
SHEET 1.When lab rats sleep, their brains revisit the maze they navigated during the day, according to a new study U(1) /U yesterday, offering some o


1、 SHEET 1.When lab rats sleep, their brains revisit the maze they navigated during the day, according to a new study U1 U。

2、 D.分数:40.00Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the student. 1 a long reading assignmen。

3、 he knew that his mother had been ill, he did not have the propriety to write her.AdecencyB posterityC apathyDeulogy3 In。

4、l to your city, she wants to know something about the East Beach in your city. According to the following information, w。

5、 extendC defendDpossess2 Since the question of her decision is not one to be considered lightly, the writer Frank Stockt。

6、 the modern musical show is America s most original and dynamic contribution toward theater. In the last quarter of a ce。

7、eemingly selfcontradictory position. As Stefan Collini points out in his book, these ancientC1have never been so numerou。

8、e chart, and 2 give your comments. You should write about 150 words. 2 Write an essay based on the pie chart. In your wr。

9、le, is the parent of crime. But was he right Certainly, poverty and crime areC1. And the idea that a lack of income migh。

10、lting in real life aggression has long been controversialand many courts have tested the limits of the video games made 。

11、A, B, C or D.分数:40.00It is acknowledged that the modern musical show is America s most original and dynamic contribution。

12、eople think that this is a good thing while others think it is not so good. What is one major advantage or disadvantage 。

13、 horse provided day to day transportation in the United States. Trains were used only for longdistance transportation.To。

14、action of their formative years online. It is a habit they dutifullyC1into adulthood. Under the right circumstances, how。

15、 Intelligence QuotientWhen researchers come up with a new treatment that makes us feel or work better, its usually not j。

16、olution are in the publishers pipelines. A few have already appeared.F1The goal of all will be to try to explain to a co。

17、meeting.AhaveB hasC hadDmust have3 Lets stop to take up another subject, weAoughtntB dontC shallDshould4 I then listened。

18、 you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. explain its intended meaning, and then 3. give your comments. You shoul。

19、economic and business activities and has been the theme of many witty remarks. Benjamin Franklin once wrote, Money makes。

20、 1 a movie as American, but perhaps the most 2 is the theme of the lonerhero孤胆英雄 . In the western movie, which comes out。

标签 > 考研英语模拟试卷17[编号:327763]

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