ITU-T X 290-1995 OSI Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework for Protocol Recommendations for ITU-T Applications - General Concepts - Data Networks and Open System Communicatce T.pdf

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2、 PROTOCOL RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL CONCEPTS FOR ITU-T APPLICATIONS - ITU-T Recommendation X.290 (Previously “CCIlT Recommendation“) ITU-T RECMN*X*290 95 48b2591 0606708 L)58 FOREWORD The ITU-T (Telecommunication Standardization Sector) is a permanent organ of the International Telecommunication Union

3、 (ITU). The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommen- dations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes

4、 the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993). ITU-T Recommendation X.290 was revis

5、ed by -T Study Group 7 (1993-1996) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 10th of April 1995. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. O ITU 1

6、996 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. ITU-T X-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS DATA NETWORKS AND OPEN SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS (Feb

7、ruary 1994) ORGANIZATION OF X-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS Subject area PUBLIC DATA NETWORKS Recommendation Series Services and Facilities Interfaces I Transmission, Signalling and Switching I X.50-X.89 I X.l-X.19 X.20-X.49 Network Aspects Maint en an c e X.90-X. 149 X.150-X. 179 Administrative Arrangemen

8、ts OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION X. 180-X. 199 I Connectionless-mode Protocol Specifications I X.230-X.239 I Model and Notation X.200-X.209 Service Definitions Connection-mode Protocol Specifications I Conformance Testing I X.290-X.299 I X.210-X.2 19 X.220-X.229 PICS Proformas Protocol Identification

9、 X.240-X.259 X.260-X.269 Security Protocols Layer Managed Objects I Networking I X.600-X.649 I X.270-X.279 X.280-X.289 INTERWORKING BETWEEN NETWORKS General I OS1 MANAGEMENT I X.700-X.799 I X.300-X.349 Mobile Data Transmission Systems Management MESSAGE HANDLING SYSTEMS X.350-X.369 X.370-X.399 X.400

10、-X.499 I Remote Operations I X .8 80-X. 899 I DIRECTORY OS1 NETWORKING AND SYSTEM ASPECTS OPEN DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING X.900-X.999 I x.500-x.599 Naming, Addressing and Registration Abstract Syntax Notation One ASN.1) X.650-X.679 X.680-X.699 SECURITY OS1 APPLICATIONS X.800-X.849 Commitment, Concurrenc

11、y and Recovery Transaction Processing X.850-X.859 X. 860-X. 879 ITU-T RECMN*X.290 95 4Bb259L Ob06730 OOb ITU-T RECMN+X.290 95 m 4862591 OhOb711 T42 m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CONTENTS Page Scope References Definitions 3.1 Reference model definitions . 3.2 Terms defined in other ITU-T Recommendations, In

12、ternational Standards and Technical Reports 3.3 Conformance testing definitions . Abbreviations . The meaning of conformance in OS1 . 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Conformance requirements . 5.3 Static conformance requirements 5.4 Dynamic conformance requirements Conformance requirements related to transfer

13、syntaxes . 5.5 5.6 Implementation Conformance Statements (ICSs) . 5.7 A conforming system 5.8 Interworking and conformance . Conformance and testing 6.1 Objectives of conformance testing . 6.2 Extra information for testing . 6.3 6.4 Use of Basic Interconnection Tests and capability tests in the test

14、 campaign 6.5 Analysis of results . Test methods 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Classification of real open systems and IUTs for conformance testing 7.3 Abstract testing methodology . 7.4 Abstract testing functions . 7.5 Overview of Abstract Test Methods . 7.6 Applicability of test methods to real open system

15、s . 7.7 Applicability of the test methods to OS1 protocols and layers . Test suites . 8.1 Structure 8.2 Abstract and executable test cases 8.3 8.4 Profile Test Specifications (FTS) . Relationships between Recommendations in the X.290-Series, concepts and roles Conformance assessment process overview

16、 . Base specification conformance testing specifications . Compliance Appendix I . Options Appendix II - Index of Recommendations X.290, X.291, X.293, X.294, X.295, and X.296 Recommendation X.290 (04/95) 1 2 3 3 4 4 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 18 19 20 20 23 23 23 25 28 29 31 31 31 31 32 34

