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1、12021 届高一年级第一次月考英语试卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1How many blocks does the man need to go along Brown Blevard?ATwo BThree CFour2What is Peter m

2、ost probably doing?ABuying a present BAttending a birthday partyCLooking for his son 3Where does the conversation take place?AIn a restaurant BIn a supermarket CIn the mans house4What does the man mean?AHis hands hurt BHe is carrying something CHe is very busy today5What are the speakers talking abo

3、ut?AA house BA fire CA neighbor第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题(每小题 5 秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 )听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6How much should one pay for a mini car for 3 hours?A$ 18 B$ 25 C$ 607Why cant the man get

4、a car?AHe is short of money BHe is not old enough CTheres lack of cars on Saturday听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8Who could the woman probably be?AA passenger BAn air hostess CA pilot 9How will the woman deal with the computer?AShe will take it away BShe will use it CShe will repair it听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10W

5、here is the woman ?AIn her room BIn the kitchen CIn the living room 11What is Kate doing now?AWatching TV BWorking on a report CTalking on the phone12What does the woman suggest the boy do in the end?ATelephone his classmates BGet help from his father CAsk his sister for helpKr 第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题

6、。13What are the speakers discussing?AA boxing match BTwo sportsmenCA book about sportsmen14How many times did Muhammad Ali win as the greatest Olympic champion?AOnce BTwice CThree times15Why does the woman recommend Muhammad Ali as the greatest Olympic champion?AHe made a change in culture BHe taugh

7、t people to boxCHe was a gold medalist 16What can we learn from the conversation?ABoth the speakers like boxing BMuhammad Ali once beat ForemanCForeman never won the world championship听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17What advice does the speaker give about visiting the factory?ATake some money BBring somet

8、hing to eat CLearn how to make chocolate18Where will the listeners have lunch?AAt school BIn the factory CBeside a river 19How much is the ticket to the Grand Theater for the listeners?2A$26 B$15 C$1120What does the speaker say about the museum?AIt is free for the listeners BIt has a dance showCIt i

9、s outside the town center 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWednesday 10/22/14Only a few days are left before the skating marathon (马拉松)! It doesnt seem real yet. I am doing everything I can to get ready. Up until this week, I have been adding mi

10、les to my training. Last Saturday, I skated over 30 miles. That is the most I have ever skated at one time. The next day, I was a little tired, but it made me feel confident that l am ready for the 26-mile marathon course. Thursday 10/23/14 The last plane trip into Pasco from Seattle was the nicest

11、journey-I sat next to a woman who reminded me of my grandmother. I liked her all the more because she was impressed that I was going to compete in a marathon. She said that she admired the way I had set a goal and worked hard toward it. I d never thought of my training that way. But she is right thr

12、ee months ago, I would have laughed if anyone had suggested that I skate 26 miles, let alone 30. Friday 10/24/14 Today is the day! I did it! My time was 2 hours and 15 minutes, l would have come in about 10 minutes faster, but I took a wrong turn and added a mile at the very end. But I met my goal.

13、There were lots of skaters who came in before me, and even more who came in after me. I guess it s time to set a new goal. Maybe I can beat this time at the next marathon-I hear theres one in Arizona in November. 21. Before the skating marathon, the author _. A. was very nervous B. believed he would

14、 win C. got well prepared for it D. reduced the training time 22. The woman on the plane praised the author because he_.A. was good at skating B. trained hard to achieve his goal C. showed great confidence D. never gave up his dream23. How did the author feel about his time in the marathon? A. It wa

15、s above expectations. B. It was his fastest time. C. It was surprising. D. It was satisfying. 24. The text is probably taken out of_. A. a notice B. a report C. a diary D. a travel guide BThe city of Armada opened its arms to a new business on Huntington Drive at First Street. The store, called Turt

16、le Dove, is a pet shop specialising in two kinds of animals. The owners are two brothers, Bill and Bob Pidgin. They moved here from Northern California, where they owned an ant farm store called Animal House. That store was such a success that after five years they sold it for a big profit(利润).They

17、took it easy for a couple of years, travelling throughout the states. “We visited almost every zoo in the country, partly because we love animals and partly because we were looking for inspiration for our next business.” said Bill. They finally decided on turtles and doves. “Theyre easy to feed and

