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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 303及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.Guests can pay without going to the front desk.B.Guests can go direct to their rooms.C.Guests can check out any time.D.Guests can make room reservations.A.2.B.3.C.10

2、0.D.150A.He will be sent back even if he is unfit to stand trial.B.He will remain in South Africa for medical treatment.C.He will stand trial in South Africa once proved fit.D.He will return to the U.K. for medical treatment.A.Killing his wife in the U.K.B.Being involved in a taxi accident.C.Hiring

3、a crew of criminals.D.Having his wife killed.A.The school stopped providing school lunch.B.Their parents preferred fruit and milk for lunch.C.Their parents failed to pay for school lunch.D.They chose to have something different.A.They were satisfied.B.They were surprised.C.They were angry.D.They wer

4、e sad.A.This week.B.On Tuesday.C.On Monday.D.Unknown.3.Section B_A.She is environmentally-concerned.B.She wants to save money.C.Her car is being repaired in the shop.D.She wants to see the man on the bus.A.Diana believes the air is not likely to be cleaner.B.Diana thinks the diesel (柴油机) bus is free

5、 of pollution now.C.Diana has taken a class on environmental engineering.D.Diana sounds pessimistic about the future of the insulator (绝热器).A.It makes the fuel burn more efficiently.B.It helps release more unburned fuel.C.It is easy to install.D.It is very cheap.A.Lowering transportation fees.B.The

6、environmental engineering class.C.The mans car in the shop.D.Better environment.A.The hotel confused him with another guest.B.Rooms are overbooked for that evening.C.There are no more rooms available for five people.D.All the rooms available are under renovation.A.There was a marathon going on.B.Alm

7、ost all the hotels were being renovated.C.There was a conference going on.D.The hotel was overbooked two months ago.A.The man wants to live in them.B.They are like the normal rooms.C.There is a roll-away bed.D.Customers can watch TV there.A.A honeymoon suite for $250 for the night and free breakfast

8、 of Chinese style.B.A honeymoon suite for $225 for the night and free breakfast of western style.C.A honeymoon suite for $200 for the night and free breakfast of Chinese style.D.A honeymoon suite for $200 for the night and free breakfast of western style.4.Section C_A.Watching TV can cause physical

9、diseases.B.TV places the viewer in a completely passive position.C.People are too dependent on TV.D.The quality of some TV programs is poor.A.Television has more advantages than disadvantages.B.Television has more disadvantages than advantages.C.It is no use watching TV.D.Television in itself is nei

10、ther good nor bad.A.How much a TV set costs.B.The quality of TV programs.C.How people put it to use.D.The number of people watching TV.A.He wanted to remain popular with the audience.B.He wished to give more performances.C.He didnt trust others.D.He was extremely anxious about its negative effect.A.

11、He was refused to give performances in 1804.B.He was not able to compose in 1804.C.He was becoming very difficult to be with in 1804.D.He attempted to kill himself in 1804.A.He didnt kill himself because of his friends.B.He remained single all his life.C.He was always not easy to be with.D.He had fe

12、w friends in his life.A.About 1920.B.Around 1925.C.Around 1930.D.About 1935.A.Over 16 million.B.Over 3.5 million.C.Over 1 million.D.Over 2.5 million.A.Corn.B.Soybean.C.Oat.D.Rye.A.Corn.B.Soybean.C.Oat.D.Rye.大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 303答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part

13、II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.Guests can pay without going to the front desk.B.Guests can go direct to their rooms. C.Guests can check out any time.D.Guests can make room reservations.解析:解析:录音提到一家连锁酒店打算使用一款应用程序(app)给顾客发送数字钥匙,顾客因此无需办理入住手续,可以绕过前台直接入住房间。B“顾客可以直接入住房间”是这种数字钥匙的主要优点,为答案,其中

14、的 go direct对应录音中的 go straight。录音没有提及付款、退房和预订房间的相关内容,因此 A、C 和 D不正确。A.2. B.3.C.100.D.150解析:解析:录音提到,这家公司计划未来三个月将在旗下两家美国酒店安装这种系统,故答案为 A。A.He will be sent back even if he is unfit to stand trial. B.He will remain in South Africa for medical treatment.C.He will stand trial in South Africa once proved fit.

