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1、2012年天津外国语大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷及答案解析(总分:102.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Vocabulary(总题数:20,分数:40.00)1.Many of the over-the-top costumes now on display were actually kept in storage though.(分数:2.00)A.outstandingB.futileC.parsimoniousD.dazzling2.Measures to curb speculative home purchases have proven effective, especially

2、in the land supply and purchase market where excessive investments have been in retreat.(分数:2.00)A.boycottB.encourageC.restrainD.ban3.In the July rain, the run-down street in a Beijing southern suburb even looks a little dreary.(分数:2.00)A.dirty and dilapidatedB.small but interestingC.short but energ

3、eticD.flopping and tiring4.The ministry announced at a State Council Information Office press conference on August 11 that 47 medical teams, with 779 members, were in Zhouqu treating patients, sterilizing the environment and drinking water, and ensuring proper disposal of corpses.(分数:2.00)A.buryingB

4、.removingC.processingD.cleaning5.Chen warned against the possibility of home prices rebounding when low interest rates are adopted to mitigate inflation.(分数:2.00)A.suspendB.increaseC.alleviateD.endorse6.Risk aversion came to the fore as fears about the European sovereign debt and global economy ratt

5、led investors.(分数:2.00)A.agendaB.checklistC.rosterD.front7.The hapless pair had the misfortune to discover for themselves what any decent guide will inform you: Wangfujing is not the place for better restaurants.(分数:2.00)A.unluckyB.persistentC.stubbornD.happy8.The target is multifaceted: the country

6、 hopes to gain military strength and be unafraid of foreign threats, while creating a high standard of living.(分数:2.00)A.having many aspectsB.kaleidoscopicC.colorfulD.crystal clear9.To increase performance and win against Morgan Stanley,Chen decided to forge a short-lived alliance between Yongle and

7、 Dazhong Electronics, which brought Yongle to the brink of insolvency.(分数:2.00)A.associationB.connectionC.separationD.disclamation10.I spent hours simply wandering these back streets, looking for photo opportunities and inhaling the unmistakable scent of burning coal.(分数:2.00)A.enjoyingB.breathing o

8、utC.breathing inD.touching11.Lebanese President Michel Suleiman welcomes his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Beirut for an official visit on October(分数:2.00)A.matchB.spouseC.friendD.foe12.The three referees were detained in March, pushing the credibility of Chinese referees to an all-time

9、 low.(分数:2.00)A.trusteeB.reliabilityC.judgmentD.notability13.Last year 175 , 000 people flocked to the downtown area for the Thanksgiving Day Parade.(分数:2.00)A.swarmed toB.gathered toC.centralized inD.dispersed to14.It is believed that nomadic ancestors considered bumper harvests as bounty form the

10、“God of Sun“ and natural disasters as punishment.(分数:2.00)A.victoryB.rewardC.warningD.persecution15.When we talk about giving universities greater autonomy to recruit students, people may be concerned about possible fraud and preferential treatment enjoyed by students from wealthy or powerful famili

11、es.(分数:2.00)A.teachB.admitC.fakeD.transfer16.Recently, Joe, a foreign English teacher in China, said to me, “I feel dazed and disoriented; my students here are unusually quiet. I can“t tell if they understand my lessons. “ His plight is not surprising. Many foreign ESL instructors often feel confuse

12、d when they first step into a Chinese classroom.(分数:2.00)A.annoyanceB.depressionC.predicamentD.disappointment17.This cultural perspective disorients foreign teachers, who misperceive their students as passive and withdrawn.(分数:2.00)A.perceiveB.conceiveC.misunderstandD.process18.Some esoteric fonts u

13、sed by today“s artists emulate monks who copied medieval manuscripts by hand.(分数:2.00)A.complicatedB.mysteriousC.gibberishD.cursive19.Tower C of office Park, a dazzling new office building in Beijing“s Central Business District, has been widely praised in the market for its superior quality and plea

14、sant amenities after it was unveiled to the market at a press conference held in March 20(分数:2.00)A.convenienceB.regularityC.sightD.outlook20.The country“s stability must therefore be based on the reconciliation of the relationships between different ethnic groups(分数:2.00)A.rapprochementB.hostilityC

15、.negotiationD.war-ceasing二、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:4,分数:40.00)What is the charm of necklaces? Why would anyone put something extra around her neck and then invest it with special significance? A necklace doesn“t afford warmth in cold weather, like a scarf, or protection in combat, like chain mail;

