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1、英语翻译基础(英汉互译)-试卷 16 及答案解析(总分:12.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.英译汉(分数:2.00)_2.The balance of nature is a very elaborate and very delicate system of checks and counterchecks. It is continually being altered as climates change, as new organisms evolve, as animals or plants permeate to new areas.

2、 But the alterations have in the past, for the most part, been slow, whereas with the arrival of civilized man, their speed has been multiplied manifold: from the evolutionary time-scale, where change is measured by periods of ten or a hundred thousand years, they have been transferred to the human

3、time-scale in which centuries and even decades count. Everywhere man is altering the balance of nature. He is facilitating the spread of plants and animals into new regions, sometimes deliberately, sometimes unconsciously. He is covering huge areas with new kinds of plants, or with houses, factories

4、, slag-heaps and other products of his civilization. He exterminates some species on a large scale, but favours the multiplication of others. In brief, he has done more in five thousand years to alter the biological aspect of the planet than has nature in five million. Many of these changes which he

5、 has brought about have had unforeseen consequences. Who would have thought that the throwing away of a piece of Canadian waterweed would have caused half the waterways of Britain to be blocked for a decade, or that the provision of pot cacti for lonely settlers“ wives would have led to Eastern Aust

6、ralia being overrun with forests of Prickly Pear? Who would have prophesied that the cutting down of forests on the Adriatic coasts, or in parts of Central Africa, could have reduced the land to a semi desert, with the very soil washed away from the bare rock? Who would have thought that improved co

7、mmunications would have changed history by the spreading of disease-sleeping sickness into East Africa, measles into Oceania, very possibly malaria into ancient Greece?(分数:2.00)_3.Biogas: a Solution to Many Problems In almost all developing countries, the lack of adequate supplies of cheap, convenie

8、nt and reliable fuel is a major problem. Rural communities depend largely on kerosene, wood and dung for their cooking and lighting needs. But kerosene is now priced out of reach of many people and wood, except in heavily forested areas, is in short supply. The search for firewood occupies a large p

9、art of the working day and has resulted in widespread deforestation. Dung is in constant supply wherever there are farm animals and, when dried, it is convenient to store and use. But burning dung destroys its value as fertilizer, thus depriving the soil of a much needed source of humus and nitrogen

10、. Rural areas of developing countries are also plagued by a lack of adequate sanitation. Improper waste disposal spreads disease, contaminates water sources and provides breeding grounds for diseasecarrying insects. The problems of improving environmental hygiene, conserving resources and finding al

11、ternative sources of fuel may be unrelated. Their solutions, however, are not, as many countries experimenting with biogas technology are discovering. Biogas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, is produced by the fermentation of organic matter. The process of anaerobic fermentation is a natura

12、l one, occurring whenever living matter decomposes. By containing the matterand the processin a digester or biogas plant, the combustible gas can be trapped and used as fuel for household lighting and cooking. The digested slurry that remains can be used on the land as a soil conditioner and fertili

13、zer. Biogas plants have attracted much interest in recent years and they are in use in several Asian countries: 36000 are reported in rural areas of India, 27000 in Korea and more than 80000 in China. In most countries the value of the gas has been the prime factor leading to their adoption: 70 perc

14、ent of India“ s plants, for instance, were built during the energy and fertilizer crisis of 1975-1976although their use in that country dates back to 1951. Similarly in Thailand and Korea, biogas is being investigated as an alternative to costly charcoal ad to save compost materials from being burne

15、d.(分数:2.00)_4.Preserving Water Sources Recently we held a successful daylong workshop that was attended by local primary and secondary school teachers as well as several university students representing the environmental groups on their campuses. The workshop was unique: To convey how critical water

16、 is to the survival of society, we showed to what an extent our bodies are water and how the natural environment also revolves around it. We depicted the intimate connection between the functions of the human body and water, and further showed how human systems have parallels in nature. Our particip

17、ants were amazed that, when shown on the same scale, the human cardiovascular system of veins and arteries and an aerial view of a river system were so much alike as to be indistinguishable. We also showed them the similarities between a human bone and a tree. Nerves, when a person experiences pleas

