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1、专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 359及答案与解析 SECTION A TALK In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptabl

2、e. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 Tips for Applying to U.S. Colleges I. George Mason University -The largest 【 T1】 _ university in Virginia -More than 100 different majors and specializations -33,000 students, international stu

3、dents account for 【 T2】 _ II. American education -Expensive but 【 T3】 _ -Best professors and best 【 T4】 _ III. Application tips from Jennifer Tkacz -Available financial aid It all depends and some universities provide 【 T5】 _ -University Rankings in the U.S. The ranking system is not official, so it

4、 has little 【 T6】 _ -Student Visas: give rise to a lot of 【 T7】 _ for students a) Be a 【 T8】 _ student to get a degree b) Have the 【 T9】 _ to cover your education c) Be 【 T10】 _ and decide to return 1 【 T1】 2 【 T2】 3 【 T3】 4 【 T4】 5 【 T5】 6 【 T6】 7 【 T7】 8 【 T8】 9 【 T9】 10 【 T10】 10 Whats a Universi

5、ty Education Worth? I. Students graduating with larger and larger debts -UK universities began to charge 【 T1】 _ in 2006 -Over 80% students take out a 【 T2】 _ -Average students graduate with debts of 【 T3】 _ II. Repayment of loan -Students have to pay back right after 【 T4】 _ -The government takes i

6、t from 【 T5】 _ III. Difficulty of finding a well-paid job and its consequences -There is a lot of 【 T6】 _ among graduates -Companies value 【 T7】 _ over a piece of paper -Graduates feel 【 T8】 _ -The number of university applicants has 【 T9】 _ IV. “Student poverty“ problem -Increasing numbers of stude

7、nts are reported to turn to 【 T10】 _ 11 【 T1】 12 【 T2】 13 【 T3】 14 【 T4】 15 【 T5】 16 【 T6】 17 【 T7】 18 【 T8】 19 【 T9】 20 【 T10】 专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 359答案与解析 SECTION A TALK In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write N

8、O MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 【听力原文】 Tips for Applying to U.S. Colleges Today we visited George

9、Mason University. 1 George Mason University is the largest public research university in the state of Virginia. It has about 33,000 students studying over 100 different majors and specializations. Its students come from all 50 U.S. states and 130 different countries. 2 About 7 percent of its student

10、s are international. We sat down with Jennifer Tkacz, director of international admissions. She shared her views on financial aid, rankings, and visas. Why are American universities so expensive? First of all, Ill say that American education is expensive for Americans. 3/4 But youre getting a high-q

11、uality education from some of the best professors in the world with some of the best resources and facilities in the world. What kind of financial aid is available? It really depends on the university what kind of financial aid is available. 5 There are some universities that have merit-based schola

12、rships. There are a lot of opportunities out there for international students. There are athletic scholarships, scholarships based on a specific talent. It really depends on the individual university. Are school rankings important? I know that rankings matter to a lot of parents and students worldwi

13、de, but here in the U.S. we pay very little attention to rankings. The rankings that are produced are actually the opinion of several different magazines. Theyre not really official government rankings. The U.S. doesnt have a universal ranking system. So in the U.S., 6 they dont really have that muc

14、h credibility. In terms of the student visa, 7 I know that generates a lot of anxiety for many students around the world. When you go for the interview theyre looking for generally three things. One, of course, is that 8 youre a genuine student and youre coming to the United States to study your edu

15、cation program to get your degree. So when you go into that visa interview, you should really know things about the university that youre going to, why youre going there, why you want to study, what you want to study thats how you show that youre a genuine student. The second thing that theyre looki

16、ng for is to be sure that 9 you have the finances to cover your educational program. Youll have to submit the same bank documentation you used in order to get your I-20 to the U.S. embassy as part of your interview to prove that you are able to pay for your education in the U.S. The next thing that

17、theyre mainly looking for is to be sure, again, that 10 youre a legitimate student and that youre not looking to move to the United States, that you have a reason to return to your home country, whether it be your family or prospective employment. So if you go into the interview, think of all those

