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1、考研英语(二)分类真题 11及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:20.00)Whatever else went wrong in the world this year, no one can complain about a shortage of celebrity breakups. From Jennifer Aniston“s split with Brad Pitt in January to Jessica

2、 Simpson“s divorce from Nick Lachey in December, 2005 was filled with ruined romance. But hold the tearsat least for the ex-wives. Bad marriages might have been making them sick. Researchers say that long-term anger and hostility between partners is much more dangerous for women than men and can imp

3、air our immune system and put us at risk for depression, high blood pressure and even heart disease. In a study published in the current issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry, Dr. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser and her colleagues at Ohio State University recruited 42 healthy couples who had been marrie

4、d an average of 12 years to spend two 24-hour stretches in a hospital research unit. On the first visit, the couples were encouraged to be loving and supportive of each other. On the second visit, they talked about their areas of conflict. On each visit, a special vacuum tube created blister wounds

5、on their arms that were monitored for healing. The most hostile couples took an average of a day longer to heal. “Hostile marital interactions really enhance production of stress hormones, especially for women,“ Kiecolt-Glaser says. “And immune change is greater for women than for men.“ What makes w

6、omen so vulnerable to a husband“s hostility? Kiecolt-Glaser, a professor of psychiatry and psychology, says women remember both positive and negative interactions more than men because they“re generally more aware of the emotional content of a relationship. Women have larger and broader social netwo

7、rks than men, she says, and they“re more sensitive to “adverse events“ in their networksa friend, a child, or a sister in trouble. That sensitivity is especially acute when it comes to their most intimate relationship, with their husband. A common laboratory strategy for studying marriage, Kiecolt-G

8、laser says, is to watch couples talk about a disagreement and then have each partner rate their own and their spouse“s behavior. “Women“s ratings of the behavior are much closer to the outside observer“s codings of hostility than men“s,“ she says. “Men simply don“t see it.“ Long-term unhappy marriag

9、es have serious health consequences. In another study published earlier this year in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and San Diego State University looked at data from more than 400 healthy women who were followed for 13 years before and after menopau

10、se. They found that marital dissatisfaction tripled a woman“s chances of having metabolic syndrome, a group of heart-risk factors. Only widows were more likely to have metabolic syndrome than the unhappy wives; even divorced and single women had better health-risk profiles. What should you take away

11、 from all this? Kiecolt-Glaser says couples should learn to keep hostility in check. “When relationships are stressed,“ she says, “you see a “tit for tat“ kind of behavior where things really escalate. The most important thing is to cut that off early.“(分数:20.00)(1).The marital status of the celebri

12、ties is mentioned in the beginning to show _(分数:4.00)A.how popular divorce is among famous peopleB.how hostility between partners might end up in divorceC.that divorce has become less popular even among celebritiesD.that divorce may be a better option than bad marriages(2).The objective of Dr. Kieco

13、lt-Glaser“s research is to find out _(分数:4.00)A.whether bad marriages damage women“s immune systemB.how hostile marital relationship can best be handledC.what has caused tension between husbands and wivesD.why long-term anger hurts women without hurting their husbands(3).What Dr. Kiecolt Glaser says

14、 at the end of the third paragraph means that _(分数:4.00)A.men are as rational as outsiders when dealing With marital problemsB.an outside observer knows better when hostility arisesC.women are more sensitive to hostile feelings than men areD.women are particularly sensitive to their husbands“ extram

15、arital relationship(4).Which of the following groups of women are most vulnerable to the metabolic syndrome?(分数:4.00)A.Divorced women.B.Widows.C.Unhappy wives.D.Single women.(5).What advice does Dr. Kiecolt-Glaser give to unhappy wives?(分数:4.00)A.Obtain a divorce.B.Take no notice of any hostility.C.

16、Express bad feelings directly.D.Avoid straightforward confrontation.四、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:20.00)If I could guarantee one thing in life it would be changethe fact that it will happen even when we resist it. It is the constant motion in our lives and its power should not be taken lightly or underestimated

17、. Change is personal, change is powerful. Think about the magnitude of the word when we talk about changing ourselves. Your desire to change may come from wanting to improve yourself in some way from the inside out. I am certainly glad when I hear this from people, because at our very core there is

18、always work to be done. Maybe it“s about healing ourselves from a broken heart or replenishing our soul when a painful situation has left us feeling mentally, physically or spiritually depleted. Maybe it“s just that deep-down desire to be kinder to ourselves, for ourselves to treat ourselves better.

