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1、英语翻译基础(英汉互译)-试卷 17 及答案解析(总分:12.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.汉译英(分数:2.00)_2.大陆和台湾同属一个中国。中国是两岸同胞的中国,是两岸同胞的共同家园。任何制造所谓“台湾独立”、“两个中国”、“一中一台”的分裂图谋和行为,均为两岸同胞所反对。两岸“三通”,是两岸同胞共同利益之所在,也是两岸交往不断扩大的必然要求,不应受到任何人为因素和政治因素的阻碍。我们希望尽快实现两岸全面“三通”,以开创两岸经济合作新局面,造福于两岸同胞。(分数:2.00)_3.全会提出:着力保障和改善民生,必须逐步完善符合国情、比较完整、覆


3、党委和政府一定要高度重视,科学规划,加大投入,精心组织,全力抓好。要切实安排好受灾群众基本生活,抓紧制定和实施灾后恢复重建规划,全面抓好各项生产特别是农业生产,帮助受灾群众重建家园,促进灾区经济社会全面发展。要坚持兴利除害结合、防灾减灾并重、治标治本兼顾、政府社会协同,尽快启动水利重点薄弱环节工程建设,加快建立地质灾害易发区调查评价体系、监测预警体系、防治体系、应急体系,提高对自然灾害的综合防范和抵御能力。(分数:2.00)_5.解决 13 亿人的问题,不能靠别人,只能靠自己。中华人民共和国成立以来,我们的建设取得了很大成就,同时也走了一些弯路,失去了一些机遇。从 1978 年开始改革开放,我

4、们终于找到了一条发展自己的正确道路。这就是:中国人民独立自主地建设中国特色的社会主义。 这条道路的精髓,就是调动一切积极因素,解放和发展生产力,尊重和保障中国人民追求幸福的自由。中国的改革开放,从农村到城市,从经济领域到政治、文化、社会领域。它的每一步深入,说到底,都是为了放手让一切劳动、知识、技术、管理和资本的活力竞相进发,让一切创造社会财富的源泉充分涌流。(分数:2.00)_6.半个多世纪前,我们的先辈曾经聚集在一起,建立了联合国。58 年来,联合国在维护世界和地区和平,推动人类进步发展方面的成就有目共睹。联合国宪章中“彼此以善邻之道,和睦相处”,“促成大自由中之社会进步及较善之民生”等精

5、神,已被国际社会广泛认同。(分数:2.00)_英语翻译基础(英汉互译)-试卷 17 答案解析(总分:12.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.汉译英(分数:2.00)_解析:2.大陆和台湾同属一个中国。中国是两岸同胞的中国,是两岸同胞的共同家园。任何制造所谓“台湾独立”、“两个中国”、“一中一台”的分裂图谋和行为,均为两岸同胞所反对。两岸“三通”,是两岸同胞共同利益之所在,也是两岸交往不断扩大的必然要求,不应受到任何人为因素和政治因素的阻碍。我们希望尽快实现两岸全面“三通”,以开创两岸经济合作新局面,造福于两岸同胞。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答

6、案: Both the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China. China is the common homeland of compatriots on both sides of the Straits. Any separatist attempt and action aimed at cooking up “ Taiwan independence ,“ “two Chinas,“ and “one China, one Taiwan“ will be opposed by people on both sides of the Strai

7、ts. The “three direct links“ accords with the common interests of the people across the Straits. It is the inevitable requirement of constantly expanding cross-Straits contacts and should not be hampered by any artificial or political factors. We hope to realize the “three direct links“ at an early

8、date and across the board, so as to open up a new situation for cross-Straits economic cooperation and benefit compatriots on both sides of the Straits.)解析:3.全会提出:着力保障和改善民生,必须逐步完善符合国情、比较完整、覆盖城乡、可持续的基本公共服务体系,提高政府保障能力,推进基本公共服务均等化。要加强社会建设、建立健全基本公共服务体系,促进就业和构建和谐劳动关系,合理调整收入分配关系,努力提高居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重、劳动报酬在初

9、次分配中的比重,健全覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系,加快医疗卫生事业改革发展,全面做好人口工作,加强和创新社会管理,正确处理人民内部矛盾,切实维护社会和谐稳定。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: The plenum called for ensuring and improving people“ s livelihoods by gradually perfecting the fundamental public service system that should be working in line with China“ s overall situation, relativ

10、ely comprehensive, covering urban and rural areas, and sustainable; by enhancing the government “ s capacity for safeguarding people“ s livelihoods; and by promoting equal fundamental public services. Efforts should also be made to reinforce social construction and establish and improve a fundamenta

