
上传人:周芸 文档编号:300675 上传时间:2019-07-10 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:5.21KB
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1、2009-2010学年河北省承德市围场县半截塔中学初一下学期期末考试英语卷 单项选择 * Amy always helps the children in poor areas. She is kind and _. A beautiful B helpful C young D polite 答案: B Fred doesnt eat any vinegar because he thinks its _. A salty B sour C sweet D spicy 答案: B There are no calories in _. A Coke B milk C vegetables D

2、 water 答案: D Its important _. A for us to learn English well B to us to learn English well C for us learning English well D of us to learn English well 答案: A _ is (are) healthy food. A Fish B Ice-cream C Cakes D Hamburgers 答案: A _ do you swim Twice a week. A How long B How many times C What time D H

3、ow often 答案: D Uncle _ exercises. Its not good for his health. A sometimes B seldom C often D always 答案: B At school Kitty is a _ student. She is good at all her lessons. A bad B top C tall D healthy 答案: B Would you like some bread _. Im hungry. A Yes, please B No, thanks C Yes, I would D No, I wont. 答案: A Can I have _cakes, please Sorry, I dont have _cakes in my fridge. A some, any B any, any C any, some D some, some 答案: A The dress is very nice. Can I try it _ A out B in C on D away 答案: C


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