
umber.C.The woman made a phone call to Mark yesterday.D.Mark and the woman had not been in touch for some time.A.The man is late for the trip because


1、umber.C.The woman made a phone call to Mark yesterday.D.Mark and the woman had not been in touch for some time.A.The man。

2、 didnt know enough to really care. My older brother and I lived with Morn in a humble house in Detroit. We watched TV ev。

3、given in. Chinese. Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Remember to write your composition on the Answer S。

4、m.B.Earthquake.C.Snow slide.D.Disappearance of living species.Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item。

5、you should base your composition on the outline. 分数:30.00二Reading Comprehensio总题数:1,分数:71.00Fish Oil Much has been made 。

6、 given below in Chinese. Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Remember to write clearly. Outline: 1. 手机的好处。

7、ollowing outline given in Chinese. Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Remember to write your composition。

8、ou should base your composition on the outline. 分数:30.00二Reading Comprehensio总题数:1,分数:71.00How Babies Learn Language Dur。

9、Quanjude均属北京的老字号.同仁堂创建于1669年,其药品以优良的 传统工艺和显著的疗效享誉海内外.以北京烤鸭闻名的全聚德创建于 1864年,是中国著名的饭店. 2 五行学说 the theory of five elements是中。

10、ovided in the chart below Family Spending on Education in China. Please give a brief description of the chart first and 。

11、ng the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and t。

12、大学生身体素质不好,军训时容易昏倒 2出现这种情况可能的原因 3如何增强大学生的体质 3 Should College Students Be Involved in Business Activities 1现在有许多大学生参与商业活动 。

13、ays keep your options open to compromise, you should also be sure to target exactly what you want in a job. A specific j。

14、 man could come some time later. A The woman is watching an exciting film with the man. B The woman cant take a photo of。

15、2.SECTION AIn this section there are several passages followed by ten multiplechoice questions. For each question, there。

16、raphs according to the outline given in English below. You should write at least 120 words. 1 Briefly state the fact of 。

17、y 1 person in good physical condition is not 2 healthy. Mental health, therefore, bas much to do 3 how a person copes wi。

18、uments, the piano is completely 1 , as it is able to play both the melody and its accompanying harmony at the same time。

19、ion on the outline given below in Chinese: 假设你是即将参加一英语考试的学生,需要几本相关参考书,请写封信给一书店销售部,你的信应包括: 1. 详细说明你想买的那本书的特点; 2. 咨询付款方式; 。

20、During breeding season.A.Use the magnifying glass.B.Play in superfast motion.C.See by the naked eyes.D.Play in superslow。

标签 > 大学英语四级-165及答案解析[编号:320312]

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