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1、中国科学院考博英语-4 及答案解析(总分:89.50,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Vocabulary(总题数:20,分数:11.50)1.The profession fell into _, with some physicists sticking to existing theories, while others came up with the big-bang theory.(分数:0.50)A.harmonyB.turmoilC.distortionD.accord2.The researchers found the age at which young people

2、 first fall _ to bullies seems to determine how much it affects them.(分数:0.50)A.sacrificeB.shortC.witnessD.victim3.The motorist had to _ to avoid knocking the old woman down in the middle of the road.(分数:0.50)A.swerveB.twistC.departD.swing4.The computer can be programmed to _ a whole variety of task

3、s.(分数:0.50)A.assignB.tackleC.realizeD.solve5.After negotiation for some time, all the members of the association promised to _ to the strict code of practice.(分数:0.50)A.ascribeB.confirmC.adhereD.confide6.Apparently there were _ between police reports taken from the same witnesses at different times.

4、(分数:0.50)A.distortionsB.discrepanciesC.disordersD.distractions7.The computer can be programmed to _ a whole variety of tasks.(分数:0.50)A.assignB.tackleC.realizeD.solve8.There are few, if any, countries in the world in which sports _ national life to the degree that they do in the US.(分数:0.50)A.permea

5、teB.overwhelmC.submergeD.immerse9.The Association of University Teachers claims that taxpayers“money, _ for basic research, is being used to prop up industrial and other applied research projects.(分数:0.50)A.designedB.engagedC.orientedD.intended10.Human facial expressions differ from those of animals

6、 in the degree to which they can be _ controlled and modified.(分数:1.00)A.deliberatelyB.consequentlyC.originallyD.absolutely11.The head of the Museum was _ and let us actually examine the ancient manuscripts.(分数:0.50)A.promisingB.agreeingC.pleasingD.obliging12.If you don“t want to talk to him, I“ll s

7、peak to him _.(分数:1.00)A.on your accountB.on your behalfC.for your partD.in your interest13.It happened in a flash, although _ everything seemed to occur in slow motion, as though I were watching from another planet.(分数:0.50)A.in returnB.in practiceC.in realityD.in retrospect14.The prime minister“s

8、proposal for new taxes created such a(n)_that his government fell.(分数:0.50)A.sensationB.upheavalC.withdrawalD.outbreak15.Hosting the 2008 Olympics provided China with an opportunity to _ its unprecedented progress.(分数:0.50)A.demonstrateB.deduceC.distinguishD.disperse16.While this arrangement was a m

9、ajor improvement over its _, it still had drawbacks.(分数:0.50)A.premiumB.prevalenceC.premiseD.predecessor17.His expenditure on holidays and luxuries is rather high in _ to his income.(分数:0.50)A.comparisonB.proportionC.associationD.calculation18.History will always _ any intended route and take an unf

10、oreseen one instead.(分数:0.50)A.lead toB.deviate fromC.pass throughD.result from19.The water was so clear that it _ the trees on the river bank.(分数:0.50)A.shadowedB.shadedC.representedD.reflected20.A knowledge of history _ us to deal with the vast range of problems confronting the contemporary world.

11、(分数:1.00)A.equipsB.providesC.offersD.satisfies二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Section A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Passage 1(总题数:1,分数:6.00)States are considering major changes in prepaid college tuition programs - raising prices, restricting participation of canceling them - as they grapple with financial

12、 woes. Nationwide, families will likely have to pay more to participate, or accept that they might not cover tuition when children go to college. Colorado has closed its prepaid plan to new investors and told existing ones that it may not cover future tuition increases. Wisconsin stopped selling its

13、 plan Dec. 20. Maryland and Illinois are among states hiking prices by 20% or more. Prepaid plans let parents lock in tuition by paying for it now, protecting them against rising costs. But the hear market has hurt investment returns, leaving the plans unable to keep up with big increases in tuition

14、. So far, Colorado is the only state that has told participants their investments may not cover tuition, and no plan has missed a payment. Other states have said they will fulfill obligations, even if it requires a legislative bailout. Still, the financial problems have forced thousands to grapple w

15、ith uncertainty - something prepaid plans were designed to avoid. More than 1 million families have an estimated $ 8 billion invested in the plans, says Saving for College. com . Some states, including Colorado, may replace the prepaid plan with a guaranteed investment contract, a CD-like investment

