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1、全国自考(英美文学选读)模拟试卷 3 及答案与解析一、单项选择题1 Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between _and_centuries. ( )(A)14 th, mid-17 th(B) 16th,mid-47th(C) 14th,mid-18th(D)16th,mid-19th2 William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and are the best representatives of the English humanists. ( )(A)Edmund Spenser

2、(B) Francis Bacon(C) John Milton(D)Thomas More3 In the second period, Shakespeares style and approach became highly individualized. He wrote six comedies. Which one doesnt belong to them? ( )(A)Titus Andronicus.(B) A Midsummer Night s Dream.(C) The Merchant of Venice.(D)Twelfth Night.4 Portia is a c

3、haracter in ( )(A)The Merchant of Venice(B) A Midsummer Nights Dream(C) Measure for Measure(D)The Taming of the Shrew5 Lycidas is_. ( )(A)Miltons most memorable prose work(B) a great plea for freedom of the press(C) one of Miltons three major poetical works(D)a collection of elegies6 All the followi

4、ng works except_are Gothic novels. ( )(A)The Castle of Otranto(B) The History of Amelia(C) The Mysteries of Udolpho(D)A Gothic Story7 Swifts A Modest Proposal is generally taken as a perfect model, suggesting that poor Irish parents sell their one-year-old babies to the rich English lords and ladies

5、 as . ( )(A)servant(B) child(C) slave(D)food8 In the following works by Henry Fielding, which brings him the name of the “Prose Homer“? ( )(A)The Coffee House Politician.(B) The Tragedy of Tragedies.(C) The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling.(D)The History of Amelia.9 The literary form which is fully

6、-developed and the most flourishing during the Romantic Period is ( )(A)prose(B) drama(C) novel(D)poetry10 Through all his life, Blake had been both a poet and a (n) _. ( )(A)engraver(B) painter(C) novelist(D)scholar11 Its_that gives Wordsworth “strength and knowledge full of peace“ . ( )(A)nation(B

7、) past experience(C) common life(D)nature12 The assertion that poetry originates from “emotion recollected in tranquility“ belongs to_. ( )(A)William Wordsworth(B) Samuel Taylor Coleridge(C) Robert Southey(D)William Blake13 The author of the work “Men of England“ is_. ( )(A)T. S. Eliot(B) Thomas Gra

8、y(C) P.B.Shelley(D)Walt Whitman14 _mainly tells of the love story between a rich, proud young man Darcy and the beautiful and intelligent Elizabeth Ben-net. ( )(A)Jane Eyre(B) Wuthering Heights(C) Pride and Prejudice(D)Oliver Twist15 Chronologically the Victorian Period refers to_. ( )(A)1798-1832(B

9、) 18361901(C) the Romantic Period(D)the Neoclassical Period16 Robert Browning created_ by adopting the novelistic presentation of characters. ( )(A)the verse novel(B) the blank verse(C) the heroic couplet(D)the dramatic poetry17 “Come to mecome to me entirely now,“said he;and added, in his deepest t

10、one,speaking in my ear as his cheek was laid on mine,“Make my happinessI will make yours. “ The above passage presents a scene in_. ( )(A)Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights(B) Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre(C) John Galsworthys The Forsyte Saga(D)Thomas Hardys Tess of the DUrbervilles18 Thomas Hardy s nove

11、ls are all Victorian in date. Most of them are set in ,the fictional primitive and crude rural region which is really the home place he both loves and hates. ( )(A)Sussex(B) Wessex(C) Casterbridge(D)Oxford19 In the novel Tess of the DUrbervilles, naturalistic tendency is strong, in a way, Tess seems

12、 to be led to her final destruction step by step by_. ( )(A)Society(B) God(C) Man(D)Fate20 The outstanding realistic novelists in the early 20th century England were , H. G. Wells and Arnold Bennett. ( )(A)George Bernard Shaw(B) John Galsworthy(C) James Joyce(D)T. S. Eliot21 Widowers House ,a play w

13、ritten by George Bernard Shaw, is a grotesquely realistic exposure of_. ( )(A)prostitution(B) Life Force(C) slum landlordism(D)politics22 T. S. Eliots most important single poem _has been hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th-century English poetry. ( )(A)The Hollow Man(B) The Waste Land(C) M

14、urder in the Cathedral(D)Ash Wednesday23 The protagonist of the poem “The Love Song of T. Alfred Prufrock“ is a kind of tragic figure caught in a sense of defeated i-dealism and tortured by satisfied desires. Of the following descriptions of him, which isnt suitable for him? (, )(A)He is neurotic. .

