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1、2008 年下半年全国自考(外语教学法)真题试卷及答案与解析一、Multipe ChoiceDirections: In this section, you are given 15 questions, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each corre

2、ct choice.1 According to the records available, human beings have been engaged in the study of language for _centuries.(A)10(B) 15(C) 20(D)252 Traditional linguists gave priority to the written form and took _as their starting point.(A)words(B) phrases(C) sentences(D)paragraphs3 Overemphasis on tran

3、slation can never free learners from dependence on the_ language.(A)second(B) target(C) first(D)foreign4 According to Gouin, _ expression is intimately linked with thought about real events.(A)linguistic(B) verbal(C) facial(D)natural5 What can be introduced as a means of consolidation and evaluation

4、 in the Direct Method?(A)Fill-in-the-blank.(B) Dictation.(C) Writing.(D)Reading.6 Palmer and his fellow linguists believed that a mastery of some _ words would greatly assist foreign language learning.(A)1,000(B) 2,000(C) 3,000(D)4,0007 With the Oral Approach, rather than focus on explaining grammat

5、ical rules in classroom teaching, the teacher must encourage direct and_ use of the target language in the classroom.(A)quick(B) careful(C) spontaneous(D)specific8 The Audiolingual Method provided such materials for teaching English as all of the following EXCEPT_.(A)English 900(B) Lado English Seri

6、es(C) New World English(D)Success With English9 The Audiolingual Method uses _ to present the language.(A)dialogues(B) passages(C) movies(D)articles10 The process of learning by discovery, according to Bruner, involves _ with the minimum of instruction and errorful learning.(A)generalization(B) asso

7、ciation(C) deduction(D)induction11 In the Natural Approach, the lexicon for both comprehension and production is considered _in the construction and interpretation of messages.(A)critical(B) trivious(C) unimportant(D)inappropriate12 According to the Natural Approach,_is not absolutely essential for

8、language acquisition.(A)writing(B) reading(C) speaking(D)listening13 One of the study areas in pragmatics is how utterances are affected by the relationship between_.(A)the speakers(B) the hearers(C) the reader and the writer(D)the speaker and the hearer14 Most schools of the Communicative Approach

9、share the view that language is used for communication, and they are primarily concerned with the _ rather than the structure.(A)communication(B) meaning(C) interaction(D)participants15 Which of the following methods advises teachers to consider their students as “whole persons“?(A)Community Languag

10、e Learning.(B) The Silent Way.(C) Total Physical Response.(D)Suggestopaedia.二、Filling BlanksDirections: In this section there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.16 Sigmund Freud was the first psychologist that m

11、ade a careful study of _ mind.17 By _ Schumann and Anderson meant that individuals of one culture have to go through the process of modification in attitudes, knowledge, and behavior in order to function well in another culture.18 The strategy of combining grammar rules with _ was adopted by many fo

12、reign language teachers in the 19th century.19 Latin grammar was at that time thought to be the most logical and _ grammar.20 The Direct Method got its name from the assumption that _ are to be connected directly with the target language, without going through the process of translating into the stu

13、dents native language.21 Although the teaching of all four language skills is advocated by most Direct Methodologists, _communication skills are regarded as basic.22 In the Direct Method, the most frequently used techniques of consolidating what has been presented and practiced are _, purposeful tas

14、ks and graded composition.23 In collaboration with Michael West and other specialists, Palmer produced a_ to the English vocabulary for EFL teaching.24 In applying the Oral Approach, with the target language as the language of the classroom, translation should be_.25 The Audiolingual Method presents

15、_as its main training skill.26 _ was much more effective than punishment according to some behaviorists.27 The structural linguists hold that the habits of the students native language are thought to_with their attempts to master the foreign language.28 The generative linguist is interested not only

16、 in_ language but also in explaining language. In other words, they attempt to find the what as well as the why in the study of language.29 According to Piaget, thought or thinking has its origin in actions physically performed and then internalized. In other words, thought is _ actions.30 Although

