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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 320 及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.27 questions were about the economy.B.Health care was voters main concern.C.Questions about immigration came in at 12 %.D.Questions about terrorism came in below 10

2、%.A.Conflicts about gun use.B.Welfare abuse and immigration.C.Questions about climate.D.Race issues in America.A.The attack of Islamist terrorists.B.Indonesia had been on high alert.C.Five Jakarta attackers in Indonesia.D.All attackers died on Thursday.A.A Canadian and two Indonesian died.B.Just 20

3、people were injured in the attack.C.It occurred in the busy commercial district.D.Three attackers died in a suicide bombing.A.On October 7.B.On August 6.C.On October 17.D.On August 16.A.Air pollution.B.Rainstorm.C.Typhoon.D.Changeable weather.A.Prevent air pollution.B.Analyze elements of flower powd

4、er.C.Forecast the hurricane.D.Detect different species of flower powder.3.Section B_A.He owned a small retail business in Michigan years ago.B.He worked at the Brownstone Company for several years.C.He has been working part-time in a school near Detroit.D.He has taught Spanish for a couple of years

5、at a local school.A.He would rather get a less demanding job.B.He likes to work in a company close to home.C.He is eager to find a job with an increased salary.D.He prefers a full-time job with more responsibility.A.Travel.B.Sports.C.Foreign languages.D.Computer games.A.What responsibilities he woul

6、d have.B.When he is supposed to start work.C.When he will be informed about his application.D.What career opportunities her company can offer.A.He left the capital for two months.B.He was teaching in the university.C.He was studying hard in D.C.D.He expanded his company.A.She is over 50.B.She is pre

7、gnant.C.She has just finished her project.D.She is a good saleswoman.A.He works as a sales manager.B.He is the CEO of a giant company.C.He is good at business management.D.He takes good care of Lisa.A.It is well positioned to compete with the giants.B.It produces goods popular among local people.C.I

8、t has been losing market share in recent years.D.It is in urgent need of further development.4.Section C_A.It is lined with tall trees.B.It was widened recently.C.It used to be dirty and disorderly.D.It has high buildings on both sides.A.They repaved it with rocks.B.They beautified it with plants.C.

9、They built public restrooms on it.D.They set up cooking facilities near it.A.What makes life enjoyable.B.What a community means.C.How to work with tools.D.How to improve health.A.They were encouraged by the city officials praise.B.They were obliged to fulfill the signed contract.C.They wanted to pro

10、ve they were as capable as boys.D.They derived happiness from the constructive work.A.The majority of them find it interesting.B.The majority of them think it less important than computers.C.Many of them consider it boring and old-fashioned.D.Few of them read more than ten books a year.A.Mysteries a

11、nd detective stories.B.Novels and stories.C.History and science books.D.Books on culture and tradition.A.Listening to music.B.Watching TV.C.Reading magazines.D.Playing computer games.A.Advice on the purchase of cars.B.Solutions to global fuel shortage.C.Trends for the development of the motor car.D.

12、Information about the new green-fuel vehicles.A.Huge recharging expenses.B.Limited driving range.C.The short life of batteries.D.The unaffordable high price.A.They can easily switch to natural gas.B.They need to be further improved.C.They are more cost-effective than vehicles powered by solar energy

13、.D.They can match conventional motor cars in performance and safety.大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 320 答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.27 questions were about the economy.B.Health care was voters main concern.C.Questions about

14、 immigration came in at 12 %. D.Questions about terrorism came in below 10%.解析:解析:新闻开头提到最近新罕布什尔、爱荷华、南卡罗来纳州和伊利诺伊州都举行了集会。在选民们问候选人的所有问题中,12的问题涉及移民。故 C 正确。A“有 27 个问题涉及经济”错误,新闻中说的是 27的问题涉及经济。医疗是选民们第二关心的问题,故 B“医疗是选民们最关心的问题”错误。随后新闻中说道,在向候选人提出的问题中,只有 10的涉及国家安全或恐怖主义,故 D“关于恐怖主义的问题低于 1096”不对。A.Conflicts about

