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1、考研英语-618 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、In the nineteenth ce(总题数:20,分数:10.00)1.(分数:0.50)A.movementB.speedC.travelD.running2.(分数:0.50)A.as easily asB.as eagerly asC.as firmly asD.as quietly as3.(分数:0.50)A.whichB.thatC.whatD.it4.(分数:0.50)A.no longerB.for everC.at allD.

2、no doubt5.(分数:0.50)A.separating fromB.from separatedC.separated fromD.from separated6.(分数:0.50)A.travelling menB.men travellingC.travelled menD.men travelled7.(分数:0.50)A.benefitB.beneficentC.beneficialD.beneficially8.(分数:0.50)A.ForB.OnC.InD.During9.(分数:0.50)A.passedB.pastC.awayD.apart10.(分数:0.50)A.w

3、hateverB.wheneverC.howeverD.wherever11.(分数:0.50)A.leisureB.friendlyC.quickD.leisurely12.(分数:0.50)A.agreementsB.disagreementsC.advantagesD.disadvantage13.(分数:0.50)A.discoverB.coverC.moveD.pull14.(分数:0.50)A.fromB.onC.aboutD.down15.(分数:0.50)A.forB.inC.atD.of16.(分数:0.50)A.the otherB.anotherC.otherD.the

4、another17.(分数:0.50)A.agreeB.actC.achieveD.affect18.(分数:0.50)A.speedB.journeyC.habitD.power19.(分数:0.50)A.makesB.hasC.happensD.takes20.(分数:0.50)A.talkingB.racingC.speakingD.moving三、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Text 1(总题数:5,分数:10.00)21.According to the passage, which of the

5、 following is NOT wrong?_(分数:2.00)A.The computer experts should tell people everything about computersB.David insisted that the computer clubs should open to all the people, including those non-expertsC.The foundation of computer town is a successful attempt to bring people closer to the computerD.I

6、t is unnecessarily for all the people to become “computer-literate“22.David Tebbutt is a(n)_ computer expert.(分数:2.00)A.EnglishB.AmericanC.JapaneseD.German23.According to the author, the concept of “people-literate“ in par(分数:2.00)A.2 means_A. to make the computer learn to understand peopleB. to bri

7、ng computers closer to the peopleC. that all the people should understand computersD. that all the people should learn to use computers24.About the computer towns and the computer clubs, David Tebutte thinks that_(分数:2.00)A.it is just to take trouble to see the two working side by sideB.the computer

8、 towns are more important than the computer clubsC.they can complement each other but there is great difference betweenD.the computer clubs are as important as the computer towns25.According to the passage, which of the following description about the computer clubs is NOT TRUE?_(分数:2.00)A.The compu

9、ter clubs are open to the people with some computer knowledge alreadyB.The computer experts in the clubs have to explain everything in easily understoodC.The expert computer group is easily formed in the clubsD.The grockles would rather go to computer towns than go to clubs六、Text 2(总题数:5,分数:10.00)26

10、.It is implied but not directly state in the passage that_(分数:2.00)A.the public took a great interest in the big mysterious holeB.army engineers and mechanics were not in the least certain how the hole had appearedC.objects from outer space hold a special attraction, for many peopleD.the man who cla

11、imed to be well-informed about flying saucers turned out to be a cheat27.By way of explanation the man produced all the following proofs EXCEPT_(分数:2.00)A.strange marks close to the holeB.strange hot gasC.a slightly burnt small treeD.a tiny piece of metal in the hole28.In the mans opinion something

12、happened to the flying saucer when_(分数:2.00)A.it was carrying out a missionB.it was flying back to outer spaceC.it was landing in a fieldD.people aboard were repairing a damage29.The author holds that the mans explanation was_(分数:2.00)A.utterly infeasibleB.lacking in imaginationC.more probable than

13、the one offered by the armyD.creative though not necessarily reasonable30.The author thinks of the explanation given by the army as_(分数:2.00)A.ridiculousB.not capable of proofC.adequateD.scientific though seemingly simple .七、Text 3(总题数:5,分数:10.00)31.According to the passage, which of the following i