17、Krashen and Terrell claim that language is a _ for communication, they consider language learning as mastery of structures by stages.31 The Natural Approach considers _ as the most important element of any language teaching program.32 The Notional-Functional Syllabus is a syllabus, not a _.33 Accord

18、ing to Hymes, linguistic theory is one incorporating communication and_.34 In a Total Physical Response classroom, the students listen attentively and respond_to commands given by the teacher.35 According to Curran, there are six elements necessary for non-defensive learning. They are security, _, a

19、ggression, retention, reflection, and discrimination.三、MatchingDirections: This section consists of three groups of pairs listed in two columns, A and B. You are to match the one marked , , , ,or in Column A with the one marked a, b, c, d, or e in Column B. One point is given to each pair you match

20、correctly.35 A: techniques used in Grammar-Translation Method reading analysis and comparison translation reading comprehension questions written work B: the purpose a. to apply the grammar rules to examples and to understand the reading passage b. to introduce new words and grammar rules c. to chec

21、k the understanding of the reading passage d. to apply the new items e. to present new items or to understand the passage36 37 38 39 40 40 A: techniques used in the Natural Approach personal charts and tables open dialogues problem-solving games individual reports and presentations B: the purpose a.

22、 to help the students to use the target language to work out problems b. to involve the students ideas and reactions c. to involve the students in giving information about themselves d. to involve the students in learning something new through the target language e. to involve the students in using

23、the language to play41 42 43 44 45 45 A: Foreign Language Teaching Method Total Physical Response the Silent Way Community Language Learning Suggestopaedia Three Dimensional Approach B: the advocator or practitioner a. J. Asher b. G. Lozanov c. Zhang Zhengdong d. Charles A. Curran e. Gattegno46 47 4

24、8 49 50 四、Questions for Brief AnswersDirections: This section has six questions. You are to answer them briefly. Five points are given to each question.51 Could you please name two of Daniel Joness works on English phonetics?52 What is the core of a Grammar-Translation classroom?53 How does the teac

25、her that employs the Oral Approach respond to students errors?54 What is the attitude of the Cognitive Approach towards mistakes in the language learning process?55 What are the distinguishing features of the Notional-Functional Syllabus?56 What is the role of the teacher in Total Physical Response?

26、五、Questions for Long AnswersDirections: The two questions in this section are to be answered on the basis of your own teaching experience as well as the theoretical knowledge youve learned. Ten points are given to each question.57 What advantages can be found in the Direct Method?58 What are the fiv

27、e distinctive features of the Audiolingual Method in terms of the structural linguistics and behaviorist psychology? Give one typical technique to illustrate one of these features2008 年下半年全国自考(外语教学法)真题试卷答案与解析一、Multipe ChoiceDirections: In this section, you are given 15 questions, beneath each of whi

28、ch are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each correct choice.1 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 我们不知道人们从什么时候开始对他们正在使用的语言感兴趣,但根据现存的资料,我们确信人们开始研究语言至少 2500 多年了,即 25 个世纪。故选 D。2 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 传统的

29、语言(traditional study of language)研究在很大程度上都是实用性的。人们研究语言是为了达到某些目的,如为了读懂古代的精典,或是为了教学生等等。这些目的加上其他的原因,就使得语言学家认为书面语优于口语。因此他们的语言研究注重的是书面语,并把单词作为研究的起点。故选 A。3 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 语法翻译法(the grammar-translation method) 强调第二语言语法。在课堂上教师以母语作为主要的教学中介语言。大多数的教学活动是分析、解释和翻译,都是为了掌握语法规则。过分强调翻译使学生永远不能从本族语(第一语言)中解放出来,学生应当学会理解目

