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1、20132014 学年黑龙江佳木斯市第一中学高三英语第三次调研英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 【小题 1】 Scientists and experts have proved the uniqueness of finger-prints and discovered that no exactly similar pattern is passed on from parents to children, though nobody knows why this is the case. The ridge (隆起) structure on a persons fingers does

2、not change with growth and is not affected by surface injuries. Burns, cuts and other damage to the outer part of the skin will be replaced in time by new one, which bears a reproduction of the original pattern. 【小题 2】 Some criminals make use of this fact to remove their own finger-prints but this i

3、s a dangerous and rare step to take. Finger-prints can be made very easily with printers ink. They can be recorded easily. 【小题 3】 Because of the simplicity and economy of this system, finger-prints have often been used as a method of solving criminal case. A suspected man may deny a charge but this

4、may be in vain. 【小题 4】 . When a suspect leaves finger-prints behind at the scene of a crime, they are difficult to detect with the naked eye. 【小题5】 Some of the marks found are incomplete but identification is possible if a print of a quarter of an inch square can be obtained. A Special techniques ar

5、e used to develop them. B A fingerprint is an impression of the friction ridges of all part of the finger. C It is only when the inner skin is injured that the arrangement will be destroyed. D With special methods, identification can be achieved successfully within a short time. E. A latent(潜在的) pri

6、nt is the chance that reproduction of the friction(摩擦) ridges deposited(存放) on the surface of an item. F. His finger-prints can prove who he is even if his appearance has been changed by age or accident. G. Every human being has a unique arrangement of the skin on his fingers and this arrangement is

7、 unchangeable. 答案: 【小题 1】 G 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 F 【小题 5】 A 试题分析:本文讲述了指纹的唯一性和它在刑事案件侦破中的重要作用。 【小题 1】推断题。第一段第二句句意为科学家们和专家们都证明了指纹的独特性 , 并且还发现父母没有遗传给小孩相同相似的纹路排列,然而没人知道这是为什么,可知前一句应提到了指纹的唯一性,只有 G句每一个人在其手指上都有着独一无二的纹路排列,而且这种排列是不会改变的,提到了这一特性,故选 G。 【小题 2】细节 题。第二段第二句说 “烫伤,割伤和其它的表皮损害都会被新皮肤给取代,而且还会长出原有的纹路来 ”

8、,第四句说 “一些罪犯利用这点而去销毁他们的指纹,但是走这一步是危险和罕见的 ”,可知如消除指纹特征,表层皮肤( the outer part of the skin)受损不会改变特征,那么只有深层皮肤( the inner skin)受损可改变了,故选 C。 【小题 3】推断题。第三段第四句句意为由于这种系统的简单和经济,指纹鉴定已经经常被用作解决刑事案件一种方法,可知指纹的唯一性可指证身份, D项 “使用特殊的方法,身份确认可 以在很短时间内成功的达成 ”,故选 D。 【小题 4】推断题。第三段第五句意为 “嫌疑犯可以否认对他的指控但是这也许是在徒劳 ”, 可知由于指纹唯一性,即使年龄、面

9、貌或其他特征改变,指纹也不会变, F项“即使他的外表或许因为年龄或者事故而改变,但是他的指纹能证明他是谁 ”,故选 F。 【小题 5】推断题。第三段第七句意为 “当一个嫌疑犯在犯罪现场留下指纹印的时候,是很难用肉眼察觉的 ”, A项 “特殊的技术被用于使之现形 ”,故选 A。 考点:信息匹配。 单项选择 * Do you mind my shutting down the radio _. The good news will be on the air right away. A Of course not. B Im afraid I do. C Why not D Yes, just g

10、o ahead. 答案: B 试题分析:句意:上文,你介意我关掉收音机吗?下文,恐怕我介意。马上要播报好消息了。 Of course not.当然不 Im afraid I do. 恐怕我介意 Why not 为什么不 Yes, just go ahead.是的,随便,根据题意,选 B。 考点:考查情景对话 _ you didnt know the rules shouldnt be an excuse for your failure to report. A That B What C Because D How 答案: A 试题分析:句意:你不知道规章不应该成为你宣告失败的一个借口。通过