14、s NOT true?_(分数:2.00)A.The farming model and the way of life on diversified farms are workableB.Large “organic“ farms use large amounts of pesticides and synthetic fertilizersC.The new adaptive farms are capable of resource-conserving practicesD.To reduce soil erosion is a resource-conserving practi

15、ce32.Whats the main idea of the second paragraph?_(分数:2.00)A.Fossil energy was once very cheapB.Farms in dry areas could get cheap waterC.Most American farmers used too much fertilizer and pesticideD.Mainstream American agriculture used to be wasteful of energy, water and land33.The main difference

16、between the modem superfarm and diversified farms is_(分数:2.00)A.their sizesB.the machinery employedC.the degree of dependence on resourcesD.the kinds of crops cultivated and animals raised34.The word “profligacy“ ( line 1, par(分数:2.00)A.3 ) most probably means_A. wastefulnessB. carefulnessC. profita

17、bilityD. economy35.It can be seen from the passage that the problem of resource conservation in agriculture_(分数:2.00)A.has been solved in the U. S.B.has not yet been paid any attention toC.is being seriously and effectively dealt withD.will soon be solved by using more capital and land八、Text 4(总题数:5

18、,分数:10.00)36.In the Renaissance, it was_ that greatly expand literacy.(分数:2.00)A.the religious reformsB.the translation and popularization of the BibleC.the availability of printing technology and cheap paperD.the renovations of the teaching methods37.The last paragraph mainly discusses_(分数:2.00)A.t

19、he religious movements that promoted the literacy of the publicB.the new progress towards literacy initiated by democratic societyC.modem political movement towards a more democratic societyD.political movements at the end of the Middle Ages fighting illiteracy38.What do we learn from the first para

20、graph?_(分数:2.00)A.It is fairly easy to determine literacyB.There is no illiteracy in a rich countryC.History sees an even progress towards literacyD.In history literacy suffers ups and downs39.What took place in literacy just before the Renaissance?_(分数:2.00)A.Literacy became useful and necessary fo

21、r the keeping of records by officialsB.Political theories called for an attack upon illiteracyC.Literacy lay on a lower point because of the breakdown of the societyD.Citizens got an amount of education available40.According to the passage, what is the major driving force behind the progress toward

22、more literacy?_(分数:2.00)A.The amount of educationB.The availability of reading materialsC.The economic developmentD.The necessity to read九、Part B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十、Time spent in a book(总题数:5,分数:10.00)41.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_42.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_43.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_44.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_45.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_十一、Part

23、 C(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十二、The process of enter(总题数:5,分数:10.00)46.(分数:2.00)_47.(分数:2.00)_48.(分数:2.00)_49.(分数:2.00)_50.(分数:2.00)_十三、Section Writing(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十四、Part A(总题数:1,分数:10.00)51.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at till end of the letter. Use “Jordan”

24、instead. You do not need to write the address. ( 10 points)(分数:10.00)_十五、Part B(总题数:1,分数:20.00)52.3. Getting rid of bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol is also an important way to keep healthy.(分数:20.00)_考研英语-618 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、In the nineteen

25、th ce(总题数:20,分数:10.00)1.(分数:0.50)A.movementB.speed C.travelD.running解析:该句意为,对于我们,人类能够在 20世纪以如此快的速度移动和通信,驿站马车的速度似乎根本就不算速度。第一句和第二句都在谈论速度,故应选 speed。2.(分数:0.50)A.as easily as B.as eagerly asC.as firmly asD.as quietly as解析:根据题意应选择 as easilyas“就像一样容易”。3.(分数:0.50)A.which B.thatC.whatD.it解析:前面带有介词的关系代词要用 wh

26、ich。4.(分数:0.50)A.no longer B.for everC.at allD.no doubt解析:该句意为,他们渴望从一个地方很快到达另一个地方,这样他们不可能放松并享受到旅途的乐趣。no longer“不再”,符合题意。5.(分数:0.50)A.separating fromB.from separatedC.separated from D.from separated解析:该句意为,分隔很远的家庭成员可以通过电话互相交谈,就好像大家都坐在一个房间那样方便。separated from为固定搭配。 6.(分数:0.50)A.travelling menB.men trav