16、it only decorates. We might say it borrows meaningfrom what it surrounds and sets off; the head with its supremely important material contents, and the face, that register of the soul. When photograph reduces the reality it represents, they mention not only the passage from three dimensions to two,

17、but also the selection of a point du vue favors the top of the body rather than the bottom and the front rather than the back. The face is the jewel in the crown oi the body, and so we give it a setting. When people are intensely concerned with something that is obviously impractical, anthropologist

18、s take note, for lovely useless things often express archaic to exist in contemporary American houses already heated by gas and electricity, yet most people want one and it is still the focus of the living room. This desire testifies, I think, to the hundreds of thousands of years during which we Ho

19、mo sapiens huddled around a cave fire. We watch ourselves, rather anxiously, vanish backward down those lone temporary corridors, as my daughter gazes at her infinitely multiplied small self in the mutually opposed mirrors of the beauty salon, and wonders, is it me? Our fireplaces and necklaces and

20、tombstones say it is, they are. In American culture, an interest in necklaces seems to be rather gender specific. Many men to whom I mention the enterprise feign polite interest and then change the subject, though I know some who admire, construct, and wear necklaces, including the distinguished sci

21、entist and poet to whom this essay is dedicated. Most women, by contrast, become mildly or wildly enthusiastic. A doctor in Blois brought out her entire collection of costume jewelry for me, exhibited the most splendid pieces with an account of where and when they were purchased, and then explain th

22、em all with the help of a large glossy book on the history of costume jewelry , with dozens of pictures. A former student of mine who had moved to California mailed me six plastic boxes full of beads gleaned from a warehouse managed by an eccentric: friend who just their settings; a feature bead pai

23、nted with a naked lady; crystal roundels of truly exceptional shine; and tiny silver hematite seed beads. Beads lend themselves to exchange, Beads travel. And clearly these two facts are related.(分数:10.00)(1).The function of the necklace is to _.(分数:2.00)A.keep people warmB.provide people with prote

24、ctionC.make people beautifulD.build up people“s confidence(2).Lovely useless things, according to the author, serve the purpose of_.(分数:2.00)A.decorating the houseB.showing off one“s artistic tasteC.reminding people of things pastD.revealing one“s tendency to waste money(3).“Gender specific“ means_.

25、(分数:2.00)A.both men and womenB.either men or womenC.neither men nor womenD.related to one sex only(4).From this article we can gather that_.(分数:2.00)A.Only women like necklacesB.Only men like necklacesC.Most women like necklacesD.Most men like necklaces(5).Some men “feign polite interest“ means_.(分数

26、:2.00)A.They are keenly interestedB.They are not interested at all because they are menC.They are slightly interestedD.They pretend to be interested out of politenessAbout a dozen years ago my wife and I planted a hedge of twenty-seven arborvitae trees along the border of our backyard, which, althou

27、gh our house sits on nineteen acres of fields and woods, is also the back border of our property. A sloping hayfield with a realtor“s dream of panoramic views lies directly behind us. So the hedge was our attempt to secure privacy for the future. The nurseryman who sold us the shrubs assured us they

28、 were the best species for our purpose and climate. I measured and marked the planting sites, called in “Chink“ Norris (whose possibly racist nickname I“ve not looked into any more than I have the nurseryman“s credentials) to come with his small back-hoe and dig the holes. As advised, I faithfully w

29、atered and fertilized each tree throughout the holes. As advised, I faithfully watered and fertilized each tree throughout the first year, with results that were everything I“d been promised: dense, hardy, and luxuriant, a towering bulwark of green. Thus began an episode of great vexation and buffoo

30、nery in my life, known and (I have no doubt) merrily recounted in local circles as the tale of “Garret and his trees“ , or as my wife puts it, “Garret and the deer. “ It so happens that we live next to one of the county“s most extensive “ deer yard“ , those areas of canopied woods to which the deer

31、retire in winter, making networks of deeply furrowed tracks and foraging as best they can until there“s a declared winner in the yearly race between spring and starvation. It also happens that deer find arborvitae a delicacy, related to the cedar that they also love, but thicker and more succulent.

