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1、Unit 2 Wish you were here,基础自测,内容索引,要点探究,达标检测,写作专题,Period Three Task,基础自测,1. vt.观看;看待n.景色;观点 2. n.天堂;天空 3. n.山顶n.山 4. n.寺院 5. vt.埋葬;埋藏 6. n.目的地 7. n.笼子,view,heaven,mountaintop,mountain,temple,bury,.重点单词,destination,cage,1. 密切注意,提防 2. 注意 3. 作为而闻名,.重点短语,look out for,pay attention to,(be) known as,“疑问词

2、to do”作宾语 Here are some tips . 这里有一些关于应该留意什么的建议。,.重点句式,on what to look out for,要点探究,When we are trying to gather information on travel plans,we need to recognize dates and place names from various sources. 当我们努力从旅行计划中搜集信息时,我们需要从各种资源中辨认日期和地方名称。,重点词汇,(1)recognize vt.认出,辨认出;承认,接受 recognize.as.承认是 be re

3、cognized as/to be.被承认是,被公认为 Its recognized that.人们认为 (2)recognition n.认出;辨别;认可 beyond recognition认不出来,(1)Its recognized that Yuan Longping is a great scientist. 袁隆平是一位伟大的科学家,这是大家公认的。 (2)The book now a classic. 这本书现在是一部公认的经典著作。 (3)The village had changed so much that it was . 这个村子变化太大,都认不出来了。,is,reco

4、gnized as/to be,beyond recognition,单项填空 (4)Oh,its you!I you. Ive just had my hair cut.Whats more,Im wearing new glasses. A.didnt recognize B.didnt know C.hadnt known D.havent recognized,答案,解析,解析 从句意分析,对话的双方已互相认出,所以“没认出”是发生在以前的事,故用一般过去时。,Take a night train to Fenghuang to view a traditional way of li

5、fe. 坐夜班车到凤凰古城去观看传统的生活方式。,view vt.观看;看待;n.景色;观点;视野,视线;考虑 view sth. /sb. as.把看作 in/out of view在视野范围内/外 come into view出现在眼前 in view of鉴于;考虑到 in ones viewin the view of sb. 依照某人的观点,(1)I now regularly compare my views with those of many others. 我现在定期把自己的观点与很多他人的观点进行比较。 (2)They view the attack on the ship

6、 as an act of war. 他们把攻击那条船视作战争行为。 (3) ,he is the best person for this job. 我个人认为他是这份工作的最佳人选。,In my view/In the view of me,易混辨析 view,sight,scene,scenery view常指在远处或高处从个人角度看到的景色的一部分。 sight多指某地特有的风景、名胜。用复数形式,指人文景观。 scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内;也可指戏剧的场景。 scenery指某地总的自然风光或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色,是由多

7、个scene构成的景色。,单项填空 (4)One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high building is that you can get a good of the nearby community. (2018常熟高一上检测) A.sight B.scene C.view D.scenery,答案,解析,解析 句意为:住在高层建筑顶楼的好处之一是你可以俯瞰附近社区的景色。sight是可数名词,多指人工建造的景观、名胜;scene剧场情景,景象,场面,现场;view指从某一角度看到的风景,看到的风景包含人文景观和自

8、然风景;scenery风景。这里指的是从楼顶看到的景象,故选C。,Take a bus to Qufu,where Confucius was buried. 坐公共汽车去曲阜,那儿是孔子被埋葬的地方。,bury vt.埋葬;埋藏;掩藏(情感、错误等) bury ones face,head,etc.in.把脸、头等埋到里 bury oneself inbe buried in埋头于,专心于,(1)She had learnt to bury her feelings. 她已经学会了感情不外露。 (2)She her hands and cried. 她双手捂着脸哭了起来。,buried he

