The riddles of the Sphinx.ppt

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1、The riddles of the Sphinx,Full-text engine anatomy atlas,Who are you?,Sphinx FOSS full-text search engine,Who are you?,Sphinx FOSS full-text search engine Good at playing ball,Who are you?,Sphinx FOSS full-text search engine Good at playing ball Good at not playing ball,Who are you?,Sphinx FOSS full

2、-text search engine Good at playing ball Good at not playing ball Good at passing the ball to a team-mate,Who are you?,Sphinx FOSS full-text search engine Good at playing ball Good at not playing ball Good at passing the ball to a team-mate Good at many other “inferior” games “faceted” search, geose

3、arch, snippet extraction, multi-queries, IO throttling, and 10-20 other interesting directives,What are you here for?,What will not be covered? No entry-level “whats that Sphinx and whats in it for me” overview No long quotes from the documentation No C+ architecture details,What are you here for?,W

4、hat will not be covered? No entry-level “whats that Sphinx and whats in it for me” overview No long quotes from the documentation No C+ architecture details What will be? How does it generally work inside How things can be optimized How things can be parallelized,Chapter 1. Engine insides,Total work

5、flow,Indexing first Searching second,Total workflow,Indexing first Searching secondThere are data sources (what to fetch, where from) There are indexes What data sources to index How to process the incoming text Where to put the results,How indexing works,In two acts, with an intermission Phase 1 co

6、llecting documents Fetch the documents (loop over the sources) Split the documents into words Process the words (morphology, *fixes) Replace the words with their wordids (CRC32/64) Emit a number of temp files,How indexing works,Phase 2 sorting hits Hit (occurrence) is a (docid,wordid,wordpos) record

7、 Input is a number of partially sorted (by wordid) hit lists The incoming lists are merge-sorted Output is essentially a single fully sorted hit list Intermezzo Collect and sort MVA values Sort ordinals Sort extern attributes,Dumb & dumber,The index format is simple Several sorted lists Dictionary (

8、the complete list of wordids) Attributes (only if docinfo=extern) Document lists (for each keyword) Hit lists (for each keyword) Everything is laid out linearly, good for IO,How searching works,For each local index Build a list of candidates (documents that satisfy the full-text query) Filter (the a

9、nalogy is WHERE) Rank (compute the documents relevance values) Sort (the analogy is ORDER BY) Group (the analogy is GROUP BY) Merge the results from all the local indexes,1. Searching cost,Building the candidates list 1 keyword = 1+ IO (document list) Boolean operations on document lists Cost is pro

10、portional () to the lists lengths That is, to the sum of all the keyword frequencies In case of phrase/proximity/etc search, there also will be operations on hit lists approx. 2x IO/CPU,1. Searching cost,Building the candidates list 1 keyword = 1+ IO (document list) Boolean operations on document li

11、sts Cost is proportional () to the lists lengths That is, to the sum of all the keyword frequencies In case of phrase/proximity/etc search, there also are operations on hit lists approx. 2x IO/CPU Bottom line “The Who” are really bad,2. Filtering cost,docinfo=inline Attributes are inlined in the doc

12、ument lists ALL the values are duplicated MANY times! Immediately accessible after disk read docinfo=extern Attributes are stored in a separate list (file) Fully cached in RAM Hashed by docid + binary search Simple loop over all filters Cost number of candidates and filters,3. Ranking cost,Direct de

13、pends on the ranker To account for keyword positions Helps the relevancy But costs extra resources double impact! Cost number of results Most expensive phrase proximity + BM25 Most cheap none (weight=1)Indirect induced in the sorting,4. Sorting cost,Cost number of results Also depends on the sorting

14、 criteria (documents will be supplied in id asc order) Also depends on max_matches The more the max, the worse the server feels 1-10K is acceptable, 100K is way too much 10-20 is not enough (makes little sense),5. Grouping cost,Grouping is internally a kind of sorting Cost affected by the number of

15、results, too Cost affected by max_matches, too Additionally, max_matches setting affects count and distinct precision,Chapter 2. Optimizing things,How to optimize queries,Partitioning the dataChoosing ranking vs. sorting mode Filters vs. keywords Filters vs. manual MTF Multi queries,How to optimize

16、queries,Partitioning the dataChoosing ranking vs. sorting mode Filters vs. keywords Filters vs. manual MTF Multi queriesLast line of defense Three Big Buttons,1. Partitioning the data,Swiss army knife, for different tasks Bound by indexing time? Partition, re-index the recent changes only Bound by f

17、iltering? Partition, search the needed indexes only Bound by CPU/HDD? Partition, move out to different cores/HDDs/boxes,1a. Partitioning vs. indexing,Vital to keep the balance right Under-partition and indexing will be slow Over-partition and searching will be slow 1-10 indexes work reasonably well