15、(B) He is self-important.(C) He is illogical.(D)He is a man of action.24 Lawrence was recognized as a prominent novelist only after he published his third novel_. ( )(A)The Rainbow(B) Women in hove(C) Sons and Lovers(D)A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man25 Which group of writers are among those

16、who may be called early pioneers of American literature? ( )(A)Mark Twain and Henry James.(B) Fenimore Cooper and Washington Irving.(C) Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner.(D)Jack London and OHenry.26 “The Birthmark“drives home symbolically Hawthornes point that_is mans birthmark,something he is b

17、orn with. ( )(A)goodness(B) gratefulness(C) evil(D)bitterness27 Walt Whitman is a poet with a strong sense of mission, having devoted all his life to the creation of the “single“ poem _. ( )(A)Chicago(B) My Lost Youth(C) Leaves of Grass(D)A Pact28 Which of the following writers is not the dominant f

18、igure of the Realistic Period in America? ( )(A)Herman Melville.(B) William Dean Howells.(C) Henry James.(D)Mark Twain.29 “Then all collapsed,and the great shroud of the sea rolled on as it rolled five thousand years ago. “ In the quoted sentence, the author might imply that_. ( )(A)nothing changes

19、in the 5000 years of human history(B) mans desire to conquer nature can only end in his own destruction(C) nature is evil as it was 5000 years ago(D)nature has the ultimate creative power30 Howells, Mark Twain and Henry James differed in their understanding of the “_“. ( )(A)society(B) truth(C) futu

20、re(D)reality31 All his novels reveal that, as time went on, Mark Twain became increasingly_. ( )(A)prolific(B) artistic(C) optimistic(D)pessimistic32 The Portrait of A Lady is generally considered to be masterpiece, which describes the life journey of an American in a European cultural environment.

21、( )(A)Henry Adams,widow(B) William Jamess,girl(C) Henry Jamess,girl(D)Theodore Dreisers, widow33 Altogether, Emily Dickinson wrote 1775 poems, of which only_had appeared during her lifetime. ( )(A)three(B) five(C) seven(D)nine34 The poem “I like to see it lap the Miles“ is an interesting poem writte

22、n by Emily Dickinson. What does “it“ in the poem stand for? ( )(A)The hound.(B) The star.(C) The horse.(D)The train.35 In all his novels, Theodore Dreiser sets himself to project the American _values. For example, in Sister Carrie, there is not one character whose status is not determined economical

23、ly. ( )(A)Puritan(B) materialistic(C) psychological(D)religious36 American fiction in the 1960s and 1970s proves to be different from its predecessors in that the writers started to depart from the conventions of the novel writing and experimented with some new forms and is always referred to as “_“

24、. ( )(A)new fiction(B) gothic fiction(C) protest fiction(D)rebellious fiction37 Which collection won Frost the first of four Pulitzer Prizes? ( )(A)West Running Brook.(B) Collected Poems.(C) New Hampshire.(D)Mountain Interval.38 Fitzgerald wrote the following except_. ( )(A)The Great Gatsby(B) In Ou

25、r Time(C) Tender Is the Night(D)This Side of Paradise39 The Hemingway Code heroes are best remembered for their _. ( )(A)indestructible spirit(B) pessimistic view of life(C) war experiences(D)masculinity40 Emily Grierson,the protagonist in Faulkners story A Rose for Emily, can be regarded as a symbo

