ITU-T Q 736 3-1995 Stage 3 Description for Charging Supplementary Services Using Signalling System No 7 Clause 3 - Reverse Charging (REV)《使用No 7信令系统的计费补充业务第3阶段描述 反向计费(REV)》.pdf

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ITU-T Q 736 3-1995 Stage 3 Description for Charging Supplementary Services Using Signalling System No 7 Clause 3 - Reverse Charging (REV)《使用No 7信令系统的计费补充业务第3阶段描述 反向计费(REV)》.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T Q 736 3-1995 Stage 3 Description for Charging Supplementary Services Using Signalling System No 7 Clause 3 - Reverse Charging (REV)《使用No 7信令系统的计费补充业务第3阶段描述 反向计费(REV)》.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T Q 736 3-1995 Stage 3 Description for Charging Supplementary Services Using Signalling System No 7 Clause 3 - Reverse Charging (REV)《使用No 7信令系统的计费补充业务第3阶段描述 反向计费(REV)》.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T Q 736 3-1995 Stage 3 Description for Charging Supplementary Services Using Signalling System No 7 Clause 3 - Reverse Charging (REV)《使用No 7信令系统的计费补充业务第3阶段描述 反向计费(REV)》.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T Q 736 3-1995 Stage 3 Description for Charging Supplementary Services Using Signalling System No 7 Clause 3 - Reverse Charging (REV)《使用No 7信令系统的计费补充业务第3阶段描述 反向计费(REV)》.pdf_第5页
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2、- Reverse Charging (REV) ITU-T Recommendation Q.736 (Previously “CCIlT Recommendation”) ITU-T RECNN*Q.736 CLAUSE*3 95 m 4862593 Ob32343 3Tb m FOREWORD The ITU-T (Telecommunication Standardization Sector) is a permanent organ of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The ITU-T is responsibl

3、e for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommen- dations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the IT

4、U-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993). ITU-T Recommendation 4.736, clause 3 was prepared by ITU-T Study Gr

5、oup 11 (1993-1996) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 17th of October 1995. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Adminisation” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. r O ITU 1996 All rights

6、 reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. ITU-T RECNN*Q-736 CLAUSE*3 95 W 4862591 0612144 232 CONTENTS 3 Reverse Charging (REV) . 3.1 In

7、troduction 3.2 Description 3.3 Operational requirements 3.4 Coding requirements . Interaction with other supplementary services . 3.5 Signalling requirements 3.6 3.7 Interactions with other networks . 3.8 Signalling flows 3.9 Parameter values (Timers) Recommendation Q.736 (10/95) Page 1 1 3 5 5 8 19

8、 21 21 21 1 ITU-T RECNN*Q.736 CLAUSEm3 95 D 48b2591 Ob12145 179 D SUMMARY Reverse Charging is a supplementary service offered to the calling and called users. It provides the calling user with the means to reverse the call charging at call Set-up time or during the active phase of the call. In the l

9、atter case, it applies for the rest of the call only. It also provides the called user with the means to reverse call charging during the active phase of the call for either the rest of the call or for the entire call. It also allows for unconditional reversal of the call charging based on subscript

10、ion data related to the called user. c Il Recommendation Q.736 (10195) ITU-T RECMN*Q.73b CLAUSES3 95 M 486259L ObL21116 005 m Recommendation Q.736 STAGE 3 DESCRIPTION FOR CHARGING SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES USING SIGNALLING SYSTEM No. 7 Geneva, 1995) 3 Reverse Charging (REV) 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 Scope

11、 Reverse Charging (REV) is a service allowing a called user to be charged for the actual communication, that is for usage-based calls. There are four cases of reverse charging: CASE A: Reverse Charging requested by the calling user at the call Set-up time. - - CASEB: Reverse Charging for the rest of

12、 the call, requested by the calling user or the called user during the active phase of the call. - CASE C: Reverse Charging for the entire call requested by the called user during the active phase of the call. - CASE D: Reverse Charging unconditional. The Stage 1 definitions for the Reverse Charging

13、 are given in Recommendation 1.256.3 5 and the Stage 2 service definitions including network functions are given in Recommendations Q.86.3 6. This Stage 3 description for Reverse Charging uses the ISDN User Part defined in Recommendations 4.730 7, Q.761 8, 4.762 9, Q.763 lo, Q.764 i 11 and Q.766 12

