ASHRAE JOURN 38-9 HCV-1996 ASHRAE Journal《ASHRAE日报第38卷第9号 1996年9月》.pdf

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1、E - ASHRAE TITLE*JOURN 38-9*HCV 96 0759650 0525024 555 Heres news thats bound to be the talk of the industry. The MetasYs Fzzty Management System can now control systems from Honey- well, Robertshaw, Barber- Colman and Landis integrated furnace and heat recovery ventilation with ground loop cooling:

2、 and recycled non-ozone deleting mate- rials. This Technology Award winning project features a house design that consumes only 30% of the energy and water normally used in B conventional hoine. It contains the latest developments in energy efficiency, waer conscrvation. waste management. CFC reducti

3、on and environmentally appropriate materials usage. William R. Coker Jouirinl Editoi New on the ASHRAE Home Page The technical program of IAQ 96, Puths to Bcttcr Builditzg Ein,irotiv?etif.s The public review draft of SLIIILIIZI 62-1989R is available free through the ASHRAE home pagc. The technical p

4、rogram and other meeting inlormation for ASHRAEs 1997 Winter Meeting in Philadelphia. 4SHKAF ./oifuui/ Septeriihei I996 ASHRAE TITLE*JOURN 38-9*HCV 96 0759650 0525033 795 (Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Card) i With a natural gas Waukesha engine-driven chiller, you could save a cool 50% on energy co

5、sts. And nothing will make you look better. After all, youll be get- ting what you want most - savings and reliability. What makes natural gas engine-driven cooling so economical and reliable? Natural gas, of course, and the engine that runs it. But which natural gas engine is key. And no one has a

6、better track record with natural gas engines than Waukesho In fact, Waukesha has been known for building rock-solid engines since 1906. A natural gas engine-driven chiller powered by Woukesha uses energy sparingly. In fact, OEMs often choose Waukesha engines because of their high part-load efficienc

7、y, variable speed operation, and waste heat recovery. Because they run on clean natural gas, they save on energy bills month to month. And in summer, they help avoid those seasonal headaches electrical brownouts and peak demand charges. All this and low emissions, too. So put high cooling costs in t

8、he deep freeze. Contact Waukesha Engine Division, Dresser Industries, inc., 1 O00 West SI. Paul Avenue, Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-4999, (414) 547-331 1 or visit us at http:/. Think What Youll Save.wt 4 Clean Natural Gas. 250-kW molten carbonate fuel cell stack will be used at Naval Air Station Miram

9、ar in San Diego. Fuel Cell Technology Due Real-World Test BURR RIDGE, 111.-M-C Power Corpo- ration is planning to install what it say is the worlds largest fuel cell stack this year. The stack will be installed at Naval Air Station Miramar in San Diego in a demonstration project designed to accel- e

10、rate progress towards development of a dependable, market-priced power plant. The company says the 250 kW molten carbonate fuel cell stack will be the first to operate in a cogeneration mode, and in- cludes new design elements, manufactur- ing techniques and assembly processes. The plant will use na

11、tural gas or other hy- drogen-rich fuels to generate the power. “Were extremely pleased with the stacks performance during the qualifi- cation process,” said Elias H. Camara, president of M-C Power. “Our stack met or exceeded our goals for performance, power production and stability.” As part of the

12、 qualification process, the stack was brought up to operating tempera- tures of 1200F (649C) and operated for 200 hours. The next step is shipping the condi- tioned stacks to NAS Miramir where the balance-of-plant equipment has been in- stalled and tested. The balance-of-plant includes equipment for

13、 converting natu- ral gas into the hydrogen fuel necessary for the fuel cell, and power conditioning equipment to convert the direct electric current produced by the fuel cell into al- ternating current. The 250 kW power stack is expected to produce power and steam later this year after installation

14、 at Miramar, inte- gration with the balance-of-plant, and subsystem testing. Funding for the project has been pro- vided through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Energys Fossil Energy Research and Develop- ment Program. The major funding partner is the Gas Research institute. Addi

15、tional funding has been provided by San Diego Gas no obstructions such as chimneys or trees that block the sun; and no nearby trees or homes that shade the roof at any time, now or in the future. For a free brochure on the program, call 1-800-672-4300. Propane Web Site LISLE, 111.-The National Propa

16、ne gas Association has established an Internet websitc that provides a range of statisti- cal and application information. The site, titled The Propane Gas Network, is designed for consumers, builders, news media and others. It is located at http:/ www.propanegas. com. Minneapolis System Honored by

17、IDEA WASHINGTON-The International District Energy Association (IDEA) has presented its 1996 System-of- the-Year Award to the Minneapolis Energy Center. The award, present- ed at IDEAS recent 87th Annual Conference, recognized the Minne- apolis system for its focus on cus- tomers, reliable and effici

