1、Approaches and Methods for Teaching A Foreign Language,Foreign Language Pedagogy Lecture Week 1 Akemi Morioka,Methods/Approaches Introduced in the Video,Audiolintual Method (ALM) The Natural Approach Community Language Learning (CLL) Total Physical Response (TPR) Suggestopedia The Silent Way The Com
2、municative Approach=Communicative Language Teaching (CLT),Three Traditional Methods (pp. 106-113),the Grammar-Translation Methodthe Direct MethodAudiolingual Methodology video reactions to Audiolingalism (pp. 113-116) The cognitive anti-method The cognitive-code method,A Functional Approach (pp.116-
3、118),Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) video,Modern Adaptations of the Direct Method (pp. 118-123),Total Physical Response (TPR) videoThe Natural Approach video Tracy Terrell (1977; 1982) Based on Stephen Krashens theroy of second language acquisition (1982),Humanistic Approaches to Language Tea
4、ching (pp. 123-129),Community Language Learning (CLL) videoThe Silent Way videoSuggestopedia video,Methods/Approaches Introduced in the Video,Audiolintual Method (ALM) The Natural Approach Community Language Learning (CLL) Total Physical Response (TPR) Suggestopedia The Silent Way The Communicative Approach=Communicative Language Teaching (CLT),