14、and may use the Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP) protocols defined in Recommen- dations 4.71 1 13, 4.712 14, 4.713 15 and 4.714 16 in order to transmit messages using end-to-end method. DSS 1 signalling information should be referred to Recommendation Q.956.3 181. 3.1.2 References c The fol

15、lowing Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through reference in text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revisions: all users of this Recommend

16、ation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. IT-T Recommendation 1.1 12 (1993), Vocabulary of tem for ISDNs. CCITT Re

17、commendation I. 130 (1988), Method for the characterization of telecommunication services supported by an ISDN and network capabilities of an ISDN. ITU-T Recommendation 1.2 10 (1993), Principles of telecommunication services supported by an ISDN and the means to describe them. CCITT Recommendation 1

18、.250 (1988 j, Definition of supplementary services. CCITT Recommendation 1.256.3 (1 992), Reverse Charging. ITU-T Recommendation clause 3/Q.86 (1993), Reverse Charging (REV). Recommendation Q.736 (10/95) 1 ITU-T RECMN*Qm73b CLAUSE*3 75 m 48b2593 Ob32347 T4L m ITU-T Recommendation Q.730 (1993), Signa

19、lling System No. 7- ISDN supplementary services. ITU-T Recommendation 4.761 (1993), Functional description of the ISDN User Part of Signalling System No. 7. ITU-T Recommendation Q.762 (1993), General function of message and signals of the ISDN User Part of Signalling System No. 7. ITU-T Recommendati

20、on 4.763 (1993), Format and codes of the ISDN User Part of Signalling System No. 7. IW-T Recommendation Q.764 (1993), Signalling System No. 7 - ISDN User Part signalling procedures. ITU-T Recommendation 4.766 (1993), Pegonnance objectives in the integrated services digital network application. ITU-T

21、 Recommendation 4.71 1 (1993), Signalling System No. 7 - Functional description of the Signalling connection Control Part. IT-T Recommendation Q.712 (1993), Signalling System No. 7 -Definition andfunction ofSCCP messages. ITU-T Recommendation 4.713 (1993), Signalling System No. 7 - SCCP fonnats and

22、codes. ITU-T Recommendation Q.714 (1993), Signalling System No. 7 - Signalling Connection Control Part procedures. CCIT Recommendation X.208 (1988), Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. 1). ITU-T Recommendation clause 314.956 (1 995), Stage 3 description for charging supplementary ser

23、vices using DSS I Reverse Charging (REV). ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (1994)/Amendment 1 (1995), Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. 1 j - Specification of basic notation - Amendment 1: Rules of extensibility. 3.1.3 Terms and definitions Throughout the Stage 3 description for

24、Reverse Charging, the following terminology will be used: Charging is invoked. no transfer mode: This indicates that the charging function is done at the originating side when the Reverse Charging is invoked. / transfer mode: This indicates that the charging function is done at the d

25、estination side when the Reverse subscription option: There are two kinds of subscription option: i) called users subscription option; ii) no subscription option. This means that Reverse Charging constitutes a fundamental ISDN service. 3.1.4 Abbreviations For purpose of this Recommendation,

26、the following abbreviations are used. REV Reverse Charging ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network SCCP Signalling Connection Control Part DSS 1 ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One ISUP ISDN User Part Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. 1 2 Recommendation Q.736 (10/95) ITU-T RECMN*Q.736 CLAUSEm

27、3 95 m 4862571 Ob12148 788 3.2 Description 3.2.1 General description Classification of Reverse Charging service There are four cases of Reverse Charging: CASE A (Reverse Charging requested by the calling user at the call Set-up time) This supplementary service allows a calling user, on a per

28、-call basis, to request Reverse Charging at the call Set-up time. The request is sent to a called user within an Initial Address Message. The called user may accept or reject the request within appropriate call control messages (Le. Answer Message, Connect Message, Release Message). If the called us

29、er accepts the request, the network starts charging the called user with notification of acceptance to the calling user and proceeds with the call. If the called user rejects or ignores the request, the network notifies the calling user and disconnects the call. When a calling user does not explicit

30、ly request Reverse Charging, the calling user is charged as usual. CASE B (Reverse Charging for the rest of the call, requested by the calling user or the caiied user during the active phase of the call) This supplementary service allows both a calling user and a called user, on a per-call basis, to

31、 request Reverse Charging for the rest of the call during the active phase of the call. Requested by a calling user The request is sent to a called user within a Facility Message. The called user may accept or reject the request within the Facility message. If the called user accepts the request, th