30、标语(target language),用目标语进行自我表达,而不参照母语(the first language)。故选 C。4 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 在古文(Gouin)看来,言语表达和对于客观实际的认识有着密切的联系。思想和表达思想所说的话语不是随意或分别单独产生的,而是按先后次序和目的与手段这一序列形式出现的。故选 B。5 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 直接法(Direct Method)的教学目的是培养学生用外语进行交际的能力。在做了问答、会话、听写等练习后,学生对新学的知识有所了解和熟习。学生通过口头重述熟习的课文,写出教师口头讲述的故事等写作训练巩固和评估所学的内容。故选

31、C。6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 帕尔默(Palmer)在日本教学研究多年,一直致力于两个目标。一个目标是以在日本学校行之有效的具体形式来实行口语教学法(Oral approach) 的原则。另一个目标就是控制词汇的原则。帕尔默和当时其他的一些语言学家都认为应当学会使用频率最高的词汇。词汇使用统计表明 2000 个核心词汇,在日常用语和书面语中的使用频率最高,学会这 2000 个核心词汇,对于学习外语大有裨益。7 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 学生在课堂学到的能力使他能组织自己的学习,并利用已有的知识去完成手中的任务。由此,自发能力在习得口语的过程中被得到充分发挥。教室里的语言教学应遵循自

32、然主义的语言学习原则。老师在课堂上应该鼓励学生直接地、自发地使用目标语,而不应把重点放在讲解语法条条上。8 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 听说法(the Audiolingual Method)综合了结构主义语言学理论、耳口法的教学程序和行为主义心理学的教学法。听说法当时广泛应用于北美各高等院校的外语教学。它为大学外语教学和教材编写提供了教学方法上的理论基础。Lado English Series拉杜英语教材 、English 900英语 900 句、Success With English英语成效都是根据听说法原则编写的。9 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 听说法以对话的方法来介绍语言。他们相

33、信对话能够为语言提供一个自然的环境。10 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 发现法的学习过程包括简单讲解后的归纳(举出典型例子以得出一般结论,举一反三)和通过犯错误不断摸索学习(学生通过尝试错误和反复实践来学习知识)。11 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 意义在自然法中起着首要的作用。在信息的解释和翻译中,词汇在语言的理解和表达上起着关键作用。12 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 自然法(the Natural Approach)认为语言输入是任何一种语言教学大纲中最重要的部分。它认为语言习得中说的作用并不重要。人们习得语言是通过他们听到(读到)和理解到的语言内容。13 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】

34、语用学(pragmatics)与交际法密切相关,是一门研究语言在交际中运用的学科。语用学重点研究句子与其所使用的语境、情境之间的关系。其研究包括已有的知识与话语运用之间相互作用的关系、说话者如何运用和理解言语行为、说话者与受话者之间的关系是如何影响句子结构等等。14 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 大部分主张交际法(the communicative Approach)的人士都认为语言是用来交际的,因而更要重视意义(meaning),而不是结构(structure)。15 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 集体语言学习法(community Language Learning) 是由柯伦(Chade

35、s ACurran)和他的同事们共同倡导的一种方法,该方法建议教师把学生当成一个“完整的人”(whole person)来看待。完整人的学习意味着教师不仅要考虑学生的情感和智力因素,还要懂得那种存在于学生的身体反应,本能的自卫反应和学习愿望之间的关系。二、Filling BlanksDirections: In this section there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.

36、16 【正确答案】 unconscious【试题解析】 弗洛伊德(Freud) 把思想分为有意识 (conscious)和无意识(unconscious)两种,他是第一位认真研究无意识思想的心理学家。17 【正确答案】 acculturation【试题解析】 美国的舒曼(Schumann) 和安德森(Anderson)提出了文化认同说(acculturation)。他们的文化认同说的意思是,一种文化的成员要想在另一种文化中行动自如,他们就得改变自己的态度、知识结构和行为举止。18 【正确答案】 translation【试题解析】 19 世纪,越来越多的外语教学法专家采用了语法加翻译的教学方法。