16、 that“s backed by an insurance company. Investors get a minimum rate of return, but no guarantee that it will cover tuition. Wisconsin“s EdVest program is encouraging investment in a stable value fund, which is similar to a guaranteed investment contract, in its investment plan. Wisconsin“s prepaid

17、plan never guaranteed to cover tuition inflation. It also never got a lot of investors, possibly because it lacked that guarantee. In Florida, a task force is considering limiting the state“s prepaid program to low-income families. Ohio officials are also looking at limiting participation, but it“s

18、a measure they hope to avoid. “Program administrators are looking for alternatives,“ says Andrea Feirstein, a state-plan consultant. Maryland recently boosted its prices by up to 30%; Illinois by up to 23%. The increases have made some prepaid plans uneconomical for parents of older children. In Ohi

19、o, the price of one year“s tuition for a child over 12 months old is $ 8, 000, more than 40% above current tuition at Ohio State. SO it may not be a good deal for children starting college in three or four years because tuition may not jump that much that fast.(分数:6.00)(1).Prepaid college tuition is

20、 generally designed on the principle that _.(分数:1.00)A.it is easy to pay at the present timeB.it is economical in the long runC.it saves pains to pass the entrance examD.it ensures the admission to the college(2).Many states plan to modify their prepaid college tuition programs _.(分数:1.00)A.under th

21、e mounting financial pressuresB.because of deficient college facilitiesC.to ease overcrowding problems in collegeD.to limit the participation of low-income families(3).The word “investors“ (in boldface in Paragraph 2) most exactly refers to those who _.(分数:1.00)A.serve as the main source of finance

22、to the stateB.invest money in developing local collegesC.sponsor colleges and their educational programsD.join the plan and pay the tuition in advance(4).Colorado now has told participants in the prepaid tuition plan that _.(分数:1.00)A.they would not have to make any other payment laterB.they would n

23、ot be guaranteed against further paymentC.the plan would cover further tuition increasesD.the plan would be replaced by a guaranteed investment contract(5).The expression “a CD-like investment“ (in boldface in Paragraph 5) most probably refers to an investment _.(分数:1.00)A.to support civil defenseB.

24、put in producing compact discC.to promote show industryD.like certificate deposit(6).It can be inferred from the last paragraph that in Ohio _.(分数:1.00)A.prepaid plans require a participation at most 3 or 4 years before starting collegeB.children may start college 3 or 4 years earlier than at a norm

25、al age if they prepay tuitionC.college tuition 3 or 4 years later may not be so high as today“s price of prepaid tuitionD.the younger a child to join the plan, the greater loss he/she will suffer at the age for college五、Passage 2(总题数:1,分数:6.00)The familiar sounds of an early English summer are with

26、us once again. Millions of children sit clown to SATs, GCSEs, AS-levels, A-levels and a host of lesser exams, and the argument over educational standards starts. Depending on whom you listen to, we should either be letting up on over-examined pupils by abolishing SATs, and even GCSEs, or else making

27、 exams far more rigorous. The chorus will reach a peak when GCSE and A-level results are published in August. If pass rates rise again, commentators will say that standards are falling because exams are getting easier. If pass rates drop, they will say that standards are falling because children are

28、 getting lower marks. Parents like myself try to ignore this and base our judgements on what our children are learning. But it“s not easy given how much education has changed since we were at school. Some trends are encouragingeducation has been made more relevant and enthuses many children that it

29、would have previously bored. My sons“ A-level French revision involved listening to radio debates on current affairs, whereas mine involved rereading Molire. And among their peers, a far greater proportion stayed in education for longer. On the other hand, some aspects of schooling today are incompr

30、ehensible to my generation, such as graps in general knowledge and the hand-holding that goes with ensuring that students leave with good grades. Even when we parents resist the temptation to help with GCSE or A-level coursework, a teacher with the child“s interests at heart may send a draft piece o

31、f work back several times with pointers to how it can be improved before the examiners see it. The debate about standards persists because there is no single objective answer to the question “Are standards better or worse than they were a generation ago?“ Each side points to indicators that favour t

32、hem, in the knowledge that there is no authoritative definition, let alone a measure that has been consistently applied over the decades. But the annual soul-searching over exams is about more than student assessment. It reveals a national insecurity about whether our education system is teaching th

33、e right things. It is also fed by an anxiety about whether, in a country with a history of upholding standards by ensuring that plenty of students fail, we can attain the more modern objective of ensuring that every child leaves school with something to show for it.(分数:6.00)(1).It can be concluded f