15、D.He will return to the U.K. for medical treatment.解析:解析:新闻开头提到,Shrien Dewani 向高级法院提出申诉,希望在适合出庭受审时才被遣返回英国,但他的申诉失败。法官裁决,若最终证明 Shrien Dewani不适合受审,只要南非政府保证将他遣返回英国,ShrienDewani 可以被遣返。由此可知,A“尽管他不适合出庭受审也得被遣返”为答案,同时排除C“一旦证明合适就在南非出庭受审”。法庭裁决没有提及治疗的问题,故排除 B和 D。A.Killing his wife in the U.K.B.Being involved in

16、 a taxi accident.C.Hiring a crew of criminals.D.Having his wife killed. 解析:解析:新闻的开头和结尾都提到 Dewani的罪行:雇用罪犯杀害妻子,D“让人杀害自己的妻子”为答案。Dewani 计划在南非度蜜月时雇凶杀害妻子,A 错在 in the UK。Dewani 的妻子是在搭乘的士时被杀的,新闻中没有谈及的士事故,B“涉嫌与一起的士事故有关”没有依据。Dewani 主要是被控杀人,故排除 C“雇用一帮 罪犯”。A.The school stopped providing school lunch.B.Their par

17、ents preferred fruit and milk for lunch.C.Their parents failed to pay for school lunch. D.They chose to have something different.解析:解析:新闻提到,犹他州的许多小学生被收走了午餐盘,原因是他们用于支付午餐的账户余额不足(had negative balances);学校没有给这部分孩子提供惯常的午餐,而是给他们发了水果和牛奶。由此可知,C“父母未支付午餐费用”为答案。A“学校停止提供午餐”与新闻不符。B“他们的家长更喜欢水果和牛奶当午餐”和 D“他们选择要不一样的

18、东西”都属于无中生有。A.They were satisfied.B.They were surprised. C.They were angry.D.They were sad.解析:解析:新闻提到,当听到女儿描述学区要员对她说“你的账户里没有钱了,所以不能得到午餐”时,妈妈遭受到了意外的打击(blindsided)。由此可知,B 为答案,其中 surprised对应录音中的blindsided。A“满意的”与家长的反应截然相反。新闻没有提及家长们很愤怒,排除 C。新闻中提到的 a lot of tears和 pretty upsetting都是孩子的反应,排除 D。A.This week.

19、B.On Tuesday.C.On Monday. D.Unknown.解析:解析:新闻提到,学区要员称周一已通知家长账户余额不足,C 为正确答案。A“本周”在新闻开头提到,是说本周许多犹他州的小学生被收走了午餐盘。B“周二”是盐湖城学校的学区要员说明学生被收走餐盘一事的时间,故排除。3.Section B_解析:A.She is environmentally-concerned. B.She wants to save money.C.Her car is being repaired in the shop.D.She wants to see the man on the bus.解析

20、:解析:男士问 Diana为什么乘坐公共汽车,是不是她的汽车在维修。女士回答说不是,她乘坐公交车是因为最近她在考虑环境问题。大家都使用公共交通的话,空气会干净一些。可见她关注环境,故 A正确。B 未提及,C、D 内容与对话不符。A.Diana believes the air is not likely to be cleaner.B.Diana thinks the diesel (柴油机) bus is free of pollution now.C.Diana has taken a class on environmental engineering. D.Diana sounds p

