
法治理念的提出,解决了建设什么样的法治国家、如何建设社会主义法治国家的重大问题2 下列选项中,不属于法律规则组成部分的是( )(A)假定条件(B)行为模式(C)法律后果(D)行为主体3 下列选项中,不属于我国宪法渊源的是( )(A)中国现行宪法及其修正案(B)中国宪法判例(C)中国立法法(D)中国地


1、法治理念的提出,解决了建设什么样的法治国家如何建设社会主义法治国家的重大问题2 下列选项中,不属于法律规则组成部分的是 A假定条件B行为模式C法律后果D行为主体3 下列选项中,不属于我国宪法渊源的是 A中国现行宪法及其修正案B中国宪法判例C。

2、经营活动造成他人损失时,承担民事责任的主体是 A法定代表人B实施该经营活动之人C所有员工D该企业法人4 下列权利中属于相对权的是 A所有权B知识产权C债权D人身权5 民法在时间上的适用范围是指 A民法对哪类人具有法律效力B民法的效力范围C民。

3、自然法和实在法3 居民委员会由市辖区不设区的市人民政府,根据居民居住状况,以便于居民自治为原则决定设立:街道办事处经上级人民政府批准设立,作为人民政府的派出机关.关于街道办事处和居民委员会的关系,下列哪一选项正确 A都是由政府批准设立的国家。

4、 yxfxtan3x,x,C yx3sinxfx ,x1 ,1Dyfx sin5x,x,3 当 x0 时,e 2x1 是比 sin3x 的 A低阶无穷小B高阶无穷小C等价无穷小D同阶但非等价无穷小4 没函数 fx ,则 x0 是 fx的 A。

5、 help to greatly the ties among the club members, strong4 She repeated his name , too shocked to say more, help5 Many fo。

6、h his handsbehind his back.Abeing tiedB having tiedC to be toldDtied3 Needless to say, he his good looks and sense of hu。

7、ung woman, the office was empty.ABut forB Except forC BesidesDExcept3 Tom is one of those students whofriendly; however。

8、a large collectof books.4 If you read the paper care, I am sure you will pass the exam.5 The excitecrowd rushed into the。

9、 that enough moneyto found the project.Abe collectedB must be collectedC is collectedDcan be collected3 closed his eyes 。

10、ation that I could not sleep.AworryingB tiredC happyDnervous3 Whether you learn or not is entirelyyou.Aup toB as toC abo。

11、l children learn English, but he soon found it impossible without an online course.AconfinementB commitmentC conceptionD。

12、o become a cleaner, but his father didnt think it was a profession.ArespectfulB respectiveC respectingDrespectable3 It i。

13、 comingB you not comeC your not comingDyou not to come3 The college is planning to offer more English courses to the nee。

14、 Einstein often stressed to interviewers that his accomplishments would certainly have been achieved by otherslived.Ahe 。

15、ng toB enough young toC very young toDyoung enough to3 Finally he got time for a glancethis report.AoffB roundC onDat4 Y。

16、hat.Ahad been; have seenB have been; have seenC had been; had seenDhave been; had seen2 Whenthe education systems of Chi。

17、During the 1990s2 Mary said that Hemingway was herwriter and that she had read nearly all of his novels.AfamousB popular。

18、e good news.AwhenB thanC thenDuntil3 I m for the suggestion that a special boardto examine the problem.Abe set upB will 。

19、eenC that wasDwhich has been3 I hope you can visit my country soon, becauseto show you some of the beautiful places near。

20、A.有教无类B.兼爱C.复归人的自然本性D.化民成俗其必由学3.在我国,科举制度实行了 1300年,停止科举是在 .分数:1.00A.1903B.1905C.1906D.19114.教育学作为一门学科的建立始于夸美纽斯的研究,他的代表作是 。

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