27、elling C.travelled menD.men travelled解析:travelling 为分词作后置定语,修饰 businessmen“商人”。7.(分数:0.50)A.benefitB.beneficentC.beneficial D.beneficially解析:该句意为,然而,并不是所有的速度对人们的影响都是有益的。一些人们习惯于任何时候到半英里距离也要开汽车,他们身体变得懒惰,失去了享受步行的活力。beneficial“有益的,受益的”,符合题意。8.(分数:0.50)A.For B.OnC.InD.During解析:for“对于”,指“对于一次旅行来说”。参见题 8。9

28、.(分数:0.50)A.passedB.past C.awayD.apart解析:该句意为,这些以每小时 80英里速度通过个村庄的人们,当他们一闪而过,不可能看到当护的生活、人们、动物和植物。past“经过”,为副词,符合题意。10.(分数:0.50)A.whateverB.whenever C.howeverD.wherever解析:表示“无论何时”,应选择 whenever。11.(分数:0.50)A.leisureB.friendlyC.quickD.leisurely 解析:leisurely“悠闲的”,可作形容词和副词,这里为形容词。12.(分数:0.50)A.agreementsB

29、.disagreementsC.advantages D.disadvantage解析:该句意为,这些提高速度的优点数不清。旅行商人认为,从欧洲到美国或者到远东可以省许多时间,原来需要几周的旅行现在乘飞机只要 24个小时。13.(分数:0.50)A.discoverB.cover C.moveD.pull解析:cover 可表示“经过(路程);通过”1wanttocoverl00milesbydark我想在天黑之前走完 100 英里。14.(分数:0.50)A.fromB.on C.aboutD.down解析:On a joumey 为习惯搭配,例如:Hes going on a long j

30、ourney他在作长途旅行。15.(分数:0.50)A.forB.inC.atD.of 解析:write of a stage-coach“写关于驿站马车的书”,of 可表示“以为题的,有关的”:stories of adventure 冒险故事。16.(分数:0.50)A.the other B.anotherC.otherD.the another解析:the other side of the globe“地球的另一边”。17.(分数:0.50)A.agreeB.actC.achieve D.affect解析:该句意为,特快列车可以达到相当于驿站马车 4倍的速度。achieve“达到,取

31、得”。18.(分数:0.50)A.speedB.journeyC.habitD.power 解析:power 意为“力量,活力”,合乎题意。19.(分数:0.50)A.makesB.hasC.happensD.takes 解析:takes only twenty-four hours“只需 24小时”,表示“花费多少时间”,用 take。参见题 8。20.(分数:0.50)A.talkingB.racingC.speakingD.moving 解析:该句意为,而甚至不需要移动,我们就能通过电话或电报在几秒钟之内与地球另一边的人们通信。根据上下文,应该填 moving“移动”。三、Section

32、 Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Text 1(总题数:5,分数:10.00)21.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT wrong?_(分数:2.00)A.The computer experts should tell people everything about computersB.David insisted that the computer clubs should open to all the people, including th

33、ose non-expertsC.The foundation of computer town is a successful attempt to bring people closer to the computerD.It is unnecessarily for all the people to become “computer-literate“ 解析:第一段指出,从事计算机工作的人们鼓吹其他人精通电脑的必要性,但并不是所有的专家都同意这种观点。即他们认为没有必要让所有的人都成为计算机专家。22.David Tebbutt is a(n)_ computer expert.(分数

34、:2.00)A.English B.AmericanC.JapaneseD.German解析:第二段第一句指出 Tebbutt是英国“电脑城”的奠基人。23.According to the author, the concept of “people-literate“ in par(分数:2.00)A.2 means_A. to make the computer learn to understand peopleB. to bring computers closer to the peopleC. that all the people should understand compu

35、tersD. that all the people should learn to use computers 解析:第一段第一句提到 computer-literate即指学会熟悉计算机及其工作原理,而第二段提到 people-literate与之相反,是让计算机熟悉人们。24.About the computer towns and the computer clubs, David Tebutte thinks that_(分数:2.00)A.it is just to take trouble to see the two working side by sideB.the comp

