
s15 sit-in16 Skopos theory17 SOHO18 subtitling19 think tank20 Webzine汉译英21 钓鱼岛22 对外传播23 翻译专业资格(水平) 考试24 峰会25 公示语26 宏观调控27 开放包容28 孔子课堂29 绿色增长30 民心工程31


1、s15 sit-in16 Skopos theory17 SOHO18 subtitling19 think tank20 Webzine汉译英21 钓鱼岛22 对外传播23 翻译专业资格(水平) 考试24 峰会25 公示语26 宏观调控27 开放包容28 孔子课堂29 绿色增长30 民心工程31 十八大32 团购33 务实合作34 协同创新35 月光族36 战略性新兴产业37 政府采购38 政客39 中小企业40 中央文献英译汉41 Whatever their political party, American leaders have generally subscribed to one of two competing economic philosophies. One is a small-government Jeffersonian perspective that abhors bigness and holds that prosperity flows from competition among independent businessmen, farmers。

2、died following self-immolation in protest against the forced demolition of her home in November 2009.(分数:2.00)A.explosionB.wipeoutC.destructionD.ruining2.People from every corner of the world come to visit me, asking questions on every conceivable topic related to China, from China“s internal and international policies to everyday life.(分数:2.00)A.confidentialB.imaginableC.unbelievableD.embarrassing3.Locke“s Chinese ancestry presents a double-edged sword situation. As a political figure, he canno。

3、分数:2.00)A.bragging aboutB.having sth. as a prideC.delaying sth. for reasonsD.producing the effect of2.When a child meets a swindling tutor, the parents will lose money while the child will lose precious opportunities to move forward.(分数:2.00)A.being intentionalB.being fraudC.being meanD.being restless3.On a drab street lined with low-rise shops and restaurants, Dandelion Middle School is hardly noticeable.(分数:2.00)A.rising lowlyB.busyC.noisyD.flat4.In total, more than 13, 000 people have been ev。

4、2.She wanted this conference to be a_one.(succeed)(分数:2.00)_3.When I told her our plan, she shook her head in_.(approve)(分数:2.00)_4.Because of his long illness, his English level had gone _, but he was determined to catch up with the other students,(back)(分数:2.00)_。

5、D.depleted2.By the time I get to the office 10 minutes later, I“ve already risked being hit by a car several times. Italy and China are very similar in this respect. Traffic lights have more of an ornamental function than a practical one.(分数:2.00)A.boycottB.extraordinaryC.decorativeD.legal3.As it is in the vicinity of the embassy area, the district where the complex is located is a major residential location for foreigners and foreign companies.(分数:2.00)A.similar areaB.unknown placeC.main street。

6、matics14 semantics15 slacktivism16 stylistics17 unfriend18 vape19 Vladimir Putin20 We Media汉译英21 阿里巴巴网络有限公司22 “APEC 蓝”23 博鳌亚洲论坛24 “大妈”25 公务员26 化境27 简政放权28 京津冀一体化29 “老虎苍蝇一起打 ”30 “老字号”31 “裸官”32 “女汉子”33 “神舟十号 ”34 “双十一”35 “土豪”36 语联网37 语言服务业38 “宅男”39 中国话语体系40 自贸试验区英译汉41 New global rules to prevent banks that are “too big to fail“ from being bailed out by taxpayers have been proposed. The rules, created by the Financial Stability Board(FSB), a global monitoring body, would require big banks to hold mu。

7、e13 Obamamania14 connotation15 cohesion and coherence16 discourse analysis17 translation studies18 Esperanto19 denotation20 GMO crops汉译英21 中国梦22 反“四风”运动23 光盘行动24 城镇化25 中国式过马路26 幸福指数27 “中国好声音 ”28 机构改革29 雾霾30 十八届三中全会31 正能量32 创新驱动发展战略33 中华文化“ 走出去”34 常住人口35 海淘36 不靠谱37 奢侈品牌38 黄金周39 群众路线40 照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病英译汉41 Economies of scope are conceptually similar to economies of scale. Whereas economies of scale for a firm primarily refers to reductions in the average cost(cost per unit)associated with increasi。

8、00)_3.“Big Data“(分数:2.00)_4.Bitcoin(分数:2.00)_5.carbon neutral(分数:2.00)_6.credit crunch(分数:2.00)_。

9、3.drones(分数:2.00)_4.Edward Snowden(分数:2.00)_5.federal deficit(分数:2.00)_6.Likonomics(分数:2.00)_。

