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1、2011年大连外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案解析(总分:38.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、词语翻译(总题数:16,分数:32.00)1.英译汉(分数:2.00)_2.E-government(分数:2.00)_3.UNPROFOR(分数:2.00)_4.mortgage loan(分数:2.00)_5.export of labor services(分数:2.00)_6.TQM (total quality management)(分数:2.00)_7.conservation-conscious society(分数:2.00)_8.agriculture product(分数:

2、2.00)_9.modern distance education(分数:2.00)_10.LED (Light Emitting Diode)(分数:2.00)_11.real estate development(分数:2.00)_12.bankers draft(分数:2.00)_13.American Academy of Advertising(分数:2.00)_14.Animal By-Products(分数:2.00)_15.FTP(分数:2.00)_16.peace process(分数:2.00)_二、英汉互译(总题数:5,分数:6.00)17.英译汉_18.General

3、Motors Co. s recent stock offering was staged to start paying back the government for its $50 billion bailout, but one group made out much better than the taxpayers or other investors: the company s union. Thanks to a generous share of GM stock obtained in the companys 2009 bankruptcy settlement, th

4、e United Auto Workers is well on its way to recouping the billions of dollars GM owed itputting it far ahead of taxpayers who have recouped only about 30 percent of their investment and further still ahead of investors in the old GM who have received nothing. The boon for the union fits the pattern

5、established when the White House pushed GM into bankruptcy and steered it through the courts in a way that consistently put the interests of the union ahead of many suppliers, dealers and investorsstakeholders that ordinarily would have fared as well or better under the bankruptcy laws.(分数:2.00)_19.

6、LONDONThe debt crisis in Europe escalated sharply Friday as investors dumped Spanish and Portuguese bonds in panicked selling, substantially heightening the prospect that one or both countries may need to join troubled Ireland and Greece in soliciting international bailouts. The draining confidence

7、in Western Europes weakest economies threatened to upend bond markets, destabilize the euro and drag out the global economic recovery if it is not quickly contained. It also underscored the mounting problems facing countries that during the past decade have both over-borrowed and overspent, and are

8、now in danger of losing investor faith in their ability to make good on their massive piles of debt. The perceived risk of debt defaults in Portugal and Spain drove their borrowing costs to near record highs Friday, with the interest rate demanded on Portuguese bonds at a point where it could effect

9、ively cut the Lisbon government off from raising fresh cash to run the country.(分数:2.00)_20.汉译英_21.本周四中国最高经济计划机构宣布,自从政府加强对抗通货膨胀的措施,国家商品期货价格已经下降。国家发改委在其网址的声明说,发改委收集的数据表明,自 11月 11日以来直到本周三,铜、锌、橡胶、棉花、塑料、大豆油和白糖的平均期货价格下降了 10以上。 声明说,此次下阵主要是市场对政府一系列抵制通货膨胀措施产生的反应。 国家发改委也将此次下降归因于欧洲、美国和日本商品期货市场的不景气以及本国市场获利回吐。国

10、家发改委在本周四发布的另一项网上声明中敦促地方政府,要求它们谨慎对待水、煤气、电力和石油等政府控价商品的价格上涨,进而减轻企业和人们的经济压力。(分数:2.00)_2011年大连外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案解析(总分:38.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、词语翻译(总题数:16,分数:32.00)1.英译汉(分数:2.00)_解析:2.E-government(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:电子政务)解析:3.UNPROFOR(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:联合国保护部队)解析:4.mortgage loan(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:抵押贷款)解析:5

11、.export of labor services(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:劳务输出)解析:6.TQM (total quality management)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:(total quality management)全面质量管理)解析:7.conservation-conscious society(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:节约型社会)解析:8.agriculture product(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:农产品)解析:9.modern distance education(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答

12、案:现代远程教育)解析:10.LED (Light Emitting Diode)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:(Light Emitting Diode)发光二极管)解析:11.real estate development(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:房地产开发)解析:12.bankers draft(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:银行汇票)解析:13.American Academy of Advertising(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:美国广告协会)解析:14.Animal By-Products(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案