36、uter towns are more important than the computer clubsC.they can complement each other but there is great difference between D.the computer clubs are as important as the computer towns解析:第四段一、二句提到,Tebbutt 认为电脑城与电脑俱乐部结合起来最为有效,他认为虽然他们可以互补,但两者之间差别很大。25.According to the passage, which of the following de

37、scription about the computer clubs is NOT TRUE?_(分数:2.00)A.The computer clubs are open to the people with some computer knowledge alreadyB.The computer experts in the clubs have to explain everything in easily understood C.The expert computer group is easily formed in the clubsD.The grockles would r

38、ather go to computer towns than go to clubs解析:最后一段最后一句指出,在电脑城,人们不需要学习计算机行话,计算机专家可以将计算机的复杂内容用容易明白的术语来加以解释,计算机变成“熟悉人们”。而第一句指出电脑俱乐部的方法是不同的。故可以推测答案应为(B)。六、Text 2(总题数:5,分数:10.00)26.It is implied but not directly state in the passage that_(分数:2.00)A.the public took a great interest in the big mysterious h

39、oleB.army engineers and mechanics were not in the least certain how the hole had appearedC.objects from outer space hold a special attraction, for many people D.the man who claimed to be well-informed about flying saucers turned out to be a cheat解析:第三段最后一句指出,从大众对该事件的兴趣来判断,不少人相信或希望这种简单的解释是真实的。27.By w

40、ay of explanation the man produced all the following proofs EXCEPT_(分数:2.00)A.strange marks close to the holeB.strange hot gas C.a slightly burnt small treeD.a tiny piece of metal in the hole解析:第三段列举了关于飞碟说法的凭据:洞边特别的记号,烧焦的灌木叶子,洞中的小片金属,对(B)只是猜测。28.In the mans opinion something happened to the flying s

41、aucer when_(分数:2.00)A.it was carrying out a mission B.it was flying back to outer spaceC.it was landing in a fieldD.people aboard were repairing a damage解析:第三段第六句推测说,按照某人的说法,很明显,从外星来的人正在围绕地球飞行以收集信息,但发生了什么故障。29.The author holds that the mans explanation was_(分数:2.00)A.utterly infeasibleB.lacking in i

42、maginationC.more probable than the one offered by the armyD.creative though not necessarily reasonable 解析:第二段第二句指出,某人关于飞碟的解释或许是无稽之谈,但至少富有想像力。30.The author thinks of the explanation given by the army as_(分数:2.00)A.ridiculousB.not capable of proof C.adequateD.scientific though seemingly simple .解析:第一段

43、最后一句指出,军方认为是一个埋在地下多年的大炸弹突然爆炸,但却不能加以证明。七、Text 3(总题数:5,分数:10.00)31.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?_(分数:2.00)A.The farming model and the way of life on diversified farms are workableB.Large “organic“ farms use large amounts of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers C.The new

44、 adaptive farms are capable of resource-conserving practicesD.To reduce soil erosion is a resource-conserving practice解析:从第一段最后一句可知,“organic”farms 是指高度机械化的农场,同时很少使用杀虫剂和化学肥料。故(B)明显不对。32.Whats the main idea of the second paragraph?_(分数:2.00)A.Fossil energy was once very cheapB.Farms in dry areas could

45、 get cheap waterC.Most American farmers used too much fertilizer and pesticideD.Mainstream American agriculture used to be wasteful of energy, water and land 解析:第二段第一句指出,相比之下,美国主流农业到目前仍然不重视对能源、水和土地的使用。33.The main difference between the modem superfarm and diversified farms is_(分数:2.00)A.their sizesB

46、.the machinery employedC.the degree of dependence on resources D.the kinds of crops cultivated and animals raised解析:第一段第二句指出,现代超级农场,规模宏大,高度资本化,与曾经占统治地位的综合农场相比,更依赖资源。34.The word “profligacy“ ( line 1, par(分数:2.00)A.3 ) most probably means_A. wastefulnessB. carefulnessC. profitabilityD. economy 解析:profligacy 意为“极度浪费”,从第二段内容可知其义。35.It can be seen from the passage that the problem of resource conservation in agriculture_(分数:2.00)A.has been solved in the U. S.B.has not yet been paid any attention toC.is being seriously and effectively dealt with D.will


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