18、care for, and both animals live a long time,” said Bob.The store will be open from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Wednesdays through Saturdays. “We think those are hours that our customers will find very convenient. Plus, the three days off gives us a chance to go into the woods and find more critters. We never

19、 buy our own animals, but we always try to collect them from the wild. That way we can pass on huge savings to our customers. And, of course, by removing these animals from their natural habitats, we protect them from being eaten by their natural enemies. So our customers are happy, our animals are

20、happy, and were happy. Its a win-win situation for all of us.” said Bill and Bob.25. Why did Bill and Bob Pidgin visit many zoos in the states?A. To gain experience in raising animals.B. To get some ideas for their new business.C. To call on the public to protect animals.D. To find out which animals

21、 are in danger.26. What does the underlined word “critters” in the last paragraph refer to?A. Customers. B. Businesses. C. Animals. D. Foods.27. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Turtle Dove is very popular with customers.B. Turtle Dove sells dangerous animals as well.C. Bill and Bob Pidg

22、in like living in the woods.D. Bill and Bob Pidgin are totally free at weekends.28. What would be the best title for the passage?A. Ways Found to Make Big Profits.B. Brothers Help Protect Wild Animals.C. New Ideas to Better Serve Customers.D. City Welcomes New Store and Its Owners.CWhat is the most

23、popular way to travel in the whole world,not counting a human beings two legs? You say by car?NoTrain ?Wrong againAirplane?Im 3sorry,but youre not even closeThe most popular way of going from one place to another is by bicycleAnd it is a surprise to most AmericansAfter all,we see thousands of cars e

24、ach dayWe dont see nearly as many bikesIn the United States most bike riders are either young people or adults bicycling for exerciseAbout nine million bikes are sold in America each yearNearly three million are sold to adultsThe rest are to childrenBut in the rest of the world,far more people use t

25、he bike as their main way of travelingThey ride bikes to work,to school,and to storesBicycles have been around for a long time-about 300 yearsYou would not like to ride around on those early bikes,thoughThey didnt have any pedals (脚蹬) The riders had to push along with their feetAnd this bike only we

26、nt straight aheadThere was no way to turn the front wheelIf the rider wanted to change direction,he or she had to get off and move the bicycleWhen pedals were put on the front wheels,riding became easierThe most popular kind of bike in the late 1800s had a very high front wheel and a small back whee

27、lIt was a long fall to the ground!Another problem was that there were no rubber tires (橡胶轮胎) Its no wonder that one bike was called the “Boneshaker.“ Then in the 1880s,air-filled rubber tires were put on the bicycles wheelsSince then the bicycle has not changed very muchOf course bikes come in diffe

28、rent shapes and colors now,but the main design is still the same29Compared with those in America,bikes in the rest of the world Aare much cheaper Benjoy greater popularity Care mainly used by children Dare mainly used to do exercise30Why did people dislike riding early bikes?AThey were too large BTh

29、ey were dangerousCThey were hard to control DThey were too high for many people31The underlined word “Boneshaker“ in the last paragraph shows the bike wasAuncomfortable Bslow Cbroken Dold 32The author wrote this text mainly to Awarn readers about bicycle safetyBintroduce the new shapes of bicyclesCe

30、ncourage readers to bicycle for exerciseDtell readers the history of bicyclesDLook around the walls of your classroom. Do you see pictures or paintings? Most of the art on show was probably created by yourself and your classmates, using imagination and your own hands.Each year in Toronto thousands o

31、f school children make the best use of their imaginations and their creative abilities in workshops provided by an organization called the Inner City Angels. These children work directly with professional(专业的) artists on different art programs.Natalie McHaffie is one of the many professional artists

32、 who work with the Inner City Angels. “My purpose is to teach the children about design(设计),” she says. “Once they learn how to put things together, they can use that knowledge for other things they may want to do, such as making a kite or designing a house.”Recently Ms. McHaffie worked with 16 chil

33、dren at St. Bernard School to create a wall painting in the hallway leading to the Kindergarten classroom. Together they designed and did the wall painting during one school week.When Ms. McHaffie first met the student artists, she told them, “We must do a painting that will not only please the kind

