
t(B) anything but(C) no less than(D)nothing more than2 We did hold a meeting yesterday, but you _, so we did not inform you.(A)did not need attending(


1、tB anything butC no less thanDnothing more than2 We did hold a meeting yesterday, but you , so we did not inform you.Adi。

2、The eye tends to see distance as . In painting, this is sometimes called the vanishing point.AconformingB comfortingC co。

3、that she attend the public hearing. A eloquent B effective C emotional D emphatic 3 Everyone who has visited the city ag。

4、to be praisedB praisedC be praisedDto have been praised3 What a sad sight, with all the shops and the people gone.Ashutt。

5、he , her mother was sitting by her bed. A came round B came on C came over D came across 3 In some remote places, there 。

6、 docileDboost2 The house by the sea had a mysterious air ofabout it.AmelancholyB serenityC seriosoDretroject3 There is o。

7、s resented them of the meeting.Athe president that he did not tellB the president not to informC the presidents not info。

8、C docileDboost2 The house by the sea had a mysterious air of about it.AmelancholyB serenityC seriosoDretroject3 There is。

9、 some other grave injury. Often the wish to protect themselves from imaginary persecutors 1 leads them into acts of viol。

10、ten highlights surgery disasters 2 in the most part, the health risk for cosmetic procedures 3 is low and patient satisf。

11、 he knew that his mother had been ill, he did not have the propriety to write her.AdecencyB posterityC apathyDeulogy3 In。

12、not be cured completely in as hort time.AperpetualB permanentC chronicDsustained3 Much as, I couldn t lend him the money。

13、n2 Many political problems are so complicated that the layman cannot see the wood the trees.AofB fromC forDwith3 When, m。

14、h cannot be cured completely in as hort time.AperpetualB permanentC chronicDsustained3 Much as , I couldnt lend him the 。

15、 Even though he knew that his mother had been ill, he did not have the propriety to write her. A decency B posterity C a。

16、lectronic sounds, and bird songs. A conventional . incorporate B eccentric . deploy C traditional . exclude D imaginativ。

17、issension 2 The eye tends to see distance as . In painting, this is sometimes called the vanishing point. A conforming B。

18、己负责. 3 答题时一律使用蓝黑色墨水笔或圆珠笔作答画图可用铅笔,用其它笔答题不给分. 4 答题时不准使用涂改液等具有明显标记的涂改用品. Part Vocabulary and Structure 30 points, 1 for eac。

19、ESTIONS 20 POINTS SECTION A GRAMMAR Directions: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and。

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