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1、考研英语-711 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Illiteracy may be considered more as an abstract concept than a condition. When a famous English writer used the (1) over two hundred years ago, he was actually (2) to people who could (3) read Greek or Latin. (4) ,it seems unli

2、kely that university examiners had this sort of (5) in mind when they reported on “creeping illiteracy“ in a report on their students final examination in 1988. (6) the years, university lecturers have been (7) of an increasing tendency towards grammatical sloppiness, poor spelling and general impre

3、cision (8) their students ways of writing; and sloppy writing is all (9) often a reflection of sloppy thinking. Their (10) was that they had (11) to do teaching their own subject (12) teaching their undergraduates to write. Some lecturers believe that they have a (n) (13) to stress the importance of

4、 maintaining standards of clear thinking (14) the written word in a world dominated by (15) communications and images. They (16) on the connection between clear thinking and a form of writing that is not only clear, but also sensitive to (17) of meaning. The same lecturers argue that undergraduates

5、appear to be the victims of a “softening process“ that begins (18) the teaching of English in schools, but this point of view has, not (19) , caused a great deal of (20) .(分数:10.00)A.conceptB.conditionC.wordD.ideaA.complainingB.referringC.talkingD.addressingA.clearlyB.merelyC.fairlyD.barelyA.Therefo


7、byB.asC.forD.viaA.verbalB.visualC.oralD.factualA.focusB.pressC.elaborateD.insistA.accuracyB.appropriatenessC.subtletiesD.differencesA.byB.withC.throughD.forA.surprisinglyB.overwhelminglyC.exaggeratinglyD.unknowinglyA.appraisalB.admirationC.perplexityD.controversy二、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、

8、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Last November, engineers in the healthcare division of GE unveiled something called the “Light- Speed VCT“, a scanner that can create a startlingly good three-dimensional image of a beating heart. This spring Staples, an American office-supplies retailer,

9、 will stock its shelves with a gadget called a “wordlock“, a padlock that uses words instead of numbers. The connection? In each case, the firms customers have played a big part in designing the product.How does innovation happen? The familiar story involves scientist in academic institutes and R th

10、ey license it. The profit margin on a software license is nearly 100 percent, which is why Microsoft gushes billions of dollars every quarter.But whats the value of a license to a customer? A license doesnt deliver the code, provide the utilities to get a piece of software running, or answer the pho

11、ne when something inevitably goes wrong. The value of software, in short, doesnt lie in the software alone. The value is in making sure the soft- ware does its job. Just as a traveler should look at the overall price of a vacation package instead of obsessing over the price of the plane ticket or ho

12、tel mom, a smart tech buyer wont focus on how much the license costs and ignore the support contract or the maintenance agreement.Open-source is not that different. If you want the software to work, you have to pay to ensure it will work. The open-source companies have refined the software model by

13、selling subscriptions. They roll together support and maintenance and charge an annual fee, which is a healthy model, though not quite as wonderful as Microsofts money-raking one. Tellingly, even Microsoft is casting an envious eye at aspects of the open-source business model. The company has been t

14、aking halting steps toward a similar subscription scheme for its software sales. Microsofts subscription program, known as Soft- ware Assurance, provides maintenance and support together with a software license. It lets you up- grade to Microsofts next version of the software for a predictable sum.

15、But it also contains an implicit threat: If you dont switch to Software Assurance now, who knows how much Microsoft will charge you when you decide to upgrade?Chief information officers hate this kind of *assurance“, since theyre often perfectly happy running older versions of software that are prov

16、en and stable. Microsoft, on the other hand, rakes in the software-licensing fees only when customers upgrade. Software Assurance is Microsofts attempt to get those same licensing fees but wrap them together with the service and support needed to keep systems running. Thats why Microsoft finds the o

17、pen-source model so threatening: open-source companies have no vested interest in getting more licensing fees and dont have to pad their service contracts with that extra cost. In the end, the main difference between open-source and proprietary software companies may be the size of the check you hav

18、e to write.(分数:10.00)(1).The author used the example of a traveler (Para. 3) to show that(分数:2.00)A.the value of software should be considered as a whole.B.tech buyers should care little about license.C.a license doesnt comprise support and maintenance.D.customers have to pay a lot to get a license.

