The Teaching of EAP- Shared and Individual Features Across .ppt

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1、The Teaching of EAP: Shared and Individual Features Across Genres and Disciplines,Yang Ruiying PhD, Professor Xian Jiaotong University Email: ,What should we include in a EAP course? What genres are essential for university or postgraduate students? Is it possible to teach a class with students from

2、 different disciplines?,Introduction,Outline,ESP and EAP Genres in the academic circle across disciplines Common features and individual features Implications for EAP teaching,The Tree of ELT,ESP and EAP should be Learner-centered.,Primary Academic Genres,Supporting Academic Genres (Swales, 2011)Get

3、ting into Graduate SchoolStatements of PurposePersonal StatementsFinding Your Voice in the Academic CommunityCommunicating with SeniorsCommunicating with Co-authorsRequests and RemindersWriting ApologiesEstablishing Yourself in Graduate SchoolResearch proposalSmall Grant ApplicationsOther Applicatio

4、nsLetters of RecommendationSupporting the Publication ProcessManuscript SubmissionsResponding to Reviewers and EditorsMoving on to an Academic or Research CareerCurricula VitaeExternal Job ApplicationsStatements of Teaching Philosophy,A genre-based approach to the teaching of EAP,Skills-based approa

5、ch,Task-based approach,Comparing the structure of RA introduction across disciplines,The Genre of English Research Article,The macro-structure: IMRD/C,The CARS Model (Swales 1990:141),Comparing the structure of RA introduction and the Introduction of plenary conference presentation,The potential str

6、ucture of the Beginning,The potential structure of the Introduction section,Potential needs for graduate study overseas,Getting into graduate school,Studying at English-medium universities,Statements of Purpose Curricula Vitae Application for financial aid Communicating with Seniors,Experimental rep

7、ort Course / term paper Research proposal Thesis and Dissertation Research article Conference presentation,Awareness-raising of the shared features and variationsPattern-seeking pedagogic activitiesIntegration of situated learning and explicit teachingExploration of underlying motivations,Principles

8、 of EAP teaching,Authentic texts are to be employed to guarantee that the learners are learning what they need. Students previous generic knowledge in terms of the communicative purpose should be activated at the beginning stage. Deconstruction or analysis of relevant texts in terms of move and step

9、 is to be used to raise students awareness of the rhetorical organization at both macro and micro level of RAs and the linguistic exponents to signal the structure.,Task design - Principles,The tasks are pattern-seeking, designed to guide students to not only understand the rhetorical patterns and l

10、inguistic features but also to explore the rationale of them. Both common features of the RA genre and the individual features of particular cases should be taken into account in the design of tasks so that students will obtain a comprehensive and balanced understanding of the genre, which can prepa

11、re them for reading and writing of RAs.,The importance of genre knowledge,Genres are essential elements of language just as words, syntactic structures, and sound patterns. In order to express ones individual thoughts, one must use available patterns for speech; that is to say, genres, in one way or another. Virtually every communicative interchange between people, whether in speech or in writing, involves generic structure (Berkenkotter and Huckin 1995:160-161),Thank you!,


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