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1、考研英语(一)模拟试卷 23(无答案)一、Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D. (10 points) 0 To produce the upheaval (激变) in the United States that changed and modernized the domain of higher education from the mid-1860s to th

2、e niid-1880s, three primary causes interacted. The 1 of a half-dozen leaders in education provided the personal force that was needed. _2 , an outcry (呐喊)for a fresher, more practical, and more advanced kind of instruction _3_ among the alumni and friends of nearly all of the old colleges and grew i

3、nto a movement that overrode (压倒) all 4 opposition. The aggressive “Young Yale“ movement appeared, demanding partial alumni control, a more _5_spirit; and a broader course of study. The graduates of Harvard college simultaneously_6_ to relieve the colleges poverty and demand new 7 Education was push

4、ing toward higher standards in the East by 8_ off church leadership everywhere, and in the West by finding a wider range of studies and a new_9_ of public duty.The old-style classical education received its most crushing 10 in the citadel (城堡) of Harvard College, _11_ Dr. Charles Eliot, a young capt

5、ain of thirty-five, son of a former treasurer of Harvard, led the 12 forces. Five revolutionary advances were made during the first years of Dr. Eliots _13_. They were the elevation and amplification of entrance requirements, the enlargement of the 14 and the development of the 15 system, the recogn

6、ition of graduate study in the liberal arts, the raising of professional training in law, medicine, and engineering to a postgraduate level, and the fostering (培养) of greater 16 in student life. Standard of admission were sharply advanced in 18721877. 17 the appointment of a dean to take charge of s

7、tudent affairs, and a wise handling of 18 , the undergraduates were led to regard themselves more as young gentlemen and 19 as young animals. One new course of study after another was 20 science, music, the history of the fine arts, advanced Spanish, political economy, physics and international law.

8、(A)uproar(B) threshold(C) emergency(D)emergence(A)However(B) Moreover(C) Thereafter(D)Indeed(A)aroused(B) arose(C) roused(D)incurred(A)conservative(B) conventional(C) radical(D)profound(A)flexible(B) liberal(C) literate(D)literary(A)rallied(B) assembled(C) gathered(D)summoned(A)resource(B) orientati

9、on(C) reserve(D)enterprise(A)putting(B) taking(C) throwing(D)letting(A)point(B) meaning(C) commitment(D)sense(A)blow(B) crack(C) strike(D)stroke(A)when(B) where(C) which(D)that(A)drastic(B) massive(C) extreme(D)progressive(A)administration(B) manipulation(C) regulation(D)institution(A)subject(B) cou

10、rse(C) curriculum(D)syllabus(A)elective(B) selective(C) subjective(D)objective(A)diversity(B) maturity(C) seniority(D)versatility(A)By(B) With(C) Upon(D)At(A)penalty(B) code(C) virtue(D)discipline(A)little(B) less(C) much(D)even(A)opened up(B) set down(C) brought up(D)laid downPart ADirections: Read

11、 the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)20 In more than a century of hand-to-hand combat in shops, supermarket aisles, restaurants and bars around the world, Coca-Cola has nearly always been in the lead and Pepsi in second place. When Warr

12、en Buffett, Cokes long-time investor, told the board that he had visited a pizza parlor in Omaha, Nebraska , with his grandson only to discover it served nothing but Pepsi, Cokes bosses acted swiftly to remove their arch-rival from the menu and replace it with Coke.If only the Atlanta-based company

13、had moved determinedly in response to changing consumer tastes, it might have avoided a humiliating reversal in fortunes. On December 12th PepsiCo overtook Coca-Cola in market capitalization for the first time. With PepsiCos share price having risen by 14% this year, its stock market value reached $

14、 98. 4 billion, compared with $ 97.9 billion for Coca-Cola, which has seen its shares decline by 1.2% in the same period.Pepsi is powered not by its traditional fizzy drinkssales of those are flatbut such products as Gatorade, a sports drink that has seen sales grow by more than 30%. Gatorade also r

15、epresents a broader diversification by PepsiCo away from a reliance on sugary colas and into other products. PepsiCo now reportedly gets around 20% of its revenue from soft drinks, unlike Coca-Cola, where they account for some 80%.Many of the brands that PepsiCo has been acquiring and promoting appe

16、al to consumers concerns about their health. PepsiCos latest advertising program promotes a new “Smart Spot“ symbol, which allows people to identify healthier products. The spots are being attached to Gatorade and other PepsiCo brands such as Tropicana orange juice, Aquarian water, baked Lays crisps

