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1、专业英语八级-翻译(二)及答案解析 (总分:60.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、BExercise One/(总题数:1,分数:10.00)1.哲学家们以各种各样的方式解释世界。哲学是言而不是行。哲学家断乎改变不了自然与社会。是不能也,非不为也。哲学不是科学技术,不是生产力。哲学是怀疑,是思虑,是静观,是探索。严格来说,哲学不是解释宇宙,那是自然科学的事。哲学家至多只能解释人生,解释自己,解释文本。哲学也不是知识,不是知识体系,不是儿何学,物理学那样一大套公理、公式,可以解决实际 生存问题。哲学的精神永远是探究、怀疑、发问、深思;而不是提供现存答案。哲学家有些不食人间烟火,他远离田野车间,甚至

2、也不拿天文望远镜观察天体,而只是坐存静湍的书斋罩读书、思考、思考那究竟至极、虚无缫渺的本体问题。哲学家孤苦伶仃,独处一室之中。面对古往今来的大 哲学家遗留下来的问题,他苦苦沉思。他唯一的财富是文本,哲学因而就是解释文本,而不是解释宇宙。哲学家只是一味地同古往今来的灵魂交谈他读书,是同古昔人物交谈:他写作,是同子孙后代奁谈;他讲演,是同莘莘学子交谈;他沉思是同自己交谈。他长于洞见,洞见未来;他善于遐想,遐想无限;他耽于梦幻,幻游彼岸;他富于关怀,关怀永恒。他同远在天涯的哲人和精神交谈,在这个意义上,他视通万里,思接千载。他伟大,他不朽,他同古往今来的灵魂对话。以哲学为命运的人应当准备在崎岖小路上

3、独行,没有目的,也不会有黄金滚滚而来。告别鲜花、头衔、掌声和奖品,钟情于思,就会有真哲学。(分数:10.00)_二、BSECTION B Engli(总题数:1,分数:10.00)2.The effect of any writing on the public mind is mathematically measurable by its depth of thought.U How much water does it draw? If it awaken you to think, if it lift you from your feet with the great voice o

4、f eloquence. then the effect is to be wide. slow. permanent, over the minds of men; if the pages instruct you not. they will die like flies in the hour. The way to speak and write what shall not go out of fashion is. to speak and write sincerely. The argument which has not power to reach my own prac

5、tice, I may well doubt, will fail to reach yours. But take Sidneys maxim: -Look in thy heart, and write. He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. That statement only is fit to be made public, which you have come at in attempting to satisfy your own curiosity. The writer who takes his s

6、ubject from his ear, and not from his heart, should know that he has lost as much as he seems to have gained, and when the empty book has gathered all its praise, and half the people say, What poetry! What genius! it still needs fuel to make fire. /UThat only profits which is profitable, Life alone

7、can impart life; and though we should burst, we can only be valued as we make ourselves valuable.(分数:10.00)_三、BExercise Two/(总题数:1,分数:10.00)3.我开始向往看到大片的红色,来振奋我的精神。我到西山去找枫林的红叶。但眼前这一闪光艳,是秋天的“临去秋波”,很快便被朔风吹落了。在怅惘迷茫之中,我凝视着满山满谷的吹落的红叶,而“向前看”的思路,却把我的心情渐渐引得欢畅了起来!“落红不是无情物”,它将在春泥中融化,来滋润培养它的新一代。这时,我眼前突兀地出现了一幅绿意

8、迎人的图画!那是有一年的冬天,我回到我的故乡去,坐汽车从公路讲入祖国的南疆。小车在层层叠嶂中穿行,两旁是密密层层的参天绿树;苍绿的是松柏,翠绿的是竹子,中间还有许许多多不知名的、色调深浅不同的绿树,衬以遍地的萋萋的芳草。“绿”把我包围起来了。我从惊喜而沉入恬静,静默地、欢跃地陶醉在这铺天羔地的绿色之中。(分数:10.00)_四、BSECTION B Engli(总题数:1,分数:10.00)4.Small as it is, the pen has changed the course of history, shaped the destiny of nations, facilitated

9、 the commerce of peoples, imprisoned the elusive thoughts of man, recorded events, carried news, and done more work for mankind than all other tools or weapons. Progress without it would have been almost impossible. The invention of the wheel and screw, the introduction of steam-power, the use of el

10、ectricity, all these have changed the lives of millions; but the pen has done more. It has removed mountains. It has prepared the way for all advancement. Whatever plans have been drawn up, whatever laws formulated, have come from the pen.(分数:10.00)_五、BExercise Three(总题数:1,分数:10.00)5.记忆是人类有别于禽兽的标志之一