37、这种方法在课堂教学和教材编写中得到了广泛应用。这样,语法翻译法就成为学校教授现代语言最主要的教学方法。19 【正确答案】 well-organized【试题解析】 理解和记忆各种语言的复杂语法规则被认为是发展脑力的重要途径。而拉丁语法当时被认为是最有逻辑、最有条理的语法。20 【正确答案】 meanings【试题解析】 这种方法之所以叫直接法,是由于它认为应当把想表达的意思(meanings)和目标语(target language)直接联系起来,而不要先转换成母语这个过程。21 【正确答案】 oral【试题解析】 直接法以发展学生的外语交际能力为目的。直接法从不直接教授语法规则。学生通过听说

38、练习用归纳法的途径学习语法。尽管大多数直接法教学专家提倡发展四种语言能力,但是口头交际能力仍被看作语言的基本能力,尤其强调正确的发音。22 【正确答案】 dictation【试题解析】 在直接法中用书面作业巩固已学过的内容。最常用的方式是听写、有针对性的作业和分级作文。23 【正确答案】 guide【试题解析】 帕尔默和威斯特(Michael West)及其他一些专家共同编写了一本英语外语教学所需的词汇表(guide)。24 【正确答案】 avoided【试题解析】 口语教学法有 6 个重要特点:语言教学从口语开始;用目标语作课堂用语,尽量避免翻译;在情景中教学,选择主要的词汇;从易到难讲授词

39、汇项目;词汇基础准备充分了就能进行读与写教学。25 【正确答案】 drills【试题解析】 句型是语言的基础,也是外语教学的核心。通过操练组成某种语言的句型,可帮助学生形成语言习惯,因此句型操练是听说法教学的核心。26 【正确答案】 Reward【试题解析】 行为主义者认为,在教学实践中奖励往往比惩罚更加有效。行为主义者认为习得就是一种习惯。当对刺激物作出正确反应就给予奖励时,习惯就形成了。27 【正确答案】 interfere【试题解析】 结构主义语言学家认为各种语言是不同的。由于本族语和外语具有不同的语言体系,所以两种语言的意义往往不完全对等。学生母语的语言习惯被认为是干扰和影响他们对外语

40、的学习和掌握。28 【正确答案】 describing【试题解析】 认知法认为语言学习是一种积极的心智活动过程,而不是简单的习惯形成过程。语言学家不再把语言看作是一套独特、任意的有声符号系统。受诺姆 乔姆斯基(Noam clomsky)的影响。乔姆斯基试图表明:不能简单地按照看得见的“刺激和反应”或通过证实语言学家收到的大量原始资料出发来考虑语言。生成语言学家不仅对语言的描述感兴趣,也对语言的解释感兴趣。即研究语言学习的内容和语言学习的原因。29 【正确答案】 internalized【试题解析】 图式理论指的是过去的经历在头脑中所形成的框架。按照皮亚杰(Piaget)的观点,思想起源于外部的

41、身体行为,然后才转化为思想。换言之,思想是适应了(内化了) 的行为。30 【正确答案】 vehicle【试题解析】 自然法是克拉申(Krashen)和特雷尔(Terrell)提出的一种教学法。其强调自然的语言交际而不是规范的语法学习。克拉申和特雷尔认为语言是一种用来交流意义的载体。尽管如此他们还是把语言学习看作是逐步掌握语言结构的过程。31 【正确答案】 input【试题解析】 语言输入假设试图回答了人们是如何习惯语言这一关键的问题。这一假设认为人们习得语言的唯一途径理解信息,即接受“可理解的输入”。自然法认为语言输入(input)是任何一种语言教学大纲中最重要的部分。32 【正确答案】 me

