NAVY MIL-N-23407 B-1967 NAVIGATION SET RADAR AN APN-153(V)《AN APN-153(V)型雷达的航海装备》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-N-23407 B-1967 NAVIGATION SET RADAR AN APN-153(V)《AN APN-153(V)型雷达的航海装备》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-N-23407 B-1967 NAVIGATION SET RADAR AN APN-153(V)《AN APN-153(V)型雷达的航海装备》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-N-23407 B-1967 NAVIGATION SET RADAR AN APN-153(V)《AN APN-153(V)型雷达的航海装备》.pdf_第5页
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1、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-N-234078 5 = 777770b 0152143 MIL-STD-781 m-sm-794 24367 294l Reliabiity Tests, Expo- ential Dis trib

2、ution Parts and Equipment, Proco- dures for Packaging and Packing of Lamp, Incandescent - Wa- ture, Integral Lighting Lfght, Indicator, Press to Test, small *2.2 AvaUabUty of Documents - When request- specifi- cations, standards, drawings, and publlcatiined ixi Specification MJL-E- red boots over wh

3、ite bulbs. (8) MS 24367-683 AS15 miniature bulbs are utilized for pana lamps. (9) IndicaIsr-Light Assembly MS294.l-4 is used for Memory laonp. 3.3.5 interchangeability - The- equipment shaU meet the interchangeabiity requirements as defined u Specification MIL-E-5400. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo

4、 reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.3.12 Pr-y np ut Power Requirements - The equipment shall meet all applicable requirements of NIL-STD-704 and shall give specified per

5、fornlance from the following power sources with characteristics as defined in MIL-STD-704 having limits as specified therein. required shall not exceed the specified amounts. The power (1) AC Power (Single Phase) 119, Category *IBtl (2) 5 Volts (AC or DC) for Control Panel Lighting at 1*2 amperes 3.

6、3.12.1 Degraded Performance - Degraded performance will be permitted for voltage transients not exceeding 0.5 second during normal electric system operation. resuiting damage to the equipment, Operation shall return to normal with no 3 03 -13 Standby Provisions - The equipment shall provide for a st

7、andtry position whereby rated voltage shall be applied to ali park3 of the Navigation Set with the exception of the transmitter. forth to establish the requirements for satisfactory performance apply to performanee under both standard and extreme service conditions. When reduced performance under th

8、e extreme conditions is acceptable, tolerances or vaues setting forth acceptable variations from the performanae under the standard conditions wl be specified. 3.4 Performance - Uriless otherwise specified, values set 3*4*1 Operation - The equipment shall measure the ground speed a (1) gtitudet (8)

9、MElXsmm (b) ,- (2) Ground Speed; (3) Drit -ler (4) Aircraft Attitude: 9,O feet above sea lemel, over laad or over water with a sea state condition at least as rough as BeauforL 1 Ir0 feet above terrain Oo to Mo (left 02 right) The system shall. meet the per- forpiarice accuracies specified under ou.

10、tputsign8ls for however, increased errors will be tolerated. When the roll stabilized Antenna Assembly is used, the systeen shall met the performance accuraoies for arcrdt ron arigles up to O. to 1000 The systa shall Acrmrac - The accuracy of the output signals, when averaged over 8 distance o 10 na

11、utical mUea under normeU. operating condi.tion8 shaU be a8 s eoU3.e ia Table I. The errors specified are probable errors; Le., sts percent of the time the errors shall be lesa .t;hei# those specified when the performance of a number of flight6 is considered. _L_% 34*2 3a4*21 i3lectzioaJ. utput Signa

12、ls - Eeo.t;ricaJI output signala repreamting ground speed, drift angle, velocity aLong heading and veocity cross heading shall. be provided in acoordance with Table I. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-N-23LIOB 58 M 7779706 0352347

13、7 m-N-23407B(AS 1 Probable Error Scale Factor Ground Speed 80 to “Bg“ O0 KN 0.2% + 0.35 RN 36O/LOo Knot Drift Angle to 40 .17 P/lO (left or right) Along Heading 6 to receiver the Doppler shifted r-f energy from the ground via the same hhma and ooorpute ground speed and cirift angle. Receiver-Transd%

14、hr unit shall be as shown in F?gure 2, noti exceed poumia. kin the foUowing subassembUes, assemblies and ents of Unit - The Receiver-Transmitter shall con- (I) LOW Voltage Uier (2) around -peed Drift Angle SerPo AnrpUfier (3) Frequency Tracker (4) ooing sower (5) Ilsimuth Servo Amplifier (6) Audio f

15、aplifier (7) Driver (8) I%? Anplifier (9) High Voltage Power Supply (IO) Autonatic Frequency Control (U) MduZator (12) Itlcrmave Assembly Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.flIL-N-234078 5 m 7779706 0152L5L 7 m EleekicaZ Connect