19、(2).Which of the following seems to be the overall attitude of Microsoft toward subscription plan?(分数:2.00)A.Eager.B.Doubtful.C.Confident.D.Hesitant.(3).According to the passage Microsoft(分数:2.00)A.operates a better sales system.B.uses open-source business model as a reference.C.forces tech buyers t

20、o upgrade the software.D.charges an annual fee for the service and support.(4).“That extra cost“(Line 7, Para. 5) probably refers to(分数:2.00)A.software-licensing fees.B.total cost of a software product.C.payment for service contracts.D.the charge for subscription.(5).Which of the following is true a

21、bout Microsoft?(分数:2.00)A.It disgusts many chief information officers.B.It has developed its own open-source software.C.Its new program requires its customers pay in advance.D.It envies open-source companies for their great profits.七、Text 4(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Niall FitzGerald would have liked to leave U

22、nilever in a blaze of glory when he retires at the end of September. The co-chief executive of the Anglo-Dutch consumer-goods group was one of the godfathers of Unilevers “Path to Growth“ strategy of focusing on its brands, which was launched five years ago. But the plan failed to deliver on many of

23、 its promises. On September 20th, Unilever warned that it would not report its promised double-digit growth in profits this year.It is a tough time for producers of branded consumer goods. Unilever and its competitors have to cope with pressure on prices and stiff competition from supermarkets own b

24、rands. Colgate-Palmolive warned of lower profits on the same day. Nestle recently disappointed investors with its latest results. Even so, Unilever admits the bulk of its troubles are self-inflicted. The “Path to Growth“ strategy aimed to make the firm more efficient. Unilever saved about 4 billion

25、euro ( $ 4.9 billion) in costs over the past five years and reduced its portfolio of brands from 1,600 to some 450. But it still failed to meet its targets for profit and sales, reporting a sales decline of 0.7% for the second quarter of this year.Andrew Wood at Sanford Bernstein, an investment-rese

26、arch firm, thinks the main problem is under-investment in advertising and marketing, an infatuation with brands and unrealistic performance targets. Unilever cut its ad and marketing expenditure at the worst moment, says Mr. Wood. Com- moditised products are especially: vulnerable to the onslaught o

27、f retailers own brands. In margarine, for instance, retailers own brands now capture as much as one-fifth of the market. Unilever also over-extended some successful brands, for instance Bertollis olive oils and pasta sauces. According to Mr. Wood, Unilever can sustainably grow its business about 3%

28、a year; it was shooting for 5-6%.Unilevers chief financial officer (CFO) counters that consumers look for a product and then buy a brand, so his firm needs to focus on brands. Unilever intends to step up its marketing efforts, although ad spending is supposed to remain at current levels. At present,

29、 Unilever spends 14.5% of sales on ads. But even the CFO admits the company has “issues of competitiveness“. After seven quarters of disappointing performance, it needs to regain credibility with investors. Over the next few months, management will rethink its strategy for the next five-year plan. P

30、atrick Cescau, a Frenchman who will take over from Mr. FitzGerald, is inheriting a tricky legacy.(分数:10.00)(1).Which of the following about “Path to Growth“ strategy is true?(分数:2.00)A.It is hard to carry out.B.It has a glorious history.C.It underlines Unilevers brands.D.it brings high growth.(2).Ac

31、cording to the passage, Niall FitzGerald(分数:2.00)A.is an incompetent leader.B.will retire with great honor.C.will become Patricks predecessor.D.is one of Unilevers founders.(3).In the eyes of Unilever, its troubles mainly lie in(分数:2.00)A.fierce competition,B.its inefficiency.C.the depressing sales.