11、分析句子结构,可知这个句子包含一个主语从句,且引导词在从句中不作任何成分,且没有实际意义,故用引导词 that ,选 A。 考点:考查主语从句 Did a le tter come for me this morning Yes. _ came for you. A That B It C One D The letter 答案: C 试题分析:句意:上文,今天早晨有我一封信吗?下文,是的,有你的一封信。one指代上文中所提到的事物中的一个。 one在这儿是重复一个人所说的话,指一封信。选 C。 考点:考查代词 Nothing could be done at the meeting, the

12、 chairman_ absent. A being B was C to be D be 答案: A 试题分析:句意:由于主席缺席了,所以会上什么都没干。前后主语不一致,故是独立主格结构,所以选 A。 考点:考查独立主格结构 The weather has been very hot and dry. Yes. If it had rained even a drop, things would be much better now! And my vegetables . A wouldnt die B didnt die C hadnt died D wouldnt have died

13、答案: D 试题分析:句意:上文,天气又热又干燥。下文,是啊,即使下一点雨,事情也会好很多。我的蔬菜也就不会死了。对过去情况的虚拟,条件句用过去完成时,主句用 would/should/might/could + have+过去分词,选 D。 考点:考查虚拟语气在条件句中的用法 So_ that most parents are too worried to let their kids travel alone at the beginning of the new term. A is the distance great B great the distance is C the dis

14、tance is great D great is the distance 答案: D 试题分析:句意:距离太远了,以至于在新学期开始时,父母们太担心,不让他们的孩子独自去。 So that , So位于句首,主句中用部分倒装,选 D。 考点:考查倒装 The first week of university is an exciting time _ freshmen familiarize themselves with their college and make new friends. A that B when C what D on which 答案: B 试题分析:句意:进入

15、大学的第一周是一个令人激动的时刻,在那段时间,大一新生可以熟悉校园,结交新的朋友。通过分析句子结构,可知这个句子中包含一个定语从句,且关系词在定语从句中作时间状语,故用关系副词 when,选B。 考点:考查定语从句 Her health _ under the pressure of work and she decided to live a balanced life from then on. A broke out B broke in C broke away D broke down 答案: D 试题分析:句意:她的健康在工作的压力下垮掉了,她决定从那时起过一种安定的生活。 bro

16、ke out爆发 broke in闯入 broke away从 退出 broke down垮掉,选 D。 考点:考查动词短语辨析 At the present time, more singing stars_ to be difficult to work with. A say B have said C are said D were said 答案: C 试题分析:句意:目前,据说很多唱歌的明星很难共事。 Be said to 是固定用法,意思是据说,且根据时间状语 At the present time,故用一般现在时,选 C。 考点:考查时态 These grapes look r

17、eally beautiful. They _! See the p rice $3.99 a pound. Very expensive, arent they! A would B could C might D should 答案: D 试题分析:句意:上文,这些葡萄看起来真漂亮。下文,它们应该!看价格3.99美元一磅。非常贵,不是吗? would表示意愿 could表示能力 might表示可能性 should表示应当,应该,选 D。 考点:考查情态动词 The boy was so tired that he fell asleep _ his mother could take of

18、f his clothes. A before B after C while D when 答案: A 试题分析:句意:这个男孩太累了,以至于在他的妈妈给他脱衣服之前,他就睡着了。 Before在 之前 after在 之后 while然而 when当 时候,选A。 考点:考查连词 Peter sat on the train seat, with his eyes _ on the fields outside the window. A fixing B fixed C to fix D having fixed 答案: B 试题分析:句意: Peter坐在火车座位上,他的眼睛盯着窗外的田

19、地。动作 fix与其逻辑主语 his eyes是被动关系,故用过去分词,选 B。 考点:考查过去分词 Everyone was out of _ breath after they ran for so long _ time. A不填 ; 不填 B不填 ; the C a; the D不填 ; a 答案: D 试题分析:句意:跑了这么久,每一个人都上气不接下气。 Out of breath是固定用法,意思是上气不接下气; so long a time 是固定用法,意思是这么久,选 D。 考点:考查冠词 They have discussed the problem for hours. Ha

