
)certain(B) explain(C) attain(D)complain二、Section A6 What s the date today? _(A)It s Monday.(B) It s the first of May.(C) Its windy today.(D)Very nice


1、certainB explainC attainDcomplain二Section A6 What s the date today AIt s Monday.B It s the first of May.C Its windy toda。

2、h a hungry wolf around. So the cards were stacked against Warren Brush when local officials learned that he had several 。

3、an do nothing. Your genes, not your life habits, determine your weight and your body constantly tries to maintain it. Ho。

4、 deC.i ssueD.pr i ceA.enou ghB.dau gh terC.fri gh tenD.strai gh t6.Section A分数:2.007.At a birthday part Friend A: Happy 。

5、nDversionAsocietyB pieceC fieldDreceiveAyoungerB angerC strongerDsingerAcharacterB moustacheC stomachDschoolAbirthsB pat。

6、bleC enoughDdouble二Section A6 I missed Prof. Wangs linguistic class again yesterday.ACongratulationsB How nice you areC 。

7、mine your weight and your body constantly tries to maintain it.How can obese肥胖的 people become normal or even thin throug。

8、C henDheroAvagueB valueC vanishDvalleyAobviousB objectC occupyDobeyAuneasyB unionC unitDuniversalAwarnB warmC fartherDwa。

9、earthC learnDheardApartyB armyC warmDfarmingApineB existC besidesDbicycleAeasyB replyC friendlyDactivityAcoverB cropC ci。

10、reB matureC natureDfeature二Section A6 How about joining us for a cup of coffeeAId love to.B Of course not.C Say it.DGo a。

11、C followDsorrow二Section A6 Student A: I wonder why the letter was returned to me. Student B: AYes. It needs more stamps。

12、tApunishedB stayedC provedDbegged二Section A6 Employer: Hi, Peter, I think you did a good job. Employee: AThank you.B Not。

13、Robert Spring, a 19th century forger, was so good at his profession that he was able to make his living for 15 years by 。

14、erC frightenDstraight二Section A6 At a birthday part Friend A: Happy birthday Friend B: AYes, I am very happy.B Thank you。

15、nst Warren Brush when local officials learned that he had several buildings made of straw bales 大捆 on his land.They have。

16、thoughC coughDtough二Section A6 What do you think of the food in this restaurant AYes, it is delicious.B No, I dont like 。

17、C lovedDstayed二Section A6 You look so pale. Are you all rightAYes, I look paleB Nor am IC Ive got a stomachacheDDont men。

18、assureB cureC pureDmature二Section A6 Shop assistant: Good morning, sir May I help you Customer: Where do I pay my feesAY。

19、 plowC slowDyellowAverbB combC climbDdebtAexpectedB intendedC doubtedDestablishedAcertainB deserveC merchantDpercentAthr。

20、ApublicB bulletC sugarDfullAmeasureB observeC pleasureDtelevisionArowB ownC howDbowedAwarmB harmC parkDsharkApenB freshC。

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