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1、临床病原学检验,上海交通大学医学院 洪秀华教授,前 言,实验诊断学(laboratory diagnosis) 是诊断学的一部分,它是基础医学向临床医学过渡的桥梁课程之一。实验诊断学的任务是将临床检验所提供的检验信息,通过医师的分析和思维,科学地应用于临床诊断、鉴别诊断、观察病情、判断预后、预防疾病的一门学科,特别强调在循证实验医学的原则下推行“实验的优化组合应用”和“在实验监测下作个体化治疗的应用”,实验诊断学也可称为临床检验诊断学。因此,它是医学生的必修课,必须加以重视。,Clinical laboratory or medical laboratory is intended to be

2、 inclusive and cover all institutions providing a pathology service or performing tests on specimens from human beings. It is for the biological, microbiological, immunological, chemical, immunohematological, hematological, biophysical, cytological, pathological, or other testing of materials derive

3、d from the human body for the purpose of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, treatment of disease or the assessment of the health of human beings.,一、临床病原体检查目的,临床病原体检查目的:是确定感染的发生和性质,在疾病早期提供恰当的治疗方案,并采取有效的预防措施,防止感染传播造成的危害。,二、各种不同病原体的实验诊断方法遵循以下基本原则,1.正确、规范采集和运送标本。2.直接显微镜查见病原体或检出病原体抗原,借助

4、分子生物学的方法检测病原体核酸,结合病人的病史、症状或体征,快速作出初步诊断。,二、各种不同病原体的实验诊断方法遵循以下基本原则:,3.初步诊断同时,对病原体进行分离与鉴定。 4.检测机体对病原体的免疫产物。 5.参与临床选择抗菌药物,指导和监控微生物的治疗方案,避免 耐药菌株的产生。,泌尿生殖道标本: 根据不同疾病采集不同标本,如性传播疾病常取尿道口分泌物、外阴糜烂面病灶边缘分泌物阴道宫颈口分泌物和前列腺液等。 除淋病奈瑟菌保温送检外,所有标本4保存。,三、标本的采集和运送,血液标本 采血时间:发热初期和高峰期,已用抗菌药物治疗者在下次用药前。 采血量:成人1020ml,婴儿和儿童为12ml

5、。 运送:血液置于含抗凝集聚茴香脑磺酸钠无菌瓶中送检。,脑脊液标本 脑脊液应立即保温送检或床边接种(引起脑膜炎的病原体脑膜炎奈瑟菌、肺炎链球菌等抵抗力弱) 胸水、腹水和心包液等含菌量少宜采集较大量标本送检。,尿液标本 应注意无菌操作,取清洁中断尿。 厌氧培养采用膀胱穿刺法、无菌厌氧小瓶运送,排尿困难者可导尿。,呼吸道标本 标本种类:鼻咽拭子、痰、通过气管收集的标本。 合格的痰标本:扁平上皮细胞25个/高倍视野。,粪便标本: 含脓、血、粘液粪便置于清洁容器中送检。 根据细菌不同种类选用合适运送培养基,如疑为副溶血弧菌引起腹泻的粪便置于碱性蛋白胨水或卡-布运送培养液。,创伤、组织和脓肿标本 采集部

6、位首先清除污物,防止表面污染菌混入。 采集方法:大面积创伤不同部位采集多份标本。开放性脓肿无菌棉试采取脓液及病灶深部分泌物。厌氧菌感染取脓后立即排尽注射器内空气。,血清标本 用于检测患者特异性抗体效价 采集血液置无菌管中,自然凝固、血块收缩后吸取血清,56加热30min以灭活补体成分。 灭活血清保存于-20,Specimen Collection,Successful laboratory diagnosis of a microbial infection depends on many factors beginning with a well-collected sample. Prop

7、er specimen selection, collection, and transport are all essential to ensure that a specimen is representative of the disease process and minimally contaminated with microorganisms present in adjacent tissues.,Site and Timing,Collect the sample from the correct anatomic site . eg. a superficial samp

8、le of a lesion is not useful in identifying the cause of a deep wound infection. The timing of sample collection is also important. eg, when submitting a specimen for bacterial culture, samples should be collected before the administration of antibiotics,Collection Techniques,Sufficient volume Steri

9、le technique and equipment. After collection, the specimen must be placed in an appropriately labeled leak-proof container.,Transport of Specimens,Rapid, optimally in less than 2 hours. For delays in transport, most specimens should be refrigerated. Exceptions: blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and specimens to be examined for anaerobes, fastidious organisms such as Neisseria gonorrboeae and Bordetella pertussis, and Trichomonas vaginalis, all of which should be maintained at room temperature.,


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