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1、管理类专业学位联考英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编 4 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary1 These two chemicals_with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosion.(A)interact(B) attract(C) react(D)expel2 _they can get people in the organization to do what must be done, they will not succeed.(A)Since(B

2、) Unless(C) If(D)Whether3 Once you have started a job, you should do it_.(A)in practice(B) in theory(C) in earnest(D)in a hurry4 Although the new library service has been very successful, its future is_certain.(A)at any rate(B) by no means(C) by all means(D)at any cost5 To my surprise, at yesterdays

3、 meeting he again_the plan that had been disapproved a week before.(A)brought about(B) brought out(C) brought up(D)brought down6 Advertisers often aim their campaigns at young people as they have considerable spending_.(A)power(B) force(C) energy(D)ability7 Weve bought some_chairs for the garden so

4、that they are easy to store away.(A)adapting(B) adjusting(C) bending(D)folding8 The new speed restrictions were a_debated issue.(A)heavily(B) hotly(C) deeply(D)profoundly9 His change of job has_him with a new challenge in life.(A)introduced(B) initiated(C) presented(D)led10 No_youre hungry if you ha

5、vent eaten since yesterday.(A)matter(B) surprise(C) wonder(D)problem11 The pianist played beautifully, showing a real_for the music.(A)feeling(B) understanding(C) appreciation(D)sense12 The boss_into a rage and started shouting at Robert to do as he was told.(A)flew(B) charged(C) rushed(D)burst13 Po

6、liticians should never lose_of the needs of the people they represent.(A)view(B) sight(C) regard(D)prospect14 The employees tried to settle the dispute by direct_with the boss.(A)negotiation(B) connection(C) association(D)communication15 You havent heard all the facts so dont_to conclusions.(A)dash(

7、B) jump(C) much(D)fly16 I am_aware of the need to obey the rules of the competition.(A)greatly(B) far(C) much(D)well17 The manager has always attended to the_of important business himself.(A)transaction(B) solution(C) translation(D)stimulation18 As is known to all, a country gets a(an)_from taxes.(A

8、)income(B) revenue(C) fund(D)payment19 The government has decided to reduce_on all imports.(A)fee(B) charge(C) tariff(D)tuition20 The need for financial provision_not only to producers but also to consumers.(A)connects(B) links(C) associates(D)relates21 The ability of bank to create deposits is dete

9、rmined by the ratio of liquid assets which they_.(A)mount(B) contain(C) remain(D)maintain22 The first serious prospect of a cure for Aids,_a treatment which delays its effects, has emerged recently.(A)other than(B) rather than(C) more than(D)less than23 His parents died when he was young, so he was_

10、up by his grandma.(A)bred(B) brought(C) fed(D)grown24 The Japanese dollar-buying makes traders eager to_dollars in fear of another government intervention.(A)let in(B) let out(C) let go of(D)let off25 The local people could hardly think of any good way to_the disaster of the war.(A)shake off(B) get

11、off(C) put off(D)takeoff管理类专业学位联考英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编 4 答案与解析一、Vocabulary1 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 interact 意为“相互影响,相互作用”,常与介词 with 搭配使用;attract 意为“吸引”:react 意为“回应”常与介词 to 搭配使用,或者“起反应”,常与介词 with 搭配使用;expel 意为“驱逐”。2 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 since 意为“自从;既然”;unless 意为 “如果不”;if 意为“如果”;whether 意为“是否”。3 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 in practice

12、 意为“实际上”:in theory 意为“理论上”;in earnest 意为“认真地”;in a hurry 意为“匆忙地”。4 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 at any rate 意为“无论如何”;by no means 意为“决不,一点也不”:by all means 意为“尽一切办法”;at any cost 意为 “以任何代价”。5 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 bring about 意为“使发生”;bring out 意为“生产,说出”;bring up意为“抚养,提出”;bring down 意为“打倒”。6 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 spending power 意为

13、“消费力”;force 意为“力量”;energy 意为“精力”;ability 意为“才干,能力”。7 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 adapt 意为“适应”;adjust 意为“校准,调整”;bend 意为“弯曲”;fold 意为 “折叠”,folding chair 意为“折叠椅”。8 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 heavily 意为“大量地;严重地”:hotly 意为“大发雷霆地,激烈地”:deeply 意为“深刻地,深深地”;profoundly 意为“深刻地”。9 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 introduce 意为“介绍;引进”:initiate 意为“开始,发动”;pres

14、ent意为“赠予;呈现,呈报”;lead 意为“领导”。10 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 no matter 为固定搭配,意为“不论”;no surprise 意为“没有惊奇”;no wonder (that)意为“难怪”;no problem 意为“没问题”。11 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 feeling 意为 “触觉,感觉,知觉”;understanding 意为“谅解,理解”;appreciation 意为“评价,欣赏”:sense 意为“感觉,判断力 ”,sense for the music 即“乐感”。根据题意,D 为正确答案。12 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 fly in

15、to a rage 意为“勃然大怒”;charge 意为“收费”,搭配为charge sbMoney for sth,或者意为“控告”,搭配为 charge sbwith sth;rush 意为“猛进,猛冲 ”;burst 意为“爆裂,爆发(突然进入另一种状态)”。13 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 B 项 lose sight of 意为“看不见,视而不见”。其他各项均不构成正确搭配。14 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 negotiation with 意为“与谈判”;connection with 意为“与连接”;association with 意为 “与联合”;communicatio

16、n with 意为“与交流”。15 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 B 项 jump to conclusions 意为“匆匆做出结论”,其他选项的dash, spring 和 fly 搭配都不对。16 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 be well aware of 意为“很了解”,well 在此处表示程度,如:He must be well over fifty他一定大大超过 50 岁了。He is well known in this area他在该领域很知名。 It may well be that“那很可能是”。其他几项搭配不当。17 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 transaction

17、 意为“办理,处理”;solution 意为“解决办法”;translation 意为“翻译”;stimulation 意为“激励;刺激”18 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 income,revenue ,fund,payment 都与金钱有关。income 指的是“个人收入,所得(工资等)”;revenue 指的是“国家或企业收入 ”;fund 指的是“资金,基金”;payment 指的是“付款,支付,报酬” 。19 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 fee,charge,tariff 和 tuition 均有“费用”的含义。fee 指的是“费(会费、学费等)”:charge 指的是 “费用,价

18、钱,要价”;tariff 指的是“关税”;tuition指的是“学费”。20 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 connect, link,associate 和 relate 均有“联系”的含义。connect 指的是“连接,结合”;link 指的是“连接起来”;associate 指的是“使发生联系”;relate 指的是“有关,有关系 ”。根据上下文可知 D 项 relates 为正确答案。21 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 mount 意为“爬上,攀登”;contain 意为“包含,容纳”;remain 意为“保持,逗留”:maintain 意为“维持,保持”。22 【正确答案】 B【试题

19、解析】 other than 意为“不同于,除了”; rather than 意为“而不是”:more than 意为“不仅仅,不局限于”;less than 意为“少于”。23 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 breed 意为 “(使) 繁殖,饲养”;bring up 意为“养育,抚养”;feed意为“喂食”;grow up 意为“长大成人”。24 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 let in 意为“放进,允许进入”;let out 意为“放掉,泄露”;let go of 意为 “释放,放弃”;let off 意为“放出;饶恕 ”。25 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 shake off 意为“抖落,摆脱”;get off 意为“下来,脱下;出发”;put off 意为“推迟,拖延”;take off 意为“拿掉,取消”。


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