
, C or D.(分数:40.00)_We are witnessing diminishing faith in institutions of all kinds. People dont trust the government. They dont trust banks and othe


1、 C or D.(分数:40.00)_We are witnessing diminishing faith in institutions of all kinds. People dont trust the government. They dont trust banks and other corporations. At the same time, we are 【C1】_ a period of profound technological change. 【C2】_ the rise of bio-engineering, networked devices, space exploration, and machine learning, the mobile internet is recontextualizing how we 【C3】_。

2、 C or D.(分数:40.00)_The scientist who wants to predict the way which consumers will spend their money must study consumer behavior. He must 【B1】_ data both on the resources of consumers and on the motive that 【B2】_ to encourage or discourage money spending. If an economist were asked which of three groups borrow mostpeople with rising incomes,【B3】_incomes, or decreasing incomeshe would pro。

3、 C or D.(分数:40.00)_How men first learned to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men,【B1】_animals, somehow invented certain【B2】_to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things,【B3】_they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed 【B4】_ certain signs, called letters, which could be 【B5】_ to r。

4、 C or D.(分数:40.00)_Everyone would like a piece of the next Google or Facebook. But the big venture-capital (VC) firms do not usually 【C1】_ money from small investors. And some entrepreneurs complain that it is hard to get 【C2】_ the hotshots in the VC industry. 【C3】_ the enthusiasm for crowd-funding, 【C4】_ small investors can buy a stake in startup companies. Seedrs, a British crowd-fundi。

5、 C or D.(分数:40.00)_If the technological revolution continues to have its effects, there will be fewer and fewer jobs available, particularly to school-leavers and those over the age of fifty. 【C1】_ there are only half the number of jobs in the future, men and women will have to share them. Two people will 【C2】_ work only twenty hours each 【C3】_ the forty they are currently 【C4】_ to. It i。

6、re racing to learn how to rapidly diagnose, treat and stop the spread of a new, deadly disease. SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome was【1】for the first time in February 2003 in Hanoi,【2】since then has infected more than 1,600 people in 15 countries, killing 63. At this【3】, there are more questions than answers surrounding the disease.Symptoms start【4】a fever over 100.4 degrees F, chills, headache or body【5】. Within a week, the patient has a dry cough, which might【6】to shortness of breath.。

7、what are called warning colours, that is to say, the colouration warns every creature that the animal in question is dangerous. The skunk(臭鼬) is one of the best (1)_ of this, with his brilliant black and white fur. He walks (2)_ even in broad daylight and shows no (3)_ when he sees you. He heavily (4)_ his feet and puts his (5)_ up in the air, daring you not to come (6)_ closer. And if you dont take (7)_ of the warning he will spray you with his evil-smelling (8)。

8、pening to England. Still【1】from the dissolution of the empire in the years【2】World War , now the English find they are not even British. As the cherished “United Kingdom“ breaks into its【3】parts, Scots are clearly【4】and the Welsh, Welsh. But who exactly are the English? Whats left of them, with everything but the【5】half of their island taken away? Going back in time to【 6】roots doesnt help. First came the Celts, then the Romans, then Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes. Invasion after invasi。

9、ost countries have a style of their own. (1)_ the turn of the century when jazz was born, America had no prominent (2)_ of its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was (3)_,or by whom. But it began to be (4)_ in the early 1900s. Jazz is Americas contribution to (5)_ music. In contrast to classical music, which (6)_ formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free-form. It bubbles with energy, (7)_ the moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 19。

10、diagnosed as having AIDS, their barber refused to cut their hair and their house was burned down by neighbors. These reactions may be (1)_, but other AIDS sufferers have experienced job loss, (2)_ of insurance, and even (3)_ by their families and friends. Social scientists use the term stigma to describe the discredit and shame that public hostility can (4)_ a group of people. (5)_, AIDS sufferers are often stigmatized.Where do these stigmatizing attitudes come from? AIDS for。