15、gun use.B.Welfare abuse and immigration. C.Questions about climate.D.Race issues in America.解析:解析:新闻后段提到,共和党候选人更可能被问及滥用福利和移民问题。故 B 正确。A“枪支使用的分歧”是不同的美国人对第二修正案的解释不同造成的,跟对共产党候选人的提问无关,故排除。新闻最后提到气候问题占到 5,种族问题占所有问题的 25,故排除 C 和 D。A.The attack of Islamist terrorists. B.Indonesia had been on high alert.C.Fiv

16、e Jakarta attackers in Indonesia.D.All attackers died on Thursday.解析:解析:主旨题。新闻开篇提到警方已辨认出四名雅加达袭击者的身份,接着描述这起袭击事件及其造成的伤亡,可见通篇讲的是伊斯兰国(IS)的恐怖分子在印度尼西亚的袭击事件,A 正确。B、C 和 D 三项都只是关于袭击事件的细节描述,B“印尼一直处于高度戒备状态”是袭击发生后的情况。C“印尼的五个雅加达袭击者”只是说明了实施袭击的主体。D“所有的袭击者都在周四身亡”是袭击者的下场。A.A Canadian and two Indonesian died.B.Just 2

17、0 people were injured in the attack.C.It occurred in the busy commercial district. D.Three attackers died in a suicide bombing.解析:解析:新闻的后半部分提到此次袭击发生在繁忙的商业区。故 C 正确。在袭击事件中丧生的是一个加拿大人与一个印尼人,故 A“一个加拿大人和两个印尼人丧生”错误。袭击中至少有 20 人受伤,故B“刚好 20 人受伤”不对。最终有两个袭击者死于自杀式爆炸中,并非三个,故 D 也不对。A.On October 7.B.On August 6.C.O

18、n October 17. D.On August 16.解析:解析:新闻开头说 10 月 17 日飓风冈萨洛袭击百慕大岛,推倒树木和电线,造成公路和街道瘫痪。故 C 正确。A.Air pollution. B.Rainstorm.C.Typhoon.D.Changeable weather.解析:解析:新闻中间提到空气污染(air pollution)是另一个影响到大城市和工业领域的现代灾难。故A 正确。B“暴风雨”、C“台风”和 D“多变的天气”在新闻中并未提及,故排除。A.Prevent air pollution.B.Analyze elements of flower powder.

19、C.Forecast the hurricane.D.Detect different species of flower powder. 解析:解析:新闻提到瑞士日内瓦大学研究组组长称他们新仪器非常特别,能够识别在大气中不同类型的粒子,并能实时检测及测量不同种类的花粉。故 D 正确。新闻中并没有提到它能“预防空气污染”和“预测飓风”,故排除 A 和 C。此种新仪器能够检测不同种类的花粉,但不能分析花粉的成分,故 B 不对。3.Section B_解析:A.He owned a small retail business in Michigan years ago.B.He worked at

20、 the Brownstone Company for several years. C.He has been working part-time in a school near Detroit.D.He has taught Spanish for a couple of years at a local school.解析:解析:男士说,他在 Brownstone 公司工作了几年,并且是一个部门的管理人员,因此答案为 B。A中的 owned a small retail business“经营小零售生意”对话中没有出现,直接排除;男士提到,因为要去上夜校所以目前在做兼职,C“他一直在底

21、特律附近的一所学校做兼职”表述有误;男士说的是他曾在一所地方性大学学过西班牙语,而不是教过西班牙语,因此 D 错误。A.He would rather get a less demanding job.B.He likes to work in a company close to home.C.He is eager to find a job with an increased salary.D.He prefers a full-time job with more responsibility. 解析:解析:男士说几个月后就会完成所学课程,并且想找一份肩负更多职责的全职工作。因此答案为

22、D。A“想要一份要求更低的工作”和男士的说法正好相反;男士没有提过对工作地点和工资的要求,故B“他喜欢在离家不远的公司工作”和 C“他迫切想要一份工资更高的工作”均应排除。A.Travel. B.Sports.C.Foreign languages.D.Computer games.解析:解析:在女士问男士技能和兴趣的时候,男士说他擅长电脑并且能说西班牙语,他还非常喜欢旅游。因此答案为 A。B“运动”男士没有提及;男士会说西班牙语,这属于他的专长而非兴趣,并且“外语”这个范围也太大,C 排除;男士说的是擅长 computers,而非 D 中的 Computer games“电脑游戏”,故 D也