18、ure, look relaxed and have many curves, like a healthy river that also has numerous bends and curves. We contrasted these with a picture of a nerve straight and stiff as it feels pain; alongside it we placed a picture of a river that has been manipulated by human engineering and rendered straight, u

19、nhealthy and lifeless. Once our participants had gained a new appreciation for water, the urgent need to protect this precious resource became plain to them. We followed up by spending some time thinking about concrete projects that they could undertake with their students or green groups. Many grea

20、t project ideas were voiced that day and some are already getting underway. A secondary school in Tianjin is beginning a campus greening project and wants to include greywater treatment as well as rainwater collection in their plan. Students from a local university are campaigning to reduce the wate

21、r usage in their bathhouses. Currently, students pay one price for a shower of unlimited length, which invariably leads to waste. Their approach to cutting waste includes changing the pricing scheme and replacing the showerheads in their bathhouses with a water-saving type.(分数:2.00)_5.Energy Crisis

22、The U. S. Census Bureau has estimated that the population of the United States could approach 300 million in 2000 and will be 400 million in 2020. And the U. S. Department of Commerce estimates that the average U. S. per capital income will increase from $ 3, 400 in 1969 to the equivalent of $ 8, 30

23、0 ( assuming a 1967 price level) in the year 2000, 2. 5 times as much as that of 1969. According to government statistics, in the United States, there are over 110 million cars and 15 million commercial vehicles or trucks. And “more people“ means “more cars“. By the end of the twenties of next centu

24、ry, the population of the United States will have doubled that of today and the number of automobiles will be doubled as well. And in twenty years“ time the per capita income will also be 2. 5 times higher than it is now. If this increased income is spent on more and larger automobiles, larger house

25、s, and increased consumption of other material goods, the results could cause catastrophic resource exhaustion, and pollution. Take the increase of the consumption of oil for instance. The consumption is so huge that the oil reserves might last only a decade or two if not supplemented by imports. Te

26、n years ago it appeared that nuclear power would solve the anticipated energy crisis. Although supplies of uranium fuel were known to be limited and might become exhausted in half a century, the nuclear power plant has for a long time been a favorite project. But work on it has met with grave proble

27、ms. The fear of possible atomic explosion and the problem of disposing of polluting byproduct waste have slowed down the construction of further nuclear plants. Eventually atomic technology may be able to control these problems, but at present there seems to be little agreement along atomic scientis

28、ts about when this can be achieved.(分数:2.00)_6.Thinking about going off the beaten path for your next vacation? If so, you might be one of the many people who are enjoying a relatively new mode of travel known as ecotourism. As the name implies, ecotourism focuses on conserving the ecology and natur

29、al heritage of tourist destinations. In addition, ecotourism features indigenous cultures and promotes ways for local communities to control and maintain their resources. In the past, vacationers usually spent their time staying at luxury hotels and visiting famous landmarks and museums in cities su

30、ch as New York, Paris and Tokyo. Others preferred to relax on the beautiful beaches of Hawaii or the deck of a cruise ship in the sunny Caribbean. There was little interaction with the local people and overcrowding often spoiled the natural beauty of popular vacation spots. In addition, excessive co

31、mmercialization turned many places into tourist traps. Since the early 1980s, however, adventure-oriented and nature-based vacation activities have become increasingly popular. Developing alongside a global rise in environmental consciousness and respect for cultural diversity, ecotourism is the one

32、 of the fastest growing sectors of the travel and tourism industry. Mountain climbing in the Himalayas, roughing it on a wilderness expedition, trekking in the Amazon rainforest and whale watching on the high seas are attractive alternatives to the urban comforts of five-star hotels and classy resta

33、urants. But ecotourism means more than just traveling to remote destinations. The concept also emphasizes educating visitors about local people, customs and cultural heritage. Perhaps most importantly , it involves a methodical approach to tourism that minimizes the negative impact on natural habita

34、ts and gives host communities a leading role in decision-making processes, along with the lion“ s share of economic benefits. As tourism might be the largest industry in the world, sustainable growth strategies should be adopted to ensure that our natural and cultural heritage is preserved for the e

35、njoyment and benefit of future generations.(分数:2.00)_英语翻译基础(英汉互译)-试卷 16 答案解析(总分:12.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.英译汉(分数:2.00)_解析:2.The balance of nature is a very elaborate and very delicate system of checks and counterchecks. It is continually being altered as climates change, as new organi