34、ergarten kids but will also offer them information.”Each of the 16 students was asked to imagine and draw ideas for the painting. After discussing the different ideas together, they chose the theme(主题) “The Four Seasons.”Finishing the painting, four of the student artists had something to say about

35、their experience.Alfea: “You learn more when you do it yourself. As you go along you keep finding out things you didnt know before.”Mauro: “I like working in a group because you get more done than if you work alone.”Paolo: “Its been fun working in a group, not the same kind of exciting fun as when y

36、oure playing basketball. When you do art, it makes you feel peaceful.”Paulina: “You can learn from working with the other kids. By talking to each other you can find ways to do things.”33. Each year, thousands of school children in Toronto .A. join the Inner City Angels.B. create paintings on the wa

37、lls of their classrooms.C. take art classes in different workshops.D. take part in the citys art programs. 34. Ms. McHaffie hopes the children _.A. will understand the importance of design.B. can design a house of their own someday.C. will start learning easy things such as making a kite.D. can spre

38、ad knowledge of how to put things together.35. We can infer from the text that all the four student artists . A. enjoyed the peace of their work.B. learned quite a lot from their work.C. said something good about each other.D. realized the advantages of group work.4第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,

39、从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中存两项为多余选项。Feeling overwhelmed(压垮的)with school, sports, clubs, or other activities? You might have too much on your plate. Sure, you have to do some of your activities like homework. But many activities are things you decide to do. 36 Do I look forward to it?Maybe you did when

40、 you started, but somethings changed. Maybe you never really enjoyed it, but youve stuck it out because your parents or friends wanted you to.37 It doesnt have to be another club or sport. It could be catching up on homework, or just getting more time to rest.After making up your mind about what has

41、 to go, you can do the following before showing your plans to the world. Talk to your parents first.Your parents may have reasons for wanting you to stick with an activity. Maybe theyve already paid for a full season. 38 Or maybe they worry that you give up on things too quickly. Talk with them abou

42、t your decision. 39 Pick a time that wont leave your teammates or friends hangingnot before a big game, for example. Finish out the season. Another reason to wait? 40 You might develop a new skill, or a friend may join the club and make it feel fun again. Give yourself time to be sure.AChoose the be

43、st end date.BYour feelings may change.CIs there something else Id rather do?DAsk your coach about a natural stopping point.EMaybe they think this activity is good for you.FLook at those and ask yourself.GThank your coach or instructor for all youve learned.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 55 分)第一节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题

44、2 分,满分 40 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项.Leon Logothetis is riding his yellow motorcycle, which he calls Kindness One. He is trying to 41 around the world on the kindness of 42 . No money. No food. Nowhere to stay. Leon 43 on the generosity(慷慨) of the human spirit to keep him goin

45、g.“Its all about 44 other people,” Leon said. So far, hes met with 45 . In Las Vegas, a family gave him food and a place to sleep. In Nebraska, cowboys let him stay 46 them. “The American people have been 47 ,” Leon said.And in Pittsburgh, after a dozen people had 48 him down, Leon met Tony, a 49 ma

46、n who gave me his food and offered to let Leon sleep with him in a garage. “It was so inspiring for me,” Leon said .“The people in Pittsburgh hadnt 50 helped but he offered me a place to stay and shared his food.”So just how far can 51 get you? Leon is determined to 52 . “I used to be a manager in L

47、ondon, sitting behind a desk, 53 12 hours a day, and it wasnt for me.” he explained. “Then I went and travelled the world and 54 with people. And thats what its all about. Thats where the 55 is: Connection. Heart to heart.”On his blog, Leon said hell 56 a ship from New York to Europe, adding hell do

48、 so “as a non-paying 57 . Kindness Rocks!”He also lists a trip that would 58 him travelling to France, Italy, Greece, India. Cambodia and Vietnam and other countries. His 59 will be shown on TV. The trip also serves to 60 money for Make-a-Wish Foundation.41. A. look B. sit C. lie D. travel42. A. drivers B. reporters C. strangers D. scientists43. A. waits B. depe


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