26、l for all the following qualities except_. ( )(A)old values(B) rigid ideas of social status(C) bigotry and eccentricity(D)harmony and integrity二、阅读理解41 “Mr. Western had an estate in this parish; and as his house stood at little greater distance from this church than from his own, he very often came

27、to Divine Service here; and both he and the charming Sophia happened to be present at this time. “ Questions:A. Identify the author and the title of the book.B. What name does this book bring to the author?C. What is the social significance of the book?D. What are the scenes in this book?42 “ Yes, s

28、o, sir, I rejoined: and yet not so;for you are a married manor as good as a married man,and wed to one inferior to youto one with whom you have no sympathywhom I do not believe you truly love;for I have seen and heard you sneer at her. I would scorn such a union;therefore I am better than you let me

29、 go !“Questions:A. What does “I“ represent? Who is “I“ in the text?B. Identify the writer and the title of the novel from which this passage is taken.C. What idea does the passage expresses?43 “The harpoon was darted; the stricken whale flew forward; with igniting velocity the line ran through the g

30、rooves; ran foul. Ahab stooped to clear it; he did clear it; but the flying turn caught him round the neck, and voicelessly as Turkish mutes bowstring their victim, he was shot out of the boat, ere the crew knew he was gone. “Questions:A. Identify the author and the title of the work.B. Who is Ahab?

31、C. What happens to Ahab?44 “There was music from my neighbors house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars. At high tide in the afternoon I watched his guests diving from the tower of his raft,or tak

32、ing the sun on the hot sand of his beach while his two motor-boats slit the waters of the Sound, drawing aquaplanes over cataracts of foam. On week-ends his Rolls-Royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city between nine in the morning and long past midnight, while his station wagon

33、 scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains. And on Mondays eight servants, including an extra gardener, toiled all day with mops and scrubbing-brushes and hammers and garden-shears,repairing the ravages of the night before. “ Questions:A. Identify the author and the title of the novel fro

34、m which this passage is taken.B. What can you imply by reading this passage?C. What do the “moths“ symbolize?三、简答题45 Songsof Innocence and Songs of Experience are written by William Blake. Do you think the two collections of poems are the same?46 How are naturalism and criticism reflected in Hardys

35、novels?47 What are the artistic characteristics of The Scarlet Letter“?48 What is stream of consciousness in novel writing? Try to explain the question from two angles.四、论述题49 Thomas Hardy is often regarded as a transitional writer. Some critics believe that he is emotionally traditional and intelle

36、ctually advanced. How do you understand this idea?50 What is stream of consciousness in novel writing? Try to explain the question from two angles.全国自考(英美文学选读)模拟试卷 3 答案与解析一、单项选择题1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 大体地说,文艺复兴时期指的是从 14 世纪到 17 世纪中叶。2 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 莎士比亚、马洛、莫尔是英国人文主义的代表。3 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 莎士比亚戏剧创作生涯第二阶段的 6 部

37、喜剧是:仲夏夜之梦、威尼斯商人、无事生非、第十二夜、皆大欢喜和温莎的风流娘儿们。4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 鲍西亚是莎士比亚威尼斯商人中的一个角色。5 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 利西达斯是弥尔顿献给同学的挽歌集。6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 哥特式小说一主要讲述恐怖神秘的故事,背景多为阴森的中世纪城堡受到许多男女作家的青睐,比如脍炙人口的有奥特朗托堡、犹道夫之谜、意大利人和美德冠军,一个哥特式的故事。7 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 斯威夫特的一个温和的建议是讽刺作品的典范,作者通过建议穷苦的爱尔兰父母把一岁大的孩子卖给英国贵族当食物,来强烈抗议英国统治阶级对爱尔兰人民惨无人道的

38、剥削与压迫。8 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 汤姆.琼斯描写了几十个地方,刻画了四十多个人物,为读者提供了一幅英国 18 世纪乡村与城市的宏伟的全景图,为菲尔丁赢得了“散文荷马”的盛名。9 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 浪漫主义时期得到很好的发展并很兴旺的文学形式是诗歌。10 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 在布莱克的一生中,他都身兼诗人与雕刻家两重角色。11 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 对华兹华斯来说,大自然是人类想象与心智的替代,体现出人类在不断变换的环境中发展,是大自然赋予他“充满和平的力量与知识”。12 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 为了维护他反传统的诗歌理论,华兹华斯为抒情歌谣集第二

