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1、笔译二级综合能力模拟试卷 21及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 1 The puritan ar

2、my executed the king, abolished the House of Lords, got the House of Commons to_England a “commonwealth“ , or republic. ( A) proclaim ( B) reclaim ( C) exclaim ( D) declaim 2 The laser represents a true marriage between science and technology, the men who devised it were_engineers and physicists. (

3、A) spontaneously ( B) simultaneously ( C) instantaneously ( D) homogeneously 3 The companys training plan was designed to help the employees to improve their work habits and_. ( A) proficiency ( B) sufficiency ( C) insufficiency ( D) efficiency 4 This type of chair, easily_or folded away, is ideal f

4、or use in the garden. ( A) put out ( B) put in ( C) put up ( D) put forth 5 Certainly man must_the future, and find ways of providing for his use. ( A) look to ( B) look up ( C) look for ( D) look on 6 Once the price of the land has been_, we can go ahead to build the house. ( A) agreed on ( B) agre

5、ed to ( C) agreed at ( D) agreed with 7 To get my travelers cheques I had to_such a special cheque to the bank for the total amount. ( A) make for ( B) make out ( C) make up ( D) make over 8 I thought the meeting was going to be awful, but it didnt_too badly. ( A) turn up ( B) turn out ( C) turn apa

6、rt ( D) turn down 9 The building collapsed because its foundation was not strong enough to_the weight of the building. ( A) subside ( B) idealize ( C) initiate ( D) sustain 10 The actress was very_at the insulting question raised by her opponent at the conference. ( A) extraterrestrial ( B) explicit

7、 ( C) indignant ( D) innovative 11 It is known to all that children in this region have strong_to swimming in summer because of the hot weather. ( A) inclination ( B) exposure ( C) flux ( D) correlation 12 The torch was_by a famous athlete at the opening of the sport meeting. ( A) implement ( B) dec

8、eive ( C) exemplify ( D) ignited 13 These samples have to be_in certain kind of chemical water in order to protect them. ( A) immersed ( B) crisped ( C) armored ( D) arrayed 14 Her talk at the seminar clearly_from the topic the supervisor expected in the field of sociology. ( A) alternated ( B) ampl

9、ified ( C) designated ( D) diverged 15 Three years_before he returned home from the United States. ( A) denoted ( B) destined ( C) elapsed ( D) enveloped 16 A_plan needs to be considered and accepted so as to lower the prices in these cities. ( A) deliberate ( B) disincentive ( C) functional ( D) fa

10、ntastic 17 Sometimes in drawing and designing, the sign X_the unknown number. ( A) facilitates ( B) fascinates ( C) denotes ( D) jots 18 The speaker was very much_by rude words and behavior of the audience in the hall. ( A) jerked ( B) incensed ( C) laced ( D) limped 19 The two countries have develo

11、ped a _ relation and increased a great deal in foreign trade. ( A) managerial ( B) lethal ( C) metric ( D) cordial 20 The doctors_was that she should go and see the specialist in this field. ( A) constraint ( B) counsel ( C) coherence ( D) consciousness SECTION 2 Vocabularly Replacement This section

12、 consists of 15 sentences; in each sentence one word or phrase is given in the brackets. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the part without causing any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning of the

13、 sentence. There is only ONE right answer. 21 His inability to learn foreign languages was a(n)obstacle to his career. ( A) barrier ( B) excess ( C) carrier ( D) impulse 22 One of the real services of the historical novel is not that it can be a substitute for history, but tlat it can be a(n)extensi

14、on. ( A) compliment ( B) supplement ( C) instrument ( D) replacement 23 Crew chiefs supervised engines, switches and lights that told them how each item of equipment was functioning. ( A) observed ( B) preserved ( C) monitored ( D) nurtured 24 The guest turned upside down his glass as a signal that

15、he would drink no more. ( A) conversed ( B) inversed ( C) traversed ( D) reversed 25 In the deserted factory several huge machines were left to rust and decay. ( A) inaugurate ( B) disintegrate ( C) accelerate ( D) disseminate 26 In this monumental work the entire storehouse of the world s art is su

16、rveyed. ( A) impressive ( B) expressive ( C) progressive ( D) possessive 27 In the 1998s flood in China a large number of victims suffered the loss of their homes. ( A) expense ( B) sacrifice ( C) damage ( D) incentive 28 They demand to set up an organization flexible enough to cope with any emergen

