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1、1Unit 3 Life in the future话题诵读 日积月累导语 未来对于我们每一个人来说都充满了神秘。如果我们能够预知未来那将是多么奇妙的事,这应该是我们每一个人都很向往的事情。我们能否做到呢?Its impossible to know the future.We can guess,but no one has actual knowledge of whats going to happen down the road.But if youre someone who trusts your own feelings,youre more likely to accurate

2、ly predict future events than people who dont trust their feelings as much.Thats the conclusion of a recent study done by researchers at Columbia Business School.Through a series of eight studies they found that subjects who had a high amount of trust in their feelings were generally better able to

3、predict things like the outcomes of presidential elections,football games,the winner of American Idol,and even the weather.How is this possible,you ask?The best explanation is known as the“privileged window”hypothesis.The gist is that when we rely on feelings to make a prediction,were really summari

4、zing and calling on everything we know about the subject in question.Its similar to what journalist Malcolm Gladwell wrote about in his best-selling book Blink that the more we know about something the greater our ability to make snap judgments and predictions without thinking too much.Unlike Gladwe

5、lls theory,though,the recent study is less about snap decisions and more about consciously deciding to rely on feelings to make predictions.Do that,and youre more likely to be able to sense what may happen in the future.词海拾贝1accurately adv.正确无误地,准确地;精确地2predict vt.预言,预测3presidential adj.总统的,首长的4priv

6、ilege vt.给予特权5hypothesis n假说,假设;猜想,猜测6gist n(之)要点,主旨,梗概,要义7snap adj.容易的;仓促的8consciously adv.有意识地;自觉地问题思考1Under what condition, are you more likely to predict future events 2according to the study?(no more than 10 words)_2According to the studies,list the things mentioned in the passage those who tru

7、st their feelings can predict.(no more than 18 words)_3What kind of result can we get according to the book Blink?(no more than 20 words)_答案:1.If you are someone who trusts your own feelings.2The outcomes of presidential elections,football games,the winner of American Idol,and even the weather.3The

8、more we know about something the greater our ability to make snap judgments and predictions without thinking too much.自主预习 步步提高词汇识记.为单词选择正确的释义1constant A先前的;早先的2previous B乘务员3steward C按,压;新闻4press D生态;生态学5ecology E原料;材料6motivation F动机7material G贪吃的;贪心的8greedy H时常发生的答案:1.H 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.F 7.E 8.G

9、.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_ n通路;开口2_ adv.往一侧;侧着3_ n周围的事物;环境4_ n调整;调节5_ n面具;面罩6_ n运输工具;四轮马车7_ vt.&vi.(使)闪光;(使)闪现8_ n开关;转换 vt.转换9_ n沙漠;荒原10_ n市民;公民答案:1.opening 2.sideways 3.surroundings 4.adjustment 5.mask 6.carriage 7.flash 8.switch 9.desert 10.citizen.根据英语释义写出单词1_:particular part or feature of sth being conside

10、red2_:go with sb and show the way to a place33_:allow sth that one dislikes or disagrees with without interfering4_:be without sth;have less than enough of 5_:secure or fix sth firmly6_:give or send out a brief bright light7_:feeling doubt about sth not clear,definite8_:an idea,a feeling or an opini

11、on that you get about sb/sth答案:1.aspect 2.guide 3.tolerate 4.lack 5.fasten 6.flash 7.uncertain 8.impression.选用短语的适当形式填空take up;be back on ones feet;lose sight of;sweep up;slide into;for lack of;remind.of1I watched the plane go higher and higher until I _ it.2The film _ me _ what I had seen in the Un

12、ited States.3Jane _ the bits of paper and broken glass when we came in.4The mouse _ its hole.5She _ the piano when she was five.6To _,he does exercise very often.答案:1.lost sight of 2.reminded of 3.was sweeping up 4.slid into 5.took up 6.be back on his feet.领会句子所用的句型并译成汉语1Worried_about_the_journey,I

13、was unsettled for the first few days._2The air seemed thin,as_though its combination of gases had little oxygen left._3However,I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what_looked_like_a_large_market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions._4Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast

14、 asleep._答案:1.我很担心这次旅行,所以头几天我心里总是不踏实。2空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中剩下很少的氧气。3但是,当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,由于很多来自四面八方的气垫车从身边飞过,我看不见王平了。4实在累坏了,我溜上床很快就睡着了。语篇理解课文表层理解.判断正(T)误(F)1The writer has been used to the life for the first few days in AD 3008.( )2The seats were comfortable in the capsule.( )43The writer felt difficu

15、lt to put up with the surroundings at first.( )4With the help of Wang Ping,the writer couldnt still fly fast.( )5The large,bright clean room was made of green trees.( )答案:1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F.根据课文内容回答问题1Why did Li Qiang suffer from time lag?_2What is the purpose of taking the green tablets?_3What was

