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1、美国研究生入学考试题库(GRE)真题二及答案解析(总分:141.00,做题时间:180 分钟)一、SECTION 1(总题数:12,分数:15.00)1.Mr. Gifford wishes to put 372 eggs into cartons that can hold 12 eggs each. If he has 50 empty cartons and completely fills as many of them as possible with the 327 eggs, how many of the cartons will remain empty?(分数:1.00)A

2、.12B.15C.19D.28E.312.Which of the following numbers is greatest?(分数:1.00)A.-0.225B.-0.0225C.-0.323D.-0.0325E.-0.32053.If a certain automobile gets between 20 and 24 miles per gallon of gasoline, inclusive, what would be the maximum amount of gasoline, in gallons, this automobile would consume on a t

3、rip of 360 miles?(分数:1.00)A.20.0B.18.0C.16.4D.16.0E.15.04.If y - x = 2 and y -z =3, which of the following best represents the relative positions of x, y, and z on the number line? (Note: The figures are drawn to scale.)(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.E.5.Two beads are to be independently and randomly selected, on

4、e from each of two bags. If 2/7of the beads in one bag and 3/7 of the beads in the other bag are yellow, what is the probability that both beads selected will be yellow?(分数:1.00)A.2/3B.5/7C.6/7D.4/49E.6/49There are three questions below(分数:3)(1).By what percent did the number of personal computers s

5、old by Compaq increase from 1992 to 1993?(分数:1)A.50%B.65%C.75%D.100%E.110%(2).In 1992, Packard Bell accounted for what percent of the computers sold by the four companies listed?(分数:1)A.6%B.9%C.10%D.12%E.14%(3).If the ratio of the number of personal computers sold by IBM Compaq, and Tandy (not shown

6、) in 1993 was 6 to 4 to1, respectively, approximately how many personal computers were sold by Tandy in 1993?(分数:1)A.350,000B.400,000C.450,000D.500,000E.550,000There are two questions below(分数:2)(1).For the categories given, which category accounts for approximately 1/4 of the total number of gradua

7、tes expected for each off the years shown?(分数:1)A.High school diplomaB.Associate degreeC.Bachelors degreeD.Masters degreeE.Doctoral degree(2).The number of associate degrees expected to be granted in 2001 is most nearly what percent greater than the number of associate degrees expected to be granted

8、 in 1995?(分数:1)A.2%B.3%C.5%D.7%E.9%6.If the area of the shaded region of the square above is 20, what is the perimeter of the square?(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.80E.4007. (分数:1.00)A.2B.1/2C.-1/2D.-1E.-28.If 720 is the product of the consecutive integers beginning with 2 and ending with n, what is the value of

9、n-1?(分数:1.00)A.5B.6C.8D.11E.239.When it was found that 150 more tickets for the school play were sold than the seating capacity of the auditorium. It was decided to have two performances. if the total number of tickets sold was equal to the total number who attended and if the auditorium was 2/3 ful

10、l for each of the two performances, what is the seating capacity of the auditorium?(分数:1.00)A.100B.200C.225D.300E.45010.If n = pqr, where p, q, and r are three different positive prime numbers, how many different positive divisors does n have, including l and n?(分数:1.00)A.3B.5C.6D.7E.8二、SECTION 2(总题

11、数:38,分数:38.00)11.Though - to some degree, telling a small lie sometimes enables one to avoid - anothers feelings.(分数:1.00)A.necessary mollifyingB.regrettable harmingC.unfortunate exaggeratingD.attractive consideringE.difficult resisting12.Perhaps because scientists have been so intrigued by dogssupe

12、riorsenses ofsmell and hearing, researchers have long - their eyesight, assuming that they inhabit a drab, black-and-white world, devoid of color.(分数:1.00)A.studiedB.covetedC.appreciatedD.resentedE.underestimated13.Despite a string of dismal earnings reports, the two-year-old strategy to return the

13、company to profitability is beginning to -.(分数:1.00)A.falterB.disappointC.competeD.workE.circulate14.The President reached a decision only after lengthy -, painstakingly weighing the -opinions expressed by cabinet members.(分数:1.00)A.deliberation divergentB.confrontation unanimousC.relegation consist

14、entD.speculation conciliatoryE.canvassing arbitrary15.Although just barely - as a writer of lucid prose, Jones was an extremely - editor who worked superbly with other writers in helping them improve the clarity of their writing.(分数:1.00)A.deficient muddlingB.proficient contentiousC.adequate capable

15、D.appalling competentE.engaging inept16.The accusations we bring against others should be - ourselves; they should not - complacency and easy judgments on our part concerning our own moral conduct.(分数:1.00)A.definitions of produceB.instructions to equateC.denigrations of excludeD.warnings to justify