18、things and prepare yourself to answer those questions that you really are legitimately coming to the United States to get an education. I think that the visa interview will be no problem. 1 【正确答案】 public research 【试题解析】 本题考查内容与 George Mason University相关。录音提到乔治梅森大学是维吉尼亚州最大的公立研究型大学。此空填入录音提到的 public re

19、search即可。 2 【正确答案】 7 percent 【试题解析】 本题考查乔治梅森大学留学生的比例。录音提到该校学生 33,000人,来自美国 50个州以及 130个不同国家,其中百分之七的学生为留学生,因此这里需要填入 7 percent,题目中 account for意为 “占 比例 ”。 3 【正确答案】 high-quality 【试题解析】 本题考查美国教育。录音中提到虽然美国教育贵,但学生可以得到高质量的教育,所以此空应填入 high-quality。 4 【正确答案】 resources and facilities 【试题解析】 录音提到美国拥有世界上最优秀的教授和最好的

20、资源和设施,空格前提到了教授,所以此处应填 resources and facilities,注意应填入复数形式。 5 【正确答案】 scholarships 【试题解析】 本题考查美国大学所能提供的经济资助。录音原文反复提到scholarship(奖学金 ),如 “助学金取决于各个大学政策。有些学校颁发以成绩评定为准的奖学金,很多大学为外国留学生提供奖学金 ”,因此本空填 scholarships,注意要用复数形式。 6 【正确答案】 credibility 【试题解析】 Jennifer谈到留学的第二个问题是大学排名。她说美国不存在高校的官方排名,也没有一个通用的排名体系,因而高校排名的可

21、信度 (credibility)不高。题目中 little是原文 not.much的 同义表达,故此处填入名词 credibility。 7 【正确答案】 anxiety 【试题解析】 本题与申请留学签证问题相关。录音提到学生签证给全球很多学生造成很大的忧虑。题目中 give rise to是录音中 generates的近义替换,因此填入anxiety“焦虑 ”。 8 【正确答案】 genuine 【试题解析】 本题考查申请留学签证应注意的事项之一。录音提到 “第一,当然你是名真正的学生,来美国是为了学习获得学位。所以,当你走进那个签证面试考场的时候,你应该知道你要去读的那所大学的 情况,为什

22、么去那读书,为什么想去学习以及想学习什么 这些问题都表明你真的是申请学习的学生 ”,反复强调学生的身份,突出真实性,因此这里填 genuine。 9 【正确答案】 finances money 【试题解析】 本题考查申请留学签证要注意的第二件事情。录音提及第二件他们关心的事情是确保你的财务状况能够担付得起你的教育费用。因此 finances是最佳答案,这里实际上讨论的是钱的问题,也可以用 money作答。 10 【正确答案】 legitimate legal lawful 【试题解析 】 录音末尾提到面试官要确保你是名合法的学生,而不是移民美国,你有理由回国,无论是家庭原因还是就业前景的原因。

23、第三个注意事项突出的是学生的合法身份,应填入 legitimate“合法的,正当的 ”, legal或 lawful也可以表达相同的含义。 10 【听力原文】 Whats a University Education Worth? Every year, it costs British students more and more to attend university. Students are graduating with larger and larger debts. So is a university degree really worth it? 1 In 2006, th

24、e UK government started to allow universities in England and Wales to charge British students tuition fees. 2 As a result, more than 80% of students in England and Wales now take out a student loan in order to go to university. They use the loan to pay for tuition fees, books and living expenses. Al

25、though the interest on student loans is quite low, it begins as soon as the student receives the loan. 3 The average student in England and Wales now graduates from university with debts of around 12,000. Students of medicine, who study for longer, usually have debts of more than 20,000. That is a l

26、ot of money. It means graduates cannot afford to buy a house for many years. They even struggle to pay rent on a flat, because they have to start paying back the student loan 4 when they reach the April after graduating (or after leaving a course). 5 If you start to earn over 15,000 a year, the gove

27、rnment takes repayments directly from your monthly salary. Is it any surprise, therefore, that the average British person does not leave their parents home until they are 30 years old? You might think that a British person with a degree will find it easy to get a well-paid job. However, most people