21、essimistic about the future of the insulator (绝热器).解析:解析:女士说到:“在环境工程课上我们刚刚谈到过这一点。”可见她修了一门环境工程课,故 C正确。四个选项都以 Diana为主语,本题定然问她的情况。要根据选项关键词听对话,把涉及关键词的信息与选项对照,判断选项正误。A.It makes the fuel burn more efficiently. B.It helps release more unburned fuel.C.It is easy to install.D.It is very cheap.解析:解析:对于安装新的绝热器

22、,女士说:“它的作用在于它可以把燃料燃烧的热量反射回来,这样燃料燃烧时的温度就会更高,燃烧也就更彻底。”可见绝热器可以提高燃烧率,A 正确。鉴于我们并不知道it指什么,听录音时,必须对有关事物予以重视。对话中,男士重复反问了一个词“An insulator?”表明它是对话中讨论的一个重点,问题 it可能与它有关。紧接着女士的回答又用了“What it does is”的强调结构,并用“So”说明结果,相关内容即构成本题答案。A.Lowering transportation fees.B.The environmental engineering class.C.The mans car in

23、 the shop.D.Better environment. 解析:解析:对话中女士有车不开,宁愿挤公交车;上环境工程课;对节能环保绝热器感兴趣,均表明她关注环境,有浓厚的环保意识。因此,D 正确。实际上本题是问对话主题,选项 D概括性最强,是答案。其余选项均是细节,或与对话无关。A.The hotel confused him with another guest. B.Rooms are overbooked for that evening.C.There are no more rooms available for five people.D.All the rooms avail

24、able are under renovation.解析:解析:男士在入住酒店时,遇到了一系列难题:首先,他自报家门时,服务员把他和另一个同名同姓的人搞混淆了;其次,他原订的这一天的房间没有了,第 2天才有房间;第三,其他房间也都已订满,只有正在装修中的临时房。本题问他遇到的第 1个问题,故选 A。本对话前面开头部分一直在说人名。听到有关 name,mistake,problem,have two guests under the name 即可确定答案。A.There was a marathon going on.B.Almost all the hotels were being ren

25、ovated.C.There was a conference going on. D.The hotel was overbooked two months ago.解析:解析:女士在解释房子紧张的原因时说,“我想我们今晚是没房子了。城里正在开一个会”conference即 convention之义,故 C正确。A、C 句型一致,区别在 conference和 marathon(马拉松长跑)上;B“几乎所有酒店都在翻修”显然不合常理;D 中的时间在对话中未提及。A.The man wants to live in them.B.They are like the normal rooms.C

26、.There is a roll-away bed. D.Customers can watch TV there.解析:解析:女士在说到客房全部订满时,提到酒店倒是有一些在装修的客房,里面只有一张折叠床,没有像电视或可使用的洗手间这样的正常配套,可见选 C,同时可排除 B和 D。预读选项时,根据 A和 B可知 them和 They指的是 rooms,听音时要留意某种客房的相关信息。A.A honeymoon suite for $250 for the night and free breakfast of Chinese style.B.A honeymoon suite for $225

27、 for the night and free breakfast of western style. C.A honeymoon suite for $200 for the night and free breakfast of Chinese style.D.A honeymoon suite for $200 for the night and free breakfast of western style.解析:解析:女士查到有人取消订房,那是一个蜜月套房,每晚需 250美元。男士表示要住这个套房,但要求打折。女士说:“我最多给你打 9折,另外再免费送一张欧洲大陆式早餐用餐券”。可见

28、男士最后得到的是以 225美元住一晚蜜月套房,并获得免费西式早餐。故 B正确。4.Section C_解析:A.Watching TV can cause physical diseases. B.TV places the viewer in a completely passive position.C.People are too dependent on TV.D.The quality of some TV programs is poor.解析:解析:本文分析电视的利弊,它带来益处的同时也有潜在的弊端。文章分别提到,观看电视是被动接受的行为(即 B),它使人产生依赖性(即 C),有

