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1、英语翻译基础(英汉互译)-试卷 28 及答案解析(总分:12.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.汉译英(分数:2.00)_2.化石发现 正当今日中国的面貌被现代化和经济改革改变的时候,中国的科学家却在发掘远在人类出现以前古代的一些遗迹。 中国东北辽宁省被证实埋藏有丰富的古化石。在这些令人惊奇的发现中有一种被称作“中华龙鸟”的古生物,可能有着史前恐龙与现代鸟类之间的基因联系;还有迄今为止所发现的最占老的两栖类动物化石,一棵古老的果树残余以及世界上最古老的花。 毫不奇怪,辽宁省现在吸引了世界各地许多杰出的研究人员。这里发现的化石为深入研究地球这一行星的历史

2、提供了激动人心的新视角。(分数:2.00)_3.太空孩子 当美国国家宇航局 STS 一 107 号航天飞机呼啸着升人太空时,它将携带一项由一个中国小学生设计的实验。 一项被称作“超新星”的科教普及计划,鼓励世界各地的学生提出他们希望看到的、在航天飞机上进行的实验方案。 在中国的中小学生提出的 1000 多项建议中,北京一个小学五年级学生提出的构想被选中。他的“微重力对家蚕的影响”的实验将在互联网上转播。“超新星”计划的目的是增加学生在科学方面的兴趣,在中国肯定产生了这样的作用。(分数:2.00)_4.地理发现 中国科学家发现了可能是世界上最大、最深、最高的大峡谷。 该大峡谷叫做雅鲁藏布大峡谷,

3、长 300 多英里,穿过喜马拉雅山直到中印边界,平均深度约达 7000 英尺湍急的水流、茂密的森林和森然的峭壁,是这个原始地区的特征。 专家们认为这个大峡谷是 20 世纪末最伟大的地理发现之一,它在科学上的重要性可与美国大峡谷相提并论。 10 月 18 日,一支由 50 多名研究人员组成的跨学科考察队开始首次穿越这一过去无人知晓的地区。(分数:2.00)_5.化学和生物武器从技术上说几乎是完全不同的。化学武器是可以以水蒸汽、烟雾浮起或液体状态传播的剧毒合成物。反之,生物武器则是能引起疾病的活体微生物或是以空气悬浮物形式传播、可被人体吸人的最有效的毒素(即从活的生物体中所提炼出的致命化学品)。化


5、战斗升级激化。而对恐怖组织来说,有技术能力的往往缺乏使用的兴趣,对生化武器有兴趣的却又缺乏必要的技术能力。 然而,评估未来的危险不能简单地从过去推知。敌对国家及恐怖组织使用生化武器的可能性在不断增加,而且毫无保护的人群哪怕遭受一次这样的袭击,其后果也显然是毁灭性的。(分数:2.00)_英语翻译基础(英汉互译)-试卷 28 答案解析(总分:12.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.汉译英(分数:2.00)_解析:2.化石发现 正当今日中国的面貌被现代化和经济改革改变的时候,中国的科学家却在发掘远在人类出现以前古代的一些遗迹。 中国东北辽宁省被证实埋藏有丰富

6、的古化石。在这些令人惊奇的发现中有一种被称作“中华龙鸟”的古生物,可能有着史前恐龙与现代鸟类之间的基因联系;还有迄今为止所发现的最占老的两栖类动物化石,一棵古老的果树残余以及世界上最古老的花。 毫不奇怪,辽宁省现在吸引了世界各地许多杰出的研究人员。这里发现的化石为深入研究地球这一行星的历史提供了激动人心的新视角。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Fossil Findings Even as present-day China is being transformed by modernization and economic reform, Chinese scientists a

7、re unearthing the remains of a much earlier time, a time long before the human race first appeared. Liaoning Province, in northeast China, has proven to have rich source of ancient fossils. A-mong the amazing discoveries found there is the so-called “ Chinese Dragon Bird,“ a creature that may be the

8、 genetic link between prehistoric dinosaurs and modern-day birds; the oldest fossilized amphibian ever recovered the remnants of an ancient fruit tree; and the world“ s oldest flower. Not surprisingly, Liaoning Province now attracts leading researchers from around the world. The fossils found there

9、are providing dramatic new insights into the history of Planet Earth.)解析:3.太空孩子 当美国国家宇航局 STS 一 107 号航天飞机呼啸着升人太空时,它将携带一项由一个中国小学生设计的实验。 一项被称作“超新星”的科教普及计划,鼓励世界各地的学生提出他们希望看到的、在航天飞机上进行的实验方案。 在中国的中小学生提出的 1000 多项建议中,北京一个小学五年级学生提出的构想被选中。他的“微重力对家蚕的影响”的实验将在互联网上转播。“超新星”计划的目的是增加学生在科学方面的兴趣,在中国肯定产生了这样的作用。(分数:2.00

10、)_正确答案:(正确答案: Space Kids As NASA Space Shuttle mission STS-107 roars into the sky, it will carry aloft an experiment designed by a Chinese elementary school student. An educational outreach program known by the acronym S-T-A-R-S encourages students from around the world to submit descriptions of exp

