1、BY: Janessa Hubbard Morgan Tucker,History of Massage,Chinese 481 BC Based on theory of jing luo (channels); same theory as acupuncture Affects the body by increasing the bloods activity, guiding counter flow, and removing external pathogenshttp:/ Based on ancient Ayurvedic healing system Provides re
2、lief fro aches, pain and stress Promotes hair growth Adds sense of calmness and tranquilityhttp:/www.bomi.info/bodywork/i-j-l.htm,What Is Massage?,Definition: _ of parts of the body especially to aid circulation, relax the muscles, or provide sensual stimulation,,USES FOR MASSAGE,_ IMPROVED SLEEP RE
3、LIEVE ACHES REDUCE ANXIETY IMPROVE SELF IMAGE IMPROVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH INFANTS,Vickers A. and Zollman C. ABC of Complementary Medicine, Message TherapiesBMJ 1999; 319:1254-1257 (6 November),RESEARCH SAYS,“Massage reduces _ scores in short term in various settings” Psychiatric institutions Hospices
4、 Occupational health Intensive care,Vickers A. and Zollman C. ABC of Complementary Medicine, Message TherapiesBMJ 1999; 319:1254-1257 (6 November),Research Also Says.,“use of touch therapy, specifically massage therapy for improving the clinical course of several conditions including growth and deve
5、lopment of pre-term infants”,Reduces _ Increases attentiveness Diminishing depression Enhances immune function,International journal of behavioral development, volume 22, number 4 dec 1, 1998,RESEARCH DOES NOT SAY,Improves sleep patterns Improves circulation Reduces pain Decrease muscle tension,That
6、 Massage,Types of Massage,Most popular: Swedish Deep Tissue Sports Chair,Other Shiatsu _ Reflexology Medical Massage,Some Things You Should Know About Massage. Retrieved 10/11/2005 from http:/www.amtamassage.org/news/youknow.html Massage. Retrieved 10/11/2005 from http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massage
7、,Questions to Expect,Reasons for massage Health goals Background info. about: Phys. Cond. Med. History, _ Lifestyle, Stress Level,What To Expect At Your Massage Session. Retrieved 10/11/2005 from http:/www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/expect.html,Other Expectations,_ except for Chair Massage Peacefu
8、l environment Oil or lotion use Full body or localized 30 - 90 minutes 10 - 30 min. for Chair Massage,What To Expect At Your Massage Session. Retrieved 10/11/2005 from http:/www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/expect.html,Getting The Most,Dont eat right before Be on time Communicate Breathe regularly,C
9、onsciously relax _ afterwards Allow re-entry time Be consistent,How To Get The Most From Your Massage. Retrieved 10/11/2005 from http:/www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/tips.html,Important:,Find a qualified massage therapist Ask about their _ 33 states require licensing, includes AL Each type require
10、s specialized training Area of expertise,Credentials For The Massage Therapy Profession. Retrieved 10/11/2005 from http:/www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/credential.html Massage. Retrieved 10/11/2005 from http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massage,Credential Examples,National Certification Board of Therape
11、utic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) American Massage Therapy Assc. (AMTA) Membership Recommends 500 training hours,Credentials For The Massage Therapy Profession. Retrieved 10/11/2005 from http:/www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/credential.html Massage. Retrieved 10/11/2005 from http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massage,