16、 the room like?_4Think of another proper title for the text._答案:1.Because he was unsettled for the first few days.2To help people calm down.3Tables and chairs are placed against the wall.4Traveling to the future.根据对文章的理解将下面表格补充完整(每空不多于两词)Before getting into the time capsule Li Qiang felt 1._ at firs

17、t.As a result,he suffered from“time lag” Wang Ping gave him some green 2._,which helped a lot.In the capsule The capsule swung gently 3._ as they lay relaxed and dreaming.When they arrived in the futureAt first the new 4._ were difficult to tolerate.Li Qiang was hit by a 5._ of fresh air and his hea

18、d ached.Just then Wang Ping appeared and immediately 6._ him through to a small room nearby for a rest.Soon he was back on his feet again and Wang Ping showed him how to fly a hovering 7._.In a large,bright clean roomWang Ping flashed a 8._ on a computer screen and some furniture rose from under the

19、 floor as if 9._.Having had a brief meal and a hot bath,Li Qiang felt exhausted and 10._ into bed and fell fast asleep.答案:1.unsettled 2.tablets 3.sideways 4.surroundings 5.lack 6.hurried 7.carriage 8.switch 9.by magic 10.slid5课文深层理解.按课文内容排序aLi Qiang visited a strange-looking house and had a good res

20、t in it.bThey climbed into the time capsule through a small opening.cHit by a lack of fresh air,Li Qiang had a headache.dWang Ping gave Li Qiang some green tablets before the time travel trip.eLi Qiang had a “time lag”flashback and realized that he had been transported into the future of what was st

21、ill his hometown.fLi Qiang followed Wang Ping to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer.Adbcfea BabdefcCbdcfea Ddcbefa答案:A.根据课文内容,选择最佳的选项1What does“time lag”mean according to the author?AIt is quite different from“jet lag” BIt is what you get when you are flying on a plane.CIt means you keep

22、 thinking of the things you may experience in the future.DIt means you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period.2When and where did this story happen?AIt happened in outer space in the future.BIt happened on the earth in the future.CIt happened in outer space at the present time.DIt ha

23、ppened on the earth at the present time.3How did the system work?AOxygen was provided by a group of machines.BOxygen was provided by some chemicals.COxygen was provided by some green leaves.DOxygen was made from some chemical materials.4Where did Li Qiang lose sight of Wang Ping?AIn a hotel capsule.

24、BIn a room.CIn a large market.DIn a hovering carriage.5We can infer from the passage that_Athe air quality would not be so good in the public areas in the futureBeveryone would have to put on a mask when they went outside in the futureCthe writer had been transported into another cityDthe writer fel

25、t uncomfortable for a long time after finishing the journey答案:1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A.根据课文内容回答下列问题61How did the author get the chance to travel? (Para.1)_2Why was the author unsettled? (Para.1)_3Why did the guide give him some tablets? (Para.1)_4How did they get into the capsule? (Para.2)_5What did he d

26、rink before the flight? (Para.2)_6Why did the author feel uncomfortable? (Para.3)_7When did the author feel better? (Para.3)_8Where did the author go in a carriage? (Para.3)_9What did the author do in the strangelooking house? (Para.4)_10How did they get oxygen in the room? (Para.4)_答案:1.He won a pr

27、ize and took up the prize/ He got the chance to travel by winning a prize and taking up the prize.2Because he was worried about the journey.3The guide did so to calm him because he felt nervous and uncertain.4Through a small opening.5He drank a calming drink.6Because the new surroundings were diffic

28、ult to tolerate/ the air was thin/ there was little oxygen left in the air.7After he had put on the mask and had had a rest.8The future of what was his hometown.9He sat down and relaxed himself.After that he had a brief meal and a hot bath and went to sleep.10They got oxygen provided by the leaves o

29、f the trees.知识聚焦 讲练互动要点直击1take up 拿起;接受;继续;开始从事;专注于;占用空间或时间;接管;开始承担(教材原句 P17)I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.我依然无法相信我是在接受去年我赢得的奖励。归纳拓展take off 脱下;起飞;(事业)腾飞take down 拿下来;取下来;记下take in 接受;收留;理解;明白;欺骗7take on 呈现;具有(某种面貌、特征等)take over 接管;接收(1)I have taken up te

30、aching since I graduated from university.我大学毕业后就从事教学工作。(2)When does the new manager take up his job?新经理什么时候开始工作?(3)His only reason for investing in the company was to take it over.他投资这家公司的唯一理由就是要接管它。(4)Lacking necessary social experience,teenagers tend to be taken in by ill people.由于缺乏必要的社会经验,青少年很容易

31、被坏人欺骗。即学即练写出下列句中 take up 的含义。The head teacher takes her duties up in August._She took up his offer of a drink._At the age of sixty he took up the study of Russian._Joan took up the story when her sister forgot the next detail._That big clock will have to go;it takes up too much space in the small ha

