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1、英语翻译基础(英汉互译)-试卷 7 及答案解析(总分:12.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.汉译英(分数:2.00)_2.中国新民主主义革命的胜利和社会主义事业的成就,都是中国共产党领导中国各族人民,在马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想的指引下,坚持真理,修正错误,战胜许多艰难险阻而取得的。今后国家的根本任务是集中力量进行社会主义现代化建设。中国各族人民将继续在中国共产党领导下,在马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想指引下,坚持人民民主专政,坚持社会主义道路,不断完善社会主义的各项制度,发展社会主义民主,健全社会主义法制,自力更生,艰苦奋斗,逐步实现工业、农业、国防和




5、将坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,继续加强同发展中国家的团结合作,同它们一道维护发展中国家正当合理的权益。同时,我们要进一步致力于稳定周边、巩固睦邻友好。我们还将不断地充实与各个大国已经建立或正在建立的未来关系框架的内涵。我们将更积极地参与国际事务和各种多边外交活动,坚决反对霸权主义、强权政治,推动在世界上建立公平合理、平等互利的国际政治、经济新秩序。(分数:2.00)_英语翻译基础(英汉互译)-试卷 7 答案解析(总分:12.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.汉译英(分数:2.00)_解析:2.中国新民主主义革命的胜利和社会主义事业的成就,都是

6、中国共产党领导中国各族人民,在马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想的指引下,坚持真理,修正错误,战胜许多艰难险阻而取得的。今后国家的根本任务是集中力量进行社会主义现代化建设。中国各族人民将继续在中国共产党领导下,在马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想指引下,坚持人民民主专政,坚持社会主义道路,不断完善社会主义的各项制度,发展社会主义民主,健全社会主义法制,自力更生,艰苦奋斗,逐步实现工业、农业、国防和科学技术的现代化,把我国建设成为高度文明、高度民主的社会主义国家。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Both the victory in China“ s New Democratic Revolutio

7、n and the successes in its socialist cause have been achieved by the Chinese people of all nationalities, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the guidance of Marxism and Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, by upholding truth, correcting errors and surmounting numerous difficulties

8、and hardships. The basic task of the nation in the years to come is to concentrate its effort on the construction of socialist modernization. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the guidance of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, the Chinese people of all nationalities will

9、 continue to adhere to the people“ s democratic dictatorship and the socialist road, steadily improve socialist institutions, develop socialist democracy, improve the socialist legal system, and work hard and self-reliantly to modernize the country“ s industry, agriculture, national defense and scie

10、nce and technology step by step to turn China into a socialist country with a high level of culture and democracy.)解析:3.坚持党的思想路线,解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,是我们党坚持先进性和增强创造力的决定性因素,也是十六大报告的精髓。学习贯彻十六大精神要紧紧把握这个精髓,使全党同志懂得,世界在变化,我国改革开放和现代化建设在前进,人民群众的伟大实践在发展,迫切要求我们认真总结实践的新经验,在理论上不断拓展新视野,做出新概括;并通过理论创新推动制度创新、科技创新、文化创新以及其

11、他各方面的创新。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: To uphold the Party“ s ideological line, to emancipate our minds, to seek truth from facts and to keep pace with the times are the crucial factors in maintaining the advanced nature and enhancing the creativity of the Party and are also the essence of the report made at

12、 the Sixteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In order to study and act in the spirit of the Sixteenth National Congress of CPC, we should hold fast to this essence, and make all the party members understand that the change of the world, the progress of reform and opening-up and

13、the modernization drive of our country, and the development of the great practice of the people are pushing us to carefully review the new experience gained in the practice, to constantly broaden our theoretical view, to make new theoretical summaries, and to promote innovations in institution, scie

14、nce and technology, culture and so on through theoretical innovations.)解析:4.走新型工业化道路,必须发挥科学技术作为第一生产力的重要作用,注重依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质,改善经济增长质量和效益。加强基础研究和高技术研究,推进关键技术创新和系统集成,实现技术跨越式发展。鼓励科技创新,在关键领域和若干科技发展前沿掌握核心技术和拥有一批自主知识产权。深化科技和教育体制改革,加强科技教育同经济的结合,完善科技服务体系,加速科技成果向现实生产力转化。推进国家创新体系建设。发挥风险投资的作用,形成促进科技创新和创业的资本运做和人才