36、sms evolve, as animals or plants permeate to new areas. But the alterations have in the past, for the most part, been slow, whereas with the arrival of civilized man, their speed has been multiplied manifold: from the evolutionary time-scale, where change is measured by periods of ten or a hundred t

37、housand years, they have been transferred to the human time-scale in which centuries and even decades count. Everywhere man is altering the balance of nature. He is facilitating the spread of plants and animals into new regions, sometimes deliberately, sometimes unconsciously. He is covering huge ar

38、eas with new kinds of plants, or with houses, factories, slag-heaps and other products of his civilization. He exterminates some species on a large scale, but favours the multiplication of others. In brief, he has done more in five thousand years to alter the biological aspect of the planet than has

39、 nature in five million. Many of these changes which he has brought about have had unforeseen consequences. Who would have thought that the throwing away of a piece of Canadian waterweed would have caused half the waterways of Britain to be blocked for a decade, or that the provision of pot cacti fo

40、r lonely settlers“ wives would have led to Eastern Australia being overrun with forests of Prickly Pear? Who would have prophesied that the cutting down of forests on the Adriatic coasts, or in parts of Central Africa, could have reduced the land to a semi desert, with the very soil washed away from

41、 the bare rock? Who would have thought that improved communications would have changed history by the spreading of disease-sleeping sickness into East Africa, measles into Oceania, very possibly malaria into ancient Greece?(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: 自然界的平衡是一个非常微妙又异常脆弱的破坏与反破坏的体系。这种平衡随着气候变化,新生物的进化,以及动植物向新领

42、域的蔓延而不停地变化着。但这种变化在以前,或者说很久以前是缓慢的,随着人类文明的到来,变化的速度就急速地提高了:进化速度由以前的以万年甚至十万年为计算单位提高到现在的以百年甚至几十年为单位。 人类正在不断地改变着大自然的平衡。人们有意或无意地使动植物向其他领域扩展变得更加容易。大片的土地被覆盖上了各种各样的新植物,楼房,工厂,一堆堆的矿渣和其他人类文明的产物。人类使一些物种大规模的灭绝,而又倾向于使另一些物种大量地繁衍。总之,人类在五千年内使地球的生物圈发生的变化远远大于大自然自身五百万年里所发生的变化。 人类给自然带来的这些变化当中,许多后果无法预计。有谁会想到随手丢的一根水草会使不列颠一半

43、的水路十年中无法通行,送给那些孤独的当地居民的妻子的一盆仙人掌会使澳大利亚东部遍布“刺儿梨”森林?有谁会预见到在亚得里亚海海岸,或中非的一些地区砍倒一片森林会使整片土地变为半个荒漠,泥土被冲刷走后只剩下裸露的岩石?又有谁会想到交流的增加会使疾病进行传播,使历史改变瞌睡病传入了东非,麻疹传入了大洋洲,疟疾也可能进入古希腊?)解析:3.Biogas: a Solution to Many Problems In almost all developing countries, the lack of adequate supplies of cheap, convenient and reliab

44、le fuel is a major problem. Rural communities depend largely on kerosene, wood and dung for their cooking and lighting needs. But kerosene is now priced out of reach of many people and wood, except in heavily forested areas, is in short supply. The search for firewood occupies a large part of the wo

45、rking day and has resulted in widespread deforestation. Dung is in constant supply wherever there are farm animals and, when dried, it is convenient to store and use. But burning dung destroys its value as fertilizer, thus depriving the soil of a much needed source of humus and nitrogen. Rural areas

46、 of developing countries are also plagued by a lack of adequate sanitation. Improper waste disposal spreads disease, contaminates water sources and provides breeding grounds for diseasecarrying insects. The problems of improving environmental hygiene, conserving resources and finding alternative sou

47、rces of fuel may be unrelated. Their solutions, however, are not, as many countries experimenting with biogas technology are discovering. Biogas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, is produced by the fermentation of organic matter. The process of anaerobic fermentation is a natural one, occurring whenever living matter decomposes. By containing the matterand the processin a digester or biogas plant, the combustible gas can be trapped and used as fuel for household ligh


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