9、r face in,单项填空 (3)When I came in,I found him in his homework. A.bury B.burying C.buried D.to bury,答案,解析,解析 句意为:我进去时,发现他正埋头做作业。be buried in.埋头于,此处是过去分词作宾补,表示状态。,本句中“疑问词what不定式”构成的短语作on的宾语。介词后面也可跟宾语从句。 “疑问词不定式”结构在句中可作主语、宾语或表语。 注意:(1)在“疑问词不定式”结构中,不定式必须用主动形式而不能用被动。 (2)why后加不定式时,不定式省略符号to。 (3)whether后可接不

10、定式,而if不可。,经典句式,Here are some tips on what to look out for. 这里有一些关于应该留意什么的建议。,(1)They always told me what to do and how to do it. 他们总是告诉我做什么和怎么做。 (2)Lets ask for his advice on next. 让我们征求他的建议看看下一步选哪一个。 (3)He doesnt know the computer. 他不知道怎样使用电脑。,which one to choose,how to use,单项填空 (4)Now that his par

11、ents are dead,the poor boy doesnt know the money they left. A.how to do with B.what to do with C.to do what with D.how he will do with,解析 句意为:既然他的父母去世了,这个可怜的男孩不知道怎样处理父母留下的钱。do with表示“处理”,与what连用,此处是what to do 结构,相当于一个宾语从句。,答案,解析,达标检测,.单词拼写 1. from the top of the mountain,the three streams looked mor

12、e beautiful. 2.After 25 years the town centre had changed beyond . 3.The parcel was sent to the wrong (目的地). 4.The bird is kept in a (笼子). 5.There used to be a (寺院) near our village.,Viewed,recognition,destination,cage,temple,.选词填空,6.Have you your winter holidays? 7.I must catching a cold. 8.Tomorro

13、w is a day that hope and love! 9.You should your pronunciation. 10.Lu Xun a great writer and thinker.,look out for,pay attention to,make a plan for,be known as, be filled with,made a plan for,look out for,is filled with,pay attention to,is known as,.完成句子 11.你想找什么样的工作?look for? 12.为了养家,约翰先生开始种植蔬菜。,Mr

14、 John began to plant vegetables. 13.问题是如何弄到这么多钱。 The question is .,What job do you want to,In order to/To support his family,how to get so much money,14.这些天来,我们花费了尽可能多的时间来准备国家花展。 These days we as much time as we could the national flower exhibition. 15.她要到澳门去定居,在那里她有好几个密友。 She is going to live in Ma

15、cao, .,have spent,(in) preparing,where she has some close friends,.单项填空 16. in reading a new novel,he didnt notice me come in. A.Buried B.Devoted C.Absorbing D.Absorb,答案,解析,解析 句意为:专心于读一本新小说,他没看到我进来。be buried in专心于,符合句意。此处是过去分词短语作状语。be devoted to专心于;be absorbed in全神贯注于。,17.As is everybody,the earth i

16、s round. A.known as B.known to C.known for D.known with,答案,解析,解析 句意为:众所周知,地球是圆的。be known to everybody人人都知道,符合句意。,18.Would you please the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes? A.look around B.look into C.look up D.look through,答案,解析,解析 look around环顾,到处察看;look into调查,向里面看;look up查阅,抬

17、头往上看;look through快速查看,浏览。由后面的“and see if there are any obvious mistakes”可知,空格处应表示“快速看一下”。,19.The film star wears sunglasses.Therefore,he can go shopping without . A.recognizing B.being recognized C.having recognized D.having been recognized,答案,解析,解析 句意为:那位影星戴着墨镜,因此他可以在没人认出的情况下购物了。without为介词,后面接动名词形式

18、;the film star与recognize之间存在被动关系,故用动名词的被动式,即“being done”结构。,解析 此处考查“疑问词to do”,排除A、B两项; 此处应是“如何搜”,表示方式,故选C项。,20.I want to buy a digital camera online.Can you show me the website? A.search B.to search C.how to search D.what to search,答案,解析,写作专题,Writing an e-mail,电子邮件也属于书信体裁,与一般书信不同的是,一般的书信有信封,电子邮件没有信封