28、in “white-collar jobs“ seem to have a degree these days, 6 so there is a lot of competition. 7 Also, British companies tend to value work experience over a piece of paper. Like everyone else, graduates usually have to start at the bottom and work their way up. 8 That can be very frustrating for them

29、, since they are often over-qualified for the work they are doing. While at university, they had dreams of getting an exciting, challenging job. Therefore, life after university ends up being quite disappointing for a lot of graduates. All of the above is beginning to make British people question wh

30、ether a university degree is really worth the money. Even before the credit crunch started, the BBC stated, “The number of 9 British students at UK universities has fallen for the first time in recent history. from 1.97 million in 2007 to 1.96 million in 2008.“ It looks like the figures will continu

31、e to decline, since loan companies are now telling some students that there are no loans available for them. Forecasts are that between 2009-2019 there will be a fall of 6% in the number of 18-25 year-old university applicants across the UK. Students have always been seen as not having a lot of mone

32、y, but “student poverty“ is now considered a real problem in the UK. Most British students expect to get a loan, part-time job or summer job. Worse than that, however, is the fact 10 student leaders report there are increasing numbers of students turning to crime to support themselves financially. 1

33、1 【正确答案】 tuition fees tuition 【试题解析】 本题考查毕业生负债越来越重的一个原因。录音提到从 2006年开始,英国政府开始允许英格兰和威尔士的大学对英国学生收取学费,因此填入tuition fees或 tuition。 12 【正确答案】 student loan 【试题解析】 录音中提到,高校开始收取学费的后果就是英格兰和威尔士超过80的学生为上大学申请学生贷款 (take out a student loan),所以本空需填 student loan。 13 【正确答案】 around 12, 000 12, 000 pounds 【试题解析】 本空考查考生对

34、数字的敏感程度。录音提到英格兰和威尔士的学生在毕业后通常要负债将近 12000英镑。故填入 12, 000或 12, 000 pounds。 14 【正确答案】 graduating/graduation/leaving a course 【试题解析】 根据介词 after可判断本题考查学生偿还贷款的时间。录音提到,学生们在四月份毕业或结课之后就需开始偿还学生贷款,因此空格 可填入graduating、 graduation或 leaving a course。 15 【正确答案】 monthly salary 【试题解析】 录音提到,一旦学生毕业后年收入超过 15000英镑,政府就开始直接从

35、月收入 (monthly salary)中扣除一部分收回贷款,所以此空填入 monthly salary。 16 【正确答案】 competition 【试题解析】 录音提到,一般人都会认为只要拥有了一纸文凭,英国学生就很容易找到一份薪水很好的工作,但是从事白领工作的人大多数都有 文凭,竞争很大,所以空格应填入 competition。 17 【正确答案】 work experience 【试题解析】 根据题干中 valueover( 和 相较更重视 )的结构可判断此处应该填入和 a piece of paper相对的一个名词。录音提到,英国公司更倾向于重视工作经验 (work experie

36、nce)而不是一纸文凭,因此填入 work experience。 18 【正确答案】 frustrated/disappointed 【试题解析】 录音提到毕业生通常要从底层做起, 一步一步往上爬。这让他们很沮丧 (very frustrating),因为他们认为自己大材小用了。注意题目的主语为表 “人 ”的毕业生 (graduates),故答案填入 frustrated“感到沮丧的 ”,或填入同义表达disappointed。 19 【正确答案】 fallen/declined/decreased 【试题解析】 本题考查学生负债、毕业后薪水不高导致的结果。录音提到英国大学生的数量有史以来第一次减少了 (has fallen for the first time),因此填入听到的录音原词 fallen,也可填入其近义词 declined或 decreased,注意要填入过去分词形式。 20 【正确答案】 crime 【试题解析】 本题考查 “学生贫困 ”问题导致的后果。录音提到大部分英国学生都会通过贷款、兼职或暑期打工来解决经济问题,但是更糟糕的是越来越多的学生通过犯罪途径 (crime)来解决经济压力,因此应填入 crime。


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