20、ve they come to any_ A end B result C conclusion D Opinion 答案: C 试题分析:句意:上文,他们讨论这个问题已经几个小时了。下文,他们得出任何结论了吗? end结束 result结果 conclusion结论 Opinion意见,根据题意,选 C。 考点:考查名词辨析 完型填空 As a teenager, I felt I was always letting people down. I was rebellious(叛逆 )on the outside, on the inside I wanted people to . On

21、ce I left home to hitchhike(搭便车 )to California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasnt , and there were many times I didnt feel safe. One situation in particular me grateful to still be alive. When I returned home, I was differentnot so outwardly sure of myself. I was happy to be home. But then I no

22、ticed that Penelope, who was with us, was wearing my clothes. And my seemed to like her better than me. I wondered if I would be if I werent there. I told my mom, and she explained that Penelope was a lovely girl, no one could me. I pointed out, “She is more patient and is neater than I have ever be

23、en.” My mom said these were wonderful , but I was the only person who could fill my . She made me realize that even with my , and they were manyI was a loved member of the family who couldnt be replaced. I became a searcher, who I was and what made me unique. My of myself was changing. I wanted a so

24、lid base to start from. I started to resist pressure to in ways that I didnt like any more, and I who I really was. I came to feel much more that no one can ever take my place. Each of us a unique place in the world. You are special, no matter what others say or what you may think. So about being re

25、placed. You be. 【小题1】 A and B but C as D for A leave B replace C receive D like A easy B hard C fun D long A made B kept C left D forced A playing B eating C staying D travelling A family B friends C relatives D neighbors A loved B mentioned C cared D missed A since B as C while D unless A scold B c

26、ompare C replace D match A qualities B girls C people D times A character B role C task D form A faults B advantages C manners D pities A looking at B looking back C seeking out D giving up A picture B view C sense D advice A think B learn C change D act A hated B celebrated C wished D expected A su

27、re B doubtful C happy D lonely A takes B catches C seizes D holds A talk B forget C care D argue A mustnt B shouldnt C cant D neednt 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 A 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 A 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 B 【小题 15】 D 【小题 16】 B 【小题 17】 A 【小

28、题 18】 D 【小题 19】 B 【小题 20】 C 阅读理解 In only two decades Asian Americans have become the fastest growing U. S. minority. As their children began moving up through the nation schools, it became clear that a new class of academic achievers was emerging. Their achievements are reflected in the nations best

29、 universities, where mathematics, science and engineering departments have taken on a decidedly Asian character. This special liking for mathematics and science is partly explained by the fact that Asian-American students who began their education abroad arrived in the U. S. with a solid grounding i

30、n mathematics but little or no knowledge of English. They are also influenced by the promise of a good job after college. Asians feel there will be less unfair treatment in areas like mathematics and science because they will be judged more objectively. And the return on the investment in education

31、is more immediate in something like engineering than with an arts degree. Most Asian-American students owe their success to the influence of parents who are determined that their children take full advantage of what the American educational system has to offer. An effective measure of parental atten

32、tion is homework. Asian parents spend more time with their children than American parents do, and it helps. Many researchers also believe there is something in Asian culture that breeds success, such as ideals that stress family values and emphasize education. Both explanations for academic success

33、worry Asian Americans because of fears that they feed a typical racial image. Many can remember when Chinese, Japanese and Filipino immigrants were the victims of social isolation. Indeed, it was not until 1952 that laws were laid down giving all Asian immigrants the right to citizenship. 【小题 1】 Whi

34、le making tremendous achievements at college, Asian-American students . A feel they are mistreated because of limited knowledge of English B are afraid that their academic successes bear a strong Asian character C still worry about unfair treatment in society D generally feel it a shame to have to d

35、epend on their parents 【小题 2】 What are the major factors that determine the success of Asian Americans A A solid foundation in basic mathematics and Asian culture. B Hard work and intelligence. C Parents help and a limited knowledge of English. D Asian culture and the American educational system. 【小