23、排除。A.What responsibilities he would have.B.When he is supposed to start work.C.When he will be informed about his application. D.What career opportunities her company can offer.解析:解析:男士向女士提的问题是,什么时候可以告知他工作申请的情况,C 是原文表述的原词再现,因此为答案。男士的问题以 when 开头,说明是问时间,而非 A 和 D 所说的“职责”和“工作机会”,据此排除 A 和 D;B“什么时候开始工作”与男

24、士的表述不符,也排除。A.He left the capital for two months.B.He was teaching in the university.C.He was studying hard in D.C. D.He expanded his company.解析:解析:本题考查 Paul 和 Lisa 见面之前 Paul 在做什么。录音开头部分两人寒暄过后,Lisa说Paul 看起来很累,一定是太努力了,录音中间 Lisa 又说自己受到很多关注,同时 Paul 在 DC努力学习(studying hard on your course in DC),据此选 C。A 利用

25、女士提到的 Two months away in the capital?“在首都待了两个月?”制造干扰;男士是在学习课程而非在大学教书,排除 B;D 的时态不对,录音最后说的是需要扩大公司(need to expand),而非已扩大公司,排除 D。A.She is over 50.B.She is pregnant. C.She has just finished her project.D.She is a good saleswoman.解析:解析:男士对 Lisa 说人们说的关于孕妇的事是真的,Lisa 问是什么,男士说是孕妇看起来非常漂亮了,Lisa 马上说有很多人在关注她,这侧面表

26、明 Lisa 是孕妇,因此答案为 B。A 的“50 岁以上”在对话中出现过,但指的是关注 Lisa 的人都是年过 50 的男性;C 的 projiect“项目”一词也在对话中出现过,但说的是使男士受益匪浅并且仍在运营的一个项目,而非女士刚完成了项目;D“女销售员”对话未提及,从对话中也无法得知 Lisa 的职业。A.He works as a sales manager. B.He is the CEO of a giant company.C.He is good at business management.D.He takes good care of Lisa.解析:解析:当男士说那个

27、使他受益匪浅的项目仍在运营的事实使他惊讶时,女士说这正是因为他们有男士这个优秀的销售经理,由此可知男士的职位是 a sales manager。因此答案为 A。B“CEO”在对话中没有提到,同时 agiant company“大型公司”也与对话中男士反复强调的“小公司”不符;C“擅长商业管理”和 D“他很会照顾 Lisa”均未在对话中涉及。A.It is well positioned to compete with the giants.B.It produces goods popular among local people.C.It has been losing market sha

28、re in recent years.D.It is in urgent need of further development. 解析:解析:男士说他们的小公司正处于危险之中,原因是已经落伍,需要扩张,否则就会被大公司吞并。由此判断男士认为他们的小公司急需进一步发展。因此答案为 D。男士提到“公司处于危险之中”,因此A 的 well positioned“处于有利位置”与男士的表述相反;B“生产颇受当地人欢迎的产品”对话完全没有提及,直接排除;C“近年来市场份额一直在下跌”男士也没有提及,男士仅仅说公司小,必须扩张,没有涉及到市场份额的问题。4.Section C_解析:A.It is li

29、ned with tall trees.B.It was widened recently.C.It used to be dirty and disorderly. D.It has high buildings on both sides.解析:解析:录音开头提到,6 个 4-H 俱乐部女孩清扫了之前满是杂草、石块和垃圾的 Main Street 人行道。由此判断 Main Street 以前比较脏乱。答案为 C。由录音可知,街道两旁的树是 4-H 女孩后来种上去的,故 A 排除;B“最近刚被拓宽”以及 D“两旁有高楼”均未在录音提及,故排除。A.They repaved it with

30、rocks.B.They beautified it with plants. C.They built public restrooms on it.D.They set up cooking facilities near it.解析:解析:4-H 女孩首先清走了街道两旁的垃圾,之后就挖地种花,并且轮流浇水、除草以及维护。由此判断她们是通过种花来美化街道,因此答案为 B。女孩是清走了街道两边的 rocks“石块”,而非“用石块重新铺路”,A 错误;C“建公厕”和 D“在附近建烹饪设施”都出现在政府官员和这些女孩合作开展的活动中,与本题所问的 curbside 无关,故排除。A.What m