17、 and Quaker Granola Bars.Coca-Cola will now try to regain the crown. Having endured various troubles and two chief executives since the death in 1997 of Roberto Goizueta, a much-admired boss, Coke brought a veteran, Neville Isdell, out of retirement last year to reinvigorate the company. Mr. Isdell

18、knows a thing or two about being in second place. In the 1980s he took Coke from the number two spot in the Philippines to move ahead of Pepsi.Mr. Isdell has Cokes own sports drink, Powerade, in his portfoliobut he could have had Gato-rade. Five years ago another fizzy drink (champagne) was on ice,

19、to celebrate Coca-Colas $ 15. 8 billion takeover of Quaker Oats, then owner of Gatorade. This takeover was supposed to lead Coke into what looked to be a hot new market for health drinks. But the “Sage of Omaha“ , as Mr. Buffett is known, blocked the deal, in part because it would have diluted the v

20、alue of Cokes shares. Pepsi took over Quaker Oats insteada memory that must leave Mr. Buffett and other Coke shareholders with a bitter taste in their mouths.21 Mr. Buffett is noted to suggest that_.(A)Mr. Buffett is the investor of Coca-Cola(B) Pepsi is served in the pizza parlor(C) Coke is overtak

21、en by Pepsi in some sphere(D)Coke used to win the battle against Pepsi22 Why the Coke company is facing the embarrassing situation ?(A)Coke is now in a humiliating state.(B) Pepsi excelled Coke in sales.(C) Coke fails to give priority to the dynamic market.(D)PepsiCo overtook Coca-Cola in market cap

22、italization.23 By listing some products of Pepsi, the author wants to tell us that_.(A)Coke s profits markedly comes from its sugary colas(B) Pepsi s diversified strategy makes him prefers Pepsi to Coke(C) Pepsi has many different products(D)the success of Pepsi cola is attributable to its diversifi

23、ed strategy24 The word “reinvigorate“ (Para. 5) probably means_.(A)to keep healthy(B) to remain stranger(C) to reform and better(D)to change25 The text suggests that Mr. Isdell_.(A)will take over Gatorade(B) will promote Powerade(C) rejected Mr. Buffetts decision(D)regrets about his decision25 Many

24、hands have been wrung about the plight of over-extended kids. In their attempts to become well-rounded as individuals and well liked by college admissions officers, youngsters from grammar school to high school barely have time for play, let alone relaxation. But between homework and music lessons,

25、soccer practice and SAT prep, some parents and their kids are scheduling a new set of appointments. These commitments, however, are less likely to be monitored by coaches and instructors than by the aestheticians and nutritionists at the growing number of day spas and resorts that cater to young peo

26、ple. “ Kids are under such stress now at school with life the way it is,“ says Maria Rohwer of Highland, N. Y. “ Spas cost a lot of money, but for a special treat for a birthday, or if youre in pain, why not?“Of course, indeed. Formerly the domain of overstressed or over-pampered adults, spas have b

27、egun aggressively luring the under-18 set. Offering specially designed massages, facials and glitter manicures for teens, they are hoping to cash in on adolescents disposable income and limitless ability to care about their appearance. “So much of the media is filled with beautiful girls who have be

28、autiful skin,“ says Breanna Ellis, 15, who gets a facial at the Belle Visage Day Spa in Studio City, Calif. , every six weeks. “Young girls like myself are pressured to be beautiful in society or we dont feel like we belong. “As is the case at most spas, the majority of teens who visit Belle Visage

29、are the daughters and sons of longtime clients. Some moms even throw spa parties at which their daughters and friends can spend an afternoon getting manicures and makeup instruction.Not everyone is heralding this era. “ Teens could do a lot better by quitting the fast food and chocolate ,“ says Care

30、n Penland, 23, who visited her first spa in Arlington, Texas, last year. “ I think its teaching them that instead of taking care of yourself, you can have someone do it for you. “Many spas argue that they are trying to teach youngsters how to care for themselves. Says Elaine Sauer, who helped develo

31、p a Just for Teens package for the chain of Mario Tricoci spas in the Midwest, “ We came up with a very useful facial. We really take the time to educate them about their skin. “The Julian Krinsky Canyon Ranch Teen Summer Program takes its educational mission seriously. Staff members say the camp, l

32、ocated at Bryn Mawr College, is intended to help teenagers learn how to live healthy life, and so stress-breaking classes like Cardio Kickboxing and Pilates are offered, along with nutritional advice thats given in a Hands-On Cooking course.26 It can be inferred from the first paragraph that_.(A)stu