18、Some users are fine with 50+ (30+24.) Some users are fine with 2000+ (!),1b. Partitioning vs. filtering,Totally, 100% dependent on production query statistics Analyze your very own production logs Add comments if needed (3rd arg to Query() Justified only if the amount of processed data is going to d

19、ecrease significantly Move out last weeks documents yes Move out English-only documents no (!),1c. Partitioning vs. CPU/HDD,Use a distributed index, explicitly map the chunks to physical devices Point searchd “at itself” ,index dist1 type = distributedlocal = chunk01agent = localhost:3312:chunk02age

20、nt = localhost:3312:chunk03agent = localhost:3312:chunk04 ,1c. How to find CPU/HDD bottlenecks,Three standard tools vmstat whats the CPU busy with? how busy is it? oprofile specifically who eats the CPU? iostat how busy is the HDD? Also use logs, also use searchd -iostats option Normally everything

21、is clear (us/sy/bi/bo), but! Caveat HDD might be iops bound Caveat CPU load from Sphinx might be induced and “hidden” in sy,2. Ranking,Can now be very different (so called rankers in extended2 mode) Default ranker phrase+BM25, accounts for keyword positions not for free Sometimes its ok to use simpl

22、er ranker Sometimes weight is ignored at all (searching for ipod, sorting by price) Sometimes you can save on ranker,3. Filters vs. keywords,Well-known trick When indexing, add a special, fake keyword to the document (_authorid123) When searching, add it to the query Obvious questions Whats faster,

23、whats better? Simple answer Count the change before moving away from the cashier,3. Filters vs. keywords,Cost of searching keyword frequencies Cost of filtering number of candidates Searching CPU+IO, filtering CPU onlyFake keyword frequency = filter value selectivity Frequent value + few candidates

24、bad! Rare value + many candidates good!,4. Filters vs. manual MTF,Filters are looped over sequentially In the order specified by the app!Narrowest filter better at the start Widest filter better at the endDoes not matter if you use fake keywords Exercise to the reader why?,5. Multi-queries,Any queri

25、es can be sent together in a batch Always saves on network roundtrip Sometimes allows the optimizer to triggerEspecially important and frequent case different sorting/grouping modes 2x+ optimization for “faceted” searches,5. Multi-queries,$client = new SphinxClient (); $q = “laptop”; / coming from w

26、ebsite user$client-SetSortMode ( SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, “weight desc”); $client-AddQuery ( $q, “products” );$client-SetGroupBy ( SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, “vendor_id” ); $client-AddQuery ( $q, “products” );$client-ResetGroupBy (); $client-SetSortMode ( SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, “price asc” ); $client-SetLimit ( 0, 10

27、);$result = $client-RunQueries ();,6. Three Big Buttons,If nothing else helps Cutoff (. SetLimits() Forcibly stops searching after first N matches Per-index, not overall MaxQueryTime (. SetMaxQueryTime() Forcibly stops searching after M milli-seconds Per-index, not overall,6. Three Big Buttons,If no

28、thing else helps Consulting We can notice the unnoticed We can implement the unimplemented,Chapter 3. Parallelization sample,Combat mission,Got 160M cross-links Needed misc reports (by domainsgroupby),* 1. row *domain_id: 440682link_id: 15url_from: http:/

29、0url_to: http:/ NULLfrom_site_id: 9835from_forum_id: 1818from_author_id: 282from_message_id: 2586 message_published: 2006-09-30 00:00:00.,Tackling one,Partitioned the data 8 boxes, 4x CPU, 5M links per CPUUsed Sphinx In theory, we could had used My

30、SQL It practice, way too complicated Would had resulted in 15-20M+ rows/CPU Would had resulted in “manual” aggregation code,Tackling two,Extracted “interesting parts” of the URL when indexing, using an UDF Replaced the SELECT with full-text query,* 1. row *url_from: http:/

31、ewtopic.php?t=40750 urlize(url_from,0): www$insidegamer$nl insidegamer$nl insidegamer$nl$foruminsidegamer$nl$forum$viewtopic.php insidegamer$nl$forum$viewtopic.php$t=40750 urlize(url_from,1): www$insidegamer$nl insidegamer$nl insidegamer$nl$foruminsidegamer$nl$forum$viewtopic.php,Tackling three,64 i

32、ndexes 4 searchd instances per box, by CPU/HDD count 2 indexes (main+delta) per CPU All searched in parallel Web box queries the main instance at each box Main instance queries itself and other 3 copies Using 4 instances, because of startup/update Using plain HDDs, because of IO stepping,Results,The precision is acceptable “Rare” domains precise results “Frequent” domains precision within 0.5%Average query time 0.125 sec 90% queries under 0.227 sec 95% queries under 0.352 sec 99% queries under 2.888 sec,The end,


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