11、。对心灵,它有时是沉重的负担,有时又是无法估价的财富。人们时而巴不得没有它,时而又十分稀罕。它能冲破时空局限,使生活从平面变为多棱多角。 U一个人可以游谝天下山山水水,然而梦境里出现的,往往不是什么名川佳境,而是幼年走过的一条坎坷崎岖的小路,或是夏天曾经钻进去捉过蛤蟆的苇塘。记忆中的章年,总是笼罩着一种异样的色彩。其至过去的痛苦,也有别于现实生活中的痛苦。就像一个人抚摸自己的疮疤;没有了生理上的疼痛,剩下的却只是一片颇值得骄傲的平滑而光润的疤痕。/U(分数:10.00)_六、BSECTION B Engli(总题数:1,分数:10.00)6.An individual human existe

12、nce should be like a river - small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and

13、 painlessly lose their individual being. The man who, in old age, Can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will be not unwelcome. I should wish to di

14、e while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.(分数:10.00)_专业英语八级-翻译(二)答案解析 (总分:60.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、BExercise One/(总题数:1,分数:10.00)1.哲学家们以各种各样的方式解释世界。哲学是言而不是行。哲学家断乎改变不了自然与社会。是不能也,非不为也。哲学不是科学技术,不是生产力。哲学是怀疑,

15、是思虑,是静观,是探索。严格来说,哲学不是解释宇宙,那是自然科学的事。哲学家至多只能解释人生,解释自己,解释文本。哲学也不是知识,不是知识体系,不是儿何学,物理学那样一大套公理、公式,可以解决实际 生存问题。哲学的精神永远是探究、怀疑、发问、深思;而不是提供现存答案。哲学家有些不食人间烟火,他远离田野车间,甚至也不拿天文望远镜观察天体,而只是坐存静湍的书斋罩读书、思考、思考那究竟至极、虚无缫渺的本体问题。哲学家孤苦伶仃,独处一室之中。面对古往今来的大 哲学家遗留下来的问题,他苦苦沉思。他唯一的财富是文本,哲学因而就是解释文本,而不是解释宇宙。哲学家只是一味地同古往今来的灵魂交谈他读书,是同古昔

16、人物交谈:他写作,是同子孙后代奁谈;他讲演,是同莘莘学子交谈;他沉思是同自己交谈。他长于洞见,洞见未来;他善于遐想,遐想无限;他耽于梦幻,幻游彼岸;他富于关怀,关怀永恒。他同远在天涯的哲人和精神交谈,在这个意义上,他视通万里,思接千载。他伟大,他不朽,他同古往今来的灵魂对话。以哲学为命运的人应当准备在崎岖小路上独行,没有目的,也不会有黄金滚滚而来。告别鲜花、头衔、掌声和奖品,钟情于思,就会有真哲学。(分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:To some extent, philosophers tend to refrain from any secular involvements. A

17、philosopher seldom frequents farmlands or factories, and he even never bothers to look through a telescope to make any observation of celestial bodies. He is only fond of staying in his personal library, in all its quietude, where he indulges himself in book reading and in musing, pondering on those

18、 intangible onto logical issues that he deems to be of ultimate significance. A philosopher is willing to surrender himself to utter loneliness and seclusion, confining himself to a room of his own, in a state of overwhelming solitude. In the face of the philosophical issues left over by great philo

19、sophical thinkers, ancient and modem, he contemplates painstakingly. The only wealth to his possession is texts. Therefore, the task of philosophy is to interpret texts rather than to interpret the universe. A philosopher is solely concerned with conducting dialogues with the great souls from ancien

20、t antiquity to the contemporary era. In reading books, he converses with the ancients. In writing his own books, he converses with the progeny. In delivering lectures, he converses with a multitude of young students. In contemplating, he converses with himself.二、BSECTION B Engli(总题数:1,分数:10.00)2.The

21、 effect of any writing on the public mind is mathematically measurable by its depth of thought.U How much water does it draw? If it awaken you to think, if it lift you from your feet with the great voice of eloquence. then the effect is to be wide. slow. permanent, over the minds of men; if the page

22、s instruct you not. they will die like flies in the hour. The way to speak and write what shall not go out of fashion is. to speak and write sincerely. The argument which has not power to reach my own practice, I may well doubt, will fail to reach yours. But take Sidneys maxim: -Look in thy heart, a

23、nd write. He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. That statement only is fit to be made public, which you have come at in attempting to satisfy your own curiosity. The writer who takes his subject from his ear, and not from his heart, should know that he has lost as much as he seems t

24、o have gained, and when the empty book has gathered all its praise, and half the people say, What poetry! What genius! it still needs fuel to make fire. /UThat only profits which is profitable, Life alone can impart life; and though we should burst, we can only be valued as we make ourselves valuabl