15、汇集机制。完善知识产权保护制度。必须把可持续发展放在十分突出的地位,坚持计划生育、保护环境和保护资源的基本国策。稳定低生育水平。合理开发和节约使用各种自然资源。抓紧解决部分地区水资源短缺问题,兴建南水北调工程。实施海洋开发,搞好国土资源综合整治。树立全民环保意识,搞好生态保护和建设。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: In taking a new road to industrialization, we must give play to the important role of science and technology as the primary productive f

16、orce and pay close attention to improving the quality and efficiency of economic growth by relying on scientific and technological progress and raising the qualities of labor force. We must strengthen basic research and research in high technology, promote key technological innovation and systems in

17、tegration so that technology will develop by leaps and bounds. We must encourage scientific and technological innovation and acquire key technology and independent intellectual property rights in key areas and a number of domains in frontier science and technology. We must deepen the reform of the a

18、dministration systems of science, technology and education, strengthen the integration of science, technology and education with the economy, improve the service system for the development of science and technology and quicken the pace of translating research achievements into practical productive f

19、orces. We must press ahead with the building of national innovation system. We must give play to the role of venture capital and develop a mechanism of capital operation and human capital pooling for promoting scientific and technological innovation and start-ups. We must improve the system of intel

20、lectual property rights protection. We must give top priority to sustainable development, adhere to the basic state policies of family planning and environmental and resources protection, keep the birthrate low and rationally develop and economically utilize all kinds of natural resources. We must l

21、ose no time in solving the problem of water shortage in some areas and build the south-to-north water diversion project. We should promote marine development and do well in the comprehensive improvement of land and resources. It is necessary to help the whole nation see the importance of environment

22、al protection and do a good job of ecological conservation and improvement.)解析:5.从世界范围看,和平的国际环境和良好的周边关系可望继续保持,我国仍有可能集中力量进行经济建设。世界科技进步和产业结构的调整,亚太地区经济的迅速增长,给我国经济发展提供了有利的条件。在我国中长期发展中,也有不少制约因素。突出的是:人口和就业负担较重,人均资源相对不足,国民经济总体素质低;在日趋激烈的国际竞争中,面临着发达国家在经济与技术上占优势的压力,在国际关系中面临着霸权主义和强权政治的压力。纵观世纪之交的国内外形势,我们目前有不可多得

23、的历史机遇,也存在着严重的挑战。我们必须居安思危,奋发图强,在现代化道路上迈出更大步伐!(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Viewed from a global perspective, the peaceful international environment and our country“ s good peripheral relations can be expected to continue and therefore we can persist in our efforts towards sustainable development. The scienti

24、fic and technical advancement in the world and the industrial restructuring as well as the rapid economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region provide favorable conditions for economic development in China. However, there are quite a few factors that can impede progress in our medium-and-long range dev

25、elopment. The prominent ones of these factors are: the deficiency in per-capita resources, the overall low quality of the national economy, pressure in matching the economic, scientific and technical superiority of the developed countries in the increasingly stiff international competition, and pres

26、sures exerted by hegemonies and power politics in the international relations. A comprehensive assessment of the domestic and international situation at the turn of the century shows that we are faced with rare historical opportunities as well as serious challenges. We must be vigilant in peacetime,

27、 work with a pioneering spirit and make greater strides on the road to modernization.)解析:6.中国将坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,继续加强同发展中国家的团结合作,同它们一道维护发展中国家正当合理的权益。同时,我们要进一步致力于稳定周边、巩固睦邻友好。我们还将不断地充实与各个大国已经建立或正在建立的未来关系框架的内涵。我们将更积极地参与国际事务和各种多边外交活动,坚决反对霸权主义、强权政治,推动在世界上建立公平合理、平等互利的国际政治、经济新秩序。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: China

28、 will unswervingly observe the independent and peaceful foreign policy. It will continue to reinforce its solidarity and cooperation with the developing countries in the world and, together with them, to safeguard the just and reasonable rights of the developing countries. At the same time, we will

29、be further committed to stabilizing our peripheral areas and to consolidating the harmonious friendship with our neighboring countries. We will also make continued efforts to enrich the implications of the framework of the future relations that have been established or that are being established wit

30、h all the major countries of the world. We will take more positive steps to participate in international affairs and in various kinds of multilateral diplomatic activities. China will remain firm in its opposition to hegemonism, power politics and will endeavor to promote the establishment of a new international political and economic order that is fair, reasonable, equal and reciprocally beneficial.)解析:


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