34、rom Paragraph 1 that _.(分数:1.00)A.SATs is one of the most rigorous exams mentionedB.it has been debated if children should be given examsC.few parents approve of the exam systems in EnglandD.each year children have to face up to some new exams(2).Parents try to judge the educational standards by _.(

35、分数:1.00)A.whether their children have passed the examsB.what knowledge their children have acquiredC.what educators say about curriculum planningD.whether their children“s school scores are stable(3).To the author, the rereading of Molire was _.(分数:1.00)A.drearyB.routineC.outmodedD.arduous(4).To the

36、 author“s generation, it is beyond understanding today why _.(分数:1.00)A.teachers lay great stress on helping students obtain good gradesB.teachers show much concern for students“ futureC.parents help little with their children“s courseworkD.parents focus on their children“s general knowledge(5).Acco

37、rding to the passage, with respect to educational standards in Britain, _.(分数:1.00)A.no authorities have ever made a commentB.no one has ever tried to give them a definitionC.no effective ways have been taken to apply themD.no consistent yardstick has ever been used(6).In the author“s opinion, the s

38、chool education in Britain has been _.(分数:1.00)A.inflexibleB.irresponsibleC.unsuccessfulD.unforgivable六、Passage 3(总题数:1,分数:6.00)Of late, there have been several posts suggesting that America has no culture or that what culture it has is somehow inferior to that of other societies. Of course, it cann

39、ot be both. To suggest that America has, in some sense, an inferior culture is to grant that it has a culture. America most definitely has culture and the culture of America is easily the most dominant of the world. Whether it is McDonald“s in the heart of what was once the center of the Evil Empire

40、, or Arnold Schwarzenagger storming across German theatres, or Disneyland sending the French snobs into hysteria, American culture dominates Europe as never before. And it is not just Europe. Enter any shopping center in Asia and the odds are that the music blasting over the sound system is American

41、 pop music. Madonna look-alikes speak Mandarin Chinese. Often, American culture is derided by the so-called “intellectuals“. (And by that, I do not mean the traditional definition of those who use their intellect to make a living as, in a increasingly service economy, there are few people today who

42、would not fit into that category but, rather, people who fancy themselves as in some way gifted to impose their views upon the rest of us, to save us from ourselves.) What is it about American culture that annoys the “intellectuals“ so much? It is precisely that which differentiates it from other cu

43、ltures, particularly the cultures of Europe (“intellectuals“ tending to be europhiles). Whereas European culture (and, indeed, most pre-industrial cultures) sprang from their traditions of aristocracy and the subservience of society to the ruling class, American culture serves the middle-class, the

44、vulgar, if you will. Whereas European culture is concerned with what is exclusive and aloof, American culture is concerned with what is common and accessible. You don“t need classes in school in rock music appreciation or the finer aspects of eating pizza. Some have suggested that America is doomed

45、because it has no culture. But the contrary is more likely the case. In spite of the best efforts of the multi-cultural fascists, America has yet to fulfill its manifest destiny primarily because its culture is not only dominating and assimilating immigrants from every corner of the world, it is, in

46、deed reaching out to every corner of the world and creating a world community, a community centered on the individual, every individual not just those gifted with expensive tastes.(分数:6.00)(1).From the beginning of the passage we can infer that the author _.(分数:1.00)A.believes that America has cultu

47、re despite its inferiority to othersB.agrees that America has no culture, let alone an inferior cultureC.objects to both of the views about American cultureD.tries to show objectively the two views about American culture(2).According to the passage, Disneyland in France _.(分数:1.00)A.has overridden t

48、he country“s cartoon industryB.has driven all its fans there madC.has encountered strong oppositionD.has enjoyed a nationwide acclaim(3).It is implied in Paragraph 2 that _.(分数:1.00)A.Chinese girls are crazy about MadonnaB.McDonald“s is regarded as evil in RussiaC.German films become more of Schwarz

49、enagger“s styleD.American pop music is confined to shops and stores in Asia(4).In the author“s eyes “intellectuals“ are those who _.(分数:1.00)A.are gifted and thus categorized as suchB.claim themselves to be superior to othersC.are in small numbers compared with the restD.advance their careers to save humanity(5).The last sentence “You don“t need “eating pizza“ of Paragraph 4 implies _.(分数:1.00)A.rock


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