19、 Things that sound easy to change can actually be the hardest things we“ve ever done, and because of this it“s important to internalize the changes we want to make by journaling and writing down our goals. We say we“re going to be more in touch with family or be more positive, but how many times hav

20、e these regular conversations remained just that conversations, insignificant words that could have been powerful if we had backed up our talk with a timeline for change? I“m talking about living a life where our words become the framework for positive actionsa life in which we stop wishing for a be

21、tter job or more time with our children or better bodies, and instead think about what we must do to spur the change for ourselves. The impact that change has on each of us is incredible. The mere one-syllable word causes many of us to become fearfulat just the thought of doing something differently

22、, trying something new or challenging ourselves in ways we never have before. The prospect of changing behaviors and thoughts that have stifled our progress should be something that we welcome. In casual conversations many people tell me they welcome changebut behind closed doors they admit they“re

23、terrified. They are afraid of the realization that what they are doing today could be altered dramatically in a mere twenty-four hours. I can say with confidence that change has such an impact on our lives simply because it is a universal element that we all must confront. Each moment of the day we

24、are consciously and subconsciously taking in new information and reprocessing old information in our brains. This constant influx and exchange has the ability to alter the way we view situations in our lives. Perhaps we have changed a belief or come to terms with something, or maybe we now disagree

25、with someone because, as they tell us, we“ve “changed.“ The transformation is brought on by something that resonates with us or encourages us to consider a new perspective. When this happens, it“s a real breakthrough, isn“t it!(分数:20.00)(1).The text is mainly about _(分数:4.00)A.what impact changes ca

26、n have on usB.why it is difficult to change ourselves in lifeC.how to create successful changes in lifeD.where we can find confidence in life(2).The author suggests that it is time to seek a change when _(分数:4.00)A.we find ourselves stuck in a situationB.we realize the magnitude of the wordC.there i

27、s a constant motion in our lifeD.there are too many difficulties ahead of us(3).In advocating changes, the author attaches more importance to _(分数:4.00)A.wordsB.actionC.goalsD.feelings(4).It is implied that one of the inherent characteristics of change is the _(分数:4.00)A.inconsistency in attitude to

28、wards lifeB.progress towards a better lifeC.fear for the unknownD.transformation of an undesirable habit(5).We change ourselves primarily because we are able to _(分数:4.00)A.think clearly about past thingsB.answer an innate call to go aheadC.receive and reprocess informationD.endure and then get rid

29、of pains五、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:20.00)In 1981 Kenji Urada, a Japanese factory worker, climbed over a safety fence at a Kawasaki plant to carry out some maintenance work on a robot. In his haste, he failed to switch the robot off properly. Unable to sense him, the robot“s powerful hydraulic arm kept on wor

30、king and accidentally pushed the engineer into a grinding machine. His death made Urada the first recorded victim to die at the hands of a robot. This gruesome industrial accident would not have happened in a world in which robot behaviour was governed by the Three Laws of Robotics drawn up by Isaac

31、 Asimov, a science fiction writer. The laws appeared in I, Robot, a book of short stories published in 1950 that inspired a recent Hollywood film. But decades later the laws, designed to prevent robots from harming people either through action or inaction, remain in the realm of fiction. Indeed, des

32、pite the introduction of improved safety mechanisms, robots have claimed many more victims since 1981. With robots now poised to emerge from their industrial cages and to move into homes and workplaces, roboticists are concerned about the safety implications beyond the factory floor. To address thes

33、e concerns, leading robot experts have come together to try to find ways to prevent robots from harming people. Inspired by the Pugwash Conferencesan international group of scientists, academics and activists founded in 1957 to campaign for the non-proliferation of nuclear weaponsthe new group of ro

34、bo-ethicists met earlier this year in Genoa, Italy, and announced their initial findings in March at the meeting. Should robots that are strong enough or heavy enough to crush people be allowed into homes? Is “system malfunction“ a justifiable defence for a robotic fighter plane that violates the Ge