16、ions - Connectbns to external cbcuits shall be as shown in Figure 3 Gomectors ahail be as follows: 53 Belaclh SR-WCl-M57A-P1 U Input and outqut (OF apprarired equivalent) connec.i;lons 3.5.1. 6 !Ehermall Protaction - The Recelver-Trnsrter unit shall be protected by a thermal switch which shall1 act%

17、mte when .the ternperahre of the aase of the transmitter .tube (magnetron) ia 1150 $. 3OC. Power shall be removed from the equipment, with the exception f the cooling fan, whenever this switch is activated. Cooling - NQ extemal cooling ah? shall be required. The unit shal be cooled by a fan mounted

18、inbraally. Wgnetron Orientation = The magnetron tube shaU. be installed so that the nor%h seeking pole is up reakive to the base of the Fteceiver-Transdtter unit. 3.52 Mount l5!-284O/APN-J.53(v) - The mount unit shall meet the foilowing requirements: Function - The mount shal

19、l provide a suitable shock isolation and mounting provisions for the Receiver-”ransittw. shall be made for quick cEsconnect of the Receiver-Trwmithr from the mounting plate. Specification MIL-6-172. munt shaU be as shown in Figure 6. Provision The mount shaU meet the applicable requirements of 3.5.2

20、.2 Form Factor - The maximurn aU.owable dimensions of the Weigh% - The weight of mount assembly, excluding pounds. mating cornectors, shall not exceed 3.S-2.L subassemblies : Contents of Unit - The Munt shall contain the foloidng (1) Electrical Connector - to mate with Receives- !Transmitter

21、 (2) Wave Guide Connector - to mate with Receiver- Transmitt er Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-N=23407B(AS) indicator shal2 meet the appl%cable rquiremnts of Specification MI-C-678L for Type Z control panels except as modified in

22、 Paragraph 3.2.4. Plastic plate Xightbg shall be in accordance xi.% Specifi- cation W-P-7788 except that a lighting voltage of 5 vol.t;a shall be used. ?tmction - The Control-micator shau contain an tihe necessary controls -cations for operam the AN/APN-l%I(V) Havi.- ga%ion Set. Form Factor - The na

23、ximum alllowable dimensions of the Control-indicator shall b e as shown in Figure 3. 3.5.3 Control-nicabr ,. C-wilsB/SpN-l53(V), - The Control- 3.51362 3 A3 *4 Weight; - The weight of the ControJ1-nicator shaU not Controls - One switch and two knobs as epecified herein exceed A pound

24、s. shaU be mmbd onmtroZ-Zcator. 3.C;.3,4.1 Master Selector Switch - !Phe master seiector switch shall, have five posi-bions: OFF, STBY, ON-LAND, ON-SECL and TEST. (I) WAth the switch in the om position, ali power shaU be removed from the Narigation Set. (2) With the switch in the ST33Y position, pow

25、er shall be applied tu a3.l parts of the Navigation Set with the exception of the transmitter. (3) The 0N-m posLttion shall appy power tn di. parta of the Navigation Set ta provide for optimum performance for over-land flights The ON-SEA posttklon shall apply power to a33. parts of %he

26、Set to provide for optzimum performance for over-water flights, (4) (5) With the switch in the TEST position, a test signal shall be applied ta the system to provide a quanti.l;a.tlve check of system perforniance. 3.5,3.k.2 Qraund Speed Control - A push-to-ttxrn knob shall be prodded to wanuaJly ins

27、ert ground speed Worntiation when %e eqxLpmSn6 - 2s passive. provded ta manually mer.1; drift angle informtion when the eqdpment is passLve, Drift Angle Control - A push-to-turn knob shall be Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

28、HIL-N-2347B(AS) Displays - A ground speed drixt angle indicator with the following displays shan be prodded: (I) A digital ground speed display wtth a range of O to 999 knots and readable to within 1 knot. (2) A Drift Angle dial display with a range of 400 left and right and readable to with

29、in lo. (3) An amber memory Lawp to inicate lack of useful Doppler information. B mechanical dimmer shall be provided. 3-5.3.6 Electrical Connections - Connections to external circuib shaU be as shown in Figure 1. Connectors shall be as foilows: Reference Receptacle Designation Type ?um tion J1 MS-31

30、12E-22-5P All input and output connections 3.5.4 Antenna Assembly aS-13,!+9/APN-153(9) - The antenna assembly shall meet the following requirements: ktnction - The antenna assembly shall be a trans- mitter-receiving type operating at 13,325 mcs + 50 mcs. The antenna shall radiate four beams