18、ent steam and chilled-water services, and posi- tive work environment. Also honored by IDEA was U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) which received the 1996 Pub- lic Service Leadership Award. GSA was cited for its support of the dis- trict heating and cooling industry. The conference also incl

19、uded the election of Stephen K. Swinson, president of Trigen-Kansas City Energy Corporation and Trigen- Colorado Energy Corporation. He will serve a two-year term as chair- man. 10 User Frlndh Porfable PMVLogger Simpie way to determine IAQ by PMW I I PMV DATA LOOGER (Predicted Mean Vote Data Logger)

20、 Do you feel your Indoor Environment comfort? If not, why dont you measure your Indoor Environment by our genius PMV data logger (M0DEL:PVL-500), then you will find how to improve your Indoor Environment bv scientific amroach to eliminate the guesswork. I sampling Items I Temp., Rel. Humidity, Globe

21、 Temp., Wind Speed 1 I Calculation Items I PMV, PPD, ET*, WBGT, Dew Point Temp., RadiationTemp.1 ResponseTime I IOsec I isec I Osec 1 1 sec Size, Weight I 30X460X35mm, 800g (Include Sensors and Battery) e JMS INC. 6-5-1 Nishi-Ohi Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 140 JAPAN. e-mail: TEL 81-3

22、-3778-2671 FAX 81-3-3778-2675 (Circle No. 23 on Reader Service Card) ASHRAE Journal September 1996 ASHRAE TITLEmJOURN 38-7xHCV 7b m 0757b50 0525035 330 m I IndustryRoundup I Copeland Building in Thailand SIDNEY, Ohio-Copeland Corporation, a division of Emerson Electric, has started building a new sc

23、roll manufacturing plant in Lam Chabang, Thailand. The plant rep- resents the single largest investment in Asia by Emerson Electric, and is strategi- cally located to serve the rapidly growing Asian market. It will contain assembly, motor, manufacturing and machining op- erations. Eric Evans, presid

24、ent of Cope- land International, said the company also is planning more plants in Europe, Asia and North America. Product Library Planned ATLANTA-Manufacturers Survey Associates (MSA) of Atlanta and Au- todesk of San Rafael, Calif. have an- nounced they are jointly producing and marketing a CD-ROM o

25、f manufacturer product information. The “Design and Construction Library” will include draw- ings and text that can be seamlessly in- serted into AutoCAD software designs. The CD-ROM will focus on information from manufacturers of mechanical and electrical products. Autodesk will be marketing the pr

26、oduct to industry profes- sionals. MSA is marketing the product to manufacturing companies. Pfeiffer Listed on Exchange ASSLAR, Germany-Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AF has listed its initial public offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Ex- change, becoming only the third German company to be so listed.

27、 Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology, which previously operated under the name Balzars-Pfeiffer, expects current-year sales to be 241 million DM ($160 million U.S.), with profits of 20 mil- lion DM ($13 million U.S.). The parent company, Oerlikon-Buehrle Holding AG of Zurich, is expected to receive 107 mil-

28、lion DM ($72 million U.S.) from the IPO. Pfieffer develops, produces and markets key components for vacuum technology. The company will continue as the exclu- sive representative for Balzen nstru- ments which provides vacuum gauges, leak detectors, mass spectrometers, and accessories such as valves,

29、 fittings and flanges. Pfeiffer was founded in 1890 as Arthur Pfeiffer Wetzlar and has been a subsidiary of Oerlikon-Buehrle since 1 969. Wolfgang Dondorff is chairman of Oerlikon-Buehrle. ASHRAE Jour-rid September 1996 Consortium Gets Support WASHINGTON-The White House has pledged support for the e

30、fforts of four organizations which have formed the Building Performance Consortium and plan to hold an annual National Summit on Building Performance for the next five years. The purpose of the summit is to bring together corporate, government and institutional execu- tives to create a constituency

31、to drive research on building performance, and to identify and influence policies that promote more efficient and productive buildings. The first summit will be held Sept. 25 in Washington. Consor- tium members include The American Institute of Architects, Johnson Con- trols and others. energy manag

32、ement application . Sema is the one source you can be sure of. For more than two decades, we have been the leading supplier of pressure sensors for HVAC applications, simply because our units do the job best, for the least cost. And all these popular rnoclt.17 comply with the EMC Directive. MODEL 26

33、4 - Thi very-low ditterential preure wnior peitorinr o well in energq management ytems and HVAC intdlation that it ha become i/ rirri/ rhr wiridfrrd of ihe rridiicti Rugged. dccuratc mi extiemely reliihle. it i avail- able with ranpi troin 0-0 I to 0-25 in WC (unidirectional) and O-+O I to O 5 O in