32、e network starts charging to the called user from that very moment, notifies acceptance to the calling user, and proceeds with the call. If the called user rejects or ignores the request, the network notifies the calling user while the existing call remains unaffected and the calling user is charged

33、 continuously. In order to transmit the messages between the control exchanges, end-to-end signalling as defined in Recommendation Q.730 7 (pass-along method or SCCP method) may be used if possible. c Requested by a called user The request is sent to the network by a called user within a Facility Me

34、ssage. The network starts charging to the called user from that very moment with notification of acceptance to the calling and the called user, and proceeds with the call. In order to transmit the messages between the control exchanges, end-to-end signalling as defined in Recommendation 4.730 7 (pas

35、s-along method or SCCP method) may be used if possible. CASE C (Reverse Charging for the entire cai1 requested by the called user during the active phase of the call) This supplementary service allows a called user, on a per-call basis, to request Reverse Charging for the entire call during the acti

36、ve phase of the call. The request is sent to the network within a Facility Message. The network charges all usage-based charges for the entire call to the called user with notification of acceptance to the calling and the called user, and proceeds with the call. In order to transmit the messages bet

37、ween the control exchanges, end-to-end signalling as defined in Recommen- dation Q.730 7 (pass-along method or SCCP method) may be used if possible. Recommendation Q.736 (10/95) 3 ITU-T RECMNJQ-736 CLAUSE*3 95 m 4862593 0632349 814 m CASE D (Reverse Charging unconditional) This service is only appli

38、cable to the called user. Regardless whether a callinglcalled user requests Reverse Charging or not, all usage-based charges or some of them for selected services are charged to the called user. In order to confirm that the Reverse Charging has been invoked, the originating side receives notificatio

39、n within answer messages (i.e. Answer Message or Connect Message) and the called user receives notification within call set-up message. With this service the usage-based charges are charged to the called user, even if the calling user is not an ISDN user. Calculation of the costs for a call

40、Making the calculations of the costs for a call based on the charging information is outside the scope of Reverse Charging service. Allocation of the charging function for Reverse Charging Two modes are defined for allocation of the charging function for Reverse Charging. No Transfer Mode al

41、locates the charging function to the originating side when Reverse Charging is invoked. Transfer Mode allocates the charging function to the destination side when Reverse Charging is invoked. In the case of No Transfer Mode, the control exchange at the destination side shall transfer the called user

42、 number to the originating side as required information for charging. In the case of Transfer Mode, the control exchange at the originating side shall transfer the calling user number to the destination side in the same way. This information shall be verified by the sending network in order to charg

43、e correctly. 3.2.2 Specific terminology See 3.1.3, Terms and definitions. 3.2.3 Qualification on the applicability to Telecommunication Services See Recommendation 1.256.3 5. 3.2.4 State definitions Throughout the Stage 3 description for Reverse Charging, the following states are defined: re

44、quested within an Initial address message, and the originating exchange is waiting for the response to the request. wait for REVCallingReqSetup response: This indicates that the Reverse Charging service (CASE A) was wait for REVCallingReqSetup confirmation: This indicates that the destinatio

45、n exchange is received Reverse Charging request (CASE A) from the originating exchange and waiting for the response to the request from the destination side user-network interface. wait for REVCallingReqActive response: This indicates that the Reverse Charging service (CASE B requested by th

46、e calling user) was requested by the calling user, and the originating exchange is waiting for the response to the request. wait for REVCailingReqActive confirmation: This indicates that the destination exchange is received Reverse Charging request (CASE B requested by the calling user) from

47、 the originating exchange and waiting for the response to the request from the destination side user-network interface. wait for REVCalledRequest response: This indicates that the destination exchange requested the control for Reverse Charging service (CASE B requested by the called user, CA

48、SE C, or CASE D) to the originating exchange, and the destination exchange is waiting for the response to the request. wait for basic caii response: This indicates that the originating exchange returns Reverse Charging service (CASE D) acceptance to the destination exchange, and the originat

49、ing exchange is waiting for the basic call response (Le. Answer message, Connect message) from destination side. 4 Recommendation Q.736 (10195) wait for basic call confirmation: This indicates that a call arrived at a called user which subscribed to Reverse Charging CASE D, the destination exchange is waiting for the basic call response from the destination side user-network interface. active reverse charging: This indicates that a Reverse Charging has been invoked successfully in a call. idle: This indicates that the contro

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