16、E.parodies of satirize17.Although the meanings of words may necessarily be liable to change, it does not follow that the lexicographer is therefore unable to render spelling, in a great measure, -.(分数:1.00)A.arbitraryB.superfluousC.interestingD.flexibleE.constant18.ELEGIAC: SORROW:(分数:1.00)A.polemic

17、al: resolutionB.fictional: humorC.devotional: reverenceD.didactic: inspirationE.literary: emotion19.ROSTRUM: ORATOR:(分数:1.00)A.stage: audienceB.bench: judgeC.shelf: clerkD.municipality: citizenE.crosswalk: pedestrian20.MISUNDERSTOOD: CLARIFY:(分数:1.00)A.fanatical: espouseB.popular: renounceC.fantasti

18、c: shockD.erroneous: retractE.conspicuous: flaunt21.REFINERY: PETROLEUM:(分数:1.00)A.mill: grainB.mine: oreC.warehouse: merchandiseD.generator: electricityE.forest: lumber22.TEDIOUS: ENERGY:(分数:1.00)A.avaricious: satisfactionB.fractious: irritationC.disturbing: composureD.improbable: ambitionE.informe

19、d: intelligence23.GRACEFUL: MOVEMENT:(分数:1.00)A.euphonious: soundB.forbidding: countenanceC.ephemeral: durationD.melodramatic: emotionE.vibrant: color24.BRAVURA: PERFORMANCE:(分数:1.00)A.extravagant: expenditureB.elaborate: orationC.foreseeable: outcomeD.thorough: analysisE.resplendent: appearance25.B

20、ADGER: BOTHER:(分数:1.00)A.persecute: injureB.haunt: rememberC.belabor: mentionD.quibble: argueE.censure: evaluate26.CONGRUENT: DIMENSIONS:(分数:1.00)A.convenient: timeB.coordinate: axisC.conglomerate: partsD.coincident: chanceE.coeval: age27.The author of the passage is primarily concerned with(分数:1.00

21、)A.revealing a commonly ignored deficiencyB.proposing a return to traditional terminologyC.describing an attempt to correct a shortcomingD.assessing the success of a new pedagogical approachE.predicting a change in a traditional teaching strategy28.It can be inferred that the author of the passage e

22、xpects that the experience of the student mentioned as having studied Wife in the Right would have which of the following effects?(分数:1.00)A.It would lead the student to disregard information found in the Bibliotheca BritannicaB.It would teach the student to question the accuracy of certain kinds of

23、 information sources when studying neglected authors.C.It would teach the student to avoid the use of refer- ence sources in studying neglected authors.D.It would help the student to understand the importance of first editions in establishing the author- ship of plays.E.It would enhance the students

24、 appreciation of the works of authors not included in the canon.29.The author of the passage suggests that which of the following is a disadvantage of the strategy employed in the experimental scholarly methods course?(分数:1.00)A.Students were not given an opportunity to study women writers outside t

25、he canonB.Students original work would not be appreciated by recognized scholarsC.Little scholarly work has been done on the work of Elizabeth Griffith.D.Most of the students in the course had had little opportunity to study eighteenth-century literatureE.Students were not given an opportunity to en

26、counter certain sources of information that could prove useful in their future studies.30.Which of the following best states the “particular pedagogical purpose“ mentioned in line 28?(分数:1.00)A.To assist scholars in revising the canon of authorsB.To minimize the trivial aspects of the traditional sc

27、holarly methods courseC.To provide students with information about Griffiths workD.To encourage scholarly rigor in students own researchE.To reestablish Griffiths reputation as an author31.Which of the following best describes the function of the last paragraph in relation to the passage as a whole?

28、(分数:1.00)A.It summarizes the benefits that students can derive from the experimental scholarly methods courseB.It provides additional reasons why Griffiths work raises issues having to do with the canon of authors.C.It provides an illustration of the immediate nature of the experiences students can

29、derive from the experimental scholarly methods course.D.It contrasts the experience of a student in the experimentalscholarly methods course with the experience of a student in the traditional courseE.It provides information that emphasizes the suita- bility of Griffiths work for inclusion in the ca

30、non of authors32.t can be inferred that which of the following is most likely to be among the “issues“ mentioned in line 38?(分数:1.00)A.Why has the work of Griffith, a woman writer who was popular in her own century, been excluded from the canon?B.In what ways did Griffiths work reflect the political

31、 climate of the eighteenth century?C.How was Griffiths work received by literary critics during the eighteenth century?D.How did the error in the title of Griffiths play come to be made?E.How did critical reception of Griffiths work affect the quantity and quality of that work?33.It can be inferred

32、that the author of the passage con- siders traditional scholarly methods courses to be(分数:1.00)A.irrelevant to the work of most studentsB.inconsequential because of their narrow focusC.unconcerned about the accuracy of reference sourcesD.too superficial to establish important facts about authorsE.to