42、thod【试题解析】 功能意念大纲(the Notional-Functional Syllabus) 强调把功能作为英语语言课程设置的基本组成部分。而它并不一定能培养学生的交际能力。首先,它不是一种教学法,它仅仅是大纲。33 【正确答案】 culture【试题解析】 在海姆斯(Hymes)看来,语言理论仅仅是一种交际与文化相结合理论中的一部分。交际能力不仅是指将语法规则用以构成语法正确的句子的能力,而且也包括知道在何时何地使用这些句子,以及用于何种对象的能力。34 【正确答案】 physically【试题解析】 在使用“全身反应法”(Total Physical Response)的教室里,

43、学生认真地听老师发出的指令然后用身体动作作出反应,有集体的反应有个别的反应。35 【正确答案】 attention【试题解析】 按照柯伦(Curran)的观点,无戒备 (non-defensive)学习有 6 个必要因素:安全感、注意力、进取心、记忆、反思和区分。三、MatchingDirections: This section consists of three groups of pairs listed in two columns, A and B. You are to match the one marked , , , ,or in Column A with the one

44、marked a, b, c, d, or e in Column B. One point is given to each pair you match correctly.36 【正确答案】 a【试题解析】 阅读的短文要围绕语法教学的安排程序和要学的词汇安排的,其中包括一些具体的语法规则和词汇。37 【正确答案】 b【试题解析】 分析和比较具体例子中的语法规则是一种介绍新词汇和语法规则的方法。38 【正确答案】 e【试题解析】 翻译可以被用来介绍新的语法条目,理解一个新的章节,或者作为上课结束时的练习。39 【正确答案】 c【试题解析】 设计不同的问题要学生回答,以检查学生对所阅读的短文

45、的理解。40 【正确答案】 d【试题解析】 新学的知识点可以在书面作业中得到应用。如:填空、造句、作文等。41 【正确答案】 c【试题解析】 个人因表活动属于情感人文活动(Affective-humanstic activities) ,它让学生进行有关他们自身话题的信息交流。42 【正确答案】 b【试题解析】 开放式对话也属情感人文活动,它能涉及学生的观点和反应。43 【正确答案】 a【试题解析】 在解决问题活动中,很多情况下,学生分小组用目标语去讨论问题或找到必要的信息。44 【正确答案】 d【试题解析】 游戏活动使学生在使用语言的过程中玩。45 【正确答案】 d【试题解析】 个人报告属于

46、内容活动(content activities) ,它的目标是让学生尽可能地使用目的语说话,学会新知识而不是语言。46 【正确答案】 a【试题解析】 阿舍(JAsher)倡导的“全身反应法”试图通过身体动作来教语言的教学法。47 【正确答案】 e【试题解析】 加蒂格诺(Gattegno)倡导的“沉默法”(the Silent Way)产于美国,此法认为课堂上教师应尽量少说话,而鼓励学生多说话。48 【正确答案】 d【试题解析】 由柯伦倡导的“集体语言学习法”建议教师要把学生当成一个完整的人来对待。49 【正确答案】 b【试题解析】 洛扎诺夫(GLozanov)提出的“暗示法 ”(Suggest

47、opaedia)认为学习者应当对自己认为存在的那些局限性进行“反暗示”。50 【正确答案】 c【试题解析】 张正东所倡导的“外语立体化教学法”认为外语是学会的,习得的东西只起次要的作用。四、Questions for Brief AnswersDirections: This section has six questions. You are to answer them briefly. Five points are given to each question.51 【正确答案】 (They are)The Pronunciation of English,A Phonetic Dic

48、tionary of the English Language,English Pronouncing Dictionary,and Outline of English Phonetics.52 【正确答案】 It is the grammar(of the second language).53 【正确答案】 As accuracy in both pronunciation and grammar is regarded as crucial,errors are to be avoided at all costs.54 【正确答案】 The Cognitive Approach ho

49、lds that mistakes are unavoidable in the creative use of language.Students should be led to learn and use the language by making hypothesis,testing the hypothesis and then making corrections.The teacher should analyze the mistakes to find the cause and do some remedial work accordingly.55 【正确答案】 They were its attention to functions as the organizing elements


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