39、版重写了序言,于 1800 年至 1801 年期间发表。他在其中强调诗歌创作最要紧的是把握真实素材的来源,即“静谥中找回的情感”。他反对当时不少人对诗歌形式的过分重视,反对那种使诗歌了无生趣的学院派作诗法,他的创作理论的核心便是普通人的生活经历,普通人的词汇语言都是诗人应该也能够汲取的素材。13 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 致英格兰人民是雪莱的政治诗歌。14 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 傲慢与偏见讲述了漂亮聪明的伊丽莎白与年轻高傲的富家子达西之间的爱情故事。15 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 维多利亚文学时期恰好与维多利亚女王 1836 年至 1901 年执政期相吻合,这一时期是英国历史上

40、最光辉灿烂的时期。16 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 维多利亚时期的诗歌具有风格标新、表达立异的特点,尝试这种改革的诗人有罗伯特.布朗宁,他创造了一种诗体小说,即把小说对人物的塑造方式引用到诗歌中。17 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 简童年时生活在一个父母双亡、寄人篱下的环境中,但也许正是因为这一切,使简.爱拥有无比的信心和坚强不屈的精神,还有一种不可战胜的内在人格力量。也正因为她的正直、高尚、纯洁,使得罗切斯特为之震撼,并把她看做可以和自己在精神上平等交谈的人,并且慢慢地深深地爱上了她。题中这一段话正是罗切斯特向简.爱表白他的爱恋时的情景。18 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 哈代的小说带有典

41、型的维多利亚时期的特点。多数小说都以一个叫“维塞克斯”的地方为背景,共称“维塞克斯”小说。这个背景原型就是作者既爱又恨的故乡。19 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 德伯家的苔丝的自然主义倾向十分明显,苔丝被命运之神通过巧合一步步引向死亡。20 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 20 世纪初英国的现实主义小说家代表有约翰.高尔斯华绥、HG韦尔斯及阿诺得.贝奈特。21 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 George Bernard Shaw 一生共写了 50 多部戏剧,主题非常丰富。他早年的作品都与社会问题有关,坦率地揭露当时的社会、经济、道德、宗教中的罪恶,表现了自己作为左翼社会主义改良派的观点。鳏夫的房

42、产揭露了贫民窟里不公平的租房制度。22 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 荒原是艾略特最重要的独立诗篇,被誉为 20 世纪英国诗歌的代表与典范,可与华兹华斯的抒情歌谣集相媲美。这首诗对修辞与文体风格进行了大胆的革新,不仅全面展现了现代西方社会物质上的错乱和精神上的颓败,而且也反映出战后一代人中盛行的幻灭与绝望。23 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 阿尔弗雷德.普鲁弗洛克的情歌中用黄昏比喻工业时代无序的放肆和工业文明对人类生存的威胁:黄雾在窗玻璃上轻擦着它的背(放肆、不如人愿却无法阻止),黄烟在窗玻璃上蠕动。文中对主人公的描写是:此时黄昏正在延展,伸向天际,像麻醉的病人躺在手术台上。描述的是一种休止的

43、状态。24 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 劳伦斯二十多岁时完成了处女作白孔雀,其中表现出他非 凡的天才及细致人微的观察力。第二部小说过客揭示了人际关系的疏远冷漠。但只有第三部小说儿子与情人出版后,劳伦斯才确立了杰出小说家的地位。25 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 19 世纪 20 年代初,美国才开始摆脱对英国文学的依附,真正诞生了美国的民族文学。而书写这个文学独立宣言的代表人物,是欧文和库柏,他们同为美国民族文学的先驱者和奠基人,欧文被称为“美国文学之父”,而库柏则是“美国小说的鼻祖”。26 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 霍桑的胎记(The Birthmark)中他一针见血地指出邪恶就是人类与