13、:畜产品)解析:15.FTP(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:文件传输协议)解析:16.peace process(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:和平进程)解析:二、英汉互译(总题数:5,分数:6.00)17.英译汉_解析:18.General Motors Co. s recent stock offering was staged to start paying back the government for its $50 billion bailout, but one group made out much better than the taxpayers or

14、other investors: the company s union. Thanks to a generous share of GM stock obtained in the companys 2009 bankruptcy settlement, the United Auto Workers is well on its way to recouping the billions of dollars GM owed itputting it far ahead of taxpayers who have recouped only about 30 percent of the

15、ir investment and further still ahead of investors in the old GM who have received nothing. The boon for the union fits the pattern established when the White House pushed GM into bankruptcy and steered it through the courts in a way that consistently put the interests of the union ahead of many sup

16、pliers, dealers and investorsstakeholders that ordinarily would have fared as well or better under the bankruptcy laws.(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: 通用汽车公司最近的股票发行是为了偿还政府 500亿美元的救助金但是有一个组织比纳税人或其他投资者做得更好,那就是该公司的工会。 由于在公司 2009年破产清算中获得了通用汽车股票的大部分份额,联合汽车工人正在顺利收回通用汽车欠他们的数十亿美元,这远远超过纳税人所收回的那仅仅 30的投资,也远远超过老通用汽车投资者的零

17、收入。 工会的有用之处在于它迎合了白宫把通用汽车推向破产时所建立的模式,并通过法院引导,将工会的利益置于许多供应商、经销商和投资者之上,因为这些利益相关者通常会在破产法中获益很多或者更多。)解析:19.LONDONThe debt crisis in Europe escalated sharply Friday as investors dumped Spanish and Portuguese bonds in panicked selling, substantially heightening the prospect that one or both countries may ne

18、ed to join troubled Ireland and Greece in soliciting international bailouts. The draining confidence in Western Europes weakest economies threatened to upend bond markets, destabilize the euro and drag out the global economic recovery if it is not quickly contained. It also underscored the mounting

19、problems facing countries that during the past decade have both over-borrowed and overspent, and are now in danger of losing investor faith in their ability to make good on their massive piles of debt. The perceived risk of debt defaults in Portugal and Spain drove their borrowing costs to near reco

20、rd highs Friday, with the interest rate demanded on Portuguese bonds at a point where it could effectively cut the Lisbon government off from raising fresh cash to run the country.(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: 伦敦欧洲债务危机在周五急剧恶化,投资者将西班牙和葡萄牙债券在恐慌中抛售,这实质上加大了这两个国家或者其中一个国家像在困境中的爱尔兰和希腊那样寻求国际救助金的可能性。 西欧最弱经济体的信心下滑可能冲


22、 11月 11日以来直到本周三,铜、锌、橡胶、棉花、塑料、大豆油和白糖的平均期货价格下降了 10以上。 声明说,此次下阵主要是市场对政府一系列抵制通货膨胀措施产生的反应。 国家发改委也将此次下降归因于欧洲、美国和日本商品期货市场的不景气以及本国市场获利回吐。国家发改委在本周四发布的另一项网上声明中敦促地方政府,要求它们谨慎对待水、煤气、电力和石油等政府控价商品的价格上涨,进而减轻企业和人们的经济压力。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Chinas top economic planning agency announced on Thursday that the national

23、commodity futures prices have declined since the government strengthened measures to confront the inflation. The National Development and Reform Commission stated in its Web site, the data collected by the NDRC show that the average futures prices of copper, zinc, rubber, cotton, plastics, soybean o

24、il and sugar fell by more than 10% since November 11 to this Wednesday. The statement explained that this decline was primarily a market reaction to a series of government measures to combat inflation. National Development and Reform Commission also attributed the decline to commodity futures market

25、 depression in Europe, United States and Japan and also domestic market profit taking. In a separate online statement issued on this Thursday, the National Development and Reform Commission urged that local governments should be cautious on raising prices for government-controlled goods such as water, gas, electricity and oil, thereby to reduce the economic pressure of enterprise and people.)解析:


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