Building Interlinked Prosopographies- A New Approach.ppt

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1、Building Interlinked Prosopographies: A New Approach,Ethan Gruber Web Services Developer American Numismatic Society ewg118,What is XForms?,W3C standard web form specification MVC architecture XPath validation Manipulate complex XML models Interacts with REST services (APIs),Se

2、e http:/,xEAC: XForms applied to EAC-CPF,User (interface),I: Basic Authorship and Linking,II: Adding Further Context,http:/,Next Steps,Finish form: Represent all EAC-CPF elements and attributes Test for scalability Interface with more APIs Improve p

3、ublic interface, especially searching and browsing Incorporate social network graph visualization Follow evolving best practices in RDF/linked open data Employ SPARQL endpoint for more sophisticated querying,More Information,Repository: https:/ Demo: http:/ Documentation: http:/ http:/


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