32、By the second winter they“d found and attacked my trees. I fought back, not with a vengeanceI stopped short of thatbut with something close to obsession. I erected fence structures that made our backyard look like a scene from the Somme. I played recordings of wolves howling, recordings of me howlin

33、g. I fired pistol shots at random hours of the night. I hung or sprinkled repellents of blood meal, urine, (mine) , and deodorant soap. Hearing that deer were repelled by the scent of human hair, I asked some hair dressers to set aside their sweepings in a bag with, as the saying goes, my name on it

34、. As any warden will tell you, if deer are hungry enough they will get through anything, which this year included an electric fence hooked to a charger supposedly powerful enough to deter an elephant. So the farmer who“d helped me rig it up assured me. What he did not tell me, because he did not kno

35、w, was that the insulating snowpack would prevent an animal from completing the circuit with the ground. In came the deer like a school of piranhas. This was shortly after a man from Connecticut purchased the hayfield behind our house for a price few of my neighbors could afforded and none of them c

36、ould believe and set about measuring the foundations of a house.(分数:10.00)(1).The author and his wife planted a hedge along their backyard for the purpose of_.(分数:2.00)A.prevent deerB.protect privacyC.beautify the surroundingsD.eco-friendly(2).The author collects hair in bags to prevent the invasion

37、 of deer because he knows that_.(分数:2.00)A.deer like the smell of human hairB.deer can be repelled by the smell of human hairC.deer die when eating human hairD.deer flee at the sight of human hair(3).Why the author sets up an electric fence?(分数:2.00)A.as a safety precautionB.to prevent the harassmen

38、t by deerC.as part of house decoration planD.to halt potential thieves and robbers(4).Why did the electric fence fail? It is because of_.(分数:2.00)A.The deer are smartB.The winter is coldC.The fence is of low qualityD.Snowpack serves as an insulator(5).What measure was NOT taken by the author to dete

39、r the deer?(分数:2.00)A.urineB.gun shotsC.watchdogD.deodorant soupI was eight years old the first time I fainted. I was at friend“s house, and a bee stung me on the back of the neck. I had felt nothing but a slight pinch and the bug was soon wiped away and flushed down the toilet, but since I looked p

40、ale I was urged to call my mother. As I told her what had happened , I felt myself blacking out, sinking to the floor, vaguely aware that I was still gripping the receiver. Perhaps I was allergic to the bee stingthe only one I“ve ever gotten, although to this day I have a phobia about bees, wasps, a

41、nd other insects. But the image of an eight-year-old in Keds crumpling to the ground while he describes his injury to his Mommy seems to return us to Freudian territory. Note the umbilical image of the phone cord. Call me fanciful. Still, I“m afraid these undertones are hardly dissipated by the seco

42、nd fainting incident I can recall, which practically reeks of the family romance. This took place one weekend morning while we were gathered in the kitchen to eat breakfast. My mother stood at the stove making French toast, which she had already served to the kids; my father, seated at the table, wa

43、s cutting a bagel with a sharp bread knife. Contrary to every principle of kitchen safety, he was holding the bagel in his hand and cutting inward, and eventually he made a neat, shallow incision in his palm. The blood was profuse. Being a hematologist, my father didn“t panic: this was just business

44、 as usual. But my mother stopped flipping French toast and collapsed to the floor. I, inspired by the blood and my mother“s collapse and the powerful odors of syrup and sugar rising from my plate, slumped forward. My forehead went into the syrup. I heard a roarit seemed to me that I was being clutch

45、ed beneath the armpits and whirled aroundand then my father shook me back into consciousness. He had already attended to my mother. Still think I“m fanciful? Then listen to this. Out of curiosity I asked my mother when her first fainting episode had occurred. She paused, thought it over, and came up

46、 with the following. At the age of thirteen, she went to visit her father in the hospital, who only the day before had had his appendix removed. Aside from her father, still conked out from the anesthesia, the other person in the room was a nurse, whowas busy changing the dressing on the patient“s i

47、ncision, which hadn“t quite closed. For some reason, the nurse had to leave the room. At this point, she asked my mother to hold the soiled dressing in place until she returned. My mother complied. Standing over her dazed father, gingerly holding a used bandage over a hole in his lower abdomen, the

48、thirteen-year-old grew lightheaded. I assumed the nurse returned before she hit the floor.(分数:10.00)(1).It can be gathered from this article that the tendency to faint most probably is_.(分数:2.00)A.genetically determinedB.independently developedC.virus infectedD.emotionally affected(2).The faint rela

49、ted to the bee sting led to the author“s fear later in her life of_.(分数:2.00)A.snakesB.elephantsC.insectsD.dogs(3).The author“s mother fainting might be assumed to be related to_.(分数:2.00)A.appendixB.abdomenC.nurseD.blood(4).“At this point“ in this article most probably means_.(分数:2.00)A.at this momentB.At this partC.at this houseD.at this corner(5).One most plausible reason that the author“s father did not panic when he cut himself is_.(分数:2.00)A.He had served in the armyB.He was the head of the familyC.He tried to


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