19、,但是它有与信封类似的标题栏。电子邮件由下面几部分组成:,写作指导,1.信头 信头包括收件人的电子邮件地址、发件人的电子邮件地址、发信时间和主题。 以下是需要填写的内容: (1)在“收件人(To:)”框中输入收件人的电子邮件地址。 (2)“主题(Subject:)”框的内容应简明地概括信的内容,短的可以是一个单词,如thanks,congratulations,greetings等;长的可以是一个名词性短语,也可以是一个完整的句子,但一般不超过35个词。“主题”框的内容切忌含糊不清,要用关键词体现信的主要内容。,2.称呼语 首行顶格写。通常用Dear.,其后一般用逗号。 3.正文 这是邮件的主

20、要部分,在称呼语的下一行。这部分的写作要求内容清晰、有条理、语言简洁。根据来信写回信时,要求仔细阅读来信内容,如实回答来信中所提的问题及相关信息,绝不可答非所问。 4.结束语 常写发件人对收件人的祝愿等。 5.署名 在结束语的下一行。,常用句式,1.常用开头语 (1)Im glad to hear from you. (2)How nice it was to receive your e-mail! (3)It gives me great pleasure to receive your kind letter of.(日期) (4)Many thanks for your last e-

21、mail.,2.常用结束语 (1)Best wishes/regards to you. (2)Waiting for your good news. (3)Looking forward to your early reply. (4)Hoping to hear from you soon. (5)With best wishes to you.,典题示例,假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom上个月来到北京学习。七月份你将去北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛(speech contest),你在资料搜集、语言运用等方面遇到了困难。请根据以下要点给Tom写一封150词左右的电子邮件。 1.询问Tom

22、的生活和学习情况; 2.谈谈你的困难并请Tom帮忙。,写作步骤,Step 1 审题谋篇 1.时态:本文应以一般现在时为主。 2.人称:以第一人称和第二人称为主。 3.目的:谈谈你的困难并请Tom帮忙。,Step 2 联想词汇 1.进展 2.不同于 3.参加 4.不但而且 5.做某事有困难 6.帮某人的忙,_ _ _ _ _ _,get along,differ from/be different from,take part in,not only.but also.,have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.,give sb. a hand,Step 3

23、句式升级 1.你在北京学习接近一个月了,在此期间你一定取得了很多成绩。You have been studying in Beijing for nearly a month and _.(and连接简单句)You have been studying in Beijing for nearly a month _.(“介词which”引导定语从句),during,during which,you must have achieved a lot,that time you must have achieved a lot,2.据报道这些天天气炎热而干燥,与你的国家很不相同。It is rep

24、orted that it is very hot and dry these days and _.(and连接简单句)It is reported that it is very hot and dry these days,_.(非限制性定语从句),it is very,which is very,different from/which differs a lot from that of your country,different from/it differs a lot from that of your country,3.我很高兴地告诉你,七月我要去北京参加英语演讲比赛,这

25、不仅是荣誉,而且也是练习口语的好机会。I am glad to tell you that I will go to Beijing to take part in an English speech contest in July,which is _for me to practice my spoken English.(as well as)I am glad to tell you that I will go to Beijing to take part in an English speech contest in July,which is _for me to practi

26、ce my spoken English.(not only.but also.),an honor as well as a great,not only an honor,but also a,great opportunity,opportunity,Dear Tom,How time flies!You have been studying in Beijing for nearly a month during which you must have achieved a lot.Well,how is everything getting along?It is reported

27、that it is very hot and dry these days,which is very different from that of your country.,Step 4 连句成篇,I am glad to tell you that I will go to Beijing to take part in an English speech contest in July,which is not only an honor,but also a great opportunity for me to practice my spoken English. I have some trouble in collecting the materials and using the language. I would appreciate it if you could give me a hand to solve these problems. Yours, Li Hua,


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