
household 9,800 a year by 2035, claims Capital Economics, a London consultancy, in a report commissioned by Geert Wilders far-right PVV party. Mr Wild


1、household 9,800 a year by 2035, claims Capital Economics, a London consultancy, in a report commissioned by Geert Wilder。

2、bigcity daily paper. Im writing a story on communication skills, she said. Are communication skills important in busines。

3、cruit talent from abroad in the face of increasingly rigorous immigration rules, a different and far more significant ch。

4、7 millions views to date on YouTube. But the market for a pop star making clever, difficult songs is narrow, and Allens 。

5、ay announced that it would look to sell its headquarters building in downtown Washington, D.C. In January, the Detroit F。

6、ybersecurity, trumpets a recruiting message on the website of Booz Allen Hamilton, a consulting and technology firm. It 。

7、lting in real life aggression has long been controversialand many courts have tested the limits of the video games made 。

8、e sea, a number that could double in the next decade as humans flock to coastal cities like gulls. The oceans produce 3 。

9、n the office from nine in the morning to five in the evening, if not longer. Much of the world, though, prefers to take 。

10、ks to be the countrys most dangerous creature. Tim Winton, an author, calls sharks substitute for the Devil. Seven swimm。

11、e surroundings the moment that we first learned of John Fitzgerald Kennedys assassination, the Challenger explosion or t。

12、l week starts before dawn on Monday, with a rush to the airport and a flight to wherever the client is based. A typical 。

13、ejected by their parents. He thinks that parental acceptance influences important aspects of personality. Children who a。

14、nese have found productive, if often exhausting, work in the countrys growing cities. This extraordinary mobilization of。

15、urled at Michael Bloomberg, New Yorks mayor, when he proposed a ban on big fizzydrink bottles last May. The billionaire 。

16、as been made in fighting infectious diseases in poor countries. Polio has almost been eradicated; malaria is being tamed。

17、2.Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D.分数:10.0。

18、 Twitter cofounder Biz Stone said the company never met to hammer out business model. No brainstorming sessions; no scri。

19、2.Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D.分数:10.0。

20、attack of economic pessimism , John Maynard Keynes wrote a broadly optimistic essay, Economic Possibilities for our Gran。

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