31、akes life enjoyable.B.What a community means.C.How to work with tools. D.How to improve health.解析:解析:录音提到,参与这个项目使女孩对自己家的外观形成了新的看法;让她们学会了怎样利用工具(work with tool);改善了她们的劳动习惯。C 与第二点对应,故为答案。A“什么使生活变得美好”录音没有提及:B 利用录音中的 community 一词作干扰,录音提到的是在 Main Street 劳动的经验鼓励了4-H 女孩以自己家和社区为荣,没有说让她们明白了“社区的意义”,故排除 B;录音提到的

32、是“改善劳动习惯”,并非 D 所说的“改善健康”,故 D 也排除。A.They were encouraged by the city officials praise.B.They were obliged to fulfill the signed contract.C.They wanted to prove they were as capable as boys.D.They derived happiness from the constructive work. 解析:解析:录音提到,女孩们这么做是因为她们从这些建设性的工作的成果中获得了满足感。D 中的happiness 对应录

33、音中的 satisfaction,故为答案。A 的“官员的赞扬”、B 的“签订的合同”以及 C 的“男孩子们”这些关键词在录音中完全没有涉及,直接排除。A.The majority of them find it interesting. B.The majority of them think it less important than computers.C.Many of them consider it boring and old-fashioned.D.Few of them read more than ten books a year.解析:解析:录音提到,调查显示,50以上

34、 12 岁到 18 岁的年轻人很喜欢阅读,79的人认为阅读是令人兴奋和有趣的,因此答案为 A。B“大多数人认为阅读不如电脑重要”与录音中的“比电脑重要”正好相反;C“许多人认为阅读无聊和过时”与录音提到的“大约 68的人不同意阅读无聊和过时的看法”正好相反;D“很少人一年读超过 10 本书”也与录音中的“超过一半人一年读超过 10 本书”相反。A.Mysteries and detective stories.B.Novels and stories. C.History and science books.D.Books on culture and tradition.解析:解析:录音提到

35、,超过 66的青少年喜欢读小说和故事,53的人喜欢读神秘和侦探小说,稍少于 50的青少年喜欢读有关文化和传统的书籍,26喜欢读非小说类书籍,如历史书。由此判断小说和故事类书籍最受欢迎。据此选 B,同时排除 A、C、D。录音中出现大量数据,考生在听录音时应记录相关数据,以便答题。A.Listening to music. B.Watching TV.C.Reading magazines.D.Playing computer games.解析:解析:录音末尾提到,当问到哪个活动最难放弃一周时,48的人说是听音乐,25的人说是看电视,由此判断答案为 A。25的人认为“看电视”最难放弃一周,比“听音

36、乐”的比例低,因此 B 错误;C“看杂志”和 D“玩电脑游戏”没有在录音中提及。A.Advice on the purchase of cars.B.Solutions to global fuel shortage.C.Trends for the development of the motor car. D.Information about the new green-fuel vehicles.解析:解析:录音一开始就提到,今天的演讲将介绍我们如何看待汽车的中短期发展。由此判断,该演讲的主要内容是“汽车的发展”,因此答案为 C。A“购买汽车的建议”、B“全球燃料短缺问题的解决方法”在

37、录音中没有提及;尽管录音提到的电力驱动车属于“绿色能源车”,但“绿色能源车”只是演讲中提到的汽车发展趋势的一部分,D 无法涵盖整篇演讲的内容,故排除。A.Huge recharging expenses.B.Limited driving range. C.The short life of batteries.D.The unaffordable high price.解析:解析:录音提到,在过去,电力驱动车驾驶的里程有限(limited driving range)以及充电点非常少,这些问题 限制了它们的应用,B 复现了原文原词,为答案。A 的“开支”、C 的“电池寿命”以及 D的“高价”

38、这几个关键词 完全没有出现在录音中,直接排除。A.They can easily switch to natural gas.B.They need to be further improved.C.They are more cost-effective than vehicles powered by solar energy.D.They can match conventional motor cars in performance and safety. 解析:解析:录音提到,现在电力驱动汽车技术的发展意味着这类车可以在性能和安全性方面和传统汽车相媲美。 因此答案为 D。A 的“切换到天然气”、B 的“需要进一步发展”以及 C 的“更加划算”在录音中都没有提及。


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