11、eriments they“ d like to see conducted aboard the Space Shuttle. Out of 1,000 suggestions made by Chinese, elementary and high school students, the proposal submitted by a fifth grade student from Beijing was chosen. His experiment, a study of the effect micro-gravity has on silk-wonus, will be tele

12、cast “live“ over the Internet. The goal of the S-T-A-R-S program is to increase students“ interests in science. It“ s certainly had that impact in China.)解析:4.地理发现 中国科学家发现了可能是世界上最大、最深、最高的大峡谷。 该大峡谷叫做雅鲁藏布大峡谷,长 300 多英里,穿过喜马拉雅山直到中印边界,平均深度约达 7000 英尺湍急的水流、茂密的森林和森然的峭壁,是这个原始地区的特征。 专家们认为这个大峡谷是 20 世纪末最伟大的地理发现

13、之一,它在科学上的重要性可与美国大峡谷相提并论。 10 月 18 日,一支由 50 多名研究人员组成的跨学科考察队开始首次穿越这一过去无人知晓的地区。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Geological Discovery Chinese scientists have discovered what may well be the largest, deepest and highest gorge in the world. Called Yarlung Zangbo Gorge, this massive gorge extends more than 300 miles,

14、through the Himalayas; to near Sino-Indian border. The average depth is about 7, 000 feet . . . Churning, fast flowing water, along with dense forests and steep cliffs, characterize this wild region. Experts have termed this gorge one of the greatest geographic discoveries of the late 20th century ,

15、 equal in scientific importance to America“ s Grand Canyon. On October 18th, a cross-disciplinary team of more than 50 researchers began the first-ever trek through this previously unknown territory.)解析:5.化学和生物武器从技术上说几乎是完全不同的。化学武器是可以以水蒸汽、烟雾浮起或液体状态传播的剧毒合成物。反之,生物武器则是能引起疾病的活体微生物或是以空气悬浮物形式传播、可被人体吸人的最有效的

16、毒素(即从活的生物体中所提炼出的致命化学品)。化学武器需要类似喷雾器或爆炸性装置的散播系统。一旦在毫无保护的人群中散播开来,化学武器可迅速起作用,并在几秒钟或几分钟内使受害人群出现明显症状。大多数化学武器具有特殊气味,并可用肉眼分辨。化学武器的作用取决于一系列因素,包括毒剂剂量,受害人接触毒剂时间的长短及可获得的保护或医疗措施,所以接触了化学毒剂并不一定都会致命。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Technologically, chemical and biological weapons are almost entirely different. Chemical weapon

17、s are highly toxic poisonous, manufactured substances that can be disseminated as vapors, aerosols, or liquids. Biological weapons, on the other hand, are living, disease-causing microorganisms or toxins which, in their most effective form, are disseminated as aerosols that are inhaled. Chemical wea

18、pons require a dissemination system, such as a sprayer or explosive device. Once released against an unprotected population, chemical weapons tend to function quickly and can produce noticeable symptoms within an affected group in a matter of seconds or minutes. Most chemical weapons have a distinct

19、ive odor and can be seen in the atmosphere. Exposure to a chemical warfare agent is not necessarily fatal, since the effects of chemical weapons depend on a wide range of factors , including dose, the length of time a person is exposed, the level of protection a person has, and whether medical treat

20、ment is available.)解析:6.大多数专家认为,越来越多的国家和恐怖组织会在技术上具备获得并使用生化武器的能力。但敌对国家或恐怖组织使用这些武器的情况并不是不可避免的。即使在血淋淋的常规战争中打得难分难解,那些动过念头的国家也不敢轻易使用这些武器,他们担心敌人会以牙还牙地报复或在其他地方使战斗升级激化。而对恐怖组织来说,有技术能力的往往缺乏使用的兴趣,对生化武器有兴趣的却又缺乏必要的技术能力。 然而,评估未来的危险不能简单地从过去推知。敌对国家及恐怖组织使用生化武器的可能性在不断增加,而且毫无保护的人群哪怕遭受一次这样的袭击,其后果也显然是毁灭性的。(分数:2.00)_正确答案

21、:(正确答案: Most experts believe that an ever-increasing number of countries and terrorist groups will gain the technical capability to acquire and use chemical and biological weapons. But use of these weapons by hostile states or terrorist groups is not inevitable. Even when locked in bloody convention

22、al wars, nations that have considered using these weapons have generally been deterred by the risk that their opponents would retaliate in kind or escalate the conflict elsewhere. Terrorist groups with the technical capacity to acquire and use a chemical or biological weapon have typically lacked an

23、 interest in doing so, while groups interested in such weapons have generally lacked the necessary technical skills. Assessing future threats, however, involves more than simple extrapolation from past trends. In the case of chemical and biological weapons, it appears that the likelihood of use by both hostile states and terrorist groups is growing, and it is clear that even one such attack against an unprotected population could be devastating.)解析:


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