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1、Bioterrorism,UW- Eau Claire ENPH 210- Introduction to Environmental Health Sarah Arneson Todd Dennis Pamela Dohm Heather Rapala Daniel Rehberger Laura Suppes Kevin Wang,Definition,Bioterrorism is terrorism using germ warfare, an intentional human release of a naturally-occurring or human-modified to

2、xin or biological agent,1,Case study,Sitting in an office opening up a piece of mail Few weeks later you start to feel sick You find out that you have anthrax Course of antibiotics, mainly doxycycline Everyone who was in your office is now sick An act of bio terrorism,2,Brief overview,We will be cov

3、ering 6 different topics.FAQ Past and present cases Types of agents that are used and the effects that these agents have on the human body How to prevent and protect yourself from bio terrorism Organizations that are trying to protect us from bio terrorism and how much money it is costing us,Frequen

4、tly Asked Questions,FAQ,What is the likelihood of a large-scale attack on the United States? likelihood of a large-scale attack is low. Not easy to spread a biologic agent that could infect lots people. While a major attack could be devastating, preparations will minimize casualties.,3,FAQ,Is the U.

5、S. health system prepared for an act of bioterrorism? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Public Health Service, Cook County Public Health Office conduct surveillance for a bioterrorist event. Federal, state, and local authorities are working with physicians, hospitals, and the pharmaceu

6、tical industry to provide information and communication systems and ensure the availability and rapid deployment of life-saving pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and antidotes;,3,FAQ,Should I be immunized against anthrax? The anthrax vaccine is only available to military personnel and those who might come

7、in contact with natural anthrax in their work (special-risk groups such as goat-hair mill or goatskin workers, wool or tannery workers, laboratory workers). Physicians do not have this vaccine and cannot obtain it. The anthrax vaccine is only recommended for people between 18 and 65 years of age.,3,

8、FAQ,Should I be immunized against smallpox? The last naturally occurring case of smallpox in the world occurred in 1977.The vaccine is not generally available to the public. 12 to 15 million doses of vaccine remaining in the United States. no treatment for the disease, vaccine provides protection an

9、d serves to stop spread of the disease.,3,FAQ,Should I ask my doctor for antibiotics to have on hand in case of a bioterrorist attack? No. Indiscriminant use of antibiotics could be harmful, particularly for pregnant women and children.Keeping a supply of antibiotics on hand poses an additional prob

10、lem because they have a limited shelf life and will lose potency over time,3,FAQ,What is the “National Pharmaceutical Stockpile“ that health officials talk about on the news? This is a large reserve of antibiotics, chemical antidotes, and other medical supplies set aside for emergencies. CDC can mov

11、e stockpiled material to affected areas in the United States within 1 to 2 hours of notification from a states Governor.,3,FAQ,Who do I contact regarding a possible exposure? If you believe you have been exposed to an infectious bioagent or if you develop symptoms that you believe might be associate

12、d with such an exposure, immediately contact a physician.,3,FAQ,What can I do to protect my family and myself? Although there is little that you as an individual can do in advance to protect yourself from a bioterrorist attack.Government agencies, health care institutions, and public health agencies

13、 can and are doing more to improve capacity to protect the public following a bioterrorist attack. We can all educate ourselves about this issue, make family preparations for a disaster, and find out ahead of time what our local communities suggest we do.,3,History of Biological Weapon Use (BC- 1986

14、),RYE ERGOT Used as early as 6th century B.C.Used by Assyrians against enemies (Israelites) to poison wellsThe plant is infected by the fungus Claviceps Purpurea Symptoms include: convulsions, gangrenous extremities,“madness” and death.,4,5, 6, 10,Animal Cadavers300 BCRomans and Greeks used dead ani

15、mals to contaminate wells of their enemies and other water sources,7,Snake Venom190 BCHannibal at the battle of Eurymedon conquered King Eumerus II of Pergamon Hannibal used poisonous snakes by putting them into enemy ships,7,8,Human Cadavers12th Century ADBattle of ToptonaBarbossa used the bodies o

16、f dead soldiers to poison enemy wellsAlso, Romans, Greeks and Persians dipped arrows into decomposing corpses to contaminate the arrow tips,7, 9,Plague 1346- breakout of plague in Tartar Army during the “Seige of Kaffa” Tartar soldiers threw plagued corpses over the walls of Kaffa and infected the c

17、ity causing surrender Infected Kaffans may have contributed to the cause of the “Black Death Pandemic” Spread through transmission of flea to human host The plague bacilli invades the lymph nodes causing inflammation, which was what “buboes” were named after,10, 12,11,Small Pox1753 Beginnings of the