17、cy. ( A) portable ( B) valiant ( C) trivial ( D) mobile 29 Mr. Johnson was a passionate person filled with an incredible dynamism. ( A) energy ( B) endurance ( C) effort ( D) endeavor 30 At first I guessed it was an airplane, but I soon changed my mind because it remained static instead of moving li

18、ke a plane. ( A) stationary ( B) statutory ( C) stationery ( D) statuesque 31 From 1965 to 1978 American consumer prices increased at an average annual rate of 5. 7 percent. This ominous shift was followed by consumer price gains of 13. 3 percent in 1979. ( A) promising ( B) overwhelming ( C) threat

19、ening ( D) astonishing 32 In 1982, Hitachi was indicted for stealing confidential documents from IBM. As part of a court settlement, the company paid IBM hundreds of millions of dollars. ( A) condemned for ( B) accused of ( C) disciplined for ( D) disapproved of 33 The preserved food should retain p

20、alatable appearance, flavor, and texture, as well as its original nutritional value. ( A) tasty ( B) stylish ( C) delicate ( D) notable 34 The Austrian manufacturing industry consists of a few large organizations, many of which operate under government auspices. ( A) supervision ( B) orientation ( C

21、) regulation ( D) sponsorship 35 European conservatives, until the end of the 19th century, rejected democratic principles and institutions. Instead they opted for monarchies or for authoritarian government. ( A) chose ( B) constructed ( C) conceived ( D) conserved 36 During the 19th century, Jews i

22、n most European countries achieved some equality of status with non-Jews. Nonetheless, at times Jews were harassed by anti-Semitic groups. ( A) opposed ( B) exploited ( C) despised ( D) annoyed 37 A corps of so-called barefoot doctors are trained in hygiene, preventive medicine, acupuncture, and rou

23、tine treatment of common diseases. ( A) nutrition ( B) sanitation ( C) nursery ( D) welfare 38 Brazilian music is thoroughly imbued with African themes, and illustrious composers have long found inspiration in the black musical heritage. ( A) imaginative ( B) sensitive ( C) distinguished ( D) persis

24、tent 39 The Social Security Act did not include health insurance because the commission considered that its inclusion would jeopardize the passage of the act. ( A) evade ( B) endanger ( C) exclude ( D) enhance 40 Ideally, anatomical investigation consists of a combination of descriptive and experime

25、ntal approaches. Present-day anatomy involves scrutiny of the structure of organ-isms at many levels of observation. ( A) analysis ( B) recognition ( C) evaluation ( D) examination SECTION 3 Error Correction This section consists of 15 sentences; in each sentence there is a part given in the bracket

26、s that indicates a grammatical error. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the part so that the error is corrected. There is only ONE right answer. 41 He had studied hard, he would have been able to pass the e

27、xam. ( A) He had studied harder ( B) If only he studied more ( C) Had he studied harder ( D) When he studied more 42 It was now clear that no such weapons were manufactured and none been found. ( A) was found ( B) were founded ( C) has been found ( D) have been founded 43 Whenever we hear of a natur

28、al disaster, we feel sympathetic to the people to be affected. ( A) to have affected ( B) to have effected ( C) who have been effected ( D) who have been affected 44 Our programs come second to theirs. ( A) come second after ( B) are second only to ( C) are first except for ( D) are first place from

29、 45 Our holiday is doomed to failure without you. ( A) would doom ( B) would have been doomed ( C) had been doomed ( D) has had to be doomed 46 It was not long before Skinners, the famous behaviorist, realized the limitations of his psychological research than another psychologist came with his forc

30、eful arguments against Skinners theory. ( A) realized. . . when ( B) had realized. . . when ( C) was realizing. . . then ( D) would realize. . . as 47 All in all, it is now beyond doubt that in size and scope the rapid global spread of the habit to wear jeans, however it may be explained, is an acci

31、dent without precedent in the history of human attire. ( A) of wearing. . . incident ( B) wearing. . . event ( C) of wearing. . . event ( D) to be wearing. . . incident 48 I do not advocate building the park near a jetport, which might make people to suffer from defective hearing. ( A) make people s

32、uffering from defective bearing ( B) make people suffer from defective hearing ( C) make people suffer defective hearing ( D) make people to suffer defective hearing 49 Researchers all over the world have been seeking for determining how early infancy conceptual thinking is possible. ( A) have been

33、seeking about determining ( B) have been seeking to determine about ( C) have been seeking to determine ( D) have sought to determine 50 No adults would like to admit that they are weaker than children to solve sticky and puzzling problems. ( A) to solve about ( B) solve ( C) in solving about ( D) i