32、ll._用介、副词填空。When Marys parents threw her out,my mother took her _The old factory has taken _ a new look.He became jealous when Jacks career started taking _.答案:接受,接管 接受 开始从事 继续 占用 up on off2remind vt.提醒;使想起(教材原句 P17)I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008.我必须不断地提醒自己,我真的已经在 300

33、8 年了。归纳拓展remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事;使某人记起某事remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事remind sb that/what/how.提醒某人;使某人记起(1)Dont forget to remind me to watch the 15th FINA World Championships to be held in your city.不要忘记提醒我观看在你们城市举办的第 15 届世界游泳锦标赛。(2)This picture reminds me of/about a movie named Spider-Man.这幅图画使我想起了一部名

34、叫蜘蛛侠的电影。(3)The doctor reminds me that I should see her again in two months.医生提醒我两个月后应该再去看她。8(4)These notes can remind you what you want to say.这些笔记可以帮你记起要说哪些话。即学即练完成句子。My secretary _ to be held this afternoon.我的秘书提醒我参加今天下午即将举行的重要会议。_ Alan before I go out.提醒我在出去之前给艾伦打电话。答案:reminded me of the importan

35、t meeting Remind me to phone3形容词(短语)作状语(教材原句 P17)Worried about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days.我很担心这次旅行,所以头几天心里总是不踏实。句式分析 形容词短语 worried about the journey 作原因状语。归纳拓展形容词(短语)作状语(1)作原因状语,通常位于句首。Easy to get along with,he is warmly welcomed.因为平易近人,所以他受到热烈欢迎。(2)作伴随状语,可以置于句首,也可以置于句末。Overj

36、oyed,they rushed into the classroom.他们非常高兴,冲进了教室。(3)作结果状语,一般位于句末。He returned home,safe and sound.他安然无恙地回到了家。(4)作让步状语,常由一个形容词(短语)或由 or 连接的两个及两个以上的并列形容词(短语)构成。常位于句首,也可位于句中。Right or wrong,Ill stand on your side.不论对与错,我都将站在你这一边。(5)作时间状语,通常位于句首。Ripe,these apples are sweet.熟了的时候,这些苹果是甜的。学法点拨三个显著的特点:意义上,表示

37、主语所处的状态;形式上,用逗号与其他成分隔开;结构上,and 或 or 前后的词类是对等的。即学即练根据汉语提示完成句子。_(又冷又饿),he stopped working and went home.These travellers returned to the hotel,_(又累又困)_(因为快乐和兴奋),the boys were shouting and singing.答案:Cold and hungry tired and sleepy Happy and excited4surroundings n pl.环境;周围的事物9(教材原句 P18)At first my new

38、 surroundings were difficult to tolerate.开始的时候,新的环境让我难以忍受。归纳拓展surrounding adj. 周围的;周边的surrounding areas 周边地区surround vt. 环绕;围住be surrounded by/with. 被环绕着;周围都是易混辨析surroundings/environment词语 用法 辨析surroundings 只用复数,指“自然环境” 其对人的思想、感情、修养有一定的影响environment 一般用单数,既可指“自然环境” ,也可指“精神环境” 强调环境对人的感受、道德及观念的影响(1)He

39、 found himself surrounded by an admiring crowd.他发现自己被仰慕他的人群团团围住。(2)Our new surroundings are more friendly than we expected.我们的新环境比预计的友好得多。即学即练选词填空(surroundings/surrounding/surround)。He was _ by the smiling faces of his friends.Animals in a zoo are not living in their natural _The beautiful _ scenery

40、 does great good to people living here.答案:surrounded surroundings surrounding5lack nU,C缺乏;短缺的东西 vi.&vt.缺乏;没有(教材原句 P18)Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。归纳拓展a lack of. 缺少for lack of. 因为缺少lack sth 缺少某物lacking adj. 缺少的;缺乏的be lacking in 不足温馨提示(1)lack 用作名词时,后面常接介词 of。(2)lack 作及物动词时,

41、后面直接接名词作宾语;作不及物动词时,后常接介词 for。(3)lacking 是形容词,一般不放在名词前。The project has to be stopped for lack of money.由于缺钱,这项工程只好停工。We lacked the experience to succeed.我们缺乏取得成功的经验。即学即练完成句子。10She showed _她缺乏幽默。We drop the plan _因为得不到支持,我们取消了这个计划。He _ responsibility.他缺乏责任心。答案:a lack of humour for lack of support is l

42、acking in6as though(as if)好像(教材原句 P18)The air seemed thin,as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.空气似乎很稀薄,好像它的混合气体中剩下的氧气很少。归纳拓展as though(as if)(1)引导方式状语从句。The child talks to us as though/if he were a grown-up.那个孩子跟我们谈起话来像个成年人似的。(2)引导表语从句。Tom is not very delighted.It seems as though/if he has a conflict with his friend.汤姆不太高兴,看起来好像与朋友有了冲突。(3)用于


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