33、dents are preferred by the aestheticians and nutritionists(B) there is keen competition among students for acceptance by top universities(C) many parents welcome day spas and think it worth spending money on them(D)students get a treatment of day spas for birthday present given by their parents27 Sp

34、as begin to develop the market of youth because_.(A)adults have shifted their attention to other leisure activities(B) youth may help them open up new sources for revenue(C) parents give their children more allowances than before(D)youth are jealous of the beautiful skin of girls in magazines28 The

35、word “herald“ (Para. 4) probably means_.(A)hail(B) disfavor(C) question(D)disregard29 Some people worry that spas may teach children_.(A)how to look after themselves(B) how to rely on other people(C) how to stand on their own feet(D)how to take care of their skin30 We can learn that children are off

36、ered some lessons to learn_.(A)how to live a colorful life(B) how to make friends reduce stress(C) how to change the way they think(D)what kind of diet is good to their health30 We know today that the traditions of tribal art are more complex and “primitive“ than its discoverers believe; we have eve

37、n seen that the imitation of nature is by no means excluded from its aims. But the style of these ritualistic objects could still serve as a common focus for that search for expressiveness , structure, and simplicity that the new movements had inherited from the experiments of the three lonely rebel

38、s; Van Gogh, Cezanne, and Gauguin.The experiments of Expressionism are, perhaps, the easiest to explain in words. The term itself may not be happily chosen, for we know that we are all expressing ourselves in everything we do or leave undone, but the word became a convenient label because of its eas

39、ily remembered contrast to Impressionism , and as a label it is quite useful. In one of his letters, Van Gogh had explained how he set about painting the portrait of a friend who was very dear to him. The conventional likeness was only the first stage. Having painted a “correct“ portrait, he proceed

40、ed to change the colors and the setting.Van Gogh was right in saying that the method he had chosen could be compared to that of the cartoonist. Cartoon had always been “expressionist“ , for the cartoonist plays with the likeness of his victim , and distorts it to express just what he feels about his

41、 fellow man. As long as these distortions sailed under the flag of humor nobody seemed to find them difficult to understand. Humorous art was a field in which everything was permitted, because people did not approach it with prejudices. Yet there is nothing inconsistent about it. It is true that our

42、 feelings about things do color the way in which we see them and, even more, the forms which we remember. Everyone of us must have experienced how different the same place may look when we are happy or when we are sad.What upsets the public about the Expressionist art was, perhaps, not so much the f

43、act that nature had been distorted as that the result led away from beauty. For the Expressionists felt so strongly about human suffering, poverty, violence and passion, and they were inclined to think that the insistence on harmony and beauty were only born out of a refusal to be honest. The art of

44、 the classical masters, of a Raphael or Correggio, seemed to them insincere and hypocritical. They wanted to face the bare facts of our existence, and to express their compassion for the disinherited and the ugly.31 According to the text, Expressionism is a(n) _.(A)fundamental revolution in arts(B)

45、new movement based on expressive style(C) marked trend insisting on harmony and beauty(D)artistic style expressing the artists inner experiences objectively32 The Van Goghs letter (Para. 2) was mentioned to_.(A)afford evidence of the origin of Expressionism(B) deal with the mystery of Van Coghs draw

46、ings(C) show the difference between Van Gogh and a cartoonist(D)exhibit the unique feature of the Expressionists art33 Which of the following is the Expressionist position concerning harmony and beauty in art?(A)It emerged from conformity and fear of change.(B) It is a misconception of social life.(

47、C) It originated from untruthfulness.(D)It is essential that no such thing as true beauty exists.34 In the authors opinion, the art of Raphael and Correggio_.(A)makes the public suspect their true motives(B) displayed too much of the dark side of the human society(C) was characteristic of an insiste

48、nce on harmony and beauty(D)reflected the objective world insincerely35 It can be inferred from the text that the Expressionists were_.(A)lonely people frequently feeling unhappy at being alone(B) motivated by a desire to change for the sake of changing(C) not immediately acknowledged by the masses(

49、D)appreciative of the effect of cartoons on their work35 Should the Treasury sell its economic forecasting computers for scrap? For the past two years no one outside the Conservative Party and White-hall has believed a Treasury forecast. Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures or with a mortgage knew that Chancellor Norman Lamonts repeated claims about recovery being “just around the corner“ were untrue.Yet only a fortnight ago Gary Becker, an American economist, won a Nobel p

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