36、题 3】 Few Asian American students major in human sciences mainly because . A their English is not good enough B they are afraid they might meet with unfair judgment in these areas C there is a wide difference between Asian and Western cultures D they know little about American culture and society 【小题

37、 4】 Why do “both explanations” (Para. 3) worry Asian Americans A They are afraid they will again be isolated from American society in general. B People will think that Asian students only rely on their parents for success. C Asian Americans will be a threat to other minorities. D American academic a

38、chievements have taken on too strong an Asian character. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 A 试题分析:在短短二十年的时间里,亚裔美国人就成了增长最快的少数民族。他们孩子学习成绩优异,这可能与他们的家教有关,然而正是这让家长担心他们所培养出的典型种族形象会招致社会隔离。 【小题 1】细节题。文章第三段第一句明确指出,他们担心具有典型的种族形象也就是与众不同。下面又说到亚裔移民以前是社会隔离的牺牲品。因此选 C。 【小题 2】细节题。亚裔美国人成功的主要因素是数学基础坚实,亚洲文化历来重视教育。文

39、章前两段分析 了亚裔学生主要在理工科方面学业突出的原因,即有坚实的数学基础和父母的言传身教。 B项也是成功的因素之一,但文中未提及; C项中 “a limited knowledge of English”不是主要原因; D项中的 “the American educational system”为所有学生提供的机会是均等的,不是亚裔学生成功的根本原因。故选 A。 【小题 3】细节题。亚裔学生很少主修人文科学是因为担心受到不公平对待。根据文章第一段倒数第二句 “ Asians feel there will be less unfair treatment in areas like math

40、ematics and science because they will be judged more objectively”可推断,对人文科学成就的评价带有主观因素,因而更容易受到不公正对待。选 B。 【小题 4】推断题:从最后一段判断,亚裔美国学生担心自己的突出成就会使自己再次成为社会孤立的对象,这是因为他们的成功是按照亚洲人 的教育方式以及受到父辈影响做取得的,被深深地打上了亚洲文化特征的烙印。故选 A。 考点:考查论述类短文阅读 When students and parents are asked to rate subjects according to their impor

41、tance, the arts are unavoidably at the bottom of the list. Music is nice, people seem to say, but not important. Too often it is viewed as entertainment, but certainly not an education priority(优先 ). This view is shortsighted. In fact, music education is beneficial and important for all students. Mu

42、sic tells us who we are, because music is an expression of the beings who create it, it reflects their thinking and values, as well as the social environment it came from. Rock music represents a lifestyle just as surely as does a Schubert song. The jazz influence that George Gershwin and other musi

43、cians introduced into their music is obviously American because it came from American musical traditions. Music expresses our character and values. It gives us identity as a society. Music provides a kind of perception (感知 ) that cannot be acquired any other way. Science can explain how the sun rise

44、s and sets. The arts explore the emotive (情感的 ) meaning of the same phenomenon. We need every possible way to discover and respond to our world for one simple but powerful reason: No one way can get it all. The arts are forms of thought as powerful in what they communicate as mathematical and scient

45、ific symbols. They are ways we human beings “talk” to each other. They are the language of civilization through which we express our fears, our curiosities, our hungers, our discoveries, our hopes. The arts are ways we give form to our ideas and imagination so that they can be shared with others. Wh

46、en we do not give children access to an important way of expressing themselves such as music, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses. Science and technology do not tell us what it means to be human. The arts do. Music is an important way we express human suffering, celebration, the

47、 meaning and value of peace and love. So music education is far more necessary than people seem to realize. 【小题 1】 According to Paragraph 1, students _ . A regard music as a way of entertainment B disagree with their parents on education C view music as an overlooked subject D prefer the arts to sci

48、ence 【小题 2】 In Paragraph 2, the author uses jazz an example to_ . A compare it with rock music B show music identifies a society C introduce American musical traditions D prove music influences peoples lifestyles 【小题 3】 According to the passage, the arts and science_. A approach the world from different angles B explore different phenomena of the world C express peoples feeling in different ways D explain what it means to be human 【小题 4】 What is the main


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