11、r repeatedly to the effects of the two world wars in promoting all kind of innovation. It should be (1)_ also that technological innovations have (2)_ the character of war itself by the (3)_ of new mechanical and chemical device. One weapon developed during World War II (4)_ a special mention. The (5)_ of rocket propulsions was well known earlier, and its possibilities as a (6)_ of achieving speeds sufficient to escape from the Earths gravitational pull had been (7)_。

12、petites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered them and a child rarely dislikes food (1)_ it is badly cooked. The (2)_ a meal is cooked and served is most important and an (3)_ served meal will, often improve a childs appetite. Never ask a child (4)_ he likes or dislike a food and never (5)_ likes and dislikes in front of him or allow (6)_ else to do so. If the father says he hates fat meat or the mother (7)_ vegetables in the childs hearing he is 。

13、 C or D.(分数:40.00)_Clothes play a critical part in the conclusions we reach by providing clues to who people are, who they are not, and who they would like to be. They tell us a good【B1】_ about the wearer s background, personality, status, mood, and 【B2】_ on life. People tend to agree on what certain types of clothes 【B3】_. Newscasters, or the【B4】_who read the news on TV, are con。

14、nds on the brink(边缘) of chaos. 1 have so many spent so long learning so little.The present crisis 2 the increasingly widespread acceptance among faculty and administrators of the fatal educational 3 that a student should not be required to do any academic work that 4 him. If a student prefers not to study science or history or literature, he is 5 to attain his degree without studying any science, history, or literature.Throughout the country the attempt is being 6 to provide students with what i。

15、ments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases【B1 】the trial of Rosemary West.In a significant【B2 】of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a【B3 】bill that will propose making payments to witnesses【B4】and will strictly control the amount of【B5】that can be given to a case【 B6】a trial begins.In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee. Lord Irvine said he【B7】with a committee 。

16、nd into the 20th, citizens of the United States maintained a bias against big cities. Most lived on farms and in small towns and believed cities to be centers of 1 , crime, poverty and moral 2 Their distrust was caused, 3 , by a national ideology that 4 fanning the greatest occupation and rural living 5 to urban living. This attitude 6 even as the number of urban dwellers increased and cities became an essential 7 of the national landscape. Gradually, economic reality overcame ideology. Thousand。

17、 C or D.(分数:40.00)_Clothes play a critical part in the conclusions we reach by providing clues to who people are, who they are not, and who they would like to be. They tell us a good【B1】_ about the wearer s background, personality, status, mood, and 【B2】_ on life. People tend to agree on what certain types of clothes 【B3】_. Newscasters, or the【B4】_who read the news on TV, are con。

18、 from the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalia. (1)_ the fierce wolves roamed nearby, the old Romans called (2)_ the god Lupercus to help them. A festival in his (3)_ was held February 15th. On the eve of the festival the (4)_ of the girls were written on (5)_ paper and placed in jars. Each young man (6)_ a slip. The girl whose name was (7)_ was to be his sweetheart for the year.Legend (8)_ it that the holiday became Valentines Day (9)_ a roman priest named 。

19、ny country means the average persons share of the goods and services which the country produces. A countrys standard of living, (1)_, depends first and (2)_ on its capacity to produce wealth“. Wealth“ in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money (3)_ on things that money can buy. “Goods“ such as food and clothing, and “services“ such as transport and “ (4)_ “. A countrys capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors, most of (5)_ have an effec。

20、in the United States that changed and modernized the domain of higher education from the mid-1860s to the niid-1880s, three primary causes interacted. The 1 of a half-dozen leaders in education provided the personal force that was needed. _2 , an outcry (呐喊)for a fresher, more practical, and more advanced kind of instruction _3_ among the alumni and friends of nearly all of the old colleges and grew into a movement that overrode (压倒) all 4 opposition. The aggressive “Young Yale“ movement appeare。

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