34、n solving 51 This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important sides of American life. ( A) fashions ( B) frontiers ( C) facets ( D) formats 52 Aiming to retrieve the Mars rover Opportunity, engineers are imitating Mars surface conditions in a testing laboratory. ( A) copying (

35、B) mocking ( C) simulating ( D) pretending 53 Some children display an unacceptable curiosity about every new thing they encounter. ( A) incredible ( B) infectious ( C) incompatible ( D) inaccessible 54 The human beings have polluted the environment seriously. It is time the United Nations must take

36、 some measures. ( A) take ( B) taking ( C) to take ( D) took 55 The book provides tips for Westerners who work in Japanese firms: get together outside the office , find a mentor for support and refrain for practicing Japanese with colleagues on the job. ( A) of ( B) to ( C) off ( D) from 56 Not much

37、 people realize that apples have been cultivated for over 3, 000 years. ( A) Not many ( B) Not enough ( C) Without many ( D) No many 57 Furniture makers use glue to hold joints together and sometimes to reinforce it. ( A) its ( B) fast ( C) hard ( D) them 58 All mammals have hair, but not always evi

38、dent. ( A) but it is not ( B) but it is ( C) but they are not ( D) but they are 59 The first recorded use of natural gas to light street lamps it was in the town of Frederick, New York, in 1825. ( A) was ( B) is ( C) it is ( D) were 60 A promising note is a written agreement to pay a certain sum of

39、money at some time future. ( A) time futures ( B) futures ( C) futures time ( D) future time 60 Walking through my train yesterday, staggering from my seat to the buffet and back, I counted five people reading Harry Potter novels. Not children-these were real grown-ups reading childrens books. Maybe

40、 that would have been understandable. If these people had jumped whole-heartedly into a second childhood it would have made more sense. But they were card-carrying grown-ups with laptops and spreadsheets returning from sales meetings and seminars. Yet they chose to read a childrens book. I dont imag

41、ine youll find this headcount exceptional. You can no longer get on the London Tube and not see a Harry Potter book. Nor is it just the film; these throwback readers were out there in droves long before the movie campaign opened. So who are these adult readers who have made JK Rowling the second-big

42、gest female earner in Britain(after Madonna)? As I have tramped along streets knee-deep in Harry Potter paperbacks, Ive mentally slotted them into three groups. First come the Never-Readers, whom Harry has enticed into opening a book. Is this a bad thing? Probably not. Writing has many advantages ov

43、er film, but it can never compete with its magnetic punch. If these books can re-establish the novel as a thrilling experience for some people, then this can only be for the better. If it takes obsession-level hype to lure them into a bookshop, thats fine by me. But will they go on to read anything

44、else? Again, we can only hope. The second group are the Occasional Readers. These people claim that tiredness, work and children allow them to read only a few books a year. Yet now to be part of the crowd, to say theyve read it they put Harry Potter on their oh-so-select reading list. Its infuriatin

45、g, and maddening. Yes, Im a writer myself, currently writing difficult, unreadable, hopefully unsettling novels, but there are so many other good books out there, so much rewarding, enlightening, enlarging works of fiction for adults; and yet these sad cases are swept along by the hype, the faddism,

46、 into reading a childrens book. The third group are the Regular Readers, for whom Harry is sandwiched between McEwan(英国当代作家 )and Balzac, Roth(德国现代诗人 )and Dickens. This is the real baffler what on earth do they get out of reading it? Why bother? But if they call rattle through it in a week just to sa

47、y they ve been there like going to Longleat(郎利特山庄英国名胜 )or the Eiffel Tower the worst theyre doing is encouraging others. 61 The word “staggering“ underlined in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_. ( A) swag ( B) stumble ( C) astound ( D) overwhelm 62 Whats the passage mainly about? ( A) The worldw

48、ide popularity of Harry Potter. ( B) Adults benefiting from reading Harry Potter. ( C) The origin of Harry Potter as a childrens book. ( D) Reflections on Harry Potters popularity among adults. 63 The word “tramped“ underlined in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_. ( A) walk through ( B) trample

49、( C) jog ( D) run 64 The author believes that many adults read Harry Potter ( A) to follow suit ( B) to kill time ( C) to enjoy a second childhood ( D) to share Harrys adventures 65 According to the author, the Never-Readers_. ( A) will take up reading as their lifelong hobby ( B) have got more from the book than from the film ( C) may barely get interested in other books than Harry Potter ( D) can hardly be driven by the crowds to read any book 66 The


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