29、些电视节目质量太差(即 D)。未提到的弊端是 A,故选A。此外,A“看电视会导致生理疾病”的说法闻所未闻。这是对原文中 almost physical fascination“几乎有生理上的迷恋”的曲解。换言之,有些选项可据常识加以判断。A.Television has more advantages than disadvantages.B.Television has more disadvantages than advantages.C.It is no use watching TV.D.Television in itself is neither good nor bad. 解析

30、:解析:短文结尾处,作者在给出了正反观点后,给出了中允的观点:“我想我们必须认识到,电视本身无所谓好坏。”即 D正确。C 太绝对,可以排除;A、B 针锋相对,D 则不偏不倚。根据短文中作者的口吻,他是持中立态度的,应选 D。本题可以“听到什么选什么”。A.How much a TV set costs.B.The quality of TV programs.C.How people put it to use. D.The number of people watching TV.解析:解析:文章最后说:电视本身无所谓好坏,人们使用它的方式决定了它对社会的价值。C 与此同义。A(电视机的价格

31、)、D(观看电视的人数)与全文中心无关,可以排除;B 在文中有所提及,是某个细节,属于答非所问。A.He wanted to remain popular with the audience.B.He wished to give more performances.C.He didnt trust others.D.He was extremely anxious about its negative effect. 解析:解析:短文开头就说贝多芬不愿透露自己耳聋的消息,并紧接着说明了原因:“他极为担心这个消息对他作为一位音乐家的事业可能带来的影响,他也不知道该如何处理该消息对他的社交生活产

32、生的影响。”D(他对它的负面影响极为担心)全面概括了相关内容,故正确。A.He was refused to give performances in 1804.B.He was not able to compose in 1804.C.He was becoming very difficult to be with in 1804. D.He attempted to kill himself in 1804.解析:解析:短文中提到,1804 年,贝多芬的朋友在信中说:“失去听力使他(贝多芬)不相信朋友,他变得非常难以相处。”故 C正确。由选项中共同的时间可知,本题问 1804年发生在“

33、他”身上的事情。听到“In 1804”即当留意选项中对应的关键词。C 为原词再现。A.He didnt kill himself because of his friends.B.He remained single all his life. C.He was always not easy to be with.D.He had few friends in his life.解析:解析:短文最后说:“情况可能是这样:因为他知道结婚会影响他的艺术创作,所以他逃避了婚姻的承诺。”言下之意是,贝多芬一辈子未婚,故 B正确。四个选项主语都是 He,但具体内容互不相干,须听记所有相关信息并做出相应

34、标记。A.About 1920. B.Around 1925.C.Around 1930.D.About 1935.解析:解析:短文中提到,1920 年,美国用于农业生产的马、骡数量有 2500多万,“同时一个竞争者开始大量出现。拖拉机”意即 1920年拖拉机开始大量涌现,故 A正确。A.Over 16 million.B.Over 3.5 million.C.Over 1 million.D.Over 2.5 million. 解析:解析:短文说,1920 年,美国用于农业生产的马、骡数量总共有 2500多万,此后一路减少,到 20世纪 60年代,数目趋于稳定,迄今没有变化。目前约有 192

35、0年的 110。由此可计算出,20 世纪 60年代美国用于农业生产的马、骡牲口共 250多万,故 D正确。A.Corn.B.Soybean. C.Oat.D.Rye.解析:解析:短文提到,到 2000年,近 3000万公顷土地种了大豆。“它是全国最重要的高蛋白动物饲料和植物油农作物。”故 B正确。听短文答题时,要特别留意“语义强调之处”。本题“the nations most important crop”显然符合此语义特征。A.Corn. B.Soybean.C.Oat.D.Rye.解析:解析:短文结尾处提到,“事实上,大豆是继玉米之后美国农民种植的第二大最有价值的农作物。”可见最有价值的农作物是玉米,答案是 A。答题方法与上题一样。对于文中语义强调的内容要有所辨别,最后才能按听到的问题答题。若能听记 most valuable这语义要点,本题就容易了。


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