18、 French and Indian War (1754-1763) Fort Pitt- Pennsylvania Frontier General AmherstThe disease was spread by the British “peace gesture” of offering blankets infected with smallpox to Native Americans who were loyal to the French Ottowan Chief- Pontiac The fight during which the smallpox outbreak to

19、ok place was named “Pontiacs Rebellion”1796 British soldiers infected the Continental Army with smallpox,15,10, 13, 14, 7,Robert Koch1870 first person to discover that microorganisms cause infectious diseaseDoes so by injecting mice with anthrax sporesMice contract the disease,10,16,First Vaccines18

20、82Louis PasteurDevelopment of the first successful vaccinePrevents Anthrax in animals,10,17,Glanders-B- Mallei1915Germans use the agent Glanders to infect allied countries livestockSymptoms include: fever, rigors, sweats, headache, chest pain, and is almost always fatal without treatment,10, 18,19,U

21、se of biological agents by the Japanese 1937“Unit 731” in present day Sun Yang China, a base made for the construction of bombs containing deadly biological agents The base was disguised as an “Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Unit”The base included 3 crematoriums and 2 secret prisonsIt was the

22、largest weapons of mass destruction center in the worldVarious microorganisms were used on Chinese prisoners,10, 20, 21,Anthrax inhalation methods were found to be one of them, as well as the use of Plague, Cholera, Gas Gangrene, Brucellosis, Tularemia, and GlandersSymptoms for Anthrax include: mild

23、 fever, muscle aches, sore throat, malaise and after a few days, they may progress into difficulty breathing and shock Inhalation anthrax is usually fatalCholera : Vibrio cholerae is the bacterium which causes the disease in the intestinal track It is a diarrheal illness The disease itself is acute

24、with little or no symptoms,22, 23, 24,Gas Gangrene: caused by Clostridium Perfringens bacterium Symptoms include: pain and swelling around injury, fever, blisters filled with red fluid, increased heart rate Caused by the infection of woundsBrucellosis: from the genus Brucella Symptoms include: sweat

25、ing, weight loss, fatigue, headache, abdominal pain Not a deadly disease but is highly contagious and can incapacitate a person for weeksTularemia: caused by the bacteria Francisella tularensis Symptoms include: enlarged lymph nodes, sweating, headache, muscle pain, weight loss Not very lethal, but

26、also will incapacitate a person for a long period of time,22, 25, 26, 27,A testimonial from a Japanese scientist who worked on the base stated in a documentary done years later:“I cut him open from the chest to the stomach and he screamed terribly and his face was all twisted in agony. He made this

27、unimaginable sound, he was screaming so horribly. But then finally he stopped. This was all in a days work for the surgeons, but it really left an impression on me because it was my first time.“ The surgeon soon learned, as stated in the text, that he was subjected to this operation because the man

28、had been purposely infected with the plague, and was there for scientific observation,28,29,Plague Infested Fleas1940Epidemic in China and ManchuriaSource of plague came from Japanese planes, which reportedly dropped containers full of plague infested fleas over cities,We know today that in 1945 the

29、 Japanese had plans to use biological warfare on the U.S. The Japanese military developed long-distance traveling balloons The balloons contained biological agents such as the ones used on Unit 751, and could reach U.S. shoresKamikaze planes were also planned to crash into San Diego in 1945 while ca

30、rrying plague infested fleas,Anthrax - British Military 1942 Guinard IslandsOff the coast of Scotland, British military tested Anthrax spores by dumping the spores from planesThe “Bomblet” used was created at the Crane Naval Air Station in Southern Indiana in 1941The experiment killed all of the she

31、ep on the island within 72 hoursIn 1986, the Island was so contaminated, it had to be disinfectedTo disinfect, Formaldehyde and sea water were usedThe island is now officially decontaminated,10,30,Anthrax- United States Military1942Camp DetrickU.S. begins their biological weapons construction5,000 b

32、ombs filled with anthrax spores are made,U.S. development of vaccines1953The first mass development of vaccines to specifically protect U.S. troops against biological warfareOther countermeasures, along with vaccines were developed as well,10,Executive order to stop weapon production1969 Richard Nix

33、on signs an executive order to stop all biological weapon production as well as research1971-1972 All biological weapons in the U.S. are destroyed,10,“Biological Weapons Convention”1972Prohibition of the stockpiling of biological weapons for offensive purposesSigned by many countries including the U

34、.S., the former Soviet Union, and Iraq,10,Accidental release of Anthrax spores1979Sverdlovsk, RussiaAccidental release of airborne Anthrax spores66 confirmed deathsStudies indicated that the spores contained 4 different strains of anthrax,10,Salmonella1984The Rajneeshee cult contaminated a salad bar

35、 in Oregonattempting to influence a local election by incapacitating votersSymptoms include: stomach cramping, bloody diarrhea and nauseaThe fatality rate is small for this disease,10,Bioterrorist Attacks 1986-Present,Aum Shinrikyo,The first bioterrorist attack on U.S. soil was not noticed by many.