33、o wide-ranging to approximate genuine scholarly activity34.According to the passage, the size of a male cycad cone directly influences which of the following?(分数:1.00)A.The arrangement of the male cones structural elementsB.The mechanism by which pollen is released from the male coneC.The degree to

34、which the ovules of female cycads are accessible to airborne pollenD.he male cones attractiveness to potential insect pollinatorsE.The amount of pollen produced by the male cone35.The passage suggests that which of the following is true of the structure of cycad cones?(分数:1.00)A.The structure of cyc

35、ad cones provides conclusive evidence in favor of one particular explanation of cycad pollinationB.The structure of cycad cones provides evidence concerning what triggers the first step in the pollination processC.An irresolvable discrepancy exists between what the structure of most male cycad cones

36、 suggests about cycad pollination and what the structure of most female cones suggests about that processD.The structure of male cycad cones rules out a possible mechanism for cycad pollination that is suggested by the structure of most female cycad conesE.The structure of male cycad cones is consis

37、tent with a certain means of cycad pollination, but that means is inconsistent with the structure of most female cycad cones.36.The evidence in favor of insect pollination of cycads presented in lines 2-4 would be more convincing if which of the following were also true?(分数:1.00)A.Only a small varie

38、ty of cycad species can be successfully transplanted.B.Cycads can sometimes be pollinated by means other than wind or insects.C.Insects indigenous to regions to which cycads are transplanted sometimes feed on cycads.D.Winds in the areas to which cycads are usually transplanted are similar to winds i

39、n cycads native habitatsE.The transplantation of cycads from one region to another usually involves the accidental removal and introduction of insects as well37.The passage suggests that which of the following is true of scientific investigations of cycad pollination?(分数:1.00)A.They have not yet pro

40、duced any systematic evi- dence of wind pollination in cycadsB.They have so far confirmed anecdotal reports con- cerning the wind pollination of cycadsC.They have, until recently, produced little evidence in favor of insect pollination in cycadsD.They have primarily been carried out using cycads tra

41、nsplanted from their native habitatsE.They have usually concentrated on describing the physical characteristics of the cycad reproductive system.38.PROCRASTINATION:(分数:1.00)A.diligenceB.complacenceC.reasonablenessD.allegianceE.rehabilitation39.CIRCUITY:(分数:1.00)A.straightforwardnessB.inventivenessC.

42、authenticityD.insightfulnessE.practicality40.CONCLUDE:(分数:1.00)A.fosterB.frequentC.emanate fromD.empower toE.embark on41.RITE:(分数:1.00)A.coherent interpretationB.improvised actC.deductive approachD.casual observationE.unnecessary addition42.BLATANT:(分数:1.00)A.indecisiveB.perceptiveC.unobtrusiveD.inv

43、oluntaryE.spontaneous43.PONTIFICATE:(分数:1.00)A.request rudelyB.glance furtivelyC.behave predictablyD.work efficientlyE.speak modestly44.POSIT:(分数:1.00)A.deceiveB.begrudgeC.denyD.consentE.reinforce45.FETTER:(分数:1.00)A.justifyB.comfortC.intrudeD.liberateE.optimize46.SYNERGIC:(分数:1.00)A.natural in orig

44、inB.fragile in structureC.untaintedD.inessentialE.antagonistic47.DEPRIVATION:(分数:1.00)A.sanityB.awarenessC.surfeitD.fecundityE.health48.CORPOREAL:(分数:1.00)A.unreliableB.unscientificC.indistinguishableD.inanimateE.immaterial三、SECTION 3(总题数:11,分数:25.00)49.Armtech, a temporary-employment agency, previo

45、usly gave its employees 2.5 paid vacation days after each 700 hours worked. Armtechs new policy is to give its employees 5.0 paid vacation days after each 1,200 hours worked. Therefore, this new policy is more generous to Armtech employees in giving them more vacation days per hour worked than the o

46、ld policy did.Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?(分数:1.00)A.Most current Armtech employees approve of the companys new vacation policyB.A few Armtech employees leave the company before having worked 700 hours.C.Most Armtech employees were not aware that the company

47、 planned to change its vacation policy until after it had already done so.D.A significant portion of Armtech employees stay with the company long enough to work for 1,200 hours.E.Armtechs new vacation policy closely matches the vacation policies of competing temporary employment agencies50.The globa

48、l population of frogs has declined in recent years while the amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth has increased. Since the genetic material in frog eggs is harmed when exposed to ultraviolet radi- ation, and since the eggs themselves are not protected by shells or leathery coverings bu

49、t are gelatinous, the frog population decline is probably due, at least in part, to the ultraviolet radiation increase.Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for the argument?(分数:1.00)A.Even in those regions where there has been no significant increase in ultraviolet radiation, only a small proportion of the frog eggs that are laid ever hatch.B.In areas where there has been the least decline in frog populations, populations of species of insects that frogs eat have decreased.C.The eggs of frog species who


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