34、WC (hidirectiondl) MODEL 267 Thi bersatile, low-preure emor i deigned tor ue in a kariety of HVAC and Building Energy Management application? Providing high- levei output (10 VDC). 11% accuracy. and ranger in an IP-6YNEMA 4 rated package lor operation in from 0 1 in WC tn 25 in WC full cale. it ir c

35、ontained harsh environment5 MODEL C230 - A high-output, wet-to-wet ran+ mitter for the accurate ineaiirement of low difter- ential preisure (0-1 to 0-100 PSIG) in a variety of energy management applicationr Surprivngly low in cwt. it protide Iineai output and reiponse 20X tater than con- ventional t

36、ransducers i MODEL 2061207 - This compact, rugged transducer/ transmitter provides accurate, dependable output in the toughest environments. Available with a NEMA-4IP-6.5 tested housing, it is EMI/RFI reskiant and provides a stable, accurate output. Both low and high-pressure ranges. ideal for use i

37、n tough. industrial HVAC applications. For details, call 800-257-3872 m 159 Swanson Road Boxborough, MA O1 71 9 *Tel: (508) 263-1 400 Fax: (508) 264-0292 internet address: http:/ (Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card) II Coal Plant Uses Bag Filters To Meet EPA Standards MILWAUKEE-Wisconsin Electric P

38、ower Companys (WEPCO) coal-fired Valley Power Plant is meeting Federal Clean Air Standards with the help of a new pollution control system which uses special fabric filter bags to trap superheat- ed ash and other contaminants. The system replaced an elec- trostatic filtration scrubber system used si

39、nce 1968. The six-inch diameter, 20-foot-long (6.1 m) filter bags are made from fibers produced by Amoco Fabrics and Fibers us- ing polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), an engineered thermoplastic produced by Phillips Chemical Company. The Valley Power Plant with 18,000 flue gas bags, is one of the largest

40、installa- tion of PPS-made filter bags to date. kee, said the new system, installed in July 1995, removes 99.1 % of airborne particulates and meets the Environmental Protec- tion Agencys (EPA) PM-10 air pollution standards. Valley Power Plant is a cogeneration steadelectric plant, pro- ducing steam-

41、generated electricity and steam heat for downtown Milwaukee. It can bum up to 3,000 tons (2.72 Mg) of coal a day. During summermonths, when steam demand is low, Valleys two generators produce up to 282 megawatts of electricity. In winter, the plant reduces its electrical output to supply up to 1,350

42、,000 pounds (380 MW) of steam an hour to heat about 500 commercial and industrial buildings, including parts of Marquette University. The plants pollution control system is fitted with four bag- house units, each serving one of the four coal-fired boilers. The entire system contains 18,000 filter ba

43、gs: 650 per module, eight modules in each bag house. Anthony Ponds, the project engineer for Environmental Elements Corp. of Baltimore, the company that designed the system, said that each house has 4,480 bags to handle a flue stream of up to 400,000 cubic feet aminute (188 000 Ws) at 280F (1373C) t

44、o 320F (160” C). Under these conditions, he said the filters capture ash and dust while surviving corrosive nitrogen, carbonaceous and sulfurous fumes, moisture, and various amounts of vaporized organic and inorganic matter. The bags are cleaned at least once a day, or every 6 to 10 hours under maxi

45、mum load. An automated cleaning system Provides references and descriptions of models and algorithms used for building load calcula- tions. This bibliography serves as a reference source for developers of building energy analy- sis programs and design load calculation pro- grams and as a background

46、review for the development of a load calculations “toolkit.” Contains 220 references. An additional 171 ref- erences that do not include models or algo- rithms were included as related references that Code: 90390 $38.00 (Member: $25.00) TO ORDER CONTACT ASHRAE Customer Service 1791 Tullie Circle NE/

47、Atlanta, GA 30329 For quicker service phone or fax credit card orders: Phone: I-800-5-ASHRAE in the U.S. and Canada or (404) 636-8400 (worldwide) Fax: (404) 321-5478 12 (Circle No. 11 on Reader Service Card) ASHRAE Journul September 1996 ASHRAE TITLE*JOURN 38-9*HCV 96 0759b50 0525037 103 = shoots pu

48、lses of compressed air down each bag to shake caked fly ash and mud onto a waste-ash conveyor below. Ponds said this is the first “pure pulse- jet modular bag house” design installed in a utility plant. When WEPCO decided in 1983 to scrap Valley Power Plants 25-year-old precipitators, the original f

49、our units still met EPA standards. “We were not forced to change,” said plant manager Quade. “It was our own decision to stay ahead of the pollution laws, to keep our good community stand- ing, and allow us to change to lower sul- fur coal supplies. Low-sulfur fuel is desirable because it reduces sulfur eniis- sions; however, it tends to have higher ash content than higher sulfur fuel. “Electrostatic precipitators are still viable technology, but WEPCO had a space


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