44、生俱来的胎记。27 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 惠特曼是个有强烈使命感的诗人,他毕生所创作的是他的唯一一本诗集草叶集。28 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 豪威尔斯、詹姆斯和马克.吐温都是美国现实主义时期的作家,赫尔曼.麦尔维尔是美国浪漫主义时期的作家。29 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 这句话描写了大海的愤怒与激烈,暗示自然力量的伟大,以此来表明人类在自然面前是渺小的,试图征服自然只是玩火自焚。30 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 虽然豪威尔斯、亨利.詹姆斯和马克.吐温基本上是在同一时代,但他们对“真实”的理解不尽相同。马克.吐温和豪威尔斯似乎注重生活描写,而亨利.詹姆斯则明显强调人类的“内心

45、世界”。31 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 马克.吐温的代表作是哈克贝里.芬历险记(1884)。他早期的短篇小说汲取西部乡土文学中幽默故事的特点,采用诙谐、滑稽的夸张手法表现美国的社会生活。80 年代以后随着他对美国民主制度认识的深化,讽刺成分增多,后期发展到愤怒的抗议甚至悲观失望。马克.吐温是幽默艺术的大师。他在滑稽中含有讽刺,逗趣中有所针砭,创造了独特的艺术风格。32 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 贵妇人的画像(1881 年)是詹姆斯的代表作,具体表现了一个美国姑娘在欧洲文化氛围中的生活历程及欧美文化的冲突。33 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 狄金森的诗歌创作开始于 19 世纪 50 年代

46、的早期,她总共写了 1775首诗,在她生前只有 7 首发表。狄金森把她这源源不断的诗叫做“与世界的通信”,这是她与外部世界沟通的一种方式。34 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 艾米莉.狄金森(Emily Dickinson)诗歌的题材多为独居生活的感受对身边景物的咏叹,复杂细腻的内心独白,以及围绕生命、信仰与死亡的哲理思考。形式上具有独创性,大胆运用半韵、长短句与跳动节奏,讲究含蓄比喻与深奥象征手段,被视为罕见的试验典范与独自诗珍品。I like to see it tap the Miles就是她的代表作之一,其中的 it 指的是火车。35 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 西奥多.德莱塞(The

47、odore Dreiser)的作品常常反映美国的彻底的物质享受主义价值观。例如嘉莉妹妹(Sister Carrie)描述本世纪初,乡下姑娘嘉莉离开家乡前往芝加哥的姐姐家居住,在找工作时先后结识了两个男朋友的过程中,她丧失了原有的纯洁无邪,后来成了一个有名的演员。书中人物的命运都是由他所处的经济地位决定的。36 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 20 世纪 60-70 年代的美国小说一反以前的传统,作家们开始尝试新形式进行创作,被称为“新小说”。37 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 弗洛斯特 1923 年发表的作品新罕布什尔为他获得了第一次普利策文学奖,此书收有雪夜停马在林边等著名诗作。38 【正确答

48、案】 B【试题解析】 菲兹杰拉德的作品有:人间天堂了不起的盖茨比夜色温柔等,存我们的时代里是海明威的作品。39 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 Hemingway 式的英雄不是那些胜利在望时的勇敢者,而是明知前面是失败却依然挺起胸膛无畏地走向死亡的人,即西西弗斯似的英雄。40 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 给艾米莉的玫瑰(A Rose for Emily)中的女主人公艾米莉是行使了一种制度和文化的象征功能,作为一个精神基石支撑着走向分崩离析的旧南方,她被南方固有的对于女性的严厉的残酷的要求所桎梏,在得不到幸福的家庭和爱情的情况下变得固执和偏执,最终成为南方价值观念的牺牲品。二、阅读理解41 【正

49、确答案】 A. The author is Henry Fielding and the title of the novel is Tom Jones.B. This novel brings its author the name of the “Prose Homer“.C. This novel provides a panoramic view of the 18th century English country and city life with scores of different places and a whole gallery of about 40 characters.D. The three scenes in the novel


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