes _31_ trying to play the piece quickly. Using this new method of practic

43、ing, I _32_ a great deal of patience, something that I often had _33_ with. Instead of thinking how hard the rhythm was, I thought about how I could _34_ myself, little by little. Finally, I could slowly see myself getting better._35_, I didnt even get the rhythm right until a week later. I also _36

44、_ an important lessonsometimes, baby steps are the best way to _37_ a goal. Im an impatient person who likes to think that I can get _38_ by leaps and bounds(跳跃). But, in the case of piano, I couldnt improve _39_ I slowed down, believed in myself, and took it one step _40_.21A waiting B practicing C

45、 crying D singing- 9 -22A contribute B donate C represent D present23A limited B extra C long D short24A hard B well C carefully D efficiently25A offered B supposed C designed D organized26A try B chance C breath D break27A usually B never C sometimes D occasionally28A important B difficult C necess

46、ary D useful29A ignore B regard C doubt D believe30A mind B fingers C notes D piece31A instead of B in spite of C as well as D in case of32A expressed B encouraged C evaluated D exercised33A confusion B contact C trouble D control34A adjust B persuade C comfort D improve35A However B Therefore C Oth

47、erwise D Moreover36A gave B missed C learned D taught37A set B identify C develop D reach38A somewhere B nowhere C wherever D everywhere39A as B until C when D if40A all the time B at times C at a time D at one time第 II 卷第一部分 语篇型语法填空题(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形

48、式。In many places like Britain and Italy, if you leave the house without your wallet, youll be in a tough situation all day. But in China, you can enjoy your day just 41 a smart phone.The other day, I set out 42 (see) how far a phone would get me in the countrys capital. Admittedly, I was surprised to discover how 43 (convenience) it was.I used


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