36、Almost a decade later another cult created a large amount of media attention. In 1995, the Aum Shinrikyo cult of Japan released sarin gas in the Tokyo subway. The attack killed 12 and injured thousands. The religious group also attempted to spray botulisim and anthrax in Tokyo ten times from 1993 to

37、 1995. The failure of the attacks is blamed on insufficient particle size and a non-virulent strain of anthrax.,31, 34,32,Disgruntled Hospital Worker,In October 1996, 12 lab hospital workers became sick after eating some free doughnuts and muffins. Upon analysis of the sick workers Shigella dysenter

38、ies type 2 was found in their stool. Analysis of an uneaten muffin contained the same strain. A lab technician later admitted to committing the crime and also similarly caused her boyfriend to become sick with infected food.,33,Insurance Fraud in Japan,Another attack on peoples food occurred at a su

39、mmer festival in Japan in 1998. At the event 67 people ate curry rice and later became sick. At first cyanide poisoning was suspected but later it was discovered to be arsenic added to the rice. Four people died from the attack. It is believed that Masumi and Kenji Hayashi carried out the poisoning

40、but Kenji has never admitted guilt for the event. Kenji was a termite exterminator which would have given him access to arsenic. While the mass-poisoning in Wakayama instilled terror in the population, the intent was allegedly to perpetrate insurance fraud, which Masumi had done in the past.,33,Anth

41、rax Letters,In the fall of 2001, letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to many prominent people in the U.S. Tom Brokaw, Senator Tom Daschle, and the offices of the New York Post were among those who were targeted. According to the CDC 23 people were infected and five died.,34, 35,36,37,Types

42、 of Biological Agents,AIDS,Stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Viral disease caused by HIV, Human Immunodeficiency Virus Attacks bodys immune system and leaves it vulnerable to other infections and diseases Currently no cure, but there are many drug treatment options AIDS is becoming a thr

43、eat to national security around the world but especially in Sub-Saharan Africa where the disease evolved AIDS can be transmitted only through sexual intercourse with an infected person, contact with contaminated blood, transmission from an infected mother to her child before or during birth or durin

44、g breastfeeding,38,AIDS,Symptoms start out as flu-like with nausea, fever, sore throat, and headache which last around 4 weeks, after that time has passed the body starts to battle the HIV and the person can enter a symptom free period of ten or more yearsAIDS could be used for a bio-terrorist weapo

45、n because there is no current cureAIDS has a huge impact on the communities that it thrives in which leads to undermining government relations such as has what has happened in some parts in Africa where AIDS is virtually uncontrolled,38,Anthrax,caused by Bacillus Anthracis, a bacterium that forms sp

46、ores. Spore is a cell that is dormant but may come to life with the right conditions Three types of anthrax:-Skin (cutaneous)-Lungs (inhalation)-Digestive (gastrointestinal)not known to spread from person to personinfection from infected animals, handling products or infected meat, of breathing anth

47、rax sporesClassified as a Category A agent by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which means that:-It poses the greatest possible threat for a bad effect on public health-Spreads across a large area and needs public awareness-Needs a great deal of planning to protect the publics health,3

48、9,Anthrax,Symptoms include: Cutaneous- small sore develops into a blister then develops into a skin ulcer with a black area in the center. (These sores do not usually hurt) Gastrointestinal- nausea, loss of appetite, bloody diarrheas, fever, stomach pain Inhalation- cold and flu-like symptoms, sore

49、throat, fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches Symptoms appear around 7 days after contact for all 3 types; inhalation can take a week to 42 days to appear,39,Anthrax,Treatment is 60 days of antibiotics The CDC is preparing for an anthrax bio-terrorist attack by-Planning the response to an

50、attack-Training emergency response teams-Educate health care providers-Educate general public-Develop national electronic database to track potential cases of anthrax-Making sure there are enough supplies in case of an attack,39, 40,Plague,Caused by bacterium Yersinia PestisYersinia Pestis is easily

51、 destroyed by sunlight and drying but it can still live up to an hour in the air3 kinds of plague: Pneumonic- Y. pestis infects the lungs, spreads from person to person through the air, and requires direct or close contact with an ill animal or human to transmit.Bubonic- most common type, caught whe

52、n an infected flea bites a person, develops swollen tender lymph glands, fever, headache, chills, and weakness, does not spread from person to person.Septicemic- When plague bacteria multiply in the blood, it can be a combination of pneumonic and bubonic plague or it can occur by itself. Symptoms include fever, chills, abdominal pain, shock, bleeding into the skin and organs, does not spread from person to person.,


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