11、l public service system, to promote employment and harmonious labor relations, to reasonably adjust income distribution, to increase the ratio of people“ s incomes to the national income and the ratio of workers“ incomes in the primary distribution of national income, to perfect the social security

12、system that covers urban and rural residents, to accelerate the reform and development of the healthcare sector, to do a good job in population management, to enhance and innovate in social management, to properly handle contradictions among the people, and to take concrete measures to secure social

13、 harmony and stability.)解析:4.今年以来,我国连续发生严重自然灾害,给受灾地区群众生产生活造成严重影响。在各部门各地区共同努力下,抗灾救灾工作取得了显著成绩。当前,安置受灾群众、开展灾后恢复重建工作很繁重,中央有关部门、受灾地区各级党委和政府一定要高度重视,科学规划,加大投入,精心组织,全力抓好。要切实安排好受灾群众基本生活,抓紧制定和实施灾后恢复重建规划,全面抓好各项生产特别是农业生产,帮助受灾群众重建家园,促进灾区经济社会全面发展。要坚持兴利除害结合、防灾减灾并重、治标治本兼顾、政府社会协同,尽快启动水利重点薄弱环节工程建设,加快建立地质灾害易发区调查评价体系、监

14、测预警体系、防治体系、应急体系,提高对自然灾害的综合防范和抵御能力。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: The country was hit by a wave of serious natural disasters from the beginning of this year, which have caused grave damage to the lives of people in the disaster-hit areas. With joint efforts of various departments and localities, remarkable pr

15、ogress has been made in the relief and rescue processes. At present, the country still faces arduous tasks of helping the resettlement of affected residents and rebuilding the disaster-hit areas. Relevant departments of the central government and all levels of the CPC units and government offices in

16、 the disaster-hit areas should pay high attention to these tasks. They should scientifically plan, increase input in, meticulously organize, and seriously carry out recovery efforts. They should tend to the affected people“ s basic living needs, speed up drafting and implementation of reconstruction

17、 plans, help bring the local economy, especially agricultural production, back on track, help the affected people rebuild homes, and facilitate social and economic development. During the reconstruction, they must continuously combine improvements with reductions in damage, balance disaster preventi

18、on and reduction efforts, tackle problems at root and at surface, and join government and social efforts. Programs to address the weaknesses of water resources projects should be started as soon as possible. Efforts should also be sped up to establish risk assessment systems, monitoring networks, an

19、d disaster prevention and emergency response systems in disaster-prone areas, in a bid to strengthen the country“ s comprehensive ability to head off and deal with natural disasters.)解析:5.解决 13 亿人的问题,不能靠别人,只能靠自己。中华人民共和国成立以来,我们的建设取得了很大成就,同时也走了一些弯路,失去了一些机遇。从 1978 年开始改革开放,我们终于找到了一条发展自己的正确道路。这就是:中国人民独立自

20、主地建设中国特色的社会主义。 这条道路的精髓,就是调动一切积极因素,解放和发展生产力,尊重和保障中国人民追求幸福的自由。中国的改革开放,从农村到城市,从经济领域到政治、文化、社会领域。它的每一步深入,说到底,都是为了放手让一切劳动、知识、技术、管理和资本的活力竞相进发,让一切创造社会财富的源泉充分涌流。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: We can rely on no one except ourselves to resolve the problems facing our 1. 3 billion people. Since the founding of the Peopl

21、e“ s Republic, we have achieved much in our national reconstruction; at the same time we have made a few detours and missed some opportunities. By 1978, with the adoption of the reform and opening-up policies, we had ultimately found the right path of developmentthe Chinese people“ s path of indepen

22、dently building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The essence of this path is to mobilize all positive factors, emancipate and develop the productive forces, and respect and protect the freedom of the Chinese people to pursue happiness. China“ s reform and opening-up have spread from rural are

23、as to the cities, from the economic field to the political, cultural and social arenas. Each and every step forward is designed, in the final analysis, to release the gushing vitality of labor, knowledge, technology, managerial expertise and capital, and allow all sources of social wealth to flow to

24、 the fullest extent.)解析:6.半个多世纪前,我们的先辈曾经聚集在一起,建立了联合国。58 年来,联合国在维护世界和地区和平,推动人类进步发展方面的成就有目共睹。联合国宪章中“彼此以善邻之道,和睦相处”,“促成大自由中之社会进步及较善之民生”等精神,已被国际社会广泛认同。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Over half a century ago, our forefathers worked together to give birth to the United Nations. The past 58 years witnessed the organi

25、zation“ s notable accomplishments in preserving peace in regions and around the world and promoting human development and progress. The spirit of the UN Charter, characterized by such words as “to live together in peace with one another as good neighbors“ and “to promote social progress and better standards of life in large freedom“ , has been widely accepted in the international community.)解析:


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