35、neva Convention and mistakenly fires on innocent civilians? These questions may seem esoteric but in the next few years they will become increasingly relevant. According to the UN Economic Commission for Europe“s World Robotics Survey, in 2002 the number of domestic and service robots more than trip

36、led, nearly outstripping their industrial counterparts. By the end of 2003 there were more than 600,000 robot vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers. In light of all this, it is crucial that we start to think about safety and ethical guidelines now. Regulating the behaviour of robots is going to become mor

37、e difficult in the future, since they will increasingly have self learning mechanisms built into them, says Gianmarco Veruggio, a roboticist at the Institute of Intelligent Systems for Automation in Genoa, Italy. As a result, their behaviour will become impossible to predict fully, since they will n

38、ot be behaving in predefined ways but will learn new behaviour as they go.(分数:20.00)(1).The word “gruesome“ (Para. 2) probably means _(分数:4.00)A.unexpectedB.roboticC.horribleD.initial(2).By saying that “the Three Laws of Robotics.remain in the realm of fiction“, the author means that _(分数:4.00)A.new

39、 kinds of robots keep cropping up in science fictionsB.filmmakers are still keen on adapting science fictions to moviesC.robots that are based on safety laws are not yet a realityD.today“s science fiction still depicts people dying at robots“ hands(3).The new group of robo-ethicists are like the Pug

40、wash Conferences in that they _(分数:4.00)A.are also concerned about the use of advanced technology in warB.try to coordinate international efforts in coping with robot safetyC.attempt to prevent developing robotic fighter planes for warD.try to prevent widespread use of robots for household work(4).T

41、he newly heightened concern about robot safety is caused by _(分数:4.00)A.the increased number of deaths caused by industrial robotsB.the increased number of domestic and service robotsC.the failure to design safer robots for industrial useD.the lack of regulations in designing and using robots(5).It

42、is difficult to develop safe robots because _(分数:4.00)A.robotic technology has found wide applicationsB.the environment in which robots work is usually dangerousC.different countries have different versions of robotsD.robots do not work only by following instructions六、Text 4(总题数:1,分数:20.00)Higher de

43、mand from developing countries and oil producers is offsetting the lower demand of wealthy countries. Consumption in these countries will rise 3 percent in 2008, or 1.2 million barrels a day, projects the International Energy Agency. Many of these countries subsidize fuel so that final customers are

44、 insulated from price increases. Gasoline is about 25 cents a gallon in Venezuela and about 60 cents in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iran. There“s been a huge transfer of power to oil producers. Even at $100 a barrel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates will earn almost $8 trillion in oil

45、revenues between now and 2020, estimates the McKinsey Global Institute. More troubling are the political implications. “This has really strengthened the Iranians, Russians and Venezuelans to be more provocative in the world,“ says Larry Goldstein of the Energy Policy Research Foundation. Although go

46、vernments control crude supplies, private companies have dominated distribution. Anyone can buy oil at a price. Now oil could become a political commodity, used by governments to cement their alliances, offered to friends at a discount; withheld from rivals. How can we retrieve some of our lost powe

47、r? The first thing is to get out of denial. Stop blaming oil companies, “speculators“ and other scapegoats for a situation not of their making. Next, we need to expand oil and natural-gas drilling in the United States, including Alaska. No, we can“t “drill our way“ out of this problem. But we can au

48、gment oil supplies and lessen price strains on global markets. It might take 10 years or more, because new projects are huge undertakings. But delay will only aggravate our future problems, just as past errors aggravate present problems. Finally, we need to let high prices work. Aside from encouragi

49、ng fuel-efficient vehicles and disciplining driving habits, they may also stimulate development of new biofuels from wood chips, food waste and switch grass. Production costs of these fuels may be in the range of $1 a gallon. If true, that“s well below today“s wholesale gasoline prices. To assure new producers that they wouldn“t be wiped out if oil prices plunged, we should set a floor price for oil of $50 to $80 a barrel, about 40 percent to 60 percent of today“s levels. It“s a worthy idea and can be done with a standby


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