10、C) recrimination(D)action2 Their relations during the divorce proceedings had been mostly friendly, so his belligerence in the judges chambers surprised her.(A)antebellum(B) trust(C) pact(D)aggressiveness3 The Senate Republicans, outraged by their treatment, were in a bellicose mood.(A)quarrelsome(B) troublesome(C) charming(D)terrible4 The whole Europe slumbered through the Dark Age without any sparks of enlightenment.(A)lingered(B) smothered(C) trudged(D)slept5 As the seriousness of the si。

11、speculative home purchases have proven effective, especially in the land supply and purchase market where excessive investments have been in retreat.(A)boycott(B) encourage(C) restrain(D)ban3 In the July rain, the run-down street in a Beijing southern suburb even looks a little dreary.(A)dirty and dilapidated(B) small but interesting(C) short but energetic(D)flopping and tiring4 The ministry announced at a State Council Information Office press conference on August 11 that 47 medical teams, with。

12、fficials in charge of the unclear arms programs in their own countries.(A)start(B) bring up(C) develop(D)involve2 Modern infomercials usually relied on celebrity endorsement rather than high-pressure salesmen to lent credibility to their products.(A)mobility(B) trust(C) capability(D)loyalty3 An epidemic of Ebola virus in Africa prompted increased awareness of the potential dangers of so-called hot viruses, which cause deadly and virtually untreatable diseases in humans and other animals.(A)almos。

13、3.back translation(分数:2.00)_4.brain drain(分数:2.00)_5.buzzword(分数:2.00)_6.communication studies(分数:2.00)_。

14、arsimoniousD.dazzling2.Measures to curb speculative home purchases have proven effective, especially in the land supply and purchase market where excessive investments have been in retreat.(分数:2.00)A.boycottB.encourageC.restrainD.ban3.In the July rain, the run-down street in a Beijing southern suburb even looks a little dreary.(分数:2.00)A.dirty and dilapidatedB.small but interestingC.short but energeticD.flopping and tiring4.The ministry announced at a State Council Information Office press confe。

15、g is a dangerous thing/Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian sping,“ a famous quotation is from An Essay on Criticism written by_, the high priest and magistrate of the Age of Reason.3 The 16th century in the history of English literature is viewed as a great period of Elizabethan drama, which witnessed the birth of two great playwrights; William Shakespeare and_.4 John Bunyan, a village tinker, with his strength and sincerity inscribed his name in the English literary history by his fa。

16、mary2 Idioms are products of_of language.(A)conventionality(B) arbitrariness(C) creativity(D)duality3 Which of the following words is not an open-class word?(A)suspicious(B) category(C) prescribe(D)although4 “The man standing in the hallway looked depressed“ is a(an)_ construction.(A)endocentric(B) exocentric(C) coordinative(D)subordinate5 In the word “unavailability“ , _ is the root.(A)un(B) available(C) avail(D)ability6 “Maple“, “willow“, “polar“ and “pine“ are_of “tree“.(A。

17、ondaryC.Minimal/SecondaryD.Secondary/Primary2.Idioms are products of_of language.(分数:2.00)A.conventionalityB.arbitrarinessC.creativityD.duality3.Which of the following words is not an open-class word?(分数:2.00)A.suspiciousB.categoryC.prescribeD.although4.“The man standing in the hallway looked depressed“ is a(an)_ construction.(分数:2.00)A.endocentricB.exocentricC.coordinativeD.subordinate5.In the word “unavailability“ , _ is the root.(分数:2.00)A.unB.availableC.availD.ability6.“Maple“。

18、roic legends.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_2.“ A little learning is a dangerous thing/Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian sping,“ a famous quotation is from An Essay on Criticism written by 1, the high priest and magistrate of the Age of Reason.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_3.The 16th century in the history of English literature is viewed as a great period of Elizabethan drama, which witnessed the birth of two great playwrights; William Shakespeare and 1.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_4。

19、 二人乗危。
日本 挨拶。
昨日、窓開寝、 引 。
友達 行。
陳毎日、英字 読。
去年、日本 見。
今度日曜日 行。
二、次 a.b.c.d正読選。
( 1点 10 10点 ) 倒産 a. b. c. d. 渋滞 a. b. c. d. 年寄 a. b. c. d. 引越 a. b. c. d. 遠慮 a. b. c. d. 2 梅雨 a. b. c. d. 小。

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