
_5.allophone(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_6.parole(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_7.langue(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_8.wives(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_9.anesthesia(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_10.odor(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_


1、5.allophone分数:1.00填空项 1:6.parole分数:1.00填空项 1:7.langue分数:1.00填空项 1:8.wives分数:1.00填空项 1:9.anesthesia分数:1.00填空项 1:10.odor分数。

2、分数:4.003.bound morpheme分数:4.004.concord or: agreement分数:4.005.homonymy分数:4.006.indirect speech act分数:4.00。

3、a foreign language, it is this feature of language that is more worth noticing than its arbitrariness. 大连外国语学院 2008研分数:2。

4、r illustrating 1.分数:2.00填空项 1:2.In English there are a number of 1, which are produced by moving from one vowel position。

5、e teaching which makes use of translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities.分数:2.00填空项 1:3。

6、 connections which exist within texts. They are also called formal links between sentences and between clauses. 人大 2007研。

7、the four usages, illustrating your points with your own examples where necessary.1不过二年,君必无患.2他十七岁就结婚,一年后当了爸爸不过十八岁.3这是个乖巧。

8、填空项 1:5.capacity分数:1.00填空项 1:6.standardize分数:1.00填空项 1:7.guarantee分数:1.00填空项 1:8.paradigm分数:1.00填空项 1:9.primary分数:1.00填空。

9、tics is a branch of linguistics which is the study of psychological aspects of language. As an interdisciplinary academi。

10、 中山大学 2006研分数:2.00填空项 1:2.Functional Sentence Perspective FSP is a theory of linguistic analysis which describes how 1i。

11、tion or ideas.清华 2001研分数:2.00A.TrueB.False2.Syntax refers to the study of the rules governing the way words are combined。

12、under the same superordinate are called 1.分数:2.00填空项 1:3.A perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from 。

13、d to literary style. 人大 2006研分数:2.00填空项 1:2.The world is like a stage is an example of 1, and All the world is a stage i。

14、ish.浙江大学 2007研 a. As for meal, we Chinese like to eat chopsticks , and you spoons. b. You have helped me a lot. Really t。

15、平仄4.单纯词分数:5.005.前提触发语分数:5.00二B分析题B总题数:2,分数:40.006.写出下列音素的发音条件. p u分数:20.00。

16、元音4.叠音词分数:5.00飞白二B分析题B总题数:4,分数:40.006.辨析下面的同义词. 连续陆续分数:10.00。

17、数:5.00调值4.离合词分数:5.00顶真二B分析题B总题数:4,分数:40.006.辨析下面的同义词. 敏锐敏捷分数:10.00。

18、2.What are the major features of second language acquisition分数:5.003.There are lexical ambiguity and structural ambiguit。

19、3.concordance分数:5.004.constative分数:5.005.cohort theory分数:5.006.conceptual meaning分数:5.00。

20、3.coarticulation分数:4.004.garden path sentence分数:4.005.Iprinciple分数:4.006.Phonetics and phonology分数:10.00。

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