26、 “真是首好诗啊!才子啊!”,即便这样,也依旧需要反复锤炼。三、BExercise Two/(总题数:1,分数:10.00)3.我开始向往看到大片的红色,来振奋我的精神。我到西山去找枫林的红叶。但眼前这一闪光艳,是秋天的“临去秋波”,很快便被朔风吹落了。在怅惘迷茫之中,我凝视着满山满谷的吹落的红叶,而“向前看”的思路,却把我的心情渐渐引得欢畅了起来!“落红不是无情物”,它将在春泥中融化,来滋润培养它的新一代。这时,我眼前突兀地出现了一幅绿意迎人的图画!那是有一年的冬天,我回到我的故乡去,坐汽车从公路讲入祖国的南疆。小车在层层叠嶂中穿行,两旁是密密层层的参天绿树;苍绿的是松柏,翠绿的是竹子,中间

27、还有许许多多不知名的、色调深浅不同的绿树,衬以遍地的萋萋的芳草。“绿”把我包围起来了。我从惊喜而沉入恬静,静默地、欢跃地陶醉在这铺天羔地的绿色之中。(分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:At the moment there suddenly appeared before my eyes a vision of green. One year, in winter. I returned to my hometown, traveling by car on a highway to the southern border of our country. The small car wo

28、und its way over hill and dale, both sides of the road thickly wooded with towering green trees: grey green pines and cypresses and emerald green bamboo. And there were many other trees whose names I did not know. The varied green of the trees were set off by a carpet of luxuriant lawn. I was cocoon

29、ed in green. From delighted surprise I entered a state of pleasant calm. I was quietly, happily intoxicated in the midst of this all-encompassing green.四、BSECTION B Engli(总题数:1,分数:10.00)4.Small as it is, the pen has changed the course of history, shaped the destiny of nations, facilitated the commer

30、ce of peoples, imprisoned the elusive thoughts of man, recorded events, carried news, and done more work for mankind than all other tools or weapons. Progress without it would have been almost impossible. The invention of the wheel and screw, the introduction of steam-power, the use of electricity,

31、all these have changed the lives of millions; but the pen has done more. It has removed mountains. It has prepared the way for all advancement. Whatever plans have been drawn up, whatever laws formulated, have come from the pen.(分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:笔虽很小,却已经改变了历史发展的进程,决定了民族的命运兴衰,推进了民族的商业贸易,钳制了难以捉摸的不良

32、思想,记录事件,传播消息,为人类做了比任何其他工具或武器更多的贡献。 没有它,进步几乎是不可能的。车轮和螺丝的发明,蒸汽机的问世,电力的使用,所有这些都曾改变了亿万人的生活;然而,笔却做得更多。他创造了奇迹。他为所有的前进铺平了道路。任何计划的拟订,任何法律的制定,无一不出自于笔。五、BExercise Three(总题数:1,分数:10.00)5.记忆是人类有别于禽兽的标志之一。对心灵,它有时是沉重的负担,有时又是无法估价的财富。人们时而巴不得没有它,时而又十分稀罕。它能冲破时空局限,使生活从平面变为多棱多角。 U一个人可以游谝天下山山水水,然而梦境里出现的,往往不是什么名川佳境,而是幼年走

33、过的一条坎坷崎岖的小路,或是夏天曾经钻进去捉过蛤蟆的苇塘。记忆中的章年,总是笼罩着一种异样的色彩。其至过去的痛苦,也有别于现实生活中的痛苦。就像一个人抚摸自己的疮疤;没有了生理上的疼痛,剩下的却只是一片颇值得骄傲的平滑而光润的疤痕。/U(分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:A man may have traveled all over the world, but what often emerge in his dreams are not the famous mountains he has climbed nor the oceans he has crossed, but th

34、e narrow, winding lanes he used to pass through or the marshes where he used to catch frogs when he was a child. Memories of ones early days are invariably tinged with a peculiar color. Even remembered pain is quite different from actual, present pain. It is like caressing ones scar; the physical pa

35、in is gone, and one rather feels a little proud of the smooth and shiny blotch.六、BSECTION B Engli(总题数:1,分数:10.00)6.An individual human existence should be like a river - small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the riv

36、er grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who, in old age, Can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he car

37、es for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will be not unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.(分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:一个人的一生好比一条河,开始是涓涓细流,限制在狭窄的两岸之间,然后激烈地翻过巨石,冲下瀑布。渐渐地,河宽了,两岸退去,河水舒缓,最后与大海毫无痕迹地融为一体,毫无痛苦地失去了个体的存在。一个人在其暮年时能这样看待自己的一生就不会因惧怕死忙而苦恼,因为他所关心的事情将继续下去。而且如果随着精力衰退,疲倦之感日渐增加,长眠的念头便未尝不是一件好事。我宁愿在工作中死去,知晓别人在继续我不能再做的事情,想到自己尽了力,也就无限的安慰了。


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