17、34 34 36 36 37 1 ITU-T RECMN*X-290 95 = 4862593 Ob06732 989 SUMMARY This Recommendation defines the general concepts for OS1 conformance testing methodology and framework for protocol Recommendations. It provides general principles for conformance testing which can make possible wide acceptance and

18、confidence of conformance test results. It describes the definition of terms, test methods and test suites of OS1 protocol conformance testing. The text was developed jointly with ISO/IEC JTC1 and the main intent of this revision is to reflect the changes as a result of the work on Protocol Profile

19、Testing Methodology(PPTM) and on Multi- Party Testing Methodology (MPyTM). ii Recommendation X.290 (04195) ITU-T RECMNwX.290 75 4862591 Ob06713 15 INTRODUCTION The objective of OS1 will not be completely achieved until systems can be tested to determine whether they conform to the relevant protocol

20、and profile specifications. The relevant ones can be OS1 -T Recommendations, International Standards or International Standardized Profiles. Standardized Abstract Test Suites should be developed for each ITU-T Recommendation or International Standard which specifies an OS1 protocol, for use by suppl

21、iers or implementors in self-testing, by users of OS1 products, by telecommunications administrations and recognized operating agencies, or by other third party testing organizations. Standardized Profile Test Specifications should be developed for each OS1 profile defined in an International Standa

22、rdized Profile, or in an ITU-T Recommendation or International Standard, to specify how to combine and select from these Abstract Test Suites for the purpose of testing conformance of systems to that profile. This should lead to comparability and wide acceptance of test results produced by different

23、 test laboratories, and thereby minimize the need for repeated conformance testing of the same system. The standardization of test suites requires international definition and acceptance of a common testing methodology, together with appropriate testing methods and procedures. It is the purpose of I

24、TU-T Recommendations X.290 to X.296 to define the methodology, to provide a framework for specifying conformance test suites, and to define the procedures to be followed during testing. Conformance testing involves testing both the capabilities and behaviour of an implementation, and checking what i

25、s observed against the conformance requirements in the relevant ITU-T Recommendations or International Standards and if appropriate in the related International Standardized Profiles and against what the implementor states the implementation capabilities are. Conformance testing does not include ass

26、essment of the performance nor the robustness or reliability of an implementation. It cannot give judgements on the physical realization of the Abstract Service Primitives, how a system is implemented, how it provides any requested service, nor the environment of the protocol implementation. It cann

27、ot, except in an indirect way, prove anything about the logical design of the protocol itself. The purpose of conformance testing is to increase the probability that different OS1 implementations are able to interwork. However, it should be borne in mind that the complexity of most protocols makes e

28、xhaustive testing impractical on both technical and economic grounds. Also, testing cannot guarantee conformance to a specification since it detects errors rather than their absence. Thus conformance to a test suite alone cannot guarantee interworking. What it does do is give confidence that an impl

29、ementation has the required capabilities and that its behaviour conforms consistently in representative instances of communication. It should be noted that the OS1 basic reference model (ITU-T Rec. X.200 i ISO/IEC 7498-1) states (in 4.3): “Only the external behaviour of Open Systems is retained as t

30、he standard of behaviour of real Open Systems“ This means that although aspects of both internal and external behaviour are described in OS1 ITU-T Recommendations and International Standards, it is only the requirements on external behaviour that have to be met by real open systems. Although some of

31、 the methods defined in Recommendation X.291 do impose certain limitations on the implementor, for example that there be some means of realizing control and observation at one or more Service Access Points, it should be noted that other methods defined herein do not impose such limitations. However,

32、 in the case of partial OS1 end-systems which provide OS1 protocols up to a specific layer boundary, it is desirable to test not only the external behaviour of the implemented protocol entities, but also the ability of those entities to support correct external behaviour in higher layers. . Recommen

33、dation X.290 (04/95) 111 ITU-T RECMN*X-290 95 m 4862591 Ob06734 751 m Detailed investigation of relative benefits, efficiency and limitations of all methods is addressed in various of the Recommendations X.290 to X.296. However, any organization contemplating the use of test methods defined in Recom

34、mendation X.29 1 in a context such as certification should carefully consider the limitations on their applicability and the benefits of each. Testing is voluntary as far as ITU-T and ISO/IEC are concerned. Requirements for testing in procurement and other external contracts are not a matter for sta

