
此款购买了一辆摩托车。该购买行为 ( )(A)有效(B)无效(C)经甲同意有效(D)经父母同意有效4 宣告自然人失踪的条件之一是,自然人下落不明满 ( )(A)1 年(B) 2 年(C) 3 年(D)4 年5 6 周岁的李强在父母离异后随奶奶生活。两年后,其父母各自再婚。此时,李强的法定监护人是 (


1、此款购买了一辆摩托车.该购买行为 A有效B无效C经甲同意有效D经父母同意有效4 宣告自然人失踪的条件之一是,自然人下落不明满 A1 年B 2 年C 3 年D4 年5 6 周岁的李强在父母离异后随奶奶生活.两年后,其父母各自再婚.此时,李强的。

2、A2xB sinxC ex1Dln1x4 x0 是函数 fxarctan 的 A连续点B可去间断点C跳跃问断点D第二类间断点5 fx在 x1 处可导,且 f11,则 A1B 2C 3D46 fx在区间a,b内有 fx0,fx0 表示单调增加。

3、estion will be read only once. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.AOn foot.B By bus.C By bike。

4、sAWhat sense is it aboutB Whats the point ofC Whats the sense withDWhat point is it in3 Its almost a year since I left m。

5、xpand AneededB trainedC borrowedDdeserved 二Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is。

6、h his handsbehind his back.Abeing tiedB having tiedC to be toldDtied3 Needless to say, he his good looks and sense of hu。

7、l children learn English, but he soon found it impossible without an online course.AconfinementB commitmentC conceptionD。

8、o become a cleaner, but his father didnt think it was a profession.ArespectfulB respectiveC respectingDrespectable3 It i。

9、 comingB you not comeC your not comingDyou not to come3 The college is planning to offer more English courses to the nee。

10、ung woman, the office was empty.ABut forB Except forC BesidesDExcept3 Tom is one of those students whofriendly; however。

11、a large collectof books.4 If you read the paper care, I am sure you will pass the exam.5 The excitecrowd rushed into the。

12、 that enough moneyto found the project.Abe collectedB must be collectedC is collectedDcan be collected3 closed his eyes 。

13、ation that I could not sleep.AworryingB tiredC happyDnervous3 Whether you learn or not is entirelyyou.Aup toB as toC abo。

14、 Einstein often stressed to interviewers that his accomplishments would certainly have been achieved by otherslived.Ahe 。

15、ng toB enough young toC very young toDyoung enough to3 Finally he got time for a glancethis report.AoffB roundC onDat4 Y。

16、hat.Ahad been; have seenB have been; have seenC had been; had seenDhave been; had seen2 Whenthe education systems of Chi。

17、During the 1990s2 Mary said that Hemingway was herwriter and that she had read nearly all of his novels.AfamousB popular。

18、e good news.AwhenB thanC thenDuntil3 I m for the suggestion that a special boardto examine the problem.Abe set upB will 。

19、eenC that wasDwhich has been3 I hope you can visit my country soon, becauseto show you some of the beautiful places near。

20、 help to greatly the ties among the club members, strong4 She repeated his name , too shocked to say more, help5 Many fo。

标签 > 专升本类试卷2007年河南专升本英语真题试卷及答案与解析[编号:339874]

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