31、of electromagnetic enrs downward to illuminate small areas of the surface of the earth and shall receive the energy reflected from the earth. to the drift angle of the aircraft; and shall be stabilized in p5teh angle. The antenna shall rotate in azimuth accoring 3-5e4.2 3.s.4.3.1 3 -5.4.4 Fo

32、rm Factor - The madmum allowable dimensions of the antenna assembly shall be as Zhom in Figure 4. Pitch Stabilization - The antenna. assembly shall be stabilized in pitch angle within the limits of 2s0 + lo up and down. Pitch Stabiliaatinn Rate - The antenna assembly shal follow changes in pitch ang

33、le at a minim rate of 3 degrees per second. Azimuth Stabilization - The antenna assembly shall be stabilized in azimuth angle within me limits of LO0 + lo left and right, accoring to the drift angle of the aircraft in fliehe. - Azimuth Stabilisation Rate - The antenna assembly shal follow

34、changes in drift angle at a minimm rate of 3 degrees per second. 4 ?. -. . ling Phase - The equipments constructed 444 4.3 3 Length of Heat PorkLon of G;pole - After stabilization at the high temperature limit rfeqwlred by the test lwei, the equipment SW be operated 6 hours during each cycle. Provid

35、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-heb.3*h Performance Characteristics to be Measured = Time in Cycle that Measure- Characterisf9- 4*4ical, modify the sampling test schedule as approved by the procuring activity to require aditional sampling t

36、ests. When a defective unit occurs, acceptance of any additional units shaU be withheld until the extent and cause of failwe has been determined and appropriately corrected. 300 Quantity to be Selected for Life Test 1 1 1 1 for each additional S or fraction thereof - 22 - Provided by IHSNot for Resa

37、leNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-under the following simulated service conditionst Temperature Nod room AL titude Nod ground (O- ft) Wdity Room ambient A. C. Voltage ll5 + 5 volts (at lowest applicable freqency) D. C. Voltage 5 Volts (+2, -0) to permit the equip

38、ment temperatre to stabfliae. equipment shall be turned on and off several times and put through its various phases of operation. PerioicaaJy, the mance check proposed by the contractor shall be subject to approval by the procuring activity. I deficiencies or failures. in Mie event of part fajlwres,

39、 the defective part shall be replaced and the operation reamed for the baiance of the test period. incluing a31 tube failures. This record shall indicate the foiowltng: A record shall be kept of all failures throughout the test, (i) Part enuniber (3) The part function (4) Name of the manufacturer I

40、(5) Nature of the failure (6) The number of hours which the part operated I Prior to failure I - 23 - I. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- FaXiwe Report - In the event of a failure, tihe govern- A report shaU be submitted ment S

41、nspechr shafk be notif,ied immediately. to the procuring activity upon completion of the ted to the procuring activity for Fevh and approvaL. The right is reserved by the procuring actirLty or the govern- m.f; Sjcispectur to modify the tests or require any additional tests deemed necesaary to detemi

42、ne cotnpliance with the requtrements of WS specifi- cation OP the contract. Specification MIt-T-18303 SU be used as a guide for preparation of fmt procedures. When approved %e-STD-794 and Specification MIL-E-l75?5;5?. Specification KU,-E-17555, the method of preservation for Level A shaU be determin

43、ed in accordance with the selection chart in Appendix D of In the event the equipment is not covered in Kai-STD-794. 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended Use - The equipment defined herein is intended be the ground velocity sensor component of an airborne navigation system in naval aircraft. for use in aircraft sy

44、stems eqgipped with Doppler inertial Navigation Systems such as AN/AcN-31, AN/ASN-36 and A.N/ASM-o,m hours. 6.6 Revisions - An asterisk precedine; a paragraph number denotes paragraphs in Ehich changes have been made from the previous issue.- Th& has been done as a convenience ody and the govern- Ke

45、n% assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evduate %he requirements of this domont based on We entire content as written, irrespective of the asterisk notakions anci relationship to the last previous issue. the following assoc

46、kated equipment which sW not be suppEed as part of the equipment: &.7 Associatwment - The eqpipment shaU operate with AN/ASN-30 Navigation Computer Diq4.ay. AN/ASN-U Navigation Computer Set AN/AMC-2 Navigation Computer Set AN/ASA-l3A Navigation Compuhr Group 26 - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo repr

47、oduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-i II I II . i I IEIYQiE4- =t*Dlt2- IlIII I I IIIII I #E m4- IIIII. III IURMRR MMR 5 mm Px) WXK WWT MT-2WQ/APN-I53(VI Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-UNITI 1Fmcn MM Provided

48、 by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-P E I !:I 1 t 9Pj I IlIII II Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-III III Ill III I I CEHOTE I - SEEHOTE I III SFICRE I - II I III, I IIIII I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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