32、D.its strategy.(4).We can learn from the last paragraph that Patrick Cescau(分数:2.00)A.will abandon the focus on brands.B.will face a tough situation.C.will acquaint himself with tricky tactics.D.will hold on “Path to Growth“ strategy.(5).Unilevers CFO thinks that Woods comments are(分数:2.00)A.not unr

33、ealistic,B.generally acceptable.C.short of logic.D.basically erroneous.八、Part B(总题数:1,分数:10.00) A In our time women have an average lifespan of almost 80 years; double of what it was in the last century. Motherhood can be postponed and in theory marriage can be postponed. Women in the USA are studyi

34、ng more than men and they may become main breadwinner in the near future. B Many women go through life thinking, consciously or unconsciously, that a man will solve all their problems, “Once we are married, everything will be OK.“ This attitude only set us up for failure. Men are not princes ready t

35、o take any challenge to rescue the princesses, they are human beings with their own needs and fears. C Carrie was wondering in her bedroom about the comment that her friend, New York socialite Charlotte York, made “Women want to be rescued.“ Carrie wonders, “Is that true? Is that the only thing wome

36、n want? Rescued by whom? If the prince did not kiss Snow White, would she have been frozen forever or would she have woken up anyway and moved on?“ Snow White probably had no other chance, but we do. D No wonder our society has changed. On the other hand, our values have not changed fast enough and

37、many women, more so Hispanic women, are just waiting to be rescued by the prince. These women have not realized, they no longer need to be rescued; they need a man for other reasons, not to take care of them. E Women in our society have so many options that we do not need anybody else to rescue us;

38、we are the only ones that can rescue ourselves. If you have areas Of your life that you want to improve, go ahead; do it for you and for you only, or accept yourself as you are. Do not be so naive that you think someone else can take care of all your problems. Life does not work like that. Live life

39、 to the fullest, be happy with who you are and you will see that if you are happy with yourself, you will make others happy, including your man. F Our society has changed in a remarkable way in the last 50 years or so. And there are many reasons for it. At the beginning of the 20th century womens li

40、fe span was about 40 years. There- fore, life needed to start earlier if a woman were going to live for only 40 years; motherhood was a priority. Men used to work and women stayed at home and took care of them and their kids. Women could not survive without a man; women needed to be rescued. G Women

41、 are caregivers. We are strong and smart and we have the ability to take care of ourselves; we do not need to be rescued by anyone. When we are giving our power to others in exchange for security, we are also giving up our freedom. Are you waiting to be rescued? Do you ever think like that?Order:(分数

42、:10.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_九、Part C(总题数:1,分数:10.00)For more than 40 years, a controlling insight in my educational philosophy has been the recognition that no one has ever been - no one can be - educated in school or college.46) That would be the case if our schools and colleges were

43、at their very best, which they certainly are not, and even if the students were among the best and the brightest as well as conscientious in the application of their powers.The reason is simply that youth itself - immaturity - is an unconquerable obstacle to becoming educated. Schooling is for the y

44、oung. Education comes later, usually much later. 47) The very best thing for our schools to do is to prepare the young for continued learning in later life by giving them the skills of learning and the love of it. Our schools and colleges are not doing that now, but that is what they should be doing

45、.48) To speak of an educated young person or of a wise young person, rich in the understanding of basic ideas and issues is as much a contradiction in terms as to speak of a round square. The young can be prepared for education in the years to come, but only mature men and women can become educated,

46、 beginning the process of their 40s and 50s and reaching some amount of genuine insight, sound judgment and practical wisdom after they have turned 60.This is what no high school or college graduates know or can understand. As a matter of fact, most of their teachers do not seem to know it. 49) In t

47、heir obsession with covering ground and in the way in which they test or examine their students, they certainly do not act as if they understood that they were only preparing their students for education in later life rather than trying to complete it within the realms of their institutions.There is

48、, of course, some truth in the ancient insight that awareness of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom. But, remember, it is just the beginning. From there on one has to do something about it. 50) And to do it intelligently one must know something of its muses and cures - why adults need education and what, if anything, they can do about it.(分数:10.00)_


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