35、ndardization. This Recommendation is also published as ISO/IEC 9646-1:1994. iv Recommendation X.290 (04/95) ITU-T RECMN*X-290 95 4862593 ObOb7L5 698 Recommendation X.290 OS1 CONFORMANCE TESTING METHODOLOGY AND FRAMEWORK GENERAL CONCEPTS) (Melbourne, 1988; revised in 1992 and 1995) FOR PROTOCOL RECOM

36、MENDATIONS FOR ITU-T APPLICATIONS - 1 Scope 1.1 Recommendations X.290 to X.296 specify a general methodology for testing of products to IT-T Recommendations or International Standards that specify OS1 protocols which the products are claimed to implement. The methodology applies to testing conforman

37、ce to the specification of an OS1 protocol; the specification of a transfer syntax used in combination with a specific OS1 protocol; the specification of an OS1 protocol profile, including the testing of conformance to any specified information objects used in combination with one or more of the pro

38、tocols, as specified in the profile; the specifications of a combination of OS1 protocols, possibly used in combination with a specified transfer syntax andor one or more specified information objects. The OS1 specification to which conformance is tested may be contained in an IT-T Recommendation, a

39、n International Standard, or an International Standardized Profile. 1.2 The contents of Recommendations X.290 to X.296 are also, in principle, applicable to conformance testing for ISDN two-party protocols. 1.3 Recommendations X.290 to X.296 are applicable to conformance testing for those implementa

40、tions of a protocol or set of protocols that require communication between two or more real open systems to achieve their purpose e.g. Message Handling Service (MHS), Directory Services, ISDN, Transaction Processing, Routing, and Systems Management. 1.4 Recommendations X.290 to X.296 are applicable

41、to the different phases of the conformance testing process, these phases being characterized by three major activities. These activities are: a) the specification of Abstract Test Suites (ATSs) .for particular OS1 protocols and Profile Test Specifications (PTSs) for particular OS1 profiles; b) reali

42、zation of a Means of Testing (MOT) able to run an executable form of an Abstract Test Suite; c) the conformance assessment process carried out by a test laboratory for a specific client on the basis of an Implementation Conformance Statement (ICs), culminating in the production of a System Conforman

43、ce Test Report (SCTR) and one or more Protocol Conformance Test Reports (PCTR), one for each ATS used; the results are given in terms of the relevant protocol specification(s) and test suite(s) used. This Recommendation is applicable to all three activities, providing tutorial introductory material,

44、 together with definitions of common terms and concepts. NOTE - Recommendation X.291 deals with the requirements and guidance for the specification of ATSs, independent of test notation. Recommendation X.292 defines the recommended test notation. Recommendation X.293 deals with requirements and guid

45、ance for realization of the means of testing. Recommendation X.294 deals with requirements and guidance for test laboratories and their clients for the conformance assessment process. Recommendation X.295 deals with the requirements and guidance for PTSs based upon ATSs for each of the protocols inv

46、olved. Recommendation X.296 deals with the requirements and guidance for ICSs, System Conformance Statements (SCSs), their proformas and Requirements Lists (RLs). 1.5 Recommendations X.290 to X.296 specify the requirements for and give guidance on the procedures to be followed in OS1 conformance tes

47、ting. a) b) c) d) l) Recommendation X.290 and ISOIIEC 9646-1, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 1: General concepts, are technically aligned. Recommendation X.290 (04/95) 1 ITU-T RECMN*X-290 75 = qBb259L 0606736 52q 1.6 objec

48、tives: Recommendations X.290 to X.296 include only such information as is necessary to meet the following a) b) to achieve an adequate level of confidence in the tests as a guide to conformance; to achieve comparability between the results of the corresponding tests on a part-icular OS1 implementati

49、on applied in different places at different times; to facilitate communication between the parties responsible for the activities described in 1.4 above. c) 1.7 This Recommendation includes tutorial introductory material which provides: a) an exposition of the meaning of conformance in the context of OSI; b) a description of the major categories of conformance tests; c) an introduction to the conformance assessment process; d) an introduction to the Abstract Test Methods and